Iron Cowboy [Erotically Yours 2] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic)

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Iron Cowboy [Erotically Yours 2] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic) Page 24

by Leah Brooke

  Holes in the walls left drywall hanging on by a thread in about a dozen places where it appeared a foot or fist had hit the wall hard.

  The soft throw that she’d wrapped herself in for warmth and comfort lay in tatters.

  “Let’s get out of here.” Lana’s father pulled out his phone, his features hard and cold.

  “He found me.” A sob escaped before she could prevent it, the reality that the man in New York had somehow found her and followed her to Monterro hitting her hard.

  A glance at her mother’s pale face had her swallowing another sob before it could escape.

  Gripping Lana’s arm, her mother tugged her toward the doorway. “Let’s get the hell out of here.”

  Lana eagerly followed her father out to the hallway, her mother and Lenore close behind her. At the elevator, she turned back to stare at her apartment door, forcing a smile to reassure the others.

  “J.W.’s gonna be pissed.”

  Her father lowered his cell phone from his ear and stuck it into his pocket. “I think that’s putting it mildly.”

  Tears burned her eyes, and she blinked them back, not wanting to worry anyone. “Did you call the police?”

  Her father came forward and wrapped an arm around her from the other side. “And J.W. Want to bet who gets here first?”

  * * * *

  J.W. rushed into the apartment building seconds before the police, so furious that he barely remembered the drive. Finding his wife looking lost and forlorn standing in the middle of utter chaos, he cursed under his breath and hurried toward her.

  “Are you all right?”

  He lifted his gaze to the man wearing a burgundy jacket with a name tag that proclaimed him the manager. “How the hell did he get into her apartment?”

  The other man paled. “We’re still checking, sir, but we think he picked the lock.”

  Furious to find Lana shaking and pale, he gathered her against him, wrapping his arms protectively around her. “I’ll kill him.”

  “Can I watch?”

  Promising himself that one day soon he’d have his hands around the bastard’s throat, he rubbed Lana’s back, willing to do anything in the world to keep her safe. “Of course, baby.”

  The police came in right behind him and after they’d checked out the apartment and found no intruders, they asked them to come up to tell them what was missing.

  Lana’s father accompanied them, not about to be left behind, but J.W. managed to convince his mother and mother-in-law to wait downstairs for them.

  Horrified at the destruction, he kept Lana close. “Thank God you weren’t here.”

  Meeting her father’s gaze over her head, he looked in the direction her father gestured, his jaw clenching as he read the note on the kitchen table, one of the few pieces of furniture left standing.

  You’ll never escape me. You’re mine!

  Shaking with rage, J.W. bent, touching his lips to her ear as he slid a hand down to cover her abdomen. “You okay, baby?”

  Nodding, she leaned back to look up at him. “I’m fine. I just can’t believe he followed me here. I thought it was over, at least that part of it. I’d really started to feel safe.”

  J.W. could never remember being so furious. “You are safe. I told you before. No one is going to get through me to get to you. You’re safe with me, Lana. You should know that by now. Come on. The police have questions. Let’s get this over with so we can go home.”

  Glancing toward her father, she lowered her voice. I didn’t want this to touch them. Or you.”

  “I know, baby. I know. I’m involved now, though, and I’ll take care of this bastard.”

  Keeping her close to his side as the police questioned her, he gritted his teeth as they brushed a black powder over her ruined belongings, checking for fingerprints.

  Lana, unnaturally pale, sat beside him at the kitchen table, drawing patterns in the black powder left behind. Answering in a soft monotone, she held his hand, her voice growing stronger with each question, but he could tell that it cost her.

  Another man walked in, the way the others turned to him speaking volumes.

  This was the man in charge.

  Wearing a cheap suit, he moved without making a sound, his eyes hard and cold as he looked around, a muscle working in his jaw when he saw the destruction. He had to be about thirty-five to forty, but his eyes were those of a much older man.

  He’d seen things, and it showed.

