Lynxar Series - The Vampire King: Books 7-13 (7-Book Bundle)

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Lynxar Series - The Vampire King: Books 7-13 (7-Book Bundle) Page 18

by Hart, Melissa F.

  Lynxiennia ran straight into the arms of her father and they were quickly joined by her mother. The family hugged each other tightly, with tears of relief and joy in their eyes. Rachel grinned as she could feel the baby in her tummy kicking for the very first time.

  Aurora ran into the arms of her mother and Archer strode up to them and hugged them both tightly in his arms. “This is for you.” He said to Aurora as he handed her the crystal key.

  Aurora held out her hands and took the gift. It was beautiful and shimmered in the sunlight. It looked just the one that her mother had worn before, that had been passed down from generation to generation for three hundred years, and had been the key to the first coffin that Vladimus had been locked in. Until Dawn Bright had met Archer, she didn’t know the significance of the key, but Aurora had seen the events of today and knew just what the crystal meant. With a timid voice, she looked at Archer and asked, “Is it safe for me to keep this?”

  Dawn looked at him with worried eyes, curious for the answer herself. She trusted Archer fully and knew how much he loved Aurora, but she couldn’t help but wonder if entrusting her daughter with that key was putting her life at risk, as it had her own. Archer smiled confidentially and said, “Yes, it is perfectly safe. No vampire will ever come looking for this key. It is simply a piece of jewelry that you can enjoy in safety and even pass down to your daughter if you choose.”

  “That means there is only one thing left to make all my dreams come true.” Aurora said brightly.

  “What’s that?” Archer and Dawn both asked together.

  The child smiled up at her mother and the man she had come to love as a father and said, “You two need to have your wedding tomorrow.”

  Chapter Five

  “I can’t believe this day is finally here!” Rachel said happily as she entered the church with her family. She was wearing a simple dress that covered her growing baby bump, although her pregnancy was no longer a secret.

  “I can’t believe we all made it to this day alive.” Lynxar joked, looking exceptionally handsome in his black tuxedo. His lavender hair was slicked back and hung nicely to his shoulders and a yellow rose boutonniere garnished his lapel.

  Rachel rolled her eyes at him and laughed, but she knew he was only half-joking. Any one of them could have very well perished the day before, which made the joy of today’s wedding ceremony even more poignant. Rachel looked down at her little girl, who was standing between them, holding each of their hands in her two outstretched ones, and smiled down at her gratefully.

  Lynxiennia looked pretty and sweet in her yellow dress with her hair done in curls and a wreath of flowers on her head. She couldn’t wait to be a flower girl along with Aurora. As soon as she saw her best friend she released her parent’s hands and ran to hug her.

  “Where’s your mom?” Lynxiennia asked, excitedly.

  “She’s in the reverend’s office getting dressed.” Aurora said, wearing a yellow dress identical to Lynxiennia’s. “You should see her bridal gown! She looks so beautiful! I hope I can wear it when I get married one day!”

  The rest of the guests filtered into the church, including Bryan Hillman, who was making a full recovery from his injury, thanks to Archer’s medical powers. He leaned heavily on his wife Vicky, but she didn’t mind. He’d always done so much to protect and care for her, she was happy to be the one to take care of him for a change.

  When the last guests arrived, the church was absolutely packed, with a few guests having to stand in the very back. Lynxonna signaled to the organist that everyone was ready, and the music began to play.

  Archer stood at the front of the altar, looking charmingly handsome in his black tuxedo, and just a touch nervous. The Mayor of Colossal City, Mike, stood by his side and was honored to be his best man. The role was supposed to belong to Bryan, but situations being what they were, Mike was touched to be asked to fill in for the injured comrade.

  As the organ music filled the air, Lynxonna was the first person to walk down the aisle. As the matron of honor, she looked dazzling in her yellow evening gown. Her lavender hair was done up in an elegant style, with long tendrils of curls hanging down her back. She smiled at her husband, Mike, as she approached the altar, remembering the day when she had told him “I do.”

