Lynxar Series - The Vampire King: Books 7-13 (7-Book Bundle)

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Lynxar Series - The Vampire King: Books 7-13 (7-Book Bundle) Page 7

by Hart, Melissa F.

  “That was private, you know.” Mike made a stern scowl, but Lynxonna wasn’t fooled.

  She gave him a light kiss on the lips and said with a smile, “Nothing’s private between us; that’s what you love about me!”

  “You’re absolutely right.” Mike smiled, and then grew serious. Looking into her eyes, he said, “Then you also know how worried I am about tonight. Don’t let those vampires get the upper hand on you tonight. Make sure you come home safe.”

  “I will. Don’t worry.” Lynxonna gave him a final kiss, and then she unlocked his office door and disappeared into the city.

  “They’re all waiting for me!” billionaire Bryan Hillman said, turning off his cell phone with the urgent text message on it. He faced his bedroom mirror and tried to fix his necktie and sighed with frustration.

  “Well, then they can wait a few more minutes.” His wife, Vicky Campbell, said to him in a calm and rational tone. As the anchor for Colossal City’s most popular news channel, Vicky always looked perfectly put together in elegant suits, with her ebony hair flowing flawlessly to her shoulders, and her makeup just right. Bryan never felt comfortable in the spotlight and always looked awkward and out of place. Smiling at the bumbling billionaire she loved and married, Vicky took the necktie out of Bryan’s hands and proceeded to untangle the knot he had somehow made.

  “I just hate feeling like I’m late.” Bryan said as Vicky smoothed the tie and draped it around his neck. “It reminds me of all those years when I was nothing but a shy, lonely geek, and everyone would laugh at me and stare.”

  “Well, you’re not that kid anymore.” Vicky said lovingly. She caressed his cheek and ran her fingers through his reddish-brown hair and stared into his green eyes. “You’ve grown into a capable and handsome man, who built a business empire worth billions. People stare at you now out of respect. Of course, you have the ability to never be stared at again, if you chose.”

  Bryan grinned at her words of encouragement and support. He stiffened his spine, puffed out his chest, and held his chin high. The exaggerated posture made Vicky giggle, and Bryan scooped her into his arms and kissed her with all the love he felt in his heart. He said to her, “Thanks for reminding me.”

  Vicky kissed him, her lips parting his and her tongue searching hungrily for his. She said to him, “You know you’ve always been a hero in my eyes.”

  She kissed him again, and Bryan felt himself becoming sexually aroused. The changes in his pulse and breathing activated his powers of invisibility and he disappeared right before Vicky’s eyes. After all these years of marriage, she’d grown accustomed to the unusual quirk of his, and found it to be an odd sort of compliment.

  “I see someone finds me sexy,” she teased. Then a deliciously naughty idea occurred to her and she said “Let’s make love before you have to go.”

  “Only if you can find me!” Bryan called from across their bedroom and Vicky’s eyes lit up with delight. She loved the excitement of the game and searched the room carefully for clues as she walked slowly around it. Listening carefully, she thought she could hear him breathing, and noticed a slight wrinkle in the bedspread. Without warning she lunged at the bed, but landed on soft mattress. Bryan laughed from nearby and said “Close; try again!”

  This time, Vicky was able to pinpoint his exact location from the sound of his voice. He was just a few feet away, sitting in an armchair they kept near the bed. She sat on the chair and had the satisfaction of feeling his firm body beneath hers.

  “Gotcha!” she grinned. “Now you have to pleasure me!”

  “It will be my pleasure.” Bryan said, and Vicky giggled at his play on words. With his body still invisible, Bryan began to kiss and fondle every inch of Vicky’s body. It was incredibly erotic to never know where he would touch her next. First his lips were on her nipples, kissing and suckling them into hard nubs. Then, she felt his fingers caressing her thighs, massaging their way up the slope and curving to her most intimate folds. When at last he entered her, they both climaxed quickly, crying out as they orgasmed in perfect unison.

  Afterward, Bryan’s invisibility wore off as his breathing and pulse returned to normal.

  “Don’t forget to activate that again.” Vicky warned. “I love looking at your handsome face, but we don’t want any vampires doing the same.”

