Winter (Rise of the Pride, Book 2)

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Winter (Rise of the Pride, Book 2) Page 9

by Theresa Hissong

  “Okay,” she said, nodding toward the bear. “Is there anything I can get you?”

  “Beer,” he grinned. “Lots of beer.”

  “That I can do.” She nodded, turning her chin toward Winter. “I guess you can go now.”

  “Call me if you need me,” he ordered. “I’ll be home as soon as I can.”

  On Nova’s half-hearted nod, he walked out of the office and made his way out to the truck. It was time to go after a pack of wolves so he could concentrate on finding the human who’d hurt Nova.

  And he would find him…

  “He’s moving,” Booth announced, turning the screen on his phone so Talon could see the tracking device that they’d planted in Malaki’s shoe had been activated.

  “Gather everyone and be ready to go in five,” Talon ordered, standing up from his seat behind the desk in his office. He would need all of his Guardians for this mission. No one knew how many wolves were there. Malaki had told him he’d only seen a handful and their wives. Thankfully, Malaki hadn’t seen any children.

  Talon raced upstairs, taking the steps two at a time. He needed to see his mate before it was time to leave. He wanted to make sure she was feeling better. When he opened the door to their room, Liberty was just coming out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped tightly around her body. He felt the warmth coming off of her freshly showered skin as he took her into his arms.

  “I have to leave,” he said, leaning down so he could press his lips to the mating mark on her neck. “We’ve found the rogue who was on your land.”

  “What?” Liberty gasped. “Who is it?”

  “What we know is that it was a teenage panther who was being bribed by the wolves to find out where I was and they were going to use you to get to me.” He paused, feeling his panther push forward. As he looked into his mate’s eyes, hers also sparked amber.

  “Where is the rogue now?” she asked, pulling the towel from her head, letting the wet strands fall around her shoulders. Talon brushed them away from her neck so he could still see the mark.

  “We let him go,” he began, but held up his hand when she started to protest. “We fitted him with a tracking device. Liberty…they have his sixteen year old sister and have been using her safety to get this boy to do their dirty work. Malaki came to the bar tonight looking for Guardians. He told us everything and I believe him. The kid was malnourished and scared. His sister isn’t doing much better. From what he says, she’s close to dying. I have to save her.”

  “Is this going to be dangerous?” she asked. Talon swallowed hard, not wanting her to know the truth, but she’d scent his lies if he even tried to candy coat the danger they could face.

  “These wolves are vicious, Liberty, but I don’t want you to worry.” He sighed. “We will be in and out quickly and will get the children back to the pride. It’s the only right thing to do.”

  “Please be careful,” she said. A small hitch to her voice gave away her emotions. “What can I do while you’re gone?”

  “You stay here and take care of my cub,” he said, resting his large palm over her still flat stomach. In about six weeks, his mate’s body would be changing and he couldn’t wait to feel when the child moved inside his mother.

  “I will.” She smiled, stepping away to drop her towel. Her body was just as beautiful as the day he’d made Liberty his mate. She would always be the one he loved beyond even his pride. He understood his father’s love for his mother now more than ever.

  Winter stopped the truck about half a mile from where the young panthers were being held. Talon growled low in his throat as he looked out the windshield toward the area where Malaki and his sister were being held.

  “No one should be held against their will,” Talon said, leaning forward to get a better look at the surrounding area. They were just over the state line in Tennessee and east of Memphis. The farmlands looked very similar to the ones back in their territory, but Winter was sure that most of Talon’s agitation was over the fact that he wasn’t in his own area. An alpha was only at ease when he was around his pride and on familiar ground.

  “We’ll get them out safely,” Winter promised.

  “I don’t like this,” Talon worried. “It’s too quiet.”

  “Savage and Booth are here with the others,” Winter announced as he looked in the rearview mirror at the truck approaching without any headlights. “We have plenty of men.”