  He met J.W.’s gaze directly before turning to Lana, his eyes filled with compassion when they met hers. “Hello, Miss Davies. I’m Detective Dillon West.”

  “Mrs. Brant.” J.W. smiled at the detective’s look of surprise, liking him immediately.

  More importantly, J.W. trusted him. “We were married yesterday.”

  “Congratulations.” The detective sat forward, smiling in reassurance. “I’ve spoken to Detective Marcuso.” He shot a glance at J.W. “As you’ve probably heard. When I get back, I’ll call and tell him this latest development.” He looked pointedly at the gold band on Lana’s finger. “Developments.” He smiled faintly, the gentle way he spoke to Lana earning J.W.’s respect. “We’re on this. I promise. We’ll get him.”

  Lana nodded and attempted a smile, failing miserably. “I know. Thank you. I just hope you catch him before he kills me.”

  The detective nodded, his smile falling. “We will. He’s not going to get the chance to hurt you again.”

  J.W.’s chest tightened with love and pride when Lana looked up at him so trustingly. “Damned right he’s not.” Anxious to get her out of there, J.W. got to his feet and helped Lana to hers. “If you have any questions, you can find her at the ranch.”

  The detective rose, nodding once. “I assume you’ll be watching her closely.”

  Appreciating the detective’s concern for Lana, J.W. raised a brow. “You assume right. My men have been ordered to shoot strangers on sight.” Smiling, J.W. led Lana toward the door. “You might want to call first if you decide to pay us a visit.”

  The detective lifted a brow at that and smiled at Lana. “Can’t say I blame your husband. If it was my wife in danger, I’m afraid I wouldn’t be real patient with strangers coming onto my property either. My wife would be locked up tight, and I’d make damned sure no one got near her.”

  Lana paused, tilting her head and eyeing the detective curiously, her blue-green eyes dark with fatigue and fear. “And how would your wife react to that?”

  The detective smiled, his eyes dancing with amusement. “She’d probably buck a little, but she’d do what she was told. She knows me well enough to know that I always have her best interests in mind.” He gestured toward J.W. “Your husband has quite a reputation around here, one that should keep you safe. No one wants to mess with J.W. Brant.”

  Stepping around the table, he glanced at J.W. before meeting her gaze again. “The man who’s stalking you isn’t from around here, so he doesn’t know any better. If I were you, I’d be patient with your husband. It’s obvious that he loves you.”

  Lana blushed. “Do you think so?”

  The detective laughed softly. “Of course. Trust me. I’m a detective. I notice this sort of thing. I just hope he doesn’t decide to handle this himself.”

  Lana turned to meet the detective’s gaze head-on. “My husband keeps me safe. The police in New York couldn’t.” She gestured toward the destruction in her apartment, the sofa with stuffing torn out and broken tables. “You couldn’t. J.W. does.”

  Chapter Nineteen

  Licking melted butter and honey from her fingers, Lana felt a familiar presence and looked up to watch her husband approach. She smiled at the sight of J.W. striding into the large chow building set about a hundred yards from the main house.

  In the last few months, he’d sought her out a couple of times a day, and if Alice clucked over her like a mother hen, J.W. watched her like a hawk.

  Nothing escaped his notice.

  He teased her out of her bad m
oods, indulged her ridiculously, rubbed her feet and checked for swelling, and knew where she was at all times.

  His indulgent smile lit up his features as he made his way toward her. “Another craving?”

  Dean Star, the ranch cook, approached with a glass of milk for her and a cup of black coffee for J.W. “Nice to have my cooking appreciated. She sure has a craving for my cornbread. Besides, it’s nice to have the company.”

  Men came and went all day, usually for a cup of coffee and one of the cookies Dean kept on hand, but for the last twenty minutes or so, she and Dean had been alone.

  With another smile, J.W. bent low, dropping a kiss on her lips before taking the seat across from her. He licked his lips. “Hmm. You taste delicious.”

  Waiting until Dean moved away again, J.W. leaned close, smiling while watching her smear butter on another piece of cornbread and drizzle honey over the top. “Of course, when I spread your thighs, I find something even more delicious.”