  Next came Lynxiennia and Aurora, carrying the large wicker basket filled with rose petals between them, and carefully sprinkling them along the aisle with great concentration. It was obvious that they took their duty seriously and wanted to do it right. More than one of the guests chuckled at the adorable sight they made.

  Finally, the bride herself appeared. Dawn Bright looked like an angel. Her wedding gown was tailored to perfection and made of the most delicate lace anyone had ever seen. Her hair and makeup were perfect and her veil was so delicate it looked like it would melt away if anyone touched it. She looked like a vision on a cloud as she seemed to float down the aisle, until at last she reached the front of the altar and Archer took her hands in his own.

  The ceremony was everything she’d always wanted it to be. They said vows they’d written from their hearts, which brought tears to everyone’s eyes, exchanged the rings, and were finally pronounced husband and wife. The reception party afterward lasted for hours, with Aurora happily staying the night with Lynxienna’s family when it was through.

  At long last, Dawn and Archer left on their honeymoon, collapsing onto the luxurious bed of their hotel room, happily exhausted.

  “So tell me, Mrs. Speedlight,” Archer said, taking her into her arms and looking deep into her eyes. “Did I deliver the perfect wedding I had promised you?”

  “Yes!” Dawn said happily, loving the sound of her married name. She kissed him passionately on the lips and said, “You didn’t just meet my expectations for the perfect wedding, you exceeded them!”

  “Well, good.” Archer smiled, kissing her tenderly along the neck down to the cleavage of her bosom. “Now you know that when I promise something, I deliver.”

  Dawn grinned and said, “Well, you also promised me an incredible honeymoon.”

  Archer slowly began to unfasten the buttons of her lavish wedding gown and said “Well, in that case, I’d better make sure I uphold that promise.”

  Helping him to pull the massive gown over her head and off her body, Dawn said, “You’ve set a precedent though. Not only do you need to meet my expectations of a great honeymoon; you have to exceed them.”

  Archer was more than happy to dedicate himself to the task. Just looking at Dawn, dressed in the white lace bustier she’d worn under her gown, along with the matching garter belt, white thigh-high stockings and high heels, he was filled with desire.

  With slow, deliberate movements of his mouth, lips, and tongue, he made love to every inch of her body. He suckled her toes, kissed her thighs, and flicked her most sensitive folds until she orgasmed. He kissed her flat stomach massaged her round breasts, and let his lips suckle her hard nipples. He nuzzled her earlobes and kissed her mouth, and entered her sacred folds as he ran his hands up and down her body, squeezing and caressing her in all the right places. She orgasmed a second time as she felt his male hardness enter her with a satisfying thrust and she wrapped her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck, never wanting to let him go.

  With movements as slow and sensual as he could manage with his growing lust, Archer made passionate love to his wife, drawing out each movement of his hips to maximize her pleasure. When at last she had her third orgasm, he let himself go and thrust wildly with unhindered passion. He exploded inside her, filling her with his seed, as he cried out uncontrollably in delirious pleasure. Her own screams of pleasure blended with his in a glorious song of love and ecstasy.

  Chapter Six

  Lynxar and Rachel quietly opened the door to Lynxiennia’s bedroom and peeked inside. Their little girl was sleeping peacefully in her bed, while her best friend Aurora snored softly beside her.

  Smiling at the sight, Lynxar and Rachel closed th
e door and retreated back down the hallway. Normally, they would have gone to their own bedroom to sleep, but the memory of Lord Vladimus invading their bedroom for his own dark sexual conquests made the thought of making love in there unbearable. In the morning, Lynxar would begin tearing the room down and rebuild a new suite in its place. In the meantime, they would sleep in the guest bedroom normally reserved for company.

  As they entered the pretty room, Rachel sighed happily and said, “Archer and Dawn’s wedding sure was beautiful. It almost makes me wish we’d taken the time to have a fancy wedding.”