  Winter followed his alpha as he slid out of the truck and walked quietly back to Savage’s brand new blue truck. Noah, Storm, Dane, and Ranger were already stripping down so they could shift. The plan was for Talon, Winter, and Savage to go in as human. Booth would remain with the vehicles. They would bring the rogues to him and it would be up to Booth to get them back to the pride while the rest of the Guardians took care of the wolves.

  The moon hid behind passing clouds, only casting light on the old dirt road ahead of them momentarily, but they didn’t need the light to see. With a slight shift to his eyes, Winter was able to focus on the scenery as well as if it were the middle of the day. The sounds of small animals quieted as the pride moved forward as a whole, Talon walking ahead of them to the opening of the drive leading to an old brick home surrounded by trees.

  As his eyes scanned the area, Winter saw an old Buick. It was the same one that had picked up Malaki. Winter’s panther rushed to the surface when he saw an old, white Ford truck parked on the side of the house. He knew immediately that it belonged to the man who’d hurt Nova.

  “Talon,” Winter snarled, crouching low. “Perry is a wolf.”

  “Hold up, Winter,” Talon warned, his eyes meticulously taking in every inch of the home’s exterior. Winter looked as well and noticed there were no guards outside the home. These wolves must have thought they were hidden well and had no need for security. This also told Winter that Malaki’s tracking device hadn’t been found. If it had, those wolves would’ve been on high alert.

  “He is mine,” Winter demanded. Talon nodded his agreement. Both men knew their promise to the sheriff would be broken if Winter got his hands on Perry. This was now a shifter issue, and as far as the panthers were concerned, the human laws no longer applied. Winter’s fingers flexed as he breathed deep, calming his panther. Easy. We will get him.

  “I want panthers to surround the outside until I give the signal,” Talon ordered. “Savage, take Noah and Ranger; go in the back. Winter and I have the front with the others.”

  “Remember, Malaki said they are being held in the basement. There are three males besides the alpha. The alpha has four wives,” Winter growled out, his panther getting more and more agitated as they made their plans. He had to fight the need to shift and find the one who harmed Nova, but he would get his chance to deal out his own brand of justice.

  “Once the main floor is clear, Savage, go for the basement,” Talon ordered, only continuing on Savage’s nod. “Let’s go.”

  Winter ducked low, creeping along the weed covered fence that skirted the property. As Talon led the way, each panther moved silently behind them. They paused as a unit behind the old Ford truck, allowing Winter to scent the door frame. The strongest scent was of the wolf, which he assumed was Perry. Nova’s scent was still there, but it was faint…almost non-existent.

  “Easy,” Talon whispered, placing a hand on Winter’s shoulder and reminding him they were there on a mission to save the young panthers. “You’ll get your chance.”

  The door opened and a female came stumbling out, dropping a trash bag on the ground next to the steps that led up to the door. As soon as she turned her back, Talon gave the signal to rush the door.

  Winter was the first one inside, ensuring that his alpha wasn’t harmed. Savage was through the back door only a second later with two panthers at his side.

  The woman who’d taken out the trash gave a shout, but Storm was on her before she could escape down a hallway to his right. Two men stood from an old, worn out couch, one fell to his knees. The one on his knees beg
ged for his life. He was older, maybe in his sixties, but was of no concern to Winter, because he knew that male wasn’t a threat. From his cowardice, he had to be the omega and had little or no ranking in their pack.

  There were two men against the far wall who were scanning the room as if they were looking for a way out, but found none. They were younger, maybe in their mid-twenties. Both were large, but nowhere near the size of the Guardians. They looked similar and could pass for brothers with their shaggy, dark hair.

  The one still standing next to the couch gave a throaty growl, his eyes flashed a hazy yellow and all of the panthers felt a push of power that didn’t belong to their alpha. Winter searched the room, hoping and praying that one of them was Perry. He had to find him…had to kill the son of a bitch for putting his hands on a female. His panther snarled in the back of his mind, my female. None of the men in the room matched Perry’s description. Winter took a deep breath, calming himself. He’d find him eventually.

