Into the Fire Once More: Book 1 of Death's Own Daughter

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Into the Fire Once More: Book 1 of Death's Own Daughter Page 1

by Jessie Wolf

  Into The Fire Once More

  Book 1 of the Death Dealer Saga - Death’s Own Daughter.

  By Jessie Wolf

  Kindle Edition © 2015 Jessie Wolf

  First Edition: date TBD


  To all those who have helped me with this work of fiction. First my editors whose hard work this story would be nothing more than a dream. Donald J. Kaufman SR, and Professor Virginia Whipple. If not for the two of you I know that my writing would be nothing more than the ramblings of a desperate writer. To honeysuckle my publisher without whose work this book would be a useless mass of 1s and 0s flouting around the net. And finally Paul my loving and very forgiving husband, without whose encouragement I would never have had the courage to even try writing this story or hi patience for putting up with stakes and stakes of notes covering his dinner table.

  Author’s Notes

  Censorship Rating (18+).

  About the author

  Jessie Wolf lives in a small seaside town in South Carolina with her husband of 19 years and two very inquisitive cats. In her day to day life Jessie works as a Network Manager and IT guru for the resorts and hotels of her home town. In her spare time she is an avid reader of all forms of the written word, to in clued science fiction, fiction, fantasy, crime novels, detective stories, and just about anything else she can get her hands on. She is also a former member of her countries military and is a proud US Army veteran.

  Publisher’s Note

  Jessie Wolf is an exciting new author of the Twenty-Teen era. Jesse’s work has an established fan base who regularly comment on her work with great enthusiasm. They eagerly await each chapter as it comes. Jesse’s stories have a descriptive edge that keeps you wanting to read what happens next. The fans are already clamoring for a film of the Death Dealer’s Saga.


  Introduction 3

  Chapter 1 Planet fall 5

  Chapter 2 Stone Wall 25

  Chapter 3 My new name 38

  Chapter 4 Listen here little girl 53

  Chapter 5 My mobile salon 66

  Chapter 6 Meeting Auntie 79

  Chapter 7 The Colonel’s Retirement 92

  Chapter 8 Letting Off Steam 103

  Chapter 9 Becoming Head of House 115

  Chapter 10 Preparing the House Foundations 126

  Chapter 11 Serenity, and assassinations 138

  Chapter 12 Interrogation 151

  At 97 JJ Owns thought he would take one last trip to pay his respects to fallen comrades. He didn’t see that the fates had other plans.


  For James J. Owens a return trip to the planet of Hades in the Death Gates System was to be his final farewell. At ninety seven, his doctors had told him his chances of surviving the trip were small. This did not deter him in the slightest. It would be his last great adventure and a chance to say good bye to fallen comrades. What he did not know at the time he left the planet that had been his home for the last thirty years what lay ahead of him.

  Nor did the old Death Dealer know that deep within him lying dormant was an old friend just waiting a signal to reawaken. A wakening that would being not only a second chance in life, but what would become his greatest, and most rewarding adventure. He will face off against assassins, rogue military units, hostile planetary governments, and an all-out revolt against the Empire he swore to protect. All of these things are nothing compared to his greatest challenge.

  No that pleasure belongs to dealing with first learning how to be a teenage girl, the Head of House for one of the most prominent High Families in the Empire, and having not one be Two very deferent Artificial Intelligence computers in her head. One is the original Death Dealer AI that all Death Dealers have, this Dee De a Mark one Omega/ Assault class Death Dealer AI with a hidden secret. One that will lead to James greatest adventure and second chance in life.

  They say Death Dealers never retreat and never surrender. Their battle cry has been heard on thousands of worlds for over four hundred years. Can one of the most respected and feared of them, the man they called Death walk away? Or will the granddaughter he never had, rise up to calm the name of Death’s own Daughter?

  Chapter 1

  Planet fall

  “Mr. Owens”

  I hear the flight attendants’ voice calling to me in my sleep.

  “Mr. Owens, wake up sir we are about to begin our drop into Space norm.”

  I open my eyes and look up at her. “Thank you Alice. How long until we enter Space Norm?”

  “About 15 min. till Space Norm sir.” Replied Alice with a smile

  “How long to Planet fall following that?’ I asked.

  “Well sir, I really don’t know. The Navigator has only just given us the warning for Sub-Space drop. He didn’t give an E.T.A. for Planet fall sir.”

  “Thank you anyway. Is this your first time with this Navigator?”

  “Yes sir. I normally only work the Tau Seti 5 run. This is my first time to Hades and the Death Gates system.”

  “Well when you get planet side be sure to visit the Hall of Heroes and the Wall of Remembrance. It should be required for all of our young people to see them at least once. Those two places will give you a real understanding of what our race has gone though in the last 500 years.” I said, as I looked into her light blue eyes. Oh to be that young and innocent again. To not know of the travesties against our race and the lengths to which we were forced to go too just to have the right to exist. The bio-warriors, the Death Knights, the A.I. tanks, and finally the Nano-tech enhanced Death Dealers... all those horrible means of warfare that were created right here on Hades.

