Craving Candy [The Callens 10] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Craving Candy [The Callens 10] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 12

by Melody Snow Monroe

  Blade looked at her. “This is not up for negotiation.”

  It was her life.

  Don’t be stupid.

  She could ask Blade to drive her to a hotel, but she might not feel safe there either. His home at least seemed impenetrable.

  “Then thanks.”

  Nothing had gone wrong when she was with one of the men, and having them near would lighten her worry.

  “Why don’t you pack your things?” Blade said.

  She waved a hand to the corner of the living room where all of her stuff was stacked. “Other than what’s in the bathroom, this is it.”

  “I’ll put it in the truck.”

  She headed into the bathroom to gather the rest of her things, and the men chatted. By the time she returned with her toiletries, only one suitcase remained. She borrowed a baggie from the kitchen, dumped in her toothbrush and makeup, and placed the bag in the suitcase. The back door rattled and another blast of cold air poured in. Poor Mandy. She’d never let her near her things again.

  Halfway back to town a light snow fell. It wasn’t enough to make the roads slippery, but it coated the trees in magical white.

  She leaned her head back. “This day sure had high highs and low lows.”

  Blade glanced over at her. “You’ll be safe with us.”

  “You really think someone is out to get me?” She didn’t know why she asked, but this last incident sure did seem to imply that.

  “Sure looks like it.”

  Men lied about their affairs, the size of their cocks, and how much money they made. So why couldn’t he lie about this? She chuckled. “Make me feel unsafe, will you?”

  “You need to be cautious. That’s all.”

  “I know. I couldn’t have been cautious about Mandy’s car being damaged, though. I was blocks away. I couldn’t have been cautious about the possible break-in to her house, because I was with Daniel.”

  He glanced over at her. There wasn’t much light to see his expression, but his hands had tightened on the wheel. For the rest of the trip, he drove in silence. As they entered Main Street, he parked in front of The Eatery.

  “We need food.”

  That must mean he needed to eat. Sometimes she wished Blade just said what he meant. She slid out of her seat before he reached her door. The wind had calmed and the silence embraced her. Inside, The Eatery was half-full. She glanced around mostly to see if she recognized anyone from the wedding. At a table by himself sat John Creighton, the man who owned the beauty supply shop. With her money tight, she might need to order from him, assuming he had good prices. She waved, and he tossed back a smile.

  While she wasn’t very hungry, she needed food. Blade ordered for two, and she chose a roast beef sandwich on pumpernickel bread as her dinner.

  He said it was takeout, which suited her fine. She wanted to unpack, sit in a tub, and drink a glass of wine. Maybe this time, she’d actually succeed.

  Eight blocks later, Blade parked behind his building. The alley was dark, but having Blade by her side helped reduce her anxiety.

  “How about you carry the food, and I’ll grab some of the suitcases?”

  “Sure.” She’d do anything to speed things along.

  He unloaded the bed of the truck. After using the cool eye scanner, he motioned she get in the elevator. He pressed the button for the third floor instead of the second, which was where he and Daniel lived.


  “You need a place to stay.” He kept his gaze straight ahead. “You can use the apartment upstairs for as long as you need.”

  He seemed to be struggling with something, but she couldn’t figure out what. Arguing would do no good. The elevator stopped and he held open the door that led to a short hallway.

  “It’s the one to the right.”

  The french fries Blade had ordered made her stomach growl. He set down her cases, unlocked the door, and pushed it open. As soon as they entered, a table lamp clicked on.

  “That’s a handy feature.”

  “It was Daniel’s doing. He loves gadgets.” He brought the cases inside and pressed a series of numbers on a keypad. “The whole place is alarmed, so you’ll be totally safe.”

  That made two doors someone would have to get through before reaching her. “Great.”

  The apartment was adorable. The kitchen was narrow but functional, and the living room, dining room, and kitchen were one big room. The tall ceilings helped make it look spacious. The attention to detail from the molding to the coffered ceiling impressed her. “Did you do the renovation?”



