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Lynxar Series - The Vampire King: Books 7-13 (7-Book Bundle)

Page 11

by Hart, Melissa F.

  “We found a way.” Archer said, holding her tightly to him and not wanting to let her go. He forced himself to release her from his embrace and said, “I’m leaving at noon today to go on a mission. When I’m done, the vampires will never harm you or Aurora again. You’ll be able to live the rest of your lives free from danger.”

  “That’s wonderful!” Dawn beamed proudly. “Tell me all about it! I want to know every detail of your plan.”

  “I will, but first I want to know every detail of your body. I want to be able to take the memory of how it feels to make love with you on this mission. Your love will give me courage and strength.”

  Archer kissed her then with such passion that Dawn melted in his embrace. She opened her mouth to him and felt his tongue meld with her own. When she finally turned her head away from him, gasping for breath, he began to kiss her earlobe and the slope of her neck. Dawn’s gasps turned into sighs of pleasure, as she felt his hot lips work their way down to the hollow of her throat.

  She pulled her blouse over her head, to give him access to what was underneath. Archer was delighted to find she wasn’t wearing a bra, and he took her firm, round breasts into his hands, cupping them and squeezing them tenderly. Then he kissed every inch of them, in slow deliberate circles, starting from the outside and working his way towards the center, until he ended with her rosy pink nipples in the center and suckled them.

  Next, he stripped off her skirt and underwear and began to kiss his way down the rest of her body. Archer delighted in his task, taking his time and letting his lips, mouth, and tongue devour her inch by inch. Dawn marveled that it was as if he didn’t want to miss touching a single inch of her naked flesh. It felt amazing and she thought she had never been more aroused. Her entire body quivered with desire and she reached down for his manhood.

  To Dawn’s immense joy, she found that he was already swollen and ready for her. She spread her thighs eagerly and pulled him toward her, inviting him in, but Archer hesitated. He knew in his heart that this was the last time he would ever be able to make love to Dawn Bright, and he wanted to savor the moment and make it last.

  “Wait,” he whispered in a husky voice, although his entire body ached for her.

  “I don’t want to wait!” Dawn giggled, grabbing at him lustily.

  Archer held out his hands as if calling for his bow and arrows, and manifested a pair of delicate handcuffs that looked to be made of crystal. They were as light as a feather, and not really intended to restrain anyone, but to be used in playful fun between the lovers. With his superior speed and strength, Archer deftly cuffed Dawn’s hands together behind her back. Her eyes glistened with erotic excitement at the game, knowing full well that she was perfectly safe with him. Archer smiled at her lovingly and said, “Now I can take my time and make love to you as long as I want.”

  Dawn delighted as Archer made love to her with his mouth, expertly using his tongue to bring her to near orgasm. Then he held out his hands and manifested a small vibrator toy made of smooth crystal. He turned on the toy and held it to Dawn in just the right place, pushing her over the edge into orgasm. Wave after wave of incredible rapture crashed over her and the handcuffs snapped apart as she clutched at his back in ecstasy.

  “I want you inside me! Now!” she panted and at last Archer entered her most sacred folds with his throbbing manhood. She was hot and wet and he could feel her muscles rippling around him as she took him in fully.

  “I’m going to climax too soon!” he moaned, wishing he could make it last longer, but Dawn was entering her third orgasm and didn’t care. She wrapped her legs around his waist and thrust wildly against him, screaming out his name as her fingernails raked across his back.

  “Harder!” she cried out, and Archer complied eagerly, losing his inhibitions to the moment of passion. As he felt himself orgasm, he knew that he loved Dawn more than life itself, and he would do anything to protect her.

  Afterward, as they lay cuddling naked together, and their pulses slowed back down to normal, they both basked in each other’s love. Dawn then broke the magical moment by asking him again about his final mission.

  “So, tell me what you have planned?” she asked curiously.

  “What time is it?” Archer jumped up and started getting dressed, instead of answering her question.

