Winter (Rise of the Pride, Book 2)

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Winter (Rise of the Pride, Book 2) Page 1

by Theresa Hissong


  Rise of the Pride, Book 2


  Theresa Hissong


  To Missy and Gina

  Thank you for keeping me sane on the nights that life just got in the way…


  License Notes

  This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to the author, publisher, or retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


  This book is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead is purely coincidental. The names of people, places, and/or things are all created from the author’s mind and are only used for entertainment.

  Due to the content, this book is recommended for adults 18 years and older.

  Smashwords Edition

  Copyright 2016 Theresa Hissong

  Cover Design:

  Custom eBook Covers

  Editing by:

  Heidi Ryan - Amour the Line Editing

  Formatted by:

  Wayne Hissong

  For more information or how to contact Theresa Hissong, please visit:

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  Other Books by Theresa Hissong:

  Fatal Cross Live!

  Fatal Desires

  Fatal Temptations

  Warriors of the Krieger:

  Blood & Roses

  Blood at Stake

  Rise of the Pride:



  Book for Charity:

  Fully Loaded


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty One

  About the Author

  Chapter One

  A storm raged outside as Nova stomped down the hallway and took a sharp left, heading for Liberty’s office at the back of the bar. Her temper was getting the best of her and she’d had enough. She didn’t even bother knocking as she pushed the door open wide, startling her sister who was sitting behind the desk, going over bills. Liberty gasped, but didn’t say anything, her face looking pale.

  “I’ve had it!” Nova yelled, throwing her hands in the air.

  “What’s wrong?” Liberty demanded, her new ice blue eyes flickering amber. Liberty was now part of the pride…a shifter. She’d been changed into a panther when a group of werewolves had held her and one of the young girls from the pride in a cabin, torturing them until Talon had shown up to save the day. Liberty had been beaten almost to the point of death. Talon, her mate, had made the decision to turn her to save her life.

  “Pride whores,” Nova snarled. “These women are in here every damn day, trying their best to get someone from the pride to mate them. I just had to kick three of them out of here for trying to get their claws into the Guardians.” She wouldn’t admit it, but the blonde bitch that was all but humping Winter’s leg was lucky she didn’t get punched in the throat.

  “I don’t know what the hell I have to do to get them to stop coming in here and chasing the Guardians,” Liberty cursed, resting her head in her hand. Nova frowned at her sister’s sudden exhaustion. She’d been working a lot lately, opening the bar and staying as late as possible.

  “Are you okay?” Nova asked, taking a step toward the desk. When she moved closer, she noticed that not only was Liberty’s face pale, it looked a little green. “Liberty?”

  “Oh, God. I’m going to be sick!” Liberty squeaked, jumping from her seat. She darted around the desk and barely made it to the office bathroom before retching up whatever she’d had for lunch.

  “What the hell?” Nova gasped, rushing to her side. She immediately knelt beside her sister, pulling her long, brown hair back from her face. “I didn’t think shifters got sick.”

  “They don’t,” Liberty groaned, turning her head to throw up into the toilet again.

  “Then what’s wrong?” Nova was worried, unsure of what she needed to do.

  “I think I’m pregnant,” Liberty cried. “No. I know I’m pregnant!”

  “Oh. My. God!” Nova squealed, scrambling from her spot on the floor. She grabbed a couple of paper towels, running them under the cold tap before ringing them out. She returned to her sister’s side and held them to the back of her neck. “I’m going to be an aunt!”

  “Yeah,” Liberty moaned, leaning back against the wall. “I don’t even know how to explain it. The other females had told me I would know when I was pregnant. Something about it being part of my nature. When I woke up this morning, I knew. I’m so confused. I don’t even know how far along I am. I just started feeling weird this morning, and then I was so tired. This was the first time I threw up.”

  “What did Talon say?” Nova asked as she stroked a strand of hair back from her sister’s forehead. “I bet he’s beside himself with joy.”

  “He doesn’t know,” Liberty admitted, closing her eyes.

  “Uh, don’t you think it would be a good idea to tell him?” Nova asked, raising a curious brow.

  “The females said he would know just from my scent, but he was already gone when I woke up this morning. He had meetings at City Hall again.” Liberty slowly climbed to her feet, holding the wall for a moment to steady herself. “I don’t want to bother him.”

  “Go lay on the couch,” Nova ordered, helping her out of the bathroom. “You need to tell him, because if he finds out you were working and sick, he’s not going to be happy.”

  “Okay,” Liberty sighed, dropping down onto the old couch that sat against the wall in the bar’s office. Nova frowned. It wasn’t like her sister to not put up a fight when being told what to do. “I’ll call him later.”