  “Bedroom’s in here.” He picked up her suitcases and motion she enter first.

  Blade set her stuff down and walked out. Did he fear if he stayed too long, he’d want to make love with her again?

  “Sheets on the bed are clean.”

  She connected some dots. “This isn’t really a rental unit is it?”

  He glanced to the side. “It could be.”

  That’s why he was acting so squirrely. “I appreciate you letting me stay here. As soon as I get on my feet, I’ll find another place.”

  He nodded to the food bags. “Come on. Let’s go share our meal with Daniel.” He slipped them from her fingers.

  This time they took the stairs. Daniel was in the kitchen when they arrived. He rushed over to her, his face pale.

  “What are you doing here?”

  He had just dropped her off at his brother’s house. She faced Blade. “He doesn’t know?”

  He shook his head.

  “I need to sit.”

  Blade placed the food on the table and took out her sandwich and handed it to her.

  Daniel pulled out a bottle of wine. “Need some?”


  She went through the whole thing about the break-in. “Blade suggested I stay in the guest quarters upstairs.”

  Daniel rubbed her hand. “That’s good. I’ll make sure Sutton follows up on your ex-husband’s whereabouts.”

  “Thank you.”

  Daniel finished half of his sandwich. “Have you told Blade your good news?”

  Not that it had slipped her mind, but she believed they needed to focus on the intruder. “No.”

  Blade cocked a brow. “I’d love to hear something positive.”

  She glanced at Daniel then back at Blade. “Daniel and I are going to be partners in the spa.”

  His eyes slowly widened and his lips quirked into a grin. “No shit. How did that happen? What about the bank loan?”

  She laughed. It felt good to be with them. She’d been uncertain if he’d like the idea. “The long and short of it is that the bank loan fell through and your entrepreneurial roommate offered to bankroll my spa for twenty percent of the profit.”

  Daniel leaned on his elbows. “And fifty percent of the decision making.”

  Blade laughed. “Only fifty?”

  “Well, you know that’s my style.”

  She caught the glance between them. Clearly they were no longer talking about the spa. Her heart hitched. From the way Blade had been so aggressive this morning, he, too would be the type to want control in the bedroom. Two domineering men at the same time implied they’d share equally. That meant fifty percent for each.

  Boy, was she in for the time of her life. Making love tonight, however, was out of the question. She needed her soak in the tub and she needed to give her pussy a rest.

  As if Blade could tell they didn’t need to be discussing sex right now, he spoke of his next construction job. “Dustin’s actually thinking of hiring someone else to help with the company.”

  Daniel nodded. “I think he just wants to spend more time with his son and wife.”

  “True. He’s a great dad.”

  As much as she loved to hear about their plans, both present and future, after one glass of wine, she got a buzz. “If you don’t mind, I’m going to head to bed.”

  Both pushed back their seat
s. Daniel grabbed his keys and unhooked one. “This is the master.”

  His trust in her stunned her. “You don’t have a key just for the upstairs?”

  “No. It’s not needed. No one can get in the downstairs door.”

  Then why have an alarm? The answer wasn’t as important as sleep. “Thank you both for everything. You are so amazing. I’d love to stay up and chat, but I’m crashing. The adrenaline has finally leaked out of my body.”

  She debated kissing them, but if she got started, she’d want to continue, and she feared she’d fall asleep on them.

  Before she did or said anything she’d regret, she headed upstairs. Walking into the apartment sent endorphins through her veins. She was safe. Finally.

  She could soak in the tub then drop into bed. Being here ensured nothing more could go wrong. She’d buy the house, renovate it, and be open for business in no time. Easy peasy.

  Chapter Twelve

  Candy woke refreshed for the first time since coming to Intrigue. Before she settled down to work on her renovation design, she needed coffee and food. Not having a car really sucked, but by living in town, she could walk. She bundled up and headed to The Eatery. It was only eight blocks, and the exercise would do her good.