  “It’s ten minutes till noon,” she said, arching her eyebrow at him suspiciously. It wasn’t like Archer to avoid answering a question. Frowning, she said, “But that doesn’t mean you can change the subject. I want to know about this solution you came up with for getting rid of the vampires.”

  Archer used his super speed to dress himself before she could even see his movements. He held out his hands, manifesting his favorite weapon, his bow and arrows, and then kissed her lovingly on the lips. “I have to go.” He said, urgently. “I love you. Always remember that. I want you to live a long and happy life, and Aurora, too. I have to go now. Remember, being with you is the best thing that ever happened to me. I love you.”

  Archer turned suddenly and fled out the door, on his way to his mission. Dawn ran to the door to try and stop him, but he was already gone from her sight. She sensed intuitively that this was no ordinary mission. Something was terribly wrong and she was determined to find out what. She knew that Archer loved her enough to die for her and she knew now that she loved him enough to die for him, too.

  TO BE CONTINUED IN BOOK ELEVEN: The Heart of Danger - Volume 11

  The Heart of Danger

  Chapter One

  “That’s it, I’m done.” Dr. Rachel Deering sighed, sounding exhausted but also exhilarated. “The final crystals have been put into place. The coffin prisons are properly assembled according to Archer’s precise instructions.”

  “All we need now are a couple of vampire leaders to put inside them and they’ll be perfect,” her husband Lynxar said. He was beaming with pride at his wife’s accomplishment and she smiled at his playful joke as he took her into his arms and kissed her warmly.

  “Getting the vampires is your job; my part is complete.” Rachel said and kissed him return.

  Lynxar realized sadly that after all of Rachel’s hard work, they’d have to leave the crystal coffins behind. They had originally intended to use them to capture Lord Vladimus and his son, Prince Vlorian. Of course, that was before they had learned from the Mafia King that they had created a giant portal hidden in the fortress of the witch Etherial. Now the hero’s mission had changed. Destroying the portal had to be their first priority now, and Archer planned to embark on a suicide mission to accomplish the task. It was a tough decision, but Lynxar knew how much it meant to Archer and decided to support his friend in his greatest moment.

  Lynxar looked at the clock. It was half an hour until noon, when they had agreed to meet again so the Mafia King could lead them to Etherial’s fortress. Thirty minutes wasn’t much time, but it was just enough for him to show Rachel one last time how much he loved and appreciated her.

  As Rachel took off her lab coat and prepared to leave the lab, Lynxar grabbed her suddenly and looking lovingly into her deep blue eyes. He kissed her passionately, sliding his hands up her body, to caress her face. As they paused for breath, he removed the pins from her hair, releasing her bun, and sending her long golden locks cascading down her shoulders.

  “Ooh, what’s this?” Rachel giggled in happy surprise.

  “Just giving you a little thank you for all your hard work.” Lynxar said. “Plus, we’ve both been working so hard lately, I’ve missed making love to you as often as we used to.”

  “I’ve missed it, too.” Rachel smiled. She pulled off her dress and performed a sexy little striptease for her husband. His violet-colored eyes grew darker and his purple hair flowed ever so subtly as his lust grew.

  It wasn’t very often that they made love in the laboratory he had built for her in their home, but when they did, it drove them both wild with desire. It reminded them of the days when they first fell in love, when he wa
s just a lonely and scared alien stranded on Earth and she was the kind and beautiful scientist who helped him.

  With the powers of his mind, Lynxar levitated all the lab equipment off one of her tables and set them safely on shelves across the room. He then levitated Rachel and prepared to lay her down onto the cleared surface.

  “Wait!” Rachel cried out, her voice thick with desire. “We can’t use my lab tables. Just make love to me here, in the air.”

  Lynxar grinned at the fun and kinky idea. With the powers of his mind, he kept Rachel floating in the air and brought her level with his mouth. She sighed and moaned as he pleasured her with his lips and tongue, kissing, licking, and suckling every inch of her.

  “I want you now!” she moaned, and Lynxar lowered her slowly from his mouth down to his groin. He was firm and ready for her, and he already knew that she was wet and ready for him.

