Hot and Sexy Beast Story Bundle (Featuring 9 Hot Beast Erotica Stories)

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Hot and Sexy Beast Story Bundle (Featuring 9 Hot Beast Erotica Stories) Page 7

by Christie Sims

  Lucy felt herself daydream about the beast; her hands stroking the Warg’s fur, feeling the warmth from the monster’s body as she leaned against it. Then it would lick her lips, it’s long tongue welcome to explore her mouth as she leaned in to kiss her wonderful Warg. Lucy could nearly feel the strong muscular chest which she vigorously rubbed in her daydream, her smooth hands swiping across its broad chest. The feel of her beast’s paws reaching up and around her own naked breasts, his paws mauling her large bosom and his tongue licking cheekily across her nipples. A groan escaped Lucy’s mouth as she realised that her fantasies were too arousing for her to contain. She promptly removed her hands from her now erected vulva and clitoris, her actions inappropriate and unbecoming of a lady. However, she could not deny the exhilarating and exciting feeling of her dream, the romantic and erotic elements far too real for her to just discard like a cold breakfast. How could she refuse her inwards passion towards Wargs when she felt so much, in so many ways, for them? She couldn’t resist her own fantasies, Lucy’s mind persuading her to return to the dreamland that her Warg lived in and enjoying the feeling of comfort and desire which he brought with. It was not long before Lucy was sprawled over her bed, one hand groping her own breasts and pinching her own nipples, the other strongly forcing her index and middle fingers into her wet vagina. Her face was flushed red from her masturbating actions, pleasure sensors driving her wild as she continued on, groaning and moaning softly to the empty space beside her. She dreamed of her Warg lover, the masculine beast standing atop her while she caressed its growing wolf penis, her hands fondling the beast’s phallus all over. She had nearly begun to lick and kiss the erected wolf cock before Lucy was pulled back to her room by her building pleasure levels. Her hand which had previously been mauling her bosom flew down her body, beginning to energetically rub her clitoris, while her other hand began to thrust her fingers inside of her vagina with renewed vigour as her impending orgasm neared. Lucy felt her vagina tighten around her fingers as she reached the one true moment of bliss, her orgasm flooding through her nervous system as the sensitive pleasure sensors in her clit overloaded at her sensual fingers touch. A long, feminine groan escaped her mouth, audialising her lustful orgasm in a high pitched shrill which rang throughout her chambers. Lucy felt her body shaking as she orgasmed, her vagina repeatedly clamped tightly around her inserted fingers. Every further contact between her fingers and hyper-sensitive clitoris only heightened her experience, another shiver racing down her spine at even the slightest of touches. Slowly, Lucy reluctantly removed her drenched fingers from her vagina, aching in her desire for her fantasy to become real. Her breathing was heavy as she sat up, her chest heaving up and down as she caught her breath back. Ashamedly, Lucy stripped off the rest of her remaining clothes and threw them into a corner, leaving them for a maid, before spotting her night dress and putting the flimsy silk dress on, stuffing her voluptuous breasts into the tight, yet feint silk dress. She hated the fact that her breasts had developed so large, remembering when her teenage chest was hardly bigger than most boys her age. And now, she her knockers were so large she couldn’t even run without taking a boob to the face. They just seemed to jiggle out of her dresses and corsets far too easily, leading to many embarrassing moments in the halls, with servants, especially the males, stopping their work and staring at her exposed cleavage. And it was not as if it was easy to return the escaped boobs back inside a corset which seemed so tight it was as if it’s only purpose was to strangle her. Eventually, Lucy managed to restrict her mischievous cleavage within her night dress before finding a comfortable position on her bed to sleep, not that it mattered, her breast’s would still have managed to wriggle out of her clothes before dawn.


  “Princess Lucy,” the words stirred Lucy from the comforting realm of sleep, “Princess Lucy, please wake up.” Lucy’s head jerked straight up, nearly slamming against the steel helmed head of Russel.

  “Russel!? What the hell are you doing in my chambers?And why are you whispering?” Lucy demanded, quickly checking her notorious run-a-way breast’s position. Embarrassingly, they had both flopped out of her dress and were lying against each other on the bed, in plain view of Russel. She quickly fumbled them back into her dress before shooting a warning glare at Russel.

