Hot Dad

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Hot Dad Page 12

by Whitley Cox

  “I’m on my way. You still at the hospital?

  “Yeah. They’re just putting on her cast now.”

  “Shit! A cast?”

  “Radius and ulna, I’m afraid. Hairline fracture in the later, mild break in the former.”


  “I’m sorry to ruin your date, son.”

  “It’s okay. I’m on my way.”

  I hung up and looked at Harper. “Jesus Christ, if it’s not your kid cock-blocking us, it’s mine.”

  She laughed, but her disappointment was tangible. I’m sure mine was too. “What’s wrong? Who’s hurt?”

  I let out a big sigh. “Gem broke her arm.” Harper’s wide eyes filled with panic melted my heart. “She’s okay though. Just being a bit of a daredevil. But I should probably go be with her.”

  She nodded her head fiercely. “Of course. I would never expect you to stay. Kids first, always.”

  I picked up the bottle of wine and dinner, holding it out to her. “At least go eat and drink. You have the night to yourself. Make the most of it. I expect dirty texts from you, young lady. Fucking filthy.”

  With a shy smile that made her nose wrinkle and the diamond stud in her nose twinkle, she took the bag and bottle. She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear with her free hand. “One of these days we’ll have our shot,” she said wistfully. “Today, however, is not one of those days.”

  She was just so sweet and understanding. Had this been Meegan, and I needed to cancel for something equally important and family-related, the woman would have lost her mind. She was a jealous person, and it was always about her. Nothing was ever more important than her. It was refreshing being with an adult for once, one who understood that sometimes date night would have to take an IOU.

  Now that my hands were free, I reached out and grabbed the back of her neck roughly, threading my fingers through the silky strands of her short hair. Planting a hard, need-driven kiss right on her lips, I groaned and pushed my tongue into her mouth. It wasn’t a long kiss, but I hoped it got my point across. Her slight whimper as I pulled away made my guts twist. “I’ll make it up to you,” I whispered, placing my forehead against hers. “I promise.”

  Her eyes opened. They were glassy and bright and full of conviction. “I know you will.” Her sexy throat undulated on a heavy swallow. “Just don’t wait too long to do it.”

  I shook my head as I released her. “I won’t. Don’t you worry.” I pecked her again and turned to go. “I’m really sorry.”

  “Don’t be. You’re a great dad. That is not something you need to apologize for.”

  I gave her one last smile before I took off toward my SUV at a jog.

  I’m sure my parents could handle Gemma for the night. But I wouldn’t be able to enjoy myself, let alone perform, knowing my little girl had broken her arm and I wasn’t there to comfort her.

  I opened the door to my Volvo and climbed inside, muttering several “fucks” under my breath as I backed out of the driveway and took off in the direction of the hospital. Well, at least Gem would have something cool to show off tomorrow at Landon’s birthday party, a nice big cast.

  “My arm is itchy, Daddy,” Gemma whined as I opened the front door of my parents’ house for her the following morning. I’d gone and met my father at the hospital the night before, rounding the corner roughly thirty minutes after leaving Harper, only to find a smiling and happy Gemma sitting and munching on a packet of fruit snacks and marveling at her big, bright purple cast.

  “I know, baby. It’s going to be itchy for a while. Maybe Nana has a chopstick you can shove down there to help scratch it.” I shut the door and peeled off my coat. Gem did the same.

  “Nana!” she screamed, kicking her boots off haphazardly. “Come see my cast! It’s purple.”

  “Gem,” I admonished, “not so loud.”

  But she just ignored me, taking off down the hallway, calling for her grandmother as if the woman was deaf and over a mile away.

  I’d left Landon at my parents’ overnight, seeing as he was already asleep by the time Gemma was ready to leave the hospital, and I figured my little girl needed some one-on-one time. Today was going to be all about her brother, so if she could have some exclusive Dad time, I was going to give it to her. I made princess pancakes that morning, complete with whipped cream and berries, then she got chocolate milk, which only happens on super special occasions, like birthdays and Christmas.

  My father came thunking down the stairs in front of me with Landon on his hip. “Morning.”

  A yawn tore from my mouth before I could stop it. “Morning.”

