Hot and Sexy Beast Story Bundle (Featuring 9 Hot Beast Erotica Stories)

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Hot and Sexy Beast Story Bundle (Featuring 9 Hot Beast Erotica Stories) Page 2

by Christie Sims

  Maryann knew that she would be hurting for days with a cock this big inside her but the thickness, the length, the hard stony cock all came together in to such an incredible feeling that she couldn't stop. She didn't care if she wouldn't walk for weeks, she wanted this orgasm, she wanted to feel him spray his cum inside her, fill her up with his ooze and watch his face as he did it.

  Maryann could see the creature's face contorting with pleasure as she began to bounce on his cock more freely now. Her dripping pussy lubricating him enough to slide him easily in and out of her pussy. Maryann could feel the creature throbbing and growing even harder with every bounce of her tight snatch on top of his throbbing member. She reached up and squeezed her huge tits together while she bore down, driving his cock inside her just as deep as it would go. She circled her hips, rubbing the tip of his cock against her most sensitive spot and as she did she leaned her head down and slid her tongue over her perky nipples. The creature watched her until he could watch no more. He let out a loud cry, a guttural cry and Maryann felt his cock pull back. Seconds later she could feel him filling her with cum as she mounted her own orgasm again. She felt so full as he pumped her full of his sticky juice and as she felt her pussy suck every last drop from his cock she could also feel his plentiful cum beginning to drip from inside her. The warm juice ran down the shaft of his cock and with each bounce on his member she felt it sticking to her bare ass and covering her sweet pussy lips.

  Maryann collapsed against the creature's hard stony chest, her breath came short and fast and her pussy throbbed around his rock solid cock. As she lay on his chest she could feel his breath coming fast too, but the longer she lay there, the slower it came until eventually it stopped altogether. Maryann lifted her head and looked at him. His skin was once again rock hard stone, his eyes stared lifelessly and he was nothing more than cold hard stone. Looking down, Maryann could see that one thing had changed however, the creature's cock was still buried inside her only now it was made from stone and filled her more than it had before. Gingerly, Maryann lifted herself off him, feeling a void where he had stretched out her tight sweet pussy. She was still dripping with his cum but looking down at the giant stone cock she saw no indication that he had been a living, breathing creature only moments ago. Looking in to his eyes, Maryann tried to search for any sign of life, now that she had tasted him, seen what had been missing, she wanted more.

  The gargoyle stared blankly back at her, laying back in a pile of autumn leaves, his stone cock stood lifeless. Maryann wondered what other people might think if they found a gargoyle with a hard-on laying out in the woods behind the church. They would probably put it down to a teen prank but she sighed heavily when she realized that they would probably also remove the "offensive" statue and she would never see him again. She wasn't entirely sure what she thought she could do about the situation, she certainly couldn't carry him home with her, where would she put him anyway?

  "You have to move..." She pushed him with her foot, but the gargoyle didn't respond. She knew she would have to trust that her supernatural lover would have to get himself back to where he belonged if she had any hope of seeing him again. "I'll be back tomorrow," she said, hoping that he heard her, hoping that it would be enough to make him return to his vantage point on top of the church wall. "You'd better be here."

  The End

  A Load of Bull

  Lia had been studying Greek mythology since she could remember and now that she had almost completed her doctoral studies she was quite confident that she knew everything there was to know. Once in a while her friends in the department would try to stump her or surprise her with questions or random facts but to date, not one of them had managed to take her off guard. At least, none had until the department's most recent trip to Greece.

  The department had already made two such trips to Greece before to give doctoral candidates the chance to experience the culture of their studies. For Lia and her friends it had become something of an annual vacation. They enjoyed the weather and the scenery and of course the opportunity to learn more about what she loved was always something that Lia relished.

  "I swear to God, it's true!" Anthony raised his hands up to the ceiling.

  "Anthony, I'm sorry, but there is no way that you are going to convince me that the Minotaur maze is truly haunted by the spirit of a minotaur. I'm far too intelligent to believe in ghosts and quite honestly, I'm disappointed that you'd even consider the idea." Anthony rolled his eyes.

  "And this, is why you have no friends." He gestured to Lia with a laugh.

  "Hey! I have friends! Besides, I'm just saying that as a doctoral student you should know better than to believe in the paranormal." Anthony shifted in his seat on the bus, turning to face Lia.

  "And I'm just saying, when so many people have been killed and so much misery occurs in one place, how can it not be haunted? I'm not talking about guys in sheets here, I'm talking about genuine, tortured souls, damnation and misery." Lia looked at him considering his point.

  "I can see where you're coming from. I just don't believe it. Anyway, it's not the spirit of a tortured soul we're talking about, is it? You're talking about the ghost of a mythical beast that never actually existed. You can't begin to justify that to me." The bus came to a halt and they pulled up in front of the large white stoned building.

  "Okay guys! Get out, check it out, get inspired, do what you do! Just get your asses back on the bus by five!" It was only five past eleven, giving them plenty of time to walk through the estate and admire the art, architecture and just about everything else the large estate had to offer.