  “Princess, I’m sorry about my rude entry, however, I really do need your help. You see, I am hoping that you will accompany me to the Warg’s den, as a diplomatic partner if you will. I have heard that Wargs are more inclined to listen to nobles or, in this case, royalty, themselves being of a hierarchal society,” Russel explained quickly. He was obviously in a rush, his normally expressionless face showing the sweaty, worried signs of panic.

  “Couldn’t you ask father then? He is after all, the King,” Lucy replied drearily, unhappy for obvious reasons for being woken in the early morning.

  “Unfortunately, no. You know as well as I do that he can be a little loud and opinionated. I don’t believe that he would help the situation at all. You, on the other hand, are well mannered and intelligent, with a good knowledge of Wargs already. Most importantly, you aren’t as hot headed as your father.”

  “Russel! Don’t talk about my father like that! You may be right, but that doesn’t give you the right to say it,” Lucy nearly shouted “But i do see why i would be the better choice. Fine, I will go with you. I always wanted to go on some sort of adventure, meet new people, or Wargs in this case.”

  Russel seemed contented and nodded his head to show his approval, before removing his face to a more appropriate distance. “Thank you Princess Lucy, We have only half the hour before we move to the forest, so please dress in your hunting leathers which your father gave you.”

  Lucy did as Russel asked, blearily finding the suit of tight fitting leather which king David had given to her recently, donning the outfit with haste. She didn’t mind wearing them, but she did feel quite exposed in them, knowing that they took advantage of her busty chest and round butt, the tight fitting costume only exaggerating her already full figure. She groaned in annoyance, but continued to exit her room to find Russel waiting in the hall. She could feel his cold eyes upon her swaying behind as she walked past him, the silent warrior exhaling loudly as he beheld Lucy’s magnificent ass. He fell into step behind her, eyes glued to the swinging booty. Lucy was slightly disgusted at Russel, she had always thought of him as the one man who would not stare at her, yet she was also slightly flattered; as far as men went, Russel was quite the ideal man. He was strong, quick to think, intelligent and, from what Lucy had overheard from the maids, very, very good under the bed sheets. Lucy kept walking, feeling the stare of Russel all the way through the castle on their way out. No one stopped them, nor would they dare, she was the Princess and Russel was the King’s Champion, and so, without interruptions, the pair left the castle and made good time towards Herrick’s Forest.


  Lucy walked through Herrick’s Forest, Russel in close step behind her, as she made her way past the deepest settlement in the forest. It was quiet, the hour late; no people wondered the few streets, the only company the strung up Warg skins around the gates. Lucy had gasped loudly when she first saw them, before realizing that it would be natural for the hunters of the town to show off their most recent kill. She still found the treatment of the dead deplorable, Wargs were not common wolves. They were smart, sentient beings capable of more than most human beings. As the pair began wandering along the paths deeper into the forest, Lucy no longer noticed the ogling eyes of Russel, instead she felt warmth spreading through her body the further she walked, as if she were getting closer to a large fire with every step. It was a most reassuring warmth, much like the warmth of a mother cradling her baby, and Lucy felt more at ease in the warm air, reminding her of the toasty heat of her bed. She shot a rueful glare at Russel for pulling her out of her comfortable bedding, before turning back to the ground ahead, making sure there was nothing she would trip over. The warmth was more tha
n comforting to Lucy now, more like a hearty embrace from a good friend. Or a lover, who slowly spread his hands across her body, massaging her soft curves and round edges. Lucy stopped, feeling her hands spread across her body, spreading the pleasing feeling of wondrous sensual massage. She felt her hands moving by their own accord, massaging all over her tightly wrapped body, undoing the buttons over her chest and letting her boobs loose, her large breasts falling across her torso. She did not feel any shame; instead the naturalness of the whole situation was incredibly calming for Lucy, as if she was familiar with taking off her clothes in an unfamiliar forest. Lucy continued pampering her luscious body, pressing her hands firmly against her curvaceous body in lush pleasure. Lucy didn’t remember being hit; only that she was on the ground when she regained her senses. And standing above her was a Warg.