  Before Nova could call Talon herself, a swift knock sounded on the office door. She quickly hurried over, opening the door slightly. Winter and Dane, two of the pride’s Guardians, stood there. Dane started to speak, but froze before he got a word out. Both men’s nostrils flared as they inhaled a breath, tilting their heads to the side.

  Nova stepped back as both men moved forward, their gazes narrowing on Liberty. Liberty gasped when both men dropped to their knees beside the couch, but neither one of the men touched her. They knew it would cause her pain, and Talon would have their heads if they did anything to cause his mate harm.

  “Does he know?” Winter asked, his voice full of concern.

  “What?” she asked, a confused look crossing her face.

  “You’re with young,” Winter said, awestruck, and ran his large hand over his blond hair. Nova’s brow raised when both men began to purr softly. They looked at Liberty as though she were the most beautiful thing in the world.
Nova knew it was part of their panther nature, and had heard about some of their ways from other females of the pride when she’d been visiting Liberty one afternoon, but it was really strange to see it first-hand. The panthers could scent a pregnancy and the men found the scent to be soothing. A female who was pregnant was the most cherished thing in their lives.

  “You can tell too?” she groaned.

  “Your scent.” Winter paused, his brows pushed forward. “Does our alpha know?”

  “No,” Liberty said, shaking her head. “Nova was just about to call him.”

  “I’ll call for you,” Winter offered, pulling his phone out, but paused when Liberty held her hand up for him to stop.

  “Don’t tell him,” Liberty ordered.

  “I would never take that right from you.” Winter frowned, turning toward the other Guardian who was standing at attention at the door. “Secure the hallway.”

  “What? Why?” Nova asked, suddenly confused. “What the hell, Winter? She’s pregnant, not in danger.”

  “All females with young are protected,” Winter stated, his eyes swinging back toward her sister lying on the couch. She’d covered up with a throw blanket that was kept over the back of the couch. He stared at Liberty a moment before lowering his voice. “An alpha’s mate is the most protected of all females, and any male would give their life to save the alpha’s mate and their young.”

  “Okay,” Nova replied.

  She tried her best to ignore the man who’d taken up her every thought during the past few months. That was, until she’d accepted a date from one of the guys that frequented the bar. When Winter had found out about it, he’d raised hell, saying Perry was a loser and wasn’t worthy. Nova had yelled at him and refused to allow him to watch over the house she lived in alone. Dane had become her new bodyguard since the wolves, who’d almost killed Liberty, were still at large. Winter had been furious, but so had Nova.

  Winter’s ice blue stare followed her as she crossed the room, kneeling beside her sister. Nova didn’t need to see his eyes to know that he watched her closely. He’d been doing it for months.

  “Can I get you anything?” Nova asked, stroking the hair back from her sister’s face.

  “Ginger ale?” she asked.

  “I’ll get it,” Dane told her, his eyes never leaving Liberty. “You stay with your sister.” The moment Dane took off down the hall, Winter stepped to the door, blocking anyone from entering. Nova shook her head, thinking they were being a little too protective, but didn’t say anything.

  The Guardian returned quickly with a tall glass for Liberty, placing it on the ground so Nova could pick it up without touching him. She’d become accustomed to the no touching policy these men adhered to with any females.

  “Oh, that’s good,” Liberty sighed, handing the glass back to Nova. She stood up to place it on the desk when she heard the sound of her sister’s mate and the alpha of the Shaw pride bark, “Where is she?”

  The moment the office door opened, Talon Shaw stood there, his wide shoulders touching the door frame, his eyes sparking amber. Rain drops glistened in his dark hair. He inhaled deep and moved forward, dropping to his knees. His large hand pressed softly against Liberty’s stomach.

  “Liberty?” he asked, his voice sounding thick like he was about to shed tears. One moment Liberty was on the couch…the next, Talon had scooped her up into his arms and spun her around as he shouted out his happiness. “I’m going to be a father!”

  “Put me down, Talon!” Liberty barked, turning green again. “Now!”

  “Let her go, Talon,” Nova warned with a grin, thankful her sister didn’t lose her ginger ale on her mate. Talon saw the look on Liberty’s face and rushed her toward the bathroom. The sound of Liberty getting sick was cut off when Talon kicked the door closed with his booted foot.

  Nova smiled at her sister’s mate and his obvious concern as she left the office, almost running into Winter as he leaned against the wall in the hallway just outside the door. The big blond jumped back almost three feet, his eyes wide.

  “Sorry,” she mumbled, sliding past him so she wouldn’t even get close to touching him. She didn’t have time to worry about the damned Guardian. Nova had somewhere she needed to be.

  “Where are you going?” he asked, following her down the hallway and looming over her, just outside of reach. She didn’t need him bothering her or asking questions, because if he knew where she was heading, Nova was sure he’d raise hell again.