  “Don’t even think about shifting,” Talon warned, a hefty push of power spreading through the room like an invisible fog. Even the wolves felt the impact of the alpha’s force. The two men by the wall didn’t fall to their knees as they should’ve, but their shoulders slightly dropped in defeat.

  They were not submitting to Talon like Winter had hoped. Even as Talon said the command, the two men and the lone one standing by the couch glared around the room with the hazy yellow eyes of their wolves.

  “Get out of my house!” the man by the couch roared. He was older, possibly in his late fifties, early sixties. His gray hair was greasy and his skin was weathered so much, it looked like cracked leather.

  “Alpha of this wolf pack,” Talon snarled. “You have committed a crime against my pride and the mate of my heart. You will not be leaving here alive.”

  “Fuck you, pussy,” the man snarled, his mouth elongating, morphing with his shift. His lethal canines snapped at Talon in warning. The wolf transformed quickly, but he was cornered by three panthers and one pissed off alpha who wanted blood.

  Talon pounced on the alpha as Savage stepped aside with a wicked gleam in his eye, leaving enough room for the panthers to assist their alpha. Noah roared as he caught the leader by his flank. The wolf screamed out in pain as Noah’s canines sunk into his flesh. Talon stripped as his brother held the struggling alpha. It was only a matter of seconds before Talon’s mighty roar caused everyone in the room to freeze. The alpha wolf howled, but the sound was cut off when Talon’s mouth clamped over his throat. Talon’s panther was in charge when he tore the animal’s throat out, dropping it to the floor.

  The fresh scent of blood hit Winter’s nose when he saw another woman rush them from the hallway. She held a pistol straight out in front of her, aiming it wildly around the room. A panther roared behind him when the gun discharged, echoing in the tiny room. He saw Dane lunge for the woman’s throat just as the pain registered in his shoulder.

  Winter grabbed his shoulder and hissed, and his hand came away stained with blood when he touched the spot. It wasn’t a lethal blow and would heal in a few hours, but it pissed him off.

  The two men against the wall took off toward the back door, but Savage side stepped to block their exit. “Going somewhere?”

  “We didn’t do it!” one yelped. Savage barked out a sarcastic laugh right before landing a blow to the man’s temple, knocking him out cold.

  The second man jumped on Savage’s back, hooking an arm around the big ass Guardian’s throat. Winter laughed and shook his head when Savage spun around, dislodging the nuisance as if the man was nothing more than a fly buzzing around his food.

  “You really want to play?” Savage taunted.

  The man rolled to his feet, his hands shifting. Black hair sprouted on the backs of his hands and his face began to change, but Savage wasn’t going to let the man shift without a fight. Savage lived up to his name by the way he fought. Winter didn’t have a death wish and he knew to never go up against the crazy son of a bitch whenever the Guardians would spar to let off some steam.

  “Ah, ah, ah,” Savage warned. “Boss said no shifting.”

  “I’ll kill you,” the man snarled, attacking Savage instantly.

  Savage stepped to the side and landed an elbow to the man’s back, sending him to the ground. The Guardian waited until he rolled over before striking. He grabbed him by the throat and lifted him again, but used the wall to pin the man to prevent him from moving.

  “How many more of you are here?” Savage demanded. “Where is Perry?”

  “Fuck you,” the man snarled.

  “Wrong answer,” Savage said, tightening his hold on the man’s throat. With one flick of the Guardian’s wrist, the man’s life was over.

  As the others took care of the dead wolves, Winter searched the home, finding the door to the basement. Savage passed him a second later and took the steps two at a time to reach Malaki and his sister. Talon barked his name and when their eyes met, his leader tossed his head to the side, telling Winter to do what he needed to do to find Perry.

  Flashing his fangs, Winter marched down the hallway kicking doors open as he searched. He could smell the son of a bitch from the moment they’d come through the door. Blood tickled his arm as he moved, but it wasn’t going to stop him from finding Perry.