  Most likely the men would be at work, but should one of them stop up to check on her, she texted Daniel about her breakfast plans. On the way to eat, she searched for a grocery store. She would need food soon.

  Before she made it halfway to her destination, a car slowed and followed alongside. An ugly sludge filled her veins and a shot of panic pierced her heart. She looked to the side to see if she knew the person and got ready to run. The window rolled down.

  Candy bent her knees and looked in. Ugh. It was Donna Newerth.

  “Need a lift?”

  The tension seeped out until she remembered a woman had been behind the attacks on Mandy. “I’m good.” She waved and continued to walk, praying she’d drive on.

  Donna followed. “We need to talk.”

  Oh crap. Maybe she knew something about the car being keyed or the break-in. Small towns were rife with gossip. Just then a police car drove by. It was Will Sutton. She placed one hand on the roof of Donna’s car and waved to Will. He glanced over at her and nodded. Now if anything happened, he’d know she’d been with Donna. Candy bet not many in Intrigue drove a peach Cadillac.

  “Okay, thanks.” Candy slipped into the front seat. “What’s up?” She was proud her voice didn’t shake.

  “Where are you going?”

  “To The Eatery for breakfast.”

  “I’ll join you.”

  So much for spending time thinking about her new spa plans. Making an enemy of Donna, however, wouldn’t do her any good. Donna drove four more blocks and parked. This was strange, but she’d hear her out.

  Quickly, Candy got out. Together they walked the half block to The Eatery. Donna waved to the lady behind the counter who was different from the one Blade and she had ordered from yesterday. Donna picked a table near the back of the restaurant, which suited her fine.

  A waitress came over with two glasses of water, and they each ordered coffee.

  Donna sipped her drink. “This is rather embarrassing, but I know you and Mandy were close.”

  “Yes.” She had no idea where this was heading.

  “Intrigue is a small town. We hear things.”

  Uh-oh. Was this about the worker seeing her and Blade together? Remembering what happened, her face heated up. “So I’ve heard.”

  Donna looked to the side. “Blade’s foreman’s sister had an appointment at the spa this morning. She told me how Chuck walked in on you two doing…you know.”

  Could this get more embarrassing? “So?”

  “Blade McGrath is one highly sought-after bachelor—as is Daniel Callen. I know some bad things have happened to you since you’ve arrived.”

  Great. The whole town knew she’d been victimized. She tried to understand what Donna was hinting at. “Are you saying a woman is responsible for keying Mandy’s car and breaking into her house because I had sex with hunky Blade McGrath?” That was absurd. What about when she’d been run off the road? That incident happened days before.

  “You’re new here. I wanted you to be aware of what might be happening.”

  Donna drove her crazy. “Is that a yes or a no?”

  “Yes. Mandy’s stalker was a woman, or at least hired by a woman.”

  The waitress came back to take their order. Donna held up her hand. “I’m not staying.” She stood. “Half of the eligible women have a reason to want you out of town. I just wanted to warn you. Don’t trust anyone.” Donna inhaled deeply. “I wish I could stay, but I need to reorder my supplies from John’s store. He’s expecting me. Be careful.” With that, she floated out of the restaurant, leaving behind a trail of perfume that would linger for hours in the shop.

  Candy’s stomach grumbled. She scanned the menu. “I’ll order the number six. And bring lots of coffee.”

  The waitress smiled. “You got it, sugar.”

  Sugar. The endearment reminded her of Daniel. At least she could trust those two and the rest of the Callen clan.

  Wow. Donna’s visit was intense. She was single and in her mid-thirties. Certainly she wasn’t referring to herself as someone who was interested in Blade or Daniel? If so, why would her nemesis even want to warn her? She’d benefit the most if Candy left town.

  Whatever. She needed to and wanted to refocus on the architectural drawings. Worrying about Donna’s news would only drive her crazy. She pulled out her iPad and pulled up the house layout, trying not to dissect her motivation.