  She wrapped her legs eagerly around his waist as he entered her, and her breath came in rapid gasps of pleasure as she undulated against him, meeting his thrusts and bringing him deeper into her.

  When she orgasmed, Lynxar opened his mind so he could read her thoughts, allowing him to feel her orgasm as she was having it. The sensation caused him to orgasm powerfully, spilling his seed inside her. He sent the pleasures from his mind back into hers, so she could experience the intense pleasure he was feeling too, giving her what he liked to call a triple orgasm.

  As Lynxar read her mind during the unbelievable euphoria, he lost his concentration and forgot to keep levitating her. She started to drop, and he grabbed her instantly with his lightning-quick reflexes, and hugged her to him tightly. She gripped at his torso, clawing at his back in pleasure, until finally the intense orgasm subsided for them both.

  “That was incredible,” Rachel sighed with satisfaction. “I should make things for you in my lab more often.”

  “And I should make it with you in your lab more often.” Lynxar grinned. He noticed the time and realized sadly that the fun was over. The noon sun was high overhead. It was time to find the vampires, even though it meant saying goodbye to a friend. The fate of Colossal City depended on it.

  Chapter Two

  “Father, the portal is ready.” the vampire Prince Vlorian said, as the mighty king of the vampires strode into the room. Vlorian’s men had been working around the clock to complete the project with the curtains drawn tightly to keep out the daylight.

  “Well done.” Lord Vladimus praised his son, who beamed with pride at the rare words. His red eyes danced excitedly, and the corners of his lips turned up into a smile, showing his pointed teeth. Vladimus circled the portal, inspecting the work, and said, “Two nights from now, the planets Flonar and Mathias will form a perfectly symmetrical triangle with Earth, and we will have enough power to bring an entire army through this portal from the vampire realm. Soon, vampires will rule Earth, drinking the blood of all its inhabitants until every last human his dead.”

  The small band of vampire workers all cheered at the speech. They’d been promised great rewards when they helped Prince Vlorian free his father from the crystal coffin in which he’d been imprisoned all these centuries. Now that the task was done, they wanted their due. They were growing impatient from waiting and were thirsty for blood.

  The witch, Etherial, who had allowed the vampires to hide in her fortress, stepped forward to gaze at the portal. Her long red hair flowed behind her in the wind and her black gossamer dress clung to her body. She turned to Lord Vladimus with an unimpressed pout of her lips and said “How do you know the portal even works?”

  Vladimus glared at her, his eyes flashing with anger. How dare she question him in front of his men? He turned to his son and the other vampires and said in an icy voice, “Leave us. I wish to speak to Lady Etherial privately.”

  Prince Vlorian shepherded the vampires out of the door, saying jubilantly, “Come; let us celebrate the completion of the portal! Soon, an entire army will join us and Colossal City will be ours!”

  Cheering loudly, the vampires retreated to the great hall, leaving Vladimus and Etherial alone. She stood tall, staring down at the portal with a sneer of condescension.

  Vlorian felt himself growing aroused by her willfulness. Puffing out his chest, he said to her, “Never question me like that again! You cast the spell that multiplied my strength a hundred-fold, but you do not hold power over me! I am lord of the vampires, not you!”

  Etherial bowed low in a show of respect, but when she stood again, a smirk of derision curled the corners of her lips. She said sarcastically, “Of course, my Lord. If you say so, the portal will transport an army.”

  Glaring at her, he said “Do you doubt my word that the portal links Earth to the vampire realm?”

  Etherial laughed, a haughty sound, and said, “Of course I do not doubt you, but it was built by lesser men and I have no reason to trust their work. They tell you the portal is ready, but they have not even tested it. What happens, if on the eve of the planetary alignment, you attempt to bring your army here and the portal fails? You could lose thousands of your men. Surely a leader of your intelligence intends to test the device first.”

  “Of course I do!” Lord Vladimus shouted, hoping his anger would mask his embarrassment. She was right, he had trusted the others too much, but he could not let her know that. Then an idea occurred to him, and his voice turned seductive. He curled his fingers around her shoulders and whispered in her ear. “I just didn’t want to test it in front of them. I wanted to do it privately, with only you.”

