Red Carpet Romance

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Red Carpet Romance Page 11

by Jean C. Joachim

  “You think Susie’s that girl?”

  “Maybe. What do you think?” He coaxed.

  “I think she’s amazing, a gem. She’s smart, strong, independent. But I’m her sister.”

  “She’s had a rough time, hasn’t she?”

  Annie stared at him briefly before turning her gaze back to Junior. “That’s putting it mildly. The last few months have been a nightmare. Poor thing. She’s lost everything, except me, Jonathan, and the kids.”

  “And me,” he said softly.

  “So if you break her heart, I’ll break your leg.” Annie made a small fist and waved it at Quinn.

  “I have no intention of doing that.”

  “Good. Then we can be friends.” She smiled at him.

  “I’d like that. I have an older sister, too.”

  She chuckled. “Does she give you a hard time like I just did?”

  “All the time.” He laughed.

  Susanna entered the kitchen wearing her new pink terry robe. “The Bobbsey Twins,” Annie muttered under her breath.

  “My hair is almost dry. It’s time, Annie.” The raven-haired beauty flashed her a smile.

  “What?” Quinn shot Susanna a puzzled look.

  “Annie is going to do my hair and help me get dressed.”

  “This isn’t an inauguration, just a premiere.”

  “She has to look her best…to be there with you, doesn’t she?” Annie asked, cocking an eyebrow at him.

  “She’d be the prettiest one there if she dressed in rags,” he said.

  Susanna blushed a becoming, peachy pink before grabbing her sister’s arm. “Finish up with Junior and let’s go. Bobby’s going to be here with the car in an hour.”

  * * * *

  The dress seemed a touch too tight. Susanna shifted the bodice a little.

  “I know it seems snug, Susie, but much looser, and it’d fall down,” Annie chuckled as she fastened the straps on her sister’s sandals. Susanna’s hair, swept up on the sides but flowing down the back with some small summer flowers woven in, looked magnificent. The turquoise set off her dark hair and clear, gray eyes to perfection.

  “Won’t be anyone there can hold a candle to you,” Annie said, standing back.

  “You think so?”

  “Absolutely.” Annie picked up Junior.

  “Thank you for the dress. It’s perfect. What would I do without you?” She gave her sister a small hug, allowing for the baby.

  Annie’s eyes teared up. “Boy if Pop could be here to see you…he’d flip!”

  “Yeah…and give Quinn the third degree.” She smiled. “I can hear him now—‘Have her back by midnight or answer to me.’” The women laughed at Susanna’s imitation of her father, and Annie wiped her eyes.

  A sudden rap on the door startled the sisters. “I need you to tie my tie, and it’s time to go.”

  “Let me go first. I want to see his reaction,” Annie said, tightening her grip on Junior as she opened the door. When she entered the living room, Quinn, who had been looking out the huge window, turned to face her. Her eyes widened, and she sucked in a breath. “Wow! You clean up good.”

  He smiled. “I need her to tie my tie.”

  “Yeah, she used to tie Pop’s all the time. No one could get the bow just right like Susie.” Annie turned to face the hallway when she heard the click click click of Susanna’s heels on the wood floor.

  Quinn looked up, his gasp audible. “Wow! You look…amazing.” He bent slightly as if he were going to kiss her but stopped. “My tie…”

  “Of course.” She got up close to him and teetered for a moment on her too-high heels. He placed his hand on her waist to steady them both. Annie grinned behind her hand. Their chemistry is like tiny bolts of lightning in the air. I can almost see it.

  “You smell fantastic,” he said. “That lilac thing, maybe?”

  “Um hmm. Hold still.” Her gaze met his for a moment, before she turned her attention back to his tie. “There. Perfect.” Annie watched in silence, cradling Junior.

  He gazed in the oval mirror on the wall for a moment and nodded, smiling. “Perfect is right. A guy could marry you just for your tie-tying ability,” he muttered. Annie’s eyes opened wide when she heard his comment.

  “What?” Susanna asked.

  “Nothing. I’m taking the most beautiful woman in the world to the premiere tonight. Your chariot awaits,” he said, making a sweeping gesture with his hands.