  Lucy gasped as she beheld the grey furry beast atop her prone body. Panic swept through her body as she realized her futile position to try and counter attack, so Lucy did the only thing she could.

  “Russel!!” She screamed at the top of her lungs, immediately being hushed by the massive beast above her.

  “Quiet now, I’m right here.”

  The words slowly sunk into Lucy’s head as she very painfully conceived what had happened. Russel must have been a Warg this whole time, at least that was the only logical explanation to Lucy thus far.

  “I am not Russel which you know Princess. As you have probably guessed, I am a Warg; however, I am not Russel. We carefully replaced him with myself only two nights ago in an attempt to get closer to you and get you to our dwelling. However, for the sake of familiararity, please continue to call me Russel. You see Princess; you’re our only hope of survival. I must take you to Sköll, my king.”

  Princess Lucy was dumbfounded, her senses jumbled by the quick pace of the changing situation. Could she really believe the monster in front of her? She knew she couldn’t fight him, so she chose to play it safe and go along with the Warg.

  “Okay, where is this… Sköll? Is he far away?” She asked, wishing she was still in the castle, safely tucked away in her bed.

  “Please, jump on my back, it will be a lot faster if I carry you milady,” Russel said, stepping back and allowing Lucy to her feet, “I will fill you in on our situation on the way.”

  Lucy obeyed him, clambering up onto his large back, grabbing the longer fur around Russel’s neck tightly. And then they were running, Russel’s powerful legs charging through the dark forest, the wind whipping through Lucy’s long blonde hair as she tightened her grip to maintain her position. Low hanging branches threatened to take her head off as Russel continued speeding between the tall trees. It was incredible to Lucy that anyone, man or beast could move so quickly through the dense forest. During the fast sprint, Russel explained to her the situation from the Warg’s perspective. It was not their fault that they were killing humans, rather a product of human greediness. The forest hunters were killing to many of the natural fauna, not leaving enough meat for the Wargs who co-dwelled in the large forest. Not even five minutes of the wind rushing, fast pace dashing and Lucy found herself riding Russel through a large clearing in the forest, small lit torches lighting the area and revealing small dens around the area. Lucy gasped as she realized that she was now within the Warg community, her eyes darting around the camp and finding several of the large beasts stirring at Russel’s heavy foot falls, the Wargs standing tall and ambling over to where Russel had stopped in the centre of the clearing. The dim light made it hard for Lucy to discern between the colours or features of the other Wargs and she gripped Russel even tighter, less she were to be separated from him. It was completely silent, save for the moderate panting of Russel, the noiseless company unsettling Lucy, making her sweat under their silent interrogation.

  “Is that how you treat royalty?” The voice rang out from across the open space, loudly declaring its authority, “My brethren, I give to you the Princess of the Royal Family of the castle which has given us so much grief in recent times, yet, she is also our salvation in this desperate time.”

  Lucy turned to look at the large Warg who was lumbering towards her, the moonlight reflecting off his silver fur. He was everything that Lucy had imagined, a nearly perfect replica of the drawing which Lucy had gotten used to in her book. Hard set muscles matching the concrete face which looked on the verge of disappointed anger. His gait was steady, perhaps a little slow, yet controlled like a man who knows he has time. His large brown eyes hardly glinted in the dim light; instead his eyes appeared as tiny black circles of disappointment upon a sheet of white canvas.

  “Come Princess, we have much to discuss and little time to discuss it in,” The older Warg commanded, Lucy immediately recognising that this must be Sköll, the Warg king which Russel had spoken about earlier. She dismounted Russel before following the Warg king to a large stone den at the far end of the camp.

  Lucy entered the den, eyes slowly adjusting to the dim light which was being cast about the room with dull burning torches. She saw Sköll sitting tall in the centre of the room, his hard stony face set in the same disproving look which he had first looked Lucy over with. Before Lucy could start talking, Sköll spoke.