  “I certainly will sir. I have wanted to see both places since I was a little girl. You see I’m a military dependent and my Father fought in the last war with the Gorgon Empire as a member of the 295th Jump Infantry Division. He died on Cold Frost 7 at the battle of Free Port.” Said Alice.

  “Well in that case child, I hope you enjoy your stay while you can” I replied with a smile.

  A loud bell tone sounded three times letting everyone know we 5 min. to the drop to Space Norm. I sat up in my seat as Alice headed for her seat to strap in. I myself began to do the exact same thing. No one in their right mind wants to not be strapped in when the ship came out of Hyper-Fold Space. There have been too many accidents where people were found stuck half in and half out of bulk heads of space ships in the last 600 years, thanks to the Kennery-Fugi Jump engines.

  The transit between Space Norm and Hyper-Fold Space or back is the most dangerous time in this age of space travel. The only time when it’s more deadly is in the time of war when Jump points are targets of opportunity. The final warning comes and as usual my stomach decides to try and crawl up my throat. I hate Transit, like all vets. It brings back one too many memories. I watch as the walls begin to shimmer and glow, then fade to transparence, then to nothingness.

  Then I feel the whole universe and all its wonders. It always amazes me how I feel in this time. Like a God, all seeing, all knowing, and all powerful. It’s such a rush. Then comes the crash. I watch as the walls slam back into view. Feel the seat rush up to meet my back with a painful smack in the back side.

  Ten minutes later the Navigator comes over the intercom

  “Attention all passengers do not remove your safety harness. Planet fall will commence in T -10 minutes. Thank you for your cooperation.”

  Damn, that is quick. Normally we have at least 45 minutes to an hour before Planet fall. This joker must have come in close as all Hell to the planet, or he misjudged the Jump point. If I live though this I
’m filing a complaint with the Guild of Navigator’s over this idiot. He definitely has been taking way too much Weed Juice. I know that they need it to be able to stay sane in Hyper-Fold Space but it does something to their brains where they don’t feel fear or even human after a while.

  I can feel the Steward K-905 Engines come on line. Their massive fusion energy plants powering up the mass drivers. It’s about to get hot back there in about 5mins. I look out my port window and see Hades down below and realize that we are in a combat drop glide path. This is going to be one rough ride down I know I’ve be though over 50 combat drops.

  “Hang on people it’s going to get rough in about 2mins. Were on a combat drop glide path!” I yell out to my fellow passengers. There are about 25 of us in all told.


  With that I start looking for just what the AI is talking about. We’ve been at peace for the past 20 yrs. Then I see them coming at us from the sunward side of the ship. Six Correllian fast attack corsairs’.

  They're small heavily armored and armed ships that can make the jump into Hyper-Fold space without having to have a mother ship transport them to the target system. In other words, they're perfect for pirates to use, and they use them to the fullest of their design. They decided to try and jump us at the normal J.P., but it seems the Navigator must have detected them there when it came time for our normal drop into Space Norm and decided to use a Steinway Jump Point instead.

  Now that I know what he does, I don’t think I’ll file that complaint. Hopefully that P.D.F. can get up here to give us some help.


  Holy Hell! He must be pushing the 905s to the limit if we got this close in less than 10 minutes for us to already be breaking atmo this soon.


  That’s when I felt it... the massive pain in my left arm and chest. No wonder I lost some time, I’ve been in and out of it for the last 10 minutes. I know that if we don’t get down soon I’m a dead man. I should have known better than to travel at my age. They say for every year over 70 you have a 5% chance of dying intransigent. It goes up every year by 5% till at age 90 you stand a 90% chance of dying. At 96 years of age you would think that I would know better but I wanted one last look at the names of my brothers in arms before I die. Well it doesn’t look like that’s going to happen.


  What the hell? That’s my nanotech system control. What’s it doing coming on line?







  What the hell? Maybe the old gale was only shut down to allow me to be able to go home after the war. I know that I’ve missed hearing Dee De for the past 70 years. It’s hard to believe that 70 years ago I was one of the most feared and respected soldiers ever know by the human race. A Death Dealer.

  Even the enemy feared and respected us. Everyone from all walks of life wanted to be a Death Dealer. But only 7 out of 100 ever got to be one. The reason was that most people couldn’t live with the idea of having a living computer in their heads and sharing their lives with them. Most washed out in the first test phase.

  After we got out the AIs were shut down to allow us to live a normal life. The problem was that a lot of us got used to having someone we could talk to without other people butting in. It sent a lot of Death Dealers insane and to the point of taking their own lives. So for Dee Deto suddenly start talking to me now must mean I’m dying. Oh well, I’ve had a good run. I’ll be seeing you soon guys.