  “Annie, call us if there’s any problem with Junior.”

  “Don’t worry. I’m experienced. Have a ball, you two. You look fantastic!” Annie held Junior’s hand up and waved it at the handsome duo as they walked out the door. Before it shut behind them, she noticed Quinn take Susanna’s hand.

  “Daddy would be proud, Susie,” she muttered. She put Junior in his highchair. “Dinnertime for us, slugger,” she said as she gathered food from the refrigerator.

  * * * *

  Crash had just come on duty. He lifted his eyebrows and stared at Susanna as she approached the door. Bobby gave a low whistle when he saw her. “Wow! Has Chaz seen this one?” he asked Quinn.

  “I’m saving her. Besides, they’re not back from their honeymoon yet.”

  “Coming back tomorrow.”

  “Don’t say a word. I want to surprise him.”

  “Damn!” Bobby said in mock anger as he glided through traffic. He lined up behind another limousine waiting to drop people off for the premiere. Police had a section of Columbus Avenue blocked off so the big cars could line up there before swinging around to Sixty-Eighth and Broadway to deposit the Hollywood bigwigs.

  Quinn squeezed her hand. “Ready for this again?”

  “Piece of cake. It’s all about you. No one will even notice me.”

  “How could they not? You look…beyond tempting. A thousand-calorie dessert.”

  Heat suffused her cheeks as a smile stretched her lips, sporting a rosy pink lipstick. He leaned over and planted a quick kiss on her a minute before Bobby pulled up to the front of the line.

  “Dangerous move there, Quinn.” Bobby winked at Susanna.

  The uniformed man in front of the theater opened the door. Quinn got out first, to a roar of applause and cheers. He waved to the crowd then offered his hand to Susanna. She struggled a bit getting out of the car in her tight dress. Finally resigned to the inevitable, she slid the fabric up to her thigh, swung her legs over the side, and pushed up. Flashbulbs went off by the dozens. She laughed. Don’t miss a sexy picture!

  She placed her hand on Quinn’s outstretched arm and smiled at photographers. On the left, she noticed one nudge the other. He tried to whisper, but it was loud enough for her to hear. “Isn’t that the same babe he took to the LA premiere?”

  “Naw. That babe wore silver, I think.”

  “Not the dress, the chick.”

  “Have to check my pics. Yeah. Maybe.”

  The first man stepped closer and took several shots of Susanna while the others all snapped Quinn like crazy. A man announced their arrival, asked two questions of Quinn, and nodded to her before letting them go inside. She was relieved to be out of the spotlight. He laced his fingers with hers and guided her toward the escalator.

  “They’ll direct you upstairs, Mr. Roberts,” an usher said, grinning at him.

  “Thanks.” He pulled her close to him, and they rode up together. It wasn’t long before they were holding hands and viewing the movie for the second time. Pride flowed through Susanna’s veins to be sitting next to Quinn. As she watched, she noticed little things he did while acting, small touches that either made her laugh or made him seem so real. He’s a wonderful actor. He has to get a shot at BLIND LOVE.

  The same routine as in LA happened in New York. The studio big guns all stopped by to congratulate Quinn. They shook hands. Susanna waited patiently then filed out with him holding her hand. Some photographers were there to grab pictures of the stars leaving the theater.

  By this time, Quinn had his
arm around Susanna. She stood close to him with her arm snaked around his waist. The bulbs kept flashing until Bobby finally pulled up.

  “Where’s the party?” she asked.

  “Café Limoges,” Bobby replied.

  “My favorite place.” Quinn lounged back against the seat.

  “Did you arrange that?”

  He grinned. “I put in my request.”

  “Yummy!” She clapped her hands together.

  There were some more photographers at the restaurant, snapping pictures. Quinn smiled and waved like he had before, taking her by the hand and leading them inside.

  Claude, the short, slender, gray-haired owner of the restaurant, greeted Quinn with a kiss on each cheek. “And who is this?” He looked at Susanna with lustful eyes. She shrank closer to Quinn.

  “Susanna, meet Claude Vivier.”