  Lana groaned at the surge of desire and took another bite. “Shut up. You do this to me on purpose.”

  Feigning innocence, J.W. lifted a piece of cornbread from her plate, one that she hadn’t yet buttered or drizzled with honey. “What am I doing to you, baby?”

  “Arousing me, and you’re doing it on purpose.” She took another bite of the still warm cornbread, moaning again at the taste.

  The melted butter and warm honey was like ambrosia to her senses, and she couldn’t seem to get enough of it.

  She also couldn’t seem to get enough of her husband.

  Despite her advanced state of pregnancy, he seemed to always want her.

  When her sister-in-law had warned her about how hormones could affect her, Lana had thought she’d been kidding.

  Eight months into her pregnancy, Lana found herself aroused at the oddest times, much to the amusement and enjoyment of her husband.

  He smiled and sipped his coffee. “You really like that, don’t you?”

  “It’s more than just like. Sometimes I want it so much that it wakes me up at night. Nothing else quite eases the craving.” After finishing the cornbread, she wiped her sticky hands.

  “Hmm. Sounds a lot like what I’ve experienced since meeting you.” Taking her hand in his, he licked her fingers, his gaze holding hers. “It’s a craving that just won’t quit.” Turning her hand, he kissed her inner wrist. “Nothing else could ever satisfy it.” Sitting back, he ran a finger over the wide gold band he’d placed there several months ago. “I’ll never let you go.”

  Lana reached for her glass of milk and took a sip, eyeing J.W. over the rim. “You have that look in your eyes again.”

  Frowning, he reached for his coffee. “What look? What are you talking about?”

  “You’ve been worried about something.”

  Smiling, he reached for her hand again. “My wife’s going to give birth soon. I’ve got a lot on my mind.”

  “No. It’s something else. There are more men around the house.”

  “Are there? Maybe it just seems like more. Are you warm enough?”

  Recognizing his attempt to change the subject, Lana sucked in a breath when he took her hand in his and lifted it to his mouth, licking the last of the honey and butter from her fingers. “I’m plenty warm.”

  The look of hunger in his eyes and the feel of his tongue sliding slowly up and down her fingers made her even warmer. “It’s him, isn’t it? You’re trying to distract me.”

  One dark brow went up, his eyes dancing with amusement. “Really? Are you distracted?”

  “No.” Yanking her hand from his, she hid a smile. “I want to know why there are more men around than usual. We haven’t heard anything since that jerk broke into my apartment. He’s probably gone by now.” Frowning, she ran her thumb up and down her glass of milk. “I just hope he hasn’t started stalking someone else.”

  J.W. frowned and took her hand again. “I’m not taking any chances. You’re a lot stronger than you were several months ago, both physically and mentally, but in your present condition, you’re vulnerable. I want to make sure you’re protected.”

  Reaching for her milk, she watched him carefully. “Is that why you’re always at the house?”

  “I’m not always at the house, but if I am, what of it? I hire men to take care of things around here for me. Now that I’m a husband and soon to be a father, I want to stay closer to home.” He gave her one of the dark arrogant looks that told her that he was losing patience with the conversation. “Is there something wrong with that?”

  “Of course not.” Closing both of her hands around his left hand, she played with his wedding ring, watching his eyes closely. “J.W., if there was something going on, you would tell me, wouldn’t you?”

  “No.” Getting to his feet, he held out his hand. “There’s no point in worrying you about things that I’m already taking care of. I’ve told you to stay on guard, but I don’t want you getting upset. It’s not good for you or the baby.”

  “He’s done something else, hasn’t he?” She put her hand in his, allowing him to help her to her feet.

  “He’s made his presence known.” J.W. pulled her close. “Now that you’ve finished with your cornbread, it’s time for you to take a nap.”

  Dean approached, wiping his hands on a towel. “Finish your cornbread?” Shaking his head, he laughed softly. “I’ve got more in the oven. I’ll send some up to the house when it’s done.”