  “Don’t worry; I’ll turn invisible again as soon as I get to Archer’s. Everyone hates it when I arrive and they can’t see me. It makes them feel like I’m spying on them.”

  “Well, aren’t you?” Vicky teased.

  “Sometimes.” Bryan confessed with a look of chagrin.

  “Be careful tonight. I don’t want to have to report your capture on the six o’clock news.”

  Chapter Three

  “What are you waiting for?” the Mafia King shouted impatiently. His deep voice echoed off the walls of his secret underground lair. Glaring at the vampire Prince Vlorian, he said, “You have the crystal key! The sun is setting, open the coffin!”

  Prince Vlorian walked casually around the crystal coffin that imprisoned his father, Lord Vladimus. His eyes glowed red as he looked at the crystal pendant that was the only key to unlock the coffin. It felt differently than he thought it would; lighter, less powerful.

  He held the precious pendant between the forefinger and thumb of his left hand, and tapped it against his deadly white palm, as he was thinking. When he spoke, his voice was icy and calm, belying the excitement he felt at finally be able to free his father. He’d been waiting for this moment for three hundred years, and he wasn’t about to make a mistake now by rushing and ruining everything.

  “Be patient; my unsophisticated friend.” Vlorian said, making the Mafia King clench his fists in anger. “The sun is quite low on the horizon, but it has not fully set. More vampires will be arriving soon. Some of them may have the strength to endure an overcast day like I can, but not all of them can and I don’t want any of them to miss this special occasion. My father has been captive for centuries. When he is released, it will be a night my people will honor forever. We must wait until his followers have all arrived. Only then will I turn the key and release him.”

  “Then your father and his followers can swear their loyalty to me, and I will allow them to feast on the citizens of Colossal City in payment for their service to me as King!”

  “Believe me; Lord Vladimus will give you all the respect you deserve.” Vlorian said with an evil twinkle in his eye.

  The Mafia King turned to his monitor screens and checked them. With a satisfied grin, he said “The sky is fully dark. Do it now!”

  Prince Vlorian saw that dozens of vampires filled the room. He had expected hundreds, perhaps thousands, but it looked like his father’s followers had dwindled greatly. It didn’t matter. When they saw that he had risen to power again, they would all return to follow him in even greater numbers than ever before.

  Vlorian walked grandly to the lock on the side of the crystal coffin and held the key high for all to see. With formal exaggeration, he inserted the key and turned it. The Mafia King and the horde of vampires leaned close to watch as he tried to lift the lid. Nothing happened.

  “It hasn’t been opened in three hundred years. It’s no surprise that it’s stiff.” Prince Vlorian said. Looking at the vampires closest to him, he commanded, “Help me pull!”

  Straining with all their might, the vampires pulled on the lid, but it wouldn’t budge. Suddenly, a blast of light flashed from the coffin as a defense mechanism, knocking them all on their backs and expelling the fake key from the lock.

  Laughing heartily at the vampire’s humiliation, the Mafia King picked up the pendant and stared at it. His face turned from amusement to rage, and he yelled out, “This isn’t a crystal! It’s ordinary glass! You’ve been tricked, you fools!”

  The Mafia King slammed the fake key onto his desk and pounded it with his fat fist, breaking it. Prince Vlorian stared at the remnants, just as the Mafia King did, and they both saw a tiny com
puter chip had been concealed within the key.

  “It’s a locator beacon!” the Mafia King roared. Suddenly, the ceiling above them began to shake. Lynxar and Lynxonna ripped open a hole in the street above the Mafia King’s secret underground lair. They jumped down into the room, carrying a large crystal coffin between them and set it down roughly on the debris-covered ground.

  “Attack!” Prince Vlorian cried out to his hordes of vampires, and they leaped upon the two superheroes. With the powers of their minds, Lynxar and Lynxonna pushed away the creatures, slamming them painfully in the walls, where they lay crumpled like dolls.

  “I’m here for you, Prince Vlorian, just like my father captured your father three hundred years ago.” Lynxar said, striding up to the vampire lord. “Looks like you’ve made friends with an old nemesis of ours, but we’re not alone. We’ve brought someone he’s sure to remember, too.”