  Lynxar took her into his arms, kissed her passionately, and said, “No way. Once I decided not to return to Flonar, I wanted to make you my bride right away. I couldn’t have stood to have waited.”

  Rachel giggled under the tickling touch of his lips as he nuzzled his way down her neck and kissed her belly. She said, “Well, I certainly wasn’t a virgin when we got married. Why couldn’t you have waited?”

  Lynxar kissed his way back up her belly to suckle her luscious breasts and said, “Making love to you when we were single was nice, but making love as husband and wife is even better.”

  Rachel arched her back and moaned with pleasure at the feel of his teeth gently biting her nipple and said, “I have to agree.”

  They lay down on the bed together, positioning themselves so that Rachel could take Lynxar’s manhood into her mouth while his mouth made love to her warm folds. The feel of Rachel’s hot tongue lapping along the full length of him drove Lynxar wild with desire and he had to force himself to keep from climaxing.

  The growing lust inside him caused him to work even more passionately at pleasuring her with his tongue. He let his tongue lap, flick, and caress her most intimate and sensitive folds, encouraged by her moans and gasps of pleasure.

  “I want you inside me!” Rachel gasped, and Lynxar happily obliged. He took her from behind and she rocked gently back against him, drawing him deeply into her. Lynxar tried to restrain himself so as not to hurt the baby, but when Rachel reached back and cupped his balls with her hands, it pushed him over the edge and he let loose with reckless passion.

  “Yes! Yes!” Rachel cried out with intense pleasure as the climaxed along with her husband. Lynxar opened the powers of his mind to enhance the experience, accessing the pleasure parts of their brains, and amplifying the pleasure they felt to new heights.

  Finally, their passion was spent and they collapsed in satisfied exhaustion, cuddling in each other’s arms.

  “I love you so much.” Lynxar whispered into Rachel’s long blonde hair, feeling truly at peace.

  “I love you too.” Rachel smiled, feeling just as happy, but somehow not as relaxed. Some troublesome thought was niggling in the back of her mind, and Lynxar could sense it. Squeezing her arms in a gesture of loving support, he said gently, “What’s wrong?”

  “Oh, nothing’s wrong exactly.” Rachel said, frowning in thought. “I just can’t get the events of yesterday’s battle against Lord Vladimus out of my mind.”

  “It was a horrible thing to have witnessed.” Lynxar said sympathetically. “No one can blame you for having some emotional trauma. I can help erase the thoughts from your mind, if you like.”

  Rachel shook her head and said “No, it’s not that. It was scary, but I’ve seen worse and been fine. It’s more like, I’m trying to make of sense of something that doesn’t quite make any sense.”

  “What do you mean?” Lynxar asked.

  Rachel said “When Vladimus was about to jump into the school bus, something powerful blew him back. I asked Lynxonna if she had done that with her telekinesis and she said she hadn’t. I also know that you didn’t do it either. So who or what did?”

  Lynxar thought hard, concentrating on the memory. After a moment he shrugged and said “Maybe Lynxonna and I did it together and just didn’t realize it. After all, a blast as powerful as that one had been couldn’t have come from either one of us alone, so we must have unconsciously worked together during the excitement of the moment. It’s the only explanation.”

  “Yeah, I guess you’re right.” Rachel said with a shrug. She nestled into her husband’s arms and they both drifted off to sleep.

  Down the hall, little Lynxiennia opened her eyes and snuggled her favorite stuffed teddy bear. Her telepathy had alerted her that someone had been talking about her. She wondered if her parents had finally realized she’d been hiding a power that exceeded even her father’s abilities. She hoped not. The idea of keeping it a secret filled her with a delicious glee, like when she would sneak a cookie from the cookie jar.

  She had no real reason to keep her powers a secret from her parents. She knew they would love her and support her, and her father could even help her learn how to control and use them better. Still, it was fun having something that no one else knew about that was just hers, at least for now. Something told her that one day a danger would come that was so great, she’d need to use her powers openly. When that day came, she knew she’d be ready for it.





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