  “Where is he?” Winter snarled to himself, his vision sharper now from his partial shift. His panther was poised and ready to take the wolf’s life. Just as he kicked the last door open, a body fled through an open window at the back of the room. Winter’s heart galloped as he used his strength to launch himself through the window. Perry cursed loudly as he rounded the house. Winter shouted out a warning, but it was of no use as he reached the old truck. That wolf was fast in his human skin.

  With no regard to his own safety, Winter slid across the hood of the truck as the engine fired to life. His hand wrapped around the door handle, but Perry was already pressing on the gas. The tires spun as he cut the wheel, turning the truck around in a tight circle, slinging Winter off and barreling off the property.

  Winter blinked rapidly and shook off the pain in his shoulder, feeling more blood trickling from the wound. A heated curse left his lips as soon as he realized Perry had gotten away.

  Dane’s panther approached, pacing in circles around his fallen brother. Winter lifted his hand in a sign that he was okay, but Dane whined and snarled, looking back toward the house.

  “I’m okay, just pissed,” Winter promised, rolling to his side. He took a deep breath and climbed to his feet as Savage exited the house, carrying a tiny female in his arms. Winter’s wound was forgotten as he rushed forward to help Malaki.

  “Where’s Talon?” Winter demanded.

  “He’s fine,” Savage said, gritting his teeth. “The others have been taken care of, but there is evidence there were more numbers to their pack. They are about to torch the house.”

  “It won’t matter about the others,” Winter said, taking Malaki by the arm. “Their alpha is gone.”

  “Will they die?” Malaki asked, his eyes never leaving his sister.

  “More than likely,” Savage replied. “If they find another pack, they can be saved, but there isn’t a wolf pack anywhere near here.”

  “Okay,” Malaki nodded, pulling away from Winter to walk closer to his sister. “It’s okay now, Calla.”

  “M’kay,” she mumbled, nestling down into Savage’s hold. She looked severely malnourished and weak. Her short blonde hair was caked with dirt and dried blood coated her neck around a thick collar that had been imbedded with spikes, ensuring that if she’d shifted, Calla would’ve been killed instantly.

  When they reached the trucks, Booth was there with a blanket to bundle up the girl. Malaki scooped her up into his arms and climbed inside the truck. Booth gave a nod and turned the truck around, heading back toward the panther’s territory.

  Winter saw the faint orange glow coming from the direction of the house a few seconds before he heard paws
racing up the road. Talon was in his human form as he slid into the passenger seat of the truck. Panthers took to the bed of the truck, shifting into Guardians. Winter drove them back the way they’d come while Talon handed clothes through the back window.

  He looked into the rearview mirror and saw the fire had swelled, the glow burning brighter in the sky. The only good thing about that night was the fact they’d saved two children from torture and death at the hands of the wolves.

  Now, he was on the hunt for the one that got away.

  Chapter Ten

  It was midmorning when Nova tiptoed down the stairs, hoping she didn’t wake up Winter. She’d heard him come in around three that morning. The bear shifter, Drake, had left her at the doorstep the night before, promising to be at the bar that afternoon, unless Winter advised him otherwise.

  As she turned the corner to enter the living room, Nova froze. Winter was sitting in the blood red chair, a bottle of beer dangling from between his thumb and forefinger. His eyes were glowing amber, but he seemed to be staring off at a spot on the floor.

  “Winter?” she whispered, hoping not to startle him. She knew not to come up on these shifters and surprise them, because it could agitate their animal. Liberty had snapped at her about a week after she’d been changed, scaring Nova so bad, she’d thought her sister was going to bite her head off for real.

  Winter didn’t speak, but a soft purr rumbled out of his chest. He was frozen in his spot, only his fingers moved, rolling the bottle back and forth. He looked drained and she gasped when she saw the blood on his shirt.

  “What happened?” she asked, rushing forward, but halted when he stiffened.

  “I found him,” Winter growled, his canines were extended, biting into his bottom lip.

  “Who? The boy?” she asked, confused.


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