  The Mafia King looked worriedly around the room, knowing Lynxar must be referring to the Ghost. He remembered their last encounter all too well. Suddenly, the Ghost flipped him up into the air, and the Mafia King crashed hard against the ground, showing that the Ghost remembered the encounter, too.

  “I owed you that!” the Ghost called out to him, but it was a mistake. Using his voice allowed the gangster to determine his location, and he lunged at him with the full force of his weight. He could feel the Ghost pinned underneath him and hoped he was squeezing the air out of him.

  We’ve got to help the Ghost! Lynxonna sent her thoughts to Lynxar.

  Bryan will be okay. He can handle the Mafia King for now. If we’re going to really help him, we’ve got to get Vlorian into the crystal coffin first! Lynxar’s thought back to her was as clear as if he shouted it. With slow and cautious steps, Lynxonna and Lynxar moved closer to Vlorian, narrowing the distance, and preparing to grab him.

  Holding out his hands, Vlorian called forth his favorite weapons, and suddenly they appeared in his grip as if out a nowhere. Two swords, one for each hand, glimmered brightly. They were made of a strange black metal that was unlike any substance on Earth. The blades were short, but incredibly sharp. Vlorian swung and twirled them in a complicated pattern, showing his expertise and skill.

  “Careful!” Lynxar cried out to Lynxonna.

  “You know me; I’m not the kind of girl to just sit back and be cautious.” Lynxonna said, and she rushed at Vlorian with all her speed and strength. She sent a thought to Lynxar as she rushed forward, Open the coffin; I’m bringing him to it!

  Heeding her words, Lynxar opened the lid to the new crystal coffin as Lynxonna tackled the vampire and tumbled with him in her arms toward the coffin. The blades of his swords nicked her arms, but she didn’t mind a slight cut when it meant capturing him.

  “Time to sleep!” she cried out to Vlorian as she lifted him up to throw him into the coffin. Suddenly, she felt strange. Her whole body felt weak and she had to release him back onto the ground beside her. Then, she felt nothing at all; her entire body had gone numb! Lynxonna realized with horror that she was paralyzed.

  With lightening quick reflexes, Prince Vlorian pushed her into the coffin, where she lay helplessly, unable to move. Laughing evilly, he said “Did I forget to tell you my swords were enchanted? Looks like its sleepy time for you and not me!”

  Prince Vlorian swung his swords protectively in front of himself and faced off to Lynxar.

  “Ghost! I need your help!” Lynxar shouted out, but he was having struggles of his own. The Mafia King was locked with Ghost in a wrestling match. The two of them knocking over tables, chairs, lamps, and everything else that got in their way as they rolled on the ground, struggling for the upper hand.

  “Show yourself, so I can find your neck and choke you to death!” the Mafia King growled, as he felt the invisible man’s arms in the grip of his fat hands. Little did he know he already had the Ghost’s throat in one of his hands and his two arms together in the other. The Ghost was quickly losing consciousness as his oxygen supply was cut off by the gangster’s powerful grip.

  “I don’t think your friend is going to help you.” Lord Vlorian sneered, as he charged at Lynxar with both swords. Lynxar leaped out of the way, landing behind the vampire, and gripping him with his arms pinned at his sides.

  Prince Vlorian struggled, trying to break free of Lynxar’s arm hold, but he couldn’t. Step by step, Lynxar dragged him toward the crystal coffin, preparing to force him inside, but first he had to find a way to pull Lynxonna out or she would be imprisoned in there along with him.

  Standing inches away from the coffin, Lynxar used the power of his mind to levitate Lynxonna out of the coffin. As soon as she was clear, he would push Vlorian in; meanwhile, he still had to keep his grip on Vlorian who struggled even harder to get free, and keep an eye on the other vampires who were starting to recover from being thrown against the wall.

  Lynxar was so busy concentrating on all the things he had to do, he failed to notice when Vlorian nicked his foot with the tip of one of his swords. The tiny cut on his toe was all it took. The enchantments of the dark magic coursed through Lynxar’s veins. He became weak, then totally numb.

  Prince Vlorian easily broke free of his arms, and then hoisted the paralyzed hero into the air and put him in the crystal coffin next to Lynxonna. Prince Vlorian cried out in victory as his horde of vampires danced around the coffin.

  “Don’t celebrate too soon. There is still one more.” Vlorian warned them.

