Gunslinger: A Six Guns and Prairie Roses Novel

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Gunslinger: A Six Guns and Prairie Roses Novel Page 13

by Cynthia Breeding

  “For quite a while.”

  “Criminy! You never said a word.”

  “Well, I had my secrets, so I thought you were entitled to yours.”

  “If that don’t beat all,” Delia said suddenly. “There’s been a drama unfolding right here with more secrets than the Hamlet play I saw.” She gave them a mischievous grin. “But I’m not sure all the secrets are out.” She looked from Abby to Luke. “Are they?”

  Chapter Sixteen

  “Mmmm.” Abby rolled over in bed and burrowed into Luke’s welcoming embrace. She nuzzled contentedly into the crevice between arm and shoulder, preparing to drift deeper into sleep.

  “That’s it,” he murmured as he tilted her head slightly so he could brush feather kisses along the slim column of her neck. “Do you like this?”

  “Mmmm,” she mumbled again. What an exquisite dream. She was lying against Luke’s hard length, his body heat warming her to her toes. His hand stroked down her ribs and over her hips while his breath fanned her cheek as he gently nibbled at her ear. She felt weightless, boneless, almost un-embodied except for everywhere he touched. Those places tingled as though she sat too close to a fire. A finger lifted her chin and she felt his lips slip lightly across hers, teasing her into wanting more. She wrapped her arms around his neck and moaned softly as he deepened the kiss…

  And suddenly, she was wide awake. The curtains fluttered by the open window, the dim light from the street lamp below reflecting shadowy shapes. But she didn’t need the light to know that she was not alone in her bed.

  Her reactive jerk must have alerted him because he placed a hand over her mouth before she could scream. “Shhhh. You’ll wake everyone.”

  Luke. Luke? No dream, then. He was really here. Abby tugged at his hand and he slowly removed it. “Shhhh,” he said again.

  She looked toward the door. She had bolted it before she went to bed and it was still closed. She doubted he could have snuck up the stairs anyway, since they creaked and groaned like crazy. “How did you get in here?”

  He motioned to the open window. “There’s a trellis outside.”

  “That rickety old thing? It’s a wonder you didn’t fall to your death.”

  “It’s only two stories,” he replied. “And I’ve climbed much worse.”

  Natural curiosity arose and she wanted to ask, but perhaps this wasn’t the best time, given the circumstances. “What, exactly, are you doing here?”

  “I wanted to finish our conversation from earlier.” Luke sat up and reached for the oil lamp on the bed table. In a few seconds a soft, yellow glow filled the room.

  Abby blinked as her eyes adjusted to the brightness. At least they were both still clothed. Sort of. His black shirt was half-open, revealing his broad chest. Its sleeves were rolled up, baring muscular forearms. His dark hair was tousled and the angle at which he was sitting on the edge of the bed cast half his face into silhouette, giving him an otherworldly, predatory look. Every nerve ending tingled, but not from fear of having a dangerous-looking man in her bedroom. Her body wanted him back in her bed. Back in her dream… only it hadn’t been a dream.

  She pushed herself into a sitting position against the headboard. “Our conversation?”

  “The one we were having in front of an audience.”

  Abby frowned. “I thought we’d cleared the air. You know my past. I know you wanted to force the sale of the store, but changed your mind. You have another confession?” Her frown deepened. “Or did you lie?”


  She strove to keep her voice calm. “Which? Confession or lie?”

  “Both.” Luke hesitated. “I lied—a little bit—when I said I’d changed my mind because the store meant so much to you. I mean, that’s the truth, but it isn’t the reason. Exactly.”

  She furrowed her brows again, this time in confusion. “You aren’t making any sense. You didn’t fall from the trellis on a first attempt, did you?”

  “I didn’t fall.” Then, he smiled lopsidedly. “Well, maybe I did.”

  “Maybe? You should know if you fell.” His smile looked rather strange. “Maybe you hit your head like I did?”

  “No.” He sighed. “I’m making a mess of this.”

  For the first time since she’d known him, he looked at a loss. She wanted to tell him to just say whatever it was he wanted to say, but she had the distinct feeling he’d spout more gibberish. He was already studying the pattern on the wallpaper as if it might have some significance, although it was mostly just leaves and entwined vines. So she simply folded her hands across the bed sheet and waited while he continued to peruse the foliage.

  “I love you,” he suddenly blurted.

  Abby blinked. Was Luke addressing the wallpaper? She didn’t think the pattern was all that fascinating herself, but maybe his grandmother had the same one. Then again, maybe she’d only thought that was what he said. Her mind really wanted to drift back to that very nice dream…not a dream, but…

  “I love you.” This time Luke looked directly at her. “That was the confession I wanted to make. I decided to drop my plans because I love you.”

  Abby’s mouth opened, but no sound came out. She tried again, but only emitted something very close to a sick frog.

  “You don’t have to say anything.” He took a deep breath. “I just wanted you to know.”

  She managed something that sounded like a mouse’s squeak.

  “Right.” Luke moved toward the window. “I’ll be leaving then.”

  “Don’t take another step!” She regained her voice. “Not. One. More. Step.”

  Luke stopped and raised an eyebrow. “