  Claude took her hand and kissed it. Then rubbed it between his. “She is lovely, Quinn. Such a peach. My dear, if you ever get tired of this man, you can always come to me.” He bowed, kissed her hand again, and then moved on to Quinn’s leading lady.

  “Is he always such a letch?” Susanna whispered to Quinn.

  “Just a big flirt.”

  “I’ll say.” Her eyes widened.

  “Let’s get a drink.” Quinn steered her to the bar, where they had excellent Chablis. She saw many of the same people as in LA. This time they came up to her, introduced themselves, and talked to her for a moment before turning their attention to Quinn. Hmm. Guess I’m more than a one-nighter to them, now that I’m at this premiere, too.

  Small dishes of Coquilles St. Jacques, Coq Au Vin and other French delights were superb, done to perfection. Quinn filled a plate high with bits of each delectable dish.

  “What happened to the rabbit diet?” She asked him.

  “Not tonight. This stuff is too good. I’ll run an extra lap or two in the park tomorrow. Come on, eat.”

  She grabbed a fork, and they shared the food he brought. But it was the dessert table that caught her eye. Napoleons, cream puffs, crème brulée, giant strawberries dipped in chocolate, elegant flavors of sorbet, including pomegranate, coconut, French vanilla, chocolate, and latté. “I’ll get our desserts.”

  “I thought I’d fill up on you for dessert,” he snickered softly in her ear.

  Embarrassment sent color to her cheeks as she peered at him.

  “You’re not surprised at that, are you?” His eyes glistened with desire as he raised his second glass of Chablis to his lips.

  “Knowing you? Of course not. Save that appetite, I’ll be right back.”

  * * * *

  Stuffed to the gills, they sat back against the comfortable seats in Bobby’s limousine.

  “Thanks for a wonderful evening,” Susanna said, turning to look at him.

  He took her face in both his hands and kissed her before whispering, “It’s not over yet.”

  Before she could reply, Bobby pulled up in front of the building. Crash opened the door and offered her a hand. She managed to get out of the car without splitting the dress or revealing too much, breathing a sigh of relief. They bid Bobby farewell and went up to the apartment.

  Annie was asleep in the rocker with a magazine lying open on her chest. Susanna assumed Junior was in the crib but tiptoed into her room to make sure. His even breathing reassured her, and she joined Quinn in the living room. Susanna gently shook her sister’s shoulder. Annie bolted upright almost immediately.

  “What’s wrong? What’s wrong?” She looked around.

  “Nothing. We’re home is all.”

  “Oh. How was it?” Annie rubbed her eyes.

  “Awesome. How was Junior?”

  “A delightful little boy.” She commented, looking directly at Quinn.

  “I have a car waiting downstairs to take you home. The driver’s name is Bobby. Thank you so much, Annie. And it’s a pleasure to meet you.” Quinn shook her hand.

  “Thanks for everything, Sis,” Susanna hugged her sister.

  “The photographers took an interest in Susanna tonight. You might find her picture in the paper tomorrow.”

  “Oh my God, another celebrity in the family? Not sure if I can handle it,” Annie joked.

  Susanna walked her to the door.

  “How about a Drambuie on the terrace?” Quinn asked.

  “Yum. The perfect ending…”

  “You keep saying that. Who said anything about this evening being over?”

  She strolled onto the terrace in silence. Here it comes. The pass. You’ve been waiting for it. What are you going to do?

  He filled two cordial glasses and joined her at the railing. Susanna looked out over the city, the lights twinkling, showing that the evening wasn’t over for most of Manhattan, either. The night breeze picked up, cooling her face. She raised her glass. “To huge success for Joe Martin’s Himalayan Adventure.”

  He clinked his glass with hers, and they drank. “Now to finding a producer for BLIND LOVE.” Quinn chugged the rest of his drink then stepped closer to her. He folded her in his embrace, winding his arms around her waist, bending to kiss her neck. “I want you,” he whispered. “And I won’t stop until I have you.” His mouth clamped down on hers, his tongue coaxing her lips apart.

  Expecting an assault, grabbing, and possibly brute force, Susanna was taken by surprise at his gentle approach. His lips played with hers, sucking and pulling, his hands slid up her back, his fingers disappearing in her hair.