  “Little one doesn’t sound any worse for wear. Obviously the cast isn’t slowing her down.”

  “If anything, it’s speeding her up.”

  He chuckled as he passed me Landon.

  “Hey, birthday boy!” I nuzzled the side of his head. “Are Nana and Grampy spoiling you rotten?”

  Landon giggled as I blew a raspberry on his cheek. He batted my face away only to jam his finger up my nose when I wasn’t paying attention. “Dadda.”

  “Not the nose, dude. We’ve talked about this.” I pulled his hand away and followed my father down the hallway toward the kitchen and living room, only to find party decorations to the Nth degree.

  “Jeez, Ma. What’d you do, buy out the entire ‘First Birthday’ party section at the party supply store?”

  My mother made a perturbed face as she climbed down off a small stepladder and stowed the roll of ribbon in her big “party box.” Everything in the kitchen, dining room and living room was red, blue and green and dinosaur-themed. My mind immediately went to Carly; she was going to love it.

  “It’s his first birthday,” my mother said. “Of course we’re going to celebrate it big. It’s not every day our sweet little Lando turns one.” She ran her hand over his head affectionately as she walked behind me into the kitchen, where an enormous red T-Rex cake sat ready to devour and be devoured. Bowls of chips and pretzels, along with fruit and veggie trays, were dotted around the dining room table. And what looked to be mini quiches and round pizza bagel bites and tater tots were on a tray ready to go in the oven. Landon loved tater tots, so of course my mother would be serving those.

  “See my cast, Nana,” Gemma announced, elbowing her tiny self into the center of the kitchen.

  My mother bent down to Gemma’s level. “It’s a beautiful cast, angel. You are such a brave big girl. Nana and Grampy are so proud of you.”

  Gemma beamed at my mother and then tossed her arms around her and hugged her tight. “Thanks, Nana. Can I stay here tonight, please?”

  My mother laughed as she scooped Gemma up and plunked her on her hip. “Of course, darling. Make up for last night.”

  The doorbell chimed.

  “Showtime!” My father grinned, heading off to the front door, where silhouettes and gentle murmurs from outside suggested a gaggle of people, big and small.

  Moments later, voices and tiny feet bounding down the hallway filled the air, followed quickly by the appearance of familiar playgroup faces and Meegan’s parents.

  “Hello, hello.” A delicate female hand landed on my back, and I spun around to find my sister. She’d snuck in through the den.

  “Daise!” Switching Landon to my other hip, I leaned in and gave her a one-armed hug. “What the heck are you doing here?”

  Smiling, she tickled Landon’s bare foot. Her husband, Riley, a tall blond man with a baby face and brown eyes, wrapped his arm around her waist. “I couldn’t miss my nephew’s first birthday, silly. Besides, it’s been a while since we’ve been up here.”

  “Oh yeah, bailed on Christmas and made me go do your bidding at the cabin. Make sure your cockamamie scheme of setting up complete strangers and leaving them stranded didn’t go awry.”

  She rolled her eyes and snorted. “It all worked out, didn’t it?”

  “You got lucky.”

  “Luck had nothing to do with it. I’ve got a foolproof alg
orithm. It’s over eighty-five percent accurate.”

  Now it was my turn to roll my eyes. “Yeah, yeah. I’ve heard the spiel.” I heard the spiel every time I saw or spoke with my little sister. One night, not too long after Meegan left, Daisy had convinced me to fill out her questionnaire. Not to say she couldn’t have done it on her own. She’d done that plenty of times for people. But she and Riley came over one night, we got drunk, and she made me take it. Now she was on the hunt for my “Mrs. Wright.” Seeing as Meegan and I had never officially married, besides my mother, there still wasn’t a Mrs. Wright out there. And up until Harper, I hadn’t been sure there ever would be.

  More commotion in the foyer drew our eye. In walked Harper, Carly, Amy and Henry. Harper’s eyes found mine, and she gave me a small, almost indiscernible smile.

  Daisy bumped my shoulder. “You like her.” It wasn’t a question.

  “Shut up,” I grumbled. But my eyes didn’t leave Harper. She helped her daughter take off her coat and boots, then she followed suit, all the while balancing a gift bag with blue and yellow dinosaurs on it.

