Into the Fire Once More: Book 1 of Death's Own Daughter

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Into the Fire Once More: Book 1 of Death's Own Daughter Page 19

by Jessie Wolf

  I can tell this is a test of my resolve. She is giving me the chance to back out without losing face. “Yes auntie I am. You have for too long done that which you were not meant to do. Shall we go to dinner?” With a gesture of my hand pointing to the door. With a smile and nod of her head she turned and walked to the door leading out of my rooms. As I followed her I notice that my maids didn’t stop me to put on a pair of shoe or sandals. It was then that I realized the only time I was wearing anything like that was when I left the outside of the house. The rest of the time I just went around in stocking feet. It felt strange but good. As we walked down the hallway I notice that the housekeeping staff was hard at work in the Great Hall. As we entered the dining room we greeted by the entire chain of command for the military members of the house hold. Maj. Howard was there with the three Lt.s’ and 1st Sergeant from the Hell Hounds all in full dress Gray’s uniform plus two more Lt.s’ in the dress blues of the infantry. Standing with them was another group of five officers that appeared to be my aunt’s bodyguard by their uniforms. They were black with purple trim. I could tell that these men and women took their position as bodyguards very seriously. But it was the five Captains and sixteen Lt.s’ that caught my undivided attention. I could tell by the uniforms they were wearing that these are the House Troops. Deep blue with purple trim the crest of the Nakatoma Head of House on the left breast. Each of them had a katana and a wakizashi in the obis’ that warped round their waist. In total there was thirty one officers in the room all of who you could tell did not trust the others. This was something I was going to have to deal with and now. Not later when I might have more time. No I cannot have this big a group of the military component of my Household at odds with each other.

  With a bow of respect to all those here “Ladies and Gentlemen thank you for joining me for dinner. I see that you are all getting to know each other. My grandfather Commander James J. Owens would have been proud to see how the different units of this House in such a short time have come to trust each other. I mean here are the bodyguards for my great aunt welcoming their counterparts who have just been assigned here for the P.D.F.” smiling I turn to the House troops. “And of course anyone with half a brain could see the loyalty of the house troops by the proud way their officers display the House and Unit crests on their uniforms. I look forward to being able to watch as you train and teach each other your unit tactics and customs.” I know that I just dropped a cat into a dog show but sometimes it is better to stir the pot than let it simmer. I could see that my subtle hint was received loud and clear. They knew I would not tolerate any discourse amongst the House military not now nor in the future. They also knew this was unconditional. I could tell that the standard House troops weren’t too happy about it but I didn’t give a rat’s ass. They either got with the program or they can hand over their resignations. I won’t let a few old guard ass clowns bring down this House’s military anymore. The days of one unit being held above the others were over. Seen a few who didn’t get the hint I decided to spell it out for them all. “Ladies and Gentlemen let me make this very clear for all of you here. I will not tolerate any disharmony or infighting amongst the Military component of this Household. If I hear of anything of that nature happening I will personally kick the ever lovin’ dog shit out of the ones who are causing it. Do I make myself clear? Or do I need to demonstrate my ability to back up my words with actions? Make no mistake here people I can and will follow through.” After my little speech I could see I had reached all of them. But it was the Head Captain for the House troops that answered for them all.

  “Lady Nakatoma;

  I do not doubt that you will do as you have said. I give you my word that the samurai of the Nakatoma House troops will not be the ones to cause problems. If one of my people does so then I not you shall deal with them.” And with that he bowed first to me then to the commanders of the body guards. I looked over to the two bodyguard units. As one the two commanders returned his bow and then turned to me and bowed again. Both of them said at the same time as if they had rehearsed it to me. “By the Honor of our Blades we will honor your wishes Lady Nakatoma-Steel Heart. The Personal Guards will not cause disharmony.”

  “Very well then I will leave it to you, the commanders, to solve any disputes that arise among your troops. Now shall we set down to eat the food is getting cool and I hate cold food.” I smiled and move to the table to where my aunt was standing with what appeared to be a very happy smile on her face.

  Once we all had sat down the household maids began to serve us. The conversion during dinner covered every topic one could imagine. From the political doings of the Royal Court and the High Families, to who was dating who in the household, to the announcements of engagements, and even what the halo-vid stars were doing on Earth Prime. I watched as my aunt moved the conversion around the table so that all were included. She talked to the Captains of the House troops, the Majors who commanded our bodyguards, and all of their Lieutenants never missing a one. But the real shocker was how she even included to two 1st Sergeants of the bodyguards. I watched as she turned all of these different but yet proud military men and women from a House divided into a solid cohesive unit that anyone would be proud to lead. I have to learn how she did it just by being a charming hostess. We must have sat there eating for almost an hour and a half before she signaled that the meal was at an end. Standing up we made our farewells and told them that we would see them in one hour in the Great Hall.