  “Really?” Etherial purred. Her eyes danced with naughty delight and her nipples strained visibly against the thin fabric of her dress. “What did you have in mind?”

  Lord Vladimus activated the portal and it flashed with a blinding light. With confident strides, he stepped boldly through the portal, disappearing before Etherial’s eyes, as he travelled across time and space in an instant. Etherial paced nervously outside the portal, hoping he was all right and wondering if she should go for help. Just when she couldn’t take it anymore, suddenly he reappeared again, but he wasn’t alone. A woman was at his side.

  Etherial looked the woman up and down and saw she had the dead-white skin of a vampire. The new guest also had short black hair, piercing black eyes, and enormous breasts on a very petite frame. Vladimus smiled and said “This is Fatallia, from the vampire realm. She proves that the portal works and that vampires can be brought through the portal. Now, it is time to celebrate our success.”

  “Celebrate how?” Etherial said, eying the girl jealously. The sexual chemistry between the two vampires was evident and Etherial felt more than a little slighted.

  Fatallia sauntered sexily up to the beautiful witch, put her lips upon hers and said, “How about with a ménages à trois?”

  Etherial’s eyes lit up at the suggestion of three-way sex. She eagerly slid her hands up Fatallia’s skinny body until she came to her enormous bosom. It took both her hands to cup just one of them, and she reveled in the soft feel of first one and then the other. Eagerly, she began to kiss and caress them all over, letting her tongue flick lightly over her dark pink nipples.

  “Suck them.” Vladimus commanded, aroused by the spectacle. Willingly, Etherial obeyed and Fatallia gasped in pleasure at the feel of her hot mouth on her hardened nipples. After a while, Fatallia returned the favor, eagerly pulling away Etherial’s gown and taking the witch’s nipples into her own mouth.

  As Vladimus watched, his male organ became engorged and began to throb with lust. When the two women paused in their sexual activity, they saw his need and both took turns pleasuring him with their mouths. Etherial licked and sucked the length of him on the left side, while Fatallia did the same from the right. Occasionally, their mouths would meet and they would pause to kiss each other.

  “The only question is, which of us will he do first?” Fatallia asked with a naughty gleam in her black eyes.

  “Well, I am the hostess.” Etherial said sweetly. “That means
it’s my job to accommodate both you and Vladimus as my guests.”

  Fatallia spread her thighs invitingly, and Etherial knelt to make love to her most private folds with her mouth. Fatallia panted and gasped loudly as the witch’s expert tongue quickly brought her near to climaxing. As she worked, Vladimus entered Etherials intimate folds from behind, sliding his organ into her hot wet tunnel, and began to thrust passionately. The harder he pumped, the more pleasure Etherial felt, and the more enthusiastically she then pleasured Fatallia. The three of them worked together, thrusting, licking, and moaning in ecstasy in a ménages à trois of evil, never realizing that as they made each other climax, a small group of heroes was slipping into the fortress, and preparing to save Colossal City.

  Chapter Three

  “Follow my steps exactly!” the Mafia King whispered in his gruff voice, as he treaded carefully along the fortress wall. Lynxar and Lynxonna walked closely behind him, dressed in vampire costumes. They carefully positioned their feet in the same places as the large man, trying not to trip on the capes they weren’t used to wearing. It was hard to believe they were dressed this way, following a man who had once been their enemy, to stop an even greater evil.

  Bryan came next, snickering at his friends’ appearances and grateful that he didn’t need a costume. Once again, he enjoyed his ability to become completely invisible far more than any other power he could have had.

  Archer took up the rear, walking backward with an arrow strung on his bow in case anyone attacked from behind. He was dressed in costume as well, as the vampires would be on the lookout for him more than any other. His mind wandered as he thought of Dawn Bright and her daughter Aurora. He knew in a heartbeat that he’d do anything to protect them, even if meant sacrificing his own life. He was just grateful that he’d gotten the chance to make love to Dawn one last time before he’d left.


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