  * * * *

  Blade checked to make sure the sheet of wood was nailed securely over the broken sliding glass door. It was inconvenient to have to walk around to the front door to get to the coffeemaker, but the new door wouldn’t arrive for another few days. One good thing to come of this was that it forced Candy to find a new place to live. Having her safe on the third floor of their building eased a lot of his worries. He still couldn’t wrap his mind around the fact that Candy could be so unlucky. She couldn’t and that was the problem. Someone believed she was a threat. But who?

  “Hey, Blade?”

  He looked up. “Daniel? Oh, shit.” He rarely came to the work site and his pulse raced. He shot over to him. “Something happen to Candy?”

  “Not that I know of.”

  Blade controlled his exhale. “What are you doing here then?”

  “I came to measure the house for a security system.”

  “I thought Vince said he didn’t need one.”

  Daniel nodded to the board. “He does now. I called him this morning. I suggested he not tell Mandy, and he agreed.”

  “You think someone could be targeting your brother or sister-in-law and not Candy?” That was what he wanted to believe. “It wouldn’t be the first time someone wanted revenge against the Callens.”

  “Tell me about it. Remember when Samantha got shot by those rustlers?”

  “Yeah. That was weird.”

  “People are crazy, what can I say? But running Candy off the road wouldn’t have been an act against my brother.”

  “True.” The keying of the car might, which helped ease his worry a little.

  Daniel pulled out his measuring tape and got to work. He had to step around the construction material to reach the window.

  Blade checked the studs were straight then walked back over to Daniel. “What do you think about driving to Denver to check out her ex?” He wanted this situation resolved fast.

  Daniel lowered his arms and faced him. “Let the sheriff do his job. We need to stay with Candy.”

  “Hey, boss?” His foreman stepped over to him.


  “Found this under the pile of lumber.” He held up a woman’s scarf.

  Blade slipped it from Chuck’s hands. “It could just belong to Mandy.”

  Chuck shook his head. “That pile of wo
od was delivered after Mandy left. I would have seen it.”

  “Thanks. I’ll get this to the sheriff.”

  Daniel cocked a brow. “Candy had asked if Donna was the vindictive type. She wears scarves like this.” He brought it to his nose, sniffed, then held it out. “That’s some strong perfume.”

  “You don’t think Donna tried to break in, do you?”

  Daniel shrugged. “At this point, I have no ability to be objective. All I know if that we need to make sure nothing else happens to our woman.”

  Blade had never seen Daniel this possessive, but he liked it. He felt the same way. “You like her, don’t you?”

  “Don’t tell me you don’t feel the pull, too.”

  He wanted to deny it, but after Candy called him yesterday pleading for him to come save her, she’d totally and completely gotten under his skin. Just remembering her smooth skin and silky hair made him hard. “I do. God help me, I do.”

  Daniel leaned against the boarded up door. “She’s perfect for us.” He glanced to the sky then dragged his gaze back to him.

  “I can see you’re thinking what I’m thinking. We’ve each tasted her sweetness.” He raised a brow waiting for Daniel to bring up the discussion again of sharing her.

  Daniel looked behind Blade’s shoulder, presumably to make sure no one could hear. He pushed off from the wood and leaned close. “You should have seen her, man. While she has a lot to learn about our lifestyle, she’d adventurous, willing, and so wonderful.”

  He finally had to say it. “You think she’d want both of us?” His balls tightened. Sinking his cock into her ass would be a dream come true. From the way she moaned and groaned, she’d be a delight to have under both of them.

  He grinned. “There’s only one way to find out.”

  Before he could respond, Daniel’s cell rang. He pulled it from his pocket. “It’s your sister.”

  Talk about a ball deflator. He couldn’t imagine why she’d call Daniel and not him.

  “Hello? I understand.” Daniel turned his back. The construction noise was rather loud. “No fucking way. You sure? Who was it? Yeah. We will.”


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