  ”Young Princess, I am sure that Russel has filled you in on our predicament, and I am also sure that you are not the type of person to let sentient beings die because of a very fixable problem. I am offering you a peaceful resolution, where we, the Wargs, will swear to never attack a human unprovoked, if you, the humans, are prepared to cut back on hunting this deep in the forest, and send an offering of 2 dozen sheep a week for however long it takes for the wildlife to restore to a sustainable population.”

  Lucy was slightly off balanced. She had never really taken part in diplomatic decisions of this high importance before, and this was not her ideal situation to start. Gingerly, she nodded her head, knowing full well that a wrong answer could be her last.

  “Okay Warg king, I agree to your terms as a member of the Royal family, and will see to it that the hunters no longer hunt this far in the forest.”

  “Of course you do, I am happy that you are eager to see this finished, however, that was the easy part. By agreeing to this treaty, I must inform you of the ancient Warg tradition of finalising a pact between two families. One member of royal blood from each family must mate, so that the bond is formed with more than just words. That is why we required you to be brought here, so that . I realise that this is not an easy decision for anyone to make, to give ones body away so freely is never easy.”

  Lucy regarded the Warg kings words and the full ramifications if she were to commit to such a frivolous act. Her nobility heritage was screaming for her to turn down the pact for her sanctity, while a base desire was shouting for her to become one with the beast. Her primal lust for the great beasts was far greater than her upbringing, and she became more and more inclined to agree to Sköll’s tradition. With a scared, yet anticipating shiver in her spine, Lucy nodded her acceptance, indicating to the Warg king that she would go through with it.

  “It will be worth it if it means that nobody has to die,” Lucy said bravely.

  "I hope you realise that this is will not be easy for you," said the grim Warg king. "It is not often that I am able to indulge inside a human, so excuse any nibbling or scratching."

  Lucy nodded, taking note of the monsters genteel tone which brought an air of sophistication to the room. "Now my dear princess Lucy, if you would, please strip off your clothes so that they aren't ruined, we can begin to seal our pact with intimate connection."

  Lucy was compelled to obey by his noble voice, her nervous hands trembling as she began to unbutton her blouse. Looking into the statue like features of Sköll made Lucy remember her own desires of the Warg from her book, the lustful desire she had felt then returning to her in an instant. Her hands no longer shook, her mind steely made up. She would have sex with this Warg, not just to bring peace between the two races, but also for herself. To cure the aching se
nsation she had between her legs ever since her sensual dream with her Warg. She craved the feeling of orgasmic pleasure flooding through her entire body causing her to tremble at the slightest sensual touch. Lucy discarded her shirt, a second later she ridded herself of the comfortable trousers she wore with fervour. Sköll trundled over to her, his large wolf head tuning to her free hanging breasts. As he neared, Lucy could hear him sniffing, the small snorting sound slightly unnerving to Lucy. Sköll did not need to lift his head to her breasts while he continued to smell her, his nostrils pressing against her skin as he continued to snort her around her exposed boobs. It was oddly erotic to Lucy, who couldn't believe that the sniffing of a Warg could turn her on. Betrayed by her hardening nipples, Lucy stood still as Skörg, finding the erected tits, lashed his long, rough, wet tongue across her mamilla before taking a step back and looking directly into Lucy's eyes.

  "You have a beautiful smell milady, intoxicating I would say. And so far you taste heavenly; I cannot ignore your divinity, nor control my gentility any longer, prepare yourself!" Sköll nearly snarled as he leapt straight into Lucy, knocking her to the ground as he stood like a god above her. A small notion of fear crept into Lucy's mind as she witness Sköll becoming more beastly than before, his hard set grim face now transformed into a wild grin, the sort of grin which promised powerful action. It also made Sköll appear to be more youthful, his previously docile body now an excellent, muscular specimen, primitive and powerful, his fine body bringing Lucy to realise her fully fledged desire towards the Warg lord. Everything about screamed to her natural urges, his fine physique, his long tongue which now lagged down over Lucy's midriff. And his powerful scent, filling Lucy's open mouth with an airborne aphrodisiac, heightening her sexual hormones and increasing the 'itch' between her legs.


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