  It was in places like this, these little side trips to tourist spots and places of historical importance that no one bothered to visit, that Lia gained most of her inspiration for her dissertation. There was something about being completely immersed in a culture that got her creative juices flowing.

  The small group of six filed off the bus and while half of them stayed behind lighting up cigarettes in the parking lot, Lia and Anthony began the walk up the front steps. The large white steps matched the exterior of the towering building and Lia couldn't help but wonder how many pair of feet had walked on those steps before her. As usual, Anthony rushed ahead, more eager to see the obvious artifacts that awaited him on the inside of the estate than the not so obvious signs of life that marred the building itself.

  By the time Lia reached the foyer of the building, she found Anthony standing in awe of a ten foot tall painting of a minotaur. She had to admit that it was an impressive piece, not only for its size but also for the detail the artist had included.

  "Wow, that's huge!" She stood beside Anthony, looking up in to the dark and sorrowful eyes of the gigantic beast.

  "It's sort of sad don't you think? I mean, look at it." Lia still found it funny to hear Anthony find beauty in the mythological, even after three years in the program together.

  "I'm pretty sure you'd be sad too if you'd spent your whole life trapped in a maze..." Lia felt Anthony staring at her but she ignored him and continued to look up at the looming creature. "It really is incredible." Anthony looked back at the painting and agreed.

  "I bet it's more incredible when you run in to it in the maze at the back of the estate..." Anthony smirked at Lia and she sighed loudly.

  "I swear to God, Anthony! There is no such thing as the minotaur ghost. There is no such thing as the minotaur, that's why it's called mythology!" Anthony squinted his eyes and looked at Lia.

  "Okay, tell you what. I will concede that there is no minotaur ghost if you spend the next two hours in the maze all on your own. If you walk around that maze alone for two hours and don't run in to a minotaur then I will believe you." Lia frowned.

  "Really? We're going to do this like middle schoolers?" Anthony nodded.

  "Yup. Two hours. Are you willing to give up two hours to prove your point...or mine?" Lia rolled her eyes.

  "You, are impossible. Tell me again why we're friends?" Lia walked to th
e end of the main corridor and looked back to Anthony. "Fine, two hours, but I'm telling you now, I am right and you are just wasting my time!" Anthony smiled sweetly back at her and nodded.

  "Take the corridor on the left, your first right and go straight back to the big glass doors. You'll see the maze out there." Lia didn't know how Anthony already knew his way around the estate but she walked in the general direction he pointed her and soon found herself staring out at the large maze behind the estate.

  Lia had no doubt that she was right, that this would be a complete waste of time, but at least, she thought, she would have a chance to enjoy the silence for a while. As she stepped in to the maze, Lia could smell the mossy damp growth on the large stone walls. She trailed her fingers along the cold stone as she walked, feeling the small mounds of moss under her fingertips as she went.

  "Whoever heard of a ghost in the middle of the day anyway?" She asked herself as she followed the maze path. "This whole thing is so ridiculous." As she walked, Lia began to lose track of just where she was and how far in to the maze she had come. Each of the walls looked the same and there was no way to distinguish one ball of moss from another. She hadn't thought to leave a trail so she could find her way back out of the maze after her two hours were up, she had given herself more credit than she deserved and thought that she would easily find her way in and out of the large stone maze. The further in to the maze she walked though, the more she began to realize that when her two hours were up, she would be hard pressed to find her way out. She reasoned that there would likely be something in the center of the maze to help lost visitors to find their way out, maps or an underground tunnel or something. She continued to walk, hoping that there would be something when she finally did make it to the maze center.

  Lia felt as though she had been walking for hours already, but looking down at her watch she saw that she had only been walking for twenty minutes. Just twenty minutes and already she felt so lost within the maze. She turned another stony corner but this time as she did she caught a flash of movement dash from the far end of the corridor she was walking.

  "Hello?" It had to be another one of the group investigating the maze. Perhaps Anthony had dared them to take the same challenge. "Hello? Sasha? Is that you?" Her voice echoed off the large stone walls. She stopped and listened for a reply but instead of hearing a voice she heard feet, loud thudding feet. At first they sounded as if they were running away from her and then they sounded as if they were running toward her. "Anthony?" The feet stopped and she heard a loud snort and the scuffling of feet on the ground. Then the feet started to thud again and this time they were definitely heading towards Lia. She backed up in to the wall, pressing her body as close to it as she could, trapping her long dark hair behind her.

  There was a loud and echoing snort once again and then Lia saw just what it was that had been tracking her through the maze. Anthony had been right. She hated to admit it but as it stood there before her, there was no way she could deny the existence of the minotaur. It walked slowly towards her now, its large muscular thighs rippling as its gigantic hoofed feet echoed on the stone pathway. Lia felt her heart beginning to race. There was no way that this was real. It was a hallucination, it had to be. She pressed harder against the wall as she watched the large horned beast coming closer. It came to a stop just inches from her face, its large bull-like snout pressing in to her, smelling her like a man would smell a woman's hair or perfume. It took a long inhale and then lowered its head, bringing its eyes directly in contact with hers.