  “Not anymore!” the Mafia King shouted out. The Ghost had finally passed out from being choked and reverted from being invisible to being Bryan Hillman. With obvious disdain, the Mafia King dropped his prone body into the coffin, and he landed on top of Lynxar and Lynxonna with a painful thud.

  The fall helped him to regain consciousness, and Bryan tried to leap out of the coffin, but he was too late. The lid had been sealed shut and locked forever, the key taken from the lid of the coffin.

  “Victory is ours!” the Mafia King shouted triumphantly, his huge belly shaking. “Colossal City is now mine to rule!”

  “Not yet.” Prince Vlorian said, calmly. He placed the key to the coffin in his jacket pocket. Then he crossed the room with an intense look in his eyes that made the Mafia King wince. He said, “We still need to get the real crystal key and release my father, and I know just how to do it.”

  The Mafia King watched as the vampire prince rubbed his finger along the tip of his sword, removing a tiny drop of Lynxar’s blood. He then opened the unusual-looking ring on his right hand and placed the drop of blood within it. The ring began to glow, and instantly Prince Vlorian was transformed. His black hair became purple, his pale skin turned lively, and his body and face morphed in an incredible feat of magic. The vampire Prince Vlorian now looked exactly like Lynxar.

  Chapter Four

  “Do you think Lynxar and the others are all right?” Dawn Bright asked with concern. It had been over an hour since he and the others had left with the crystal coffin.

  “I’m sure they are.” Archer Speedlight said confidentially. “They’re going to destroy both coffins when they’re done, and then come back here. When they do, I’m counting on you to uphold your promise to me.”

  “What promise is that?” Dawn teased, knowing exactly what promise he meant.

  “As soon our lives were no longer threatened by vampires, you agreed to marry me.”

  “Oh, that promise!” Dawn giggled, her eyes sparkling with merriment. She gazed at Archer with all the love she felt in her heart and saw that he felt just the same way about her. She said softly to him “I’m glad you stayed here with me, instead of going with them. After tonight, you won’t have a need to guard the crystal pendant anymore, but I still never want us to be apart.”

  “We won’t be.” Archer said, and he leaned forward to kiss her passionately. She parted her lips for him and their tongues intertwined, as they drank each other in. Archer wrapped his arms around her waist, and slowly slid them up her body, under her blouse,
until he found her breasts. He cupped them in his hands, loving the feel of their full roundness as they filled his hands. Dawn enjoyed it too, and arched her back, pressing herself into his touch as he fondled and massaged them in just the right way. His thumb grazed her nipple, and he felt it grow hard under his caress.

  Dawn pulled her blouse over her head, revealing her naked body to him and guided his face to her bosom. Knowing just what she wanted, Archer took her nipple into his mouth and suckled her there while she moaned in pleasure. First the right one, then the left. Then he kissed his way down her belly until he came to her waist.

  Eagerly, Dawn stripped out of her pants and lacy underwear until she was fully naked, and Archer did the same. Lying back on their bed, Dawn spread her thighs, welcoming him to make love to her, but Archer wanted to extend the foreplay. Holding out his hands, he manifested some objects. With gleeful curiosity, Dawn looked to see what he had created, and was surprised to see it was a handful of scarves. They were long, silky, and the color of gold.

  “What are you going to do with those?” she asked.

  “Close your eyes and you’ll be able to find out,” Archer said seductively. Dawn closed her eyes and felt Archer tie one of the scarves around her head, like a blindfold. He said “Now lie back on the bed and put your hands above your head.”

  Dawn complied, feeling deliciously naughty. She’d never realized how erotic it could be not to see. She had even more thrills of sexual excitement as she felt Archer tie one of scarves around her wrists and bind them to the headboard of their bed.

  “Are you comfortable?” Archer asked with concern and Dawn assured him that she was. Then he asked, “Do you like this game, or do you want me to stop?”

  “I like it. Keep going.” Dawn assured him. She could feel that he hadn’t actually knotted the scarves binding her wrists to the headboard, so she knew she could escape if she wanted to. She also trusted Archer completely and knew that he would never hurt her or do anything she didn’t want him to. She found the game thrilling and erotic, and couldn’t wait to find out what would happen next.


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