  Then he moved his head back to look into her questioning eyes. Slowly, he lowered his head until his lips were on her neck. Gently nibbling and kissing his way down to her shoulder, his lips left a trail of heat where they touched her skin. He dropped his hands down her back to her bottom, squeezing and pulling her right up against him at the same time.

  Her pulse kicked up as desire warmed her body. She melted against him, softening to his form. She needed him and decided to take what she wanted. I can’t fight it anymore. Winding her arms around his neck, she closed the tiny gap between them, crushing her breasts into his chest. She felt his breathing increase as she ground her hips against his.

  “Oh, God. If you keep doing that,” he moaned.

  “What? You’ll take me? Make love to me?” She spoke softly.

  “Hell, yeah.”

  She ground against him again, feeling his growing response. “What are you waiting for?”

  He raised his head, and their eyes connected. She saw raw need in his. Lifting the protective veil over her emotions, she let her face reveal everything. Love and lust blended together in her heart, bubbling up through the flush in her cheeks and the darkening shine of her eyes. Her lips parted slightly, her tongue peeked out. She noticed his gaze shift to her mouth, and the hunger in his eyes increased.

  He lowered his head. “Your wish is my command,” he uttered, his breath caressing her cheek before his lips barely grazed hers.

  His fingers found the zipper on the back of her dress and began to unzip it ever so slowly, touching the delicate skin it revealed, exciting her. She deftly untied his tie and removed the shirt studs, placing them in his pants pocket, brushing her hand by his fly with each stud. He jerked at her first touch but then relaxed. A small moan escaped his lips when her fingers lingered longer there each time.

  When her dress was fully opened, he eased his palm down her back. His head snapped up with a questioning look in his eyes. “No bra?”

  She shook her head. He glided his hand all the way down to her rump, pausing to squeeze her firm bottom.

  “No panties either? You’re naked under the dress…have been?”


  With that, he bent down, slinging her over his shoulder and carried her inside to his bedroom. He lowered her to her feet then ripped the dress down until it puddled on the floor. She pushed his shirt off his shoulders, unbuttoned his pants, and pulled the zipper down. “Off,” she commanded, pointing to the floor. He obeyed, shedding his clothes quickly, his gaze glued to h
er naked body.

  “You’re gorgeous,” he breathed as he dropped his boxers and stepped out of them.

  “So are you,” she quipped, her gaze roving over his chest and down. “And ready.”

  He blushed. “No hurry.” He approached her, circling her waist with one arm while his other hand explored her breast. “These are…beyond words. Fantastic…” he breathed, lowering his mouth to taste her peak.

  Susanna dropped her head back, almost closing her eyes, until something stood out, demanding her attention. She pushed away from Quinn. “What’s that?” She asked, pointing to a vertical, speaker-like gadget on his nightstand.

  Quinn opened his half-shut eyes. “Hmm?”

  “That. What is it?”

  His gaze followed her finger. “That? It’s the intercom thingy.”

  “A baby monitor?”

  He stepped closer to her. “Yeah. That’s it.” His fingers caressed her skin.

  “Is it hooked up to my room?”


  “All this time?”

  He nodded.


  “So I’d hear if you needed me…be sure you and Junior were…okay. Kinda scared me when I realized I’d been sleeping without it for a couple of days.”

  She stood in front of him, stark naked, and stared into his eyes. Tears choked her for a moment.

  “What did I do?” He shrugged his bare shoulders.

  “That’s the sweetest thing in the world.” She stepped up to him, winding her arms around his neck, pulling his head down. She kissed him with a renewed hunger, and he responded, running his palms up and down her back. He eased her down on the bed.

  Looming over her, he kissed from her neck to her breast, where he lingered, laving the hard nipple with his tongue, taking it into his mouth. She moaned. He cupped her soft flesh, squeezing it, making her squirm. After raising his head, he took her mouth with a hard kiss, and then angled his head to deepen it.

  Weeks of pent up desire ignited a fire in Susanna that quickly threatened to rage out of control. She closed her fingers around his shoulder muscles then slid one hand down his chest, through his smattering of soft chest hair.


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