  Lia could see nothingness looking back at her from those two eyes that glowed yellow from deep within the creature's skull. The golden yellow color matched the large ring that threaded through the creatures nose. Lia felt as the minotaur leaned in, pressing its solid chest against her, its thick heavy biceps on either side of her head. She had no idea what the creature was doing or what it was trying to do but she knew one thing - this was no ghost. There was absolutely nothing ghostlike about the solid body that pressed against her, or about the warm breath that was condensing against her skin. She dared not move and instead she squeezed her eyes closed in hopes that this creature of myth would disappear as mysteriously as it had appeared.

  As Lia stood with her back against the wall and her eyes squeezed closed, she felt the creature back away from her just a little. She could still hear its breathing, feel its presence but she no longer smelled the warm moist breath that had been leaving droplets on her skin. She wanted to open her eyes, she wanted to see that the minotaur was walking away or even fading in to nothingness. She would give this victory to Anthony if only it meant this huge beast were gone but just as she went to open her eyes she felt herself being lifted. The minotaur carefully lifted her in one swipe of its muscular arms and threw her over its shoulder. The side of her dress caught on one of its horns and she heard a deafening tear that for a moment she was convinced was her own skin. The beast snorted again and turning its heel it began to walk towards the direction from which it had come, in to the center of the maze.

  As the beast walked, Lia could feel its muscles rippling underneath her. The solid body was warm under hers and she was surprised at the warmth that radiated from its skin as it carried her towards its lair. Lia could feel the purpose in its stride, she was more convinced now than ever that this was no ghost. She could smell its musty odor, she could feel the solid rippling of its muscles as it carried her away, she could feel its breath coming faster as it got closer to the center of the maze. Lia couldn't help but wonder just what the minotaur had in store for her next, because she was fairly certain that it wasn't going to disappear in to nothingness anytime soon.

  The minotaur grunted and with surprising grace lifted Lia from its shoulder and placed her on a large pile of hay. Lia opened her eyes, after of what she might see, expecting to see bones of those who had come before her. She saw only the pile of hay on which she lay and a small pile of apples that sat opposite her. The minotaur crouched down and took one apple from the pile and offered it to Lia. She took it, afraid of insulting the creature, and set it down next to her on the hay. The minotaur leaned down again and picking it up he took a bite before offering it back to her. The creature's single bite had taken most of the edible portion of the apple and left it covered in his saliva so Lia shook her head this time.

  "No, thank you." Her voice was shaking but the creature didn't seem angry, rather he put the rest of the apple in his large mouth and swallowed it.

  Lia sat watching the creature demolish a few more apples, wondering exactly what she was looking at and wondering if a ghost had ever seemed so real to anyone else.

  When the creature had finished eating its fill, it turned back to Lia, its large nostrils flaring as it stared at her for what felt like forever.

  "What do you want from me?" Lia managed to say, although her voice was still trembling with fear. The minotaur reached over and placed its oversized hand on her shoulder where her dress was torn. In one smooth motion it tugged the flimsy material and the rest of Lia's dress ripped off her. She sat before the creature in just her bra and panties but soon the creature had rid her of those too. Afraid to move, Lia sat naked in the hay, watching as the creature just stared at every inch of her naked body. She knew now what it wanted, it wanted a woman, a mate. Lia didn't have any intention of being that mate but she saw no way out. The creature stood before her, its large loincloth beginning to show evidence of his hardening cock underneath it. Lia couldn't help but stare. She had no intention of being made the mate of a minotaur but she had to admit that she was intrigued to see just what it was that this creature was hiding under that loincloth! She wondered just how huge the creature's cock was, and the more she wondered, the more she wanted to know. The minotaur stepped closer, his giant cock now within touching distance as Lia stared at him, and then she did it. She reached forward and tugged on the cloth. The minotaur didn't move but he huffed a deep breath as she dropped the loincloth to the ground. This time it was Li
a's breath that caught in her throat, she had never been faced with such a truly huge cock before and the thought of the things that she could do with it only turned her on.

  The creature lifted its head in expectation and Lia made sure not to disappoint. Lifting herself up on her knees, Lia leaned forward and with just the tip of her tongue she tasted the tip of the creature's massive cock. She felt him draw a deep breath inward as he felt her tongue against him and she smiled up at him.

  "It's okay..." This time she slid the whole head of his cock between her lips. He tasted salty and sweet and she could feel him throbbing inside her mouth, begging for sweet release. Lia could feel her pussy getting dripping wet too and as she leaned forward, taking more of his cock in her mouth, she reached her fingers down to her pussy and slid them over her soaking wet opening. She had never been this wet before in her life! She sucked harder on the creature's cock, hitting the back of her throat with it and still aching for more. Part of her wanting to taste him as he blew his load in her mouth and part of her wanting to spread her legs and feel her pussy getting stretched out wide. The creature made the choice for her when he stepped backwards and lunged forwards towards Lia. Lia fell back and as she did the creature landed on top of her, although it made sure not to lean its entire weight on to her body, rather his fingers splayed on the floor next to her and he crouched over her with just the tip of his cock rubbing against her.


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