  Lana smiled at him, thankful for the cook’s friendliness and patience. “You’re spoiling me.”

  He glanced at J.W., his face a fiery red. “It’s just cornbread. Besides, most ingrates around here just complain about my cooking. It’s nice to be appreciated.”

  Lana looked up at J.W. as they walked outside, watching as he scanned the area all around them.

  Her husband knew every cow, horse, and blade of grass on his ranch, and knew where every one of his men was supposed to be and what they should be doing.

  The scope of his responsibilities stunned her and made her even more determined to help him. “It seems like you’ve been taking care of me for one reason or another since we met. I’m stronger now. You don’t need to worry about me.”

  J.W.’s lips twitched. “I know you are, but I’ll always worry about you. Let’s get inside.”

  Because she was watching him, she saw that his gaze met each of the ranch hands in the vicinity. She glanced quickly to see how the ranch hands would respond.

  Each inclined his head, and only then did J.W.’s gaze move on to the next man’s.

  She noticed that each man looked alert, their bodies straight in the saddle, and even though they all smiled in her direction, they all appeared tense.

  J.W. kept an arm around her, his long stride shortened considerably in deference to her. Smiling down at her, he ran a hand over her hair. “Alice is cooking that chicken you like. She’s getting offended that you ruin your dinner eating Dean’s cornbread. Did you know that, earlier today, she went over there and gave him hell?”

  Surprised that Alice would do something like that, she stopped and turned to face him. “You’re kidding!”

  J.W. grinned. “Nope. Can I tell you a secret?”

  “Of course.” Lana gave him a meaningful glare. “You and I aren’t supposed to keep secrets from each other.”

  Rubbing her back, he ushered her across the yard. “Baby, I’m just trying to protect you.”

  “I’m more upset thinking the worst. Did he get into the house?” Pressing a hand to her chest where her heart pounded furiously, she gripped his arm and turned him to face her. “What if they don’t catch him before the baby comes? What if he gets into the house and hurts the baby?”

  J.W.’s jaw tightened. “Hell. Okay. I’ll tell you. Jesus, you’ve got a vivid imagination. He finally contacted Bud. He backed off when Buck and Tommy were caught, which only made him more desperate. He’s planning to come today, and he’s furious that you not only have a husband, but that you’re
carrying my child. You were right about him. He’s crazy, Lana. Obsessed.”

  “Oh God!” She looked around, expecting to see him pop out at any moment.

  Rubbing her back, he pulled her close.

  “Calm down. You’re being watched closely. We’re giving him just enough space so that he thinks he can slip onto the ranch undetected. He can’t.”

  “All this trouble. It’s all my fault.”

  “None of this is your fault. Why don’t you go inside and lie down?”

  Feeling vulnerable and restless, she wrapped her arms around herself and began to pace on the patio. “I’d rather stay out here. Is that all right?” She hated the thought of being trapped inside with nowhere to escape.

  J.W. smiled, but she could feel the tension surrounding him. “Of course. I’ll protect you, Lana. He won’t get to you.”

  Running a hand over her swollen abdomen, she glanced around again. “Is it safe to stay out here?”

  “Baby, you’re safe. If I didn’t think you were, you’d be locked inside the house so fast your head would swim. Come on and sit down. Your feet are starting to swell.”

  Grimacing, Lana settled into one of the lounge chairs. “Real attractive, huh?”

  To her surprise, he knelt next to her, holding her gaze for several long seconds before lowering his head for a lingering kiss that made her heart beat faster.

  Wrapping her arms around his neck, she kissed him back, his hat keeping the sun out of her face and giving them the privacy that they both craved.

  When he lifted his head, she stared into his eyes, reveling in the feel of his arms around her holding her close. “You’re more beautiful to me every day.”

  Leaning closer, she cupped his jaw, her heart swelling with emotion. “I love you, J.W.”

  His eyes flared, the emotion in them as intense as the first time she’d told him she loved him. “And I love you.” His hand flattened on her swollen abdomen. “How do you feel?”


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