  “I know that look, brother. I’m in the matchmaking and love business for a living. You like her.”

  Harper’s head lifted, and she swept her bangs off her face. Her cheeks were a beautiful rosy pink from the chill outside. She looked up at me, her bottom lip snagged between her teeth.

  “And by the looks of things, she likes you too.” Daisy bumped my shoulder again. “You hitting that?”

  I handed her Landon. “I’m going to go greet our guests.” I brought my voice down to just above a whisper. “No, but not for lack of trying.” I turned to Riley while simultaneously pointing at the tiny baby bump on my sister’s torso, she was due in May. “Kids are cock-blockers, just so you know.” Then I sauntered past them out toward our guests.

  “Little late on that tidbit,” Riley called after me.

  I glanced back behind me, already half-way down the hallway. “Should have wrapped it up, bud.” I came to stand in front of Harper, a big smile on my face. Her own expression held equal parts curiosity and shyness.

  “Hi,” I said. “I can take that.” I held my hand out for the gift bag.

  Harper handed it to me. “Thanks.”

  “Hey, Amy.” I held my hand out for her gift bag as well, and she handed it to me with a dramatic and audible huff.

  “Thanks. Goddamn it, Henry is a freaking shit machine today. I think Garret fed him all things prune yesterday.”

  I chuckled. “I swear that’s all my mother feeds Landon on the weekends. It’s a wonder we even make it to playgroup on Mondays based on how some of our mornings go.”

  She nodded in commiseration and took off Henry’s jacket. Once he was free, he followed Carly down the hallway in the direction of all the noise. Amy followed them, leaving Harper and me alone.

  She wrung her hands, staring down at her feet. “So, is this your childhood home?” Her eyes lasered in on mine, and all that passed through my head was how I wished it was my childhood home. I’d love nothing more than to whisk her up to my childhood bedroom and fuck her brains out on my single bed with a poster of the Red Hot Chili Peppers staring down at us in approval as we finally got our freak on.

  I shook my head. “No. My parents downsized to this when my sister and I moved out.”

  “Ah.” Her eyes took in the homey décor. Lots of florals, but tastefully so. Bright and spacious with big windows and light-colored walls. I’d been told it was called “pistachio shell” when I happened upon my mother and the interior decorator several years ago.

  “You look nice.” I took a quick inhale but didn’t lean in, in case someone caught us. “And you smell fantastic.”

  Was that a purr? Damn, she was as turned on as I was. Now I really wished this was my childhood home, and I had a shrine to my adolescent self I could spirit her away to. Lord knows I never got much action in that shrine.

  “Thank you. You do too.”

  A rap at the door behind us broke the moment, and I opened it. It was Connie, and the look she was giving me was pure animal. In the woman’s eyes I was already naked with the condom in hand.

  Harper snorted behind me. “Hi, Connie.”

  Now I knew this woman purred. Yeesh, Connie practically licked the back of her hand and groomed herself.

  “Hello.” She pushed her way inside, a toddler on her hip. She handed me a gift bag and then, as if I wasn’t even there, began gabbing away to Harper about how big of a dolt her husband was being this weekend.

  I rolled my eyes. Poor bugger, maybe he’d just had enough of his wife and was looking for a way out.

  “Come on in, everyone.” I walked past Connie and Harper, and just as I got to Harper’s backside, I let my hand come out to graze it ever so slightly over the taut globes of her ass, followed by a quick little pinch to the bottom of her right cheek.

  She gasped.

  “What?” I heard Connie say, panic thick in her tone. I couldn’t see them anymore and just continued to make my way down the hallway in the direction of the rest of the guests, with a smug smirk on my face.

  “N-nothing,” Harper replied. “I just had a sudden chill run down my spine. You know how it is. Someone probably walked over my gravestone in the future or something.”

  I snickered as I entered the kitchen. “Or something.”

  Chapter 13


  “Happy birthday to you!” everyone sang as Sam helped Landon blow out his candle. Grandparents and children, parents and the like all clapped and cheered, which only prompted Landon to clap too, a big smile on his chubby little face.