  As I look around I realize it’s getting dark. Well I guess it won’t be long now I think. As the darkness overtakes me, the pain in my chest eases up and the pain in my left arm goes away.

  * * *

  Flight Officer Alice R. Lee

  I sit back and watch helplessly as Mr. Owens has a heart attack, knowing that there nothing I can do while the ship is in evasive maneuvers. I have to think about the other 24 passengers for they will need me when, or I should say IF, we get down on the ground. I send a quick prayer up to the Gods of space travel that we make it down in one piece and one for Mr. Owens.

  Please God if you can hear me and if you’re real, save us from these monsters and protect Mr. Owens until we can get him to the hospital. He’s seen enough pain and death in his life. Amen.

  As I look over one last time, I have to fight to keep from screaming. Mr. Owens is covered in some kind of webbing that’s rapidly encasing him from head to toe. It looks like a cocoon. It is getting thicker by the second.


  “Hang on everyone! We will be on the ground in less than 5 minutes. Make sure all of your harnesses are tight and all carry-on luggage is secure.” I yell out to all the passengers.

  I can feel the big K-905s giving full power to move the massive ship through the atmosphere of Hades. The planetary flight wings are still deploying. Once they’re out we will be able to fly like a real aircraft.

  Come on! Come on, deploy already you sorry fracking pieces of shit! Come on!

  As I sit here, I understand how my dad, uncles, and granddads felt in those horrible times when they had to brave the fires of hell that were known as anti-ship fire as they approached their drop zones during the wars. I now can honestly say that they were without a doubt in my mind truly brave. Because I can say with surety that right now I’m scared out of my mind, and we are not even being shot at.

  I look over at Mr. Owens one last time and see that he is now completely encased by what appears to be a solid cocoon of ship hull metal. I laugh to myself and think that if we do crash he will most likely be the only one to survive. Hull metal is one of the toughest alloys known to mankind.

  All of sudden I feel the ship jump upward. I look and see the atmo-wings have deployed. We’re no longer on a controlled crash course, we are flying. None too soon for my taste, but at least we’ll make it down in one piece nice and softly instead of hard and loud. I can see the space port in the distance and the P.D.F. rising to take on the pirates in the corsairs’. I hope they frag the fracking pigs.

  “Attention! We will be landing in 2 minutes. Please wait until the flight attendants release you from your harness before departing the craft” announced the Navigator over the intercom.

  I sit back and calm my nerves, waiting for the ship to land and come to a complete stop before moving. At least we’re down in one piece with all passengers healthy.

  Oh shit! Mr. Owens! I look over and realize that we are going to need heavy duty tools to get him out. I grab the inter ship com set and call the Navigator.

  “Mike we got a problem back here and I need a direct line to the port.”

  “Why do you need to talk to the port Alice?”

  “One of the passengers is going to need medical help ASAP when we get to the concourse.”

  “What are you talking about I have 25 in the green up here on the readouts for passengers.”

  “Look again you Weed popping nut case! I’m looking at one of our passengers who is encased in what looks to be hull metal.”

  “Did you say encased in hull metal Alice?”

  “Yes I did. And no I haven’t been into your Time Weed Juice. You know that crap gives me the hives.”

  “Okay. Okay already I’ll get you that
line to the port.”

  As I wait for the connection I look over at Mr. Owens one last time. I can’t believe what I’m seeing the cocoon is shrinking. Before it was as big as Mr. Owens, now it’s about ¾ of that size and getting smaller.

  “This is Hades Port Control. How may I be of help to you?” came over the headset at time.

  “Yes. This is flight officer Alice Lee we need Medical and Engineering to meet the ship at the terminal please.” I respond.

  “Can you state why you need Medical please ma’am?”

  “Hum ... It’s hard to say. I can’t really say what’s wrong with the passenger.”

  “Why is that ma’ am?”

  “Look I don’t know what the problem is because I can’t get to the passenger. He’s encased in some type of cocoon by what looks like hull metal.”

  “Ma’ am did you say cocooned in hull metal?”


  “What is the passengers name please?”

  “Mr. James Jessie Owens sir. “

  “Did you say Commander J.J. Owens?”

  “I guess. I know that he’s a veteran, but he never gave any rank so I don’t know if that’s him or not.”

  “Navigator can you open your passenger monitoring program and pip it to the tower.”

  “Aye control” replied Mike.

  “Okay, getting the feed now. Oh bloody HELL!” screamed the tower control. “We have a live D.D.A.I. on board that ship! Stop at the end of the strip and deploy your emergency ramps and get everyone off that ship including the Navigator and all flight crew! Keep everyone away from that cocoon! Do you understand?”

  What the hell? I’ve never heard of a port control to give an order like that one.

  “Say again control. Did you say everyone, including the Navigator?” came Mike’s response.

  I know I was wondering the same thing. Navigators never left their ships except as a last resort.


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