  “Cole,” Nova called out, ignoring the panther at her back as she leaned against the bar. “I’m out of here. Liberty will be leaving soon, too. She isn’t feeling very well. Call me if you need anything.”

  As she made her way out of the bar, Winter growled behind her when the door closed in his face. Nova cringed when she heard him push through with a curse.

  “I asked you a question,” he barked. He used his long legs to move in front of Nova, trying to stop her from getting to her car, but she walked around him with a scowl on her face. Thankfully, the rain had finally let up, because Nova didn’t think she could handle seeing him drenched with a wet shirt stuck to his bulging muscles. Stop, Nova! You’re only making it worse! “Are you going out with him again?”

  “That’s none of your business,” Nova replied, gritting her teeth. She really didn’t want to talk to him about the fact that she was going home to get ready for another date with Perry. The last time that happened, Winter had lost his temper and Dane had to send him away. “Tell Dane I’m going home.”

  “Nova,” he called out, cursing when she shut the door to her car and pulled out onto the two lane highway, heading south to her home. She didn’t even look in the rearview mirror as she sped away, wishing that she was going home to get ready for a date with the panther instead.

  Winter pounded his fists into the punching bag in his garage, his mind strictly focused on the area he needed to hit to achieve the best satisfaction. The tightness in his muscles sent a burning fire through his arms that was more than welcomed. Sweat poured down the sides of his face, his back, and his legs. His frustrations were not leaving his mind as well has he’d hoped. His panther was pacing, upset over one tiny woman.

  She was out on a fucking date. The little human female that had been eating up his every waking thought for the past two months was on another date with some low life jerk she had no business hanging around in the first place. The human male was not man enough to handle that little spitfire.

  “Fuck,” Winter snarled, feeling his canines thicken in his mouth. He wasn’t jealous. Punch! No, he wasn’t. Punch! He just couldn’t stop thinking about her. Punch! She wasn’t his. Punch! Punch!

  Every time he closed his eyes, Winter could see her laughing at something he’d said or done. He’d watched her from the corner of his eye most days when he’d stayed in human form to work on putting new locks on the old farmhouse.

  He remembered one time she’d been sitting at the kitchen table, reading a book. It was one of those romance novels she loved so much. The sun had been shining through the kitchen window and caught the side of her face. She’d radiated beauty and he’d been so mesmerized by her, he’d dropped his screwdriver, causing a loud clattering against the tile floor. When she’d looked up from her book, those brown eyes of hers sparkled and the smile that lit her face had made his heart swell.

  They’d been together for weeks while the wolves had caused havoc in their town. He’d thought that he and Nova had become friends, but it’d been Dane who’d been protecting her for the past week and a half. The other Guardian had been requested ever since Winter found out that Nova had been seeing this douchebag, Perry. He’d definitely angered her by voicing his concern about the male. That pissed off the little woman, and she’d refused to talk to him for two days…wouldn’t even look at him.

  It wasn’t his problem. Nova had her own free will and could date whomever she damn well pleased. She wasn’t his mate.

  Or was she?

  He d
idn’t even know, because he refused to touch her. He didn’t want to take that chance, not like his alpha had done with Nova’s sister, Liberty. Granted, it was an accidental moment when his alpha touched the female, but he hadn’t stopped himself from having contact with Liberty’s skin.

  As a panther male, one didn’t touch a female. One touch was all it took for their kind to find their mates. Winter wasn’t like some of his brothers. He wanted to fall in love the old fashioned way. He didn’t want to doom a female to being with him if they were not compatible. Hell, everyone had told him that in their world, you found your mate first and love would come later.

  Even with their reassurances, he refused to touch any woman. He had never wanted to touch one as badly as he did with Nova. She had him wrapped around her pinky finger all those weeks they’d been together. He’d been solely in charge of her security detail while the pride had searched for Evie, but they’d never gotten close enough to touch. They’d talked, even shared a few meals. He’d prowled outside her home in the middle of the night while she slept, just so he could make sure she was safe, and that the wolves who were in the area brought no harm to the little human.

  And little she was. Nova Raines was barely five foot four and she weighed next to nothing. Her beauty was what human men wanted, what they craved. She could’ve been modeling for magazine covers in New York or Los Angeles, but she was here, in the tiny town in northern Mississippi, helping her sister run a bar on the outskirts of their town. She’d given up her dreams of becoming a nurse to save the family business.

  Having been human once, Winter knew the pain of the transformation. Liberty had been lucky. She was already comatose when Talon had forced his blood down her throat, and the healer had given her enough sedative to at least make her forget the hours she screamed in pain in the main house. No one ever told the alpha’s mate about those horrible three days, but everyone remembered it all too well.


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