  “Dinosaur cake, Mummy,” Carly said with a smile. She was on my hip so that she could see the festivities from a higher perch. It was tough being under three feet. Everything on the table was eye-level or you were stuck staring at people’s butts.

  “I know. Are you excited?”

  She nodded. “Mhmm. T-Rex, rawr!” She pretended to bite my cheek, but then it morphed into a slobbery smooch.

  “Hi, I’m Daisy.” I glanced to my right to find a sprightly little strawberry blonde with peachy freckles, bright blue eyes and a barely discernible baby bump under her loose-fitting yellow blouse. She held out her hand.

  I shuffled my grip on Carly and held out my hand. “Harper. You’re Sam’s sister, right?”

  She nodded. “Yeah, baby sister. And that guy over there, who nearly dropped salsa on his shirt, is my husband, Riley.”

  “Nice to meet you. It was great that you guys were able to come up from Seattle and celebrate Landon’s birthday.”

  She nodded solemnly and took a sip of what looked to be a very red punch of some sort. I knew there was a punch bowl around, but I hadn’t done a taste-test yet. Carly loved juice, but it was only a treat when she was sick. A way to get extra fluids into her. Otherwise, we were a strict milk and water (and wine) household.

  “Yeah,” she finally said. “After the year Sam’s had, we’re coming together more than ever as a family. Really showing the kids how important they are to the family and that they’re loved. I mean we’ve always been super close, but this whole thing has just brought us even closer together. The kids have brought us all closer.”

  “You’re a wonderful sister. My sister helps me out a lot, too. In fact, I live in her basement suite. I’d love for Carly to have a sibling one day that she can be close with the way you and Sam are and how I am with my sister.”

  Her lips twisted ruefully for a moment. And as if a lightbulb suddenly flicked on inside her perky little head, she beamed up at me. “Can I have your email address?”

  “Uh. Sure. Can I ask why?”

  “If I send you a short questionnaire, would you fill it out and send it back to me?”

  Sam hadn’t mentioned what his sister did for a living yet, and I was starting to wonder if the woman was part of some pyramid scheme or maybe a cult. As long as they didn’t ask me for my personal banking information, medical records, h
ow often I masturbate or when the last time I got laid was, I guessed there was no harm in answering a few questions.

  I lifted one shoulder. “Sure, why not?”

  Daisy bounced on her feet and did a happy little jig, the red liquid in her clear plastic cup sloshing to and fro. “Excellent.” She whipped out her phone. “And go.”

  I rattled off my email address, and she plugged it into her phone. Her pink painted nails flew across the touch screen.

  She stowed the smart phone in her back pocket again seconds later with a big smile. “You’ll be hearing from me shortly.”

  Not sure what the heck I’d just gotten myself into, I gave her a half-smile and adjusted Carly on my hip again. “All right then.”

  Suddenly, almost as if in slow motion, someone bumped into Daisy from behind and sent her barreling into me, red punch first. I saw it, and my mama bear instinct took over. Be it red liquid or an oncoming semi-truck, I had to protect my child. I turned away as best I could, hoping to save Carly from the tsunami, and I managed to, for the most part.

  “Oh shit!” Daisy exclaimed, causing a few heads to turn. “I am so sorry.”

  Seconds later, Sam was at my side. “What happened?”

  “Someone bumped into me and I fell into Harper,” Daisy said, her voice thick with sympathy. I set Carly down and assessed her for damp clothes. She was completely dry, which made sense because I was soaked. Head to toe, my baby blue long-sleeve shirt was now a delightful tie-dye of purply-blue.

  “I’m so sorry,” Daisy was now babbling on and on. She’d run to get a dishtowel from the kitchen and was attempting to mop me up.

  “It’s okay,” I kept saying. Meanwhile, I could feel the punch in my hair and around my neck. It was sticky and smelled like a combination of cherry cough syrup and canned pineapple juice.

  “Here,” Sam offered, his hand falling to my elbow. “I’ll help you get cleaned up, upstairs. I think I can find you something else to wear.”

  I shook my head. “No, no, it’s okay.”

  His grip tightened on my elbow, and he pressed his pelvis against my hip. “I might have an extra shirt upstairs. Let’s go see if we can find it.”


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