  After returning to the receiving area of my rooms. As I followed my aunt in I saw she had something that she wanted to ask me. I saved her the embarrassment of asking I knew what she wanted to know. “Nakatoma Dai Etsu a little less than two hours ago you asked me if I wanted to do this. I shall not change my mind now or later. I told you that you have been doing for far too long that which you were never meant to do. This is my duty to perform. An ancient philosopher once said ‘Honor is light as a feather. Duty is as heavy as a mountain.’” Pausing for a moment to collect my thoughts I wanted to make sure that she knew that her time of being the acting Head of House was over. That from this moment forward all the problems that went with that position were now mine to deal with and not hers. “Last night you challenged me with the destruction of my wife’s family. I swore to you then I will not be the one to bring that down on what is now My family. So please put your mind at ease. I will tell you this however I will move the very Pillars of Heaven and Hell to save this family if it is the last thing I do in this life. This I so swear on my honor and life.” After that I just stood there waiting for her answer. I watched as she slowly walked around the room looking at all the little things. As if they could give her some idea of what to say. Finally she stopped by the door to the balcony.

  As see looked out the door she took a deep breath. “Maiha Mana you have once again shown me that it is right and true for you to become the Head of House for the Nakatoma Family. I will have to ask you one more time when we are in front of the Household at your coronation. But that is just a formality as of this moment you are Nakatoma Maiha Mana Head of House for the Nakatoma Family and its Defender. It has been over sixty five years since the last time that both of those titles were held by the same person. Tonight that honor shall fall to you my dear. It will give me great pleasure to hand to you the blades of this family. It is almost time. Let your maids repair your make-up then meet me in the hallway.” And with that she gracefully glided past me exiting my rooms leaving me to the care of my maids. Nia, Gin, and Kina quickly gathered me up and hustled me over to the make-up table to repair the damage done during dinner. Ten minutes later I was leading them out the door and toward the entrance to the Great Hall. When we arrived I found my aunt and her attendant novices waiting for us.

  “Maiha, from this point forward until the end of the ceremony you must be on your own. You can only enter the Great Hall by yourself. No one may accompany you. It must be this way as it has been for as long as our family has been on Hades and acted as the
ruling High Family. All of the Heads of House have done this. Now, so shall you. I will give you this piece of advice. Show no fear and be true to your inner self. Show those here what I have always seen. Remember you are Death’s Own Daughter. No one else can be.” And with those words she and the novices walk into the Great Hall heading for the far end. Gin Nia and Kina each gave me hug as they passed me heading inside to watch the ceremony. Once I am alone I think about Dai Etsu’s parting words to me. What was she trying to tell me? Then it hit me like a drop ship on a high G entry attack burn. If I was to gain the respect of all those here as the Head of House then they needed to see not Maiha Mana Owen-Steel Hart walking down that isle but the one who was known as Death by both his enemies and friends. The true core of my very being. I needed to show all those here that I truly deserved the title of Head of House. With that thought in mind I took a deep breath; then center myself. Once I had reached that calm place in my mind where I always went when it was a time of action and not words I turned to enter the Great Hall.

  As I entered I watched the heads of all those present turn to watch me as I moved down the aisle. I did not glide as had my aunt and her novices did. No I walked with my head high shoulders squared and looking straight ahead. I moved as if ready to strike any that would stand in my way. As I passed each officer of the house troops I looked them in the eye. Every last one turned away before I moved on to the next one. When I got to the Captains I merely glared at them all. You would have thought I walked on their graves from the way they reacted. Next were my aunts bodyguards. Only one held my gaze for more than a moment and he was the Major who commanded them. But it was my own bodyguards who surprised me. As one they bowed as I passed. I knew then and there that if anyone and I do mean anyone challenges my right to the title of Head of House they would have their head ripped off, used as a toilet, and then handed back to them on a platter. I do a quick count of their number. For some reason the number that I came up with doesn’t match the number of pilots for a standard A.P.S. company. I need to talk with Maj. Howard when I get the chance and find out just how big his unit is. Once I have reach the end I can tell that the way I had entered was what my aunt wanted me to do. Despite the serene look of peace I could see a smile playing at the corners of her mouth.

  With a slight bow to me my aunt asked me one more time. “Do you Owens-Steel Heart Maiha Mana willingly take up the title of Head of House for the Nakatoma Family? Remember this is your last chance to refuse.”

  “Yes. It is my desire to be the Head of House for the Nakatoma Family.”

  “Then may the Goddess smile down upon you. May her wisdom come to you in times of need. May her peace fill you when anger fills your heart. May her guidance come to you in times of indecision. Now child of my sisters and husbands lines take your place amongst our ancestors as the rightful heir to the Head of House for the Nakatoma Family.” Next she took a small mortise from a bowl of water that was in one of the novices’ hands and sprinkles me with it. “Will the Captains of the House troops come forward?” as we waited for them to come forward I notice that only the Head Captain would look at me. It was as if he was expecting something in return for giving me his oath. “Will you now give your oath of office Head Captain Ishii Isao to the new Head of House for my family?”

  “I will gladly give it once she has declared who shall be our new Shogun.” He said with arrogance that bordered on outright insult.

  “Lady Nakatoma Maiha how do you wish to answer the Head Captain?” was all my aunt said. I could tell that everyone here was waiting for my answer. Personally I was sick and tired of all the Bull Shit. I was going to give everyone here an answer that would get my point across that I would no longer tolerate the constant posturing, back stabbing, and infighting that had been going on. With a speed born from battle on more planets than I care to name I removed his katana from its scabbard and plunged it into his heart. The man was dead before anyone could react. “Hear Me now!! The days of challenging for higher office are over. I and I alone am the Head of House here; do I make myself clear? Or do I have to remove the heads of each and every one of you?” I screamed at the top of my lungs. I waited for a few minutes before turning back to my aunt and giving her a bow of deep respect. “Reverend Mother I beg your forgiveness for what was done here before you and all those here. I should have tried to find a more subtle way of getting my point across. But I am through with all of the game playing. Shall we continue or has my actions disgraced the family too much for me to be the Head of House?”

  “No child you have not disgraced your family. The Head Captain was the one to bring dishonor to this day by his actions. He should not have put forth the challenge here in front of all to see if he could not stand behind it with his own blades. Captain Takeda will you challenge as well or do you wish take the oath of office?”

  The young Captain of the House troops stepped forward. Bowing to first my aunt and then me “I Captain Takeda Jiro Jun do swear to you Lady Nakatoma Maiha Mana my sword and body in your honor and defense.” After that he stepped back and waved over two of the House troops who standing around the room. “Take this pile of trash out back. Then find his family and tell them he has dishonored them for the last time. Let them see to his funeral. The House troops will not.”

  As the troopers were picking up the body of the former Head Captain I stopped them. “If his sons and daughters complain, send them to the Temple to see the Reverend Mother in the morning. As for his wife if she is still living have her come to me in the morning.” And with that I wave to them to continue with the task given to them by the Captain.

  My aunt then turned to the rest and asked “Who else will give their oath of office to the Head of House for this House and Family? Or are there more who wish to challenge her right to be Head of House? Speak now for if you do not the next time she will not be alone. Because after this night if you wish to be Head of House through the right of Trial by Combat she will have more than just what you see here. She will have the full power of her grandfather behind her. The power of the man called Death, my own bother-in-law Commander James J. Owens who was my sister’s husband and who would have been the Head of House here before their granddaughter.” She waited a total of ten minutes before continuing. “Let us finish with the oaths shall we?” and with that she waved forward the next Captain of the House troops. One after another they came forward and repeated the same words of office as Cpt. Takeda. After them came their Lieutenants each one was as honorable and sincere as Cpt. Takeda. During their oaths I decided that it would be Takeda who would become the new Commander of the House troops and Cpt. Ojima who would become Head Captain. I would have their Lt.s replace them in their current posts.

  Once all of the House troop officers had given their oaths, came my aunts’ bodyguards. Each one bowed first to my aunt then to me. As they gave their oaths I saw how much they respected and loved my aunt. These men and women would give their very lives for first my aunt then for me. Their loyalty will always be to her first. I cannot fault them for they have been at back for over fifty years. First it was their mothers and fathers now they themselves. This unit had deep roots here. By all that is holly no one shall ever replace them. I stop the Commander after he had given his oath of office. “Maj. Fujiyama I know I should have asked earlier at dinner but what is the name of your unit?”

  “Why do you ask my Lady Nakatoma? We are simply your aunt’s bodyguards.”

  “Because no unit that has shown the dedication of watching one person for more years than I have been alive should be without a name to Honor its dead with. Now please what is the name of your unit?” I asked again.

  “We are called the Wolves of the Mountain my Lady.” Was his reply with a great deal of pride.

  Turning to my aunt “Reverend Mother before you stand some of the finest Samurai I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. I cannot in good conscience take them away from the duty that they and their families have been dedicated to since before most of them
were even born. Let it be known that The Wolves of the Mountains shall from this day forward be the Guardians for your Temple and all those who reside there in. Do you Maj. Fujiyama accept this duty for you and yours?” I can tell that he was not expecting this. To have his whole unit declared Guardians of the Temple was beyond anything he could imagine. But then again to declare an entire military unit as Guardians was unheard of. You could have heard a mouse fart at the back of the Great Hall. It had become that still and quite.

  Finally the man stepped up to take my right hand in his “My Lady you have honored me and my troopers with the highest reward anyone could have bestowed. Know this as the Goddess Inari Ōkami is my witness as long as the Wolves hold this duty no harm shall come to those that call it home. If that should happen then it will be our duty to seek out revenge.” And with that he kissed the back of my hand. When he stood up I could see a tear in his eye. I had given them more than just a duty to perform but a cause to defend. I motioned for him to join my aunt. Once he was out of the way it was time for my bodyguards to give their oaths. As one they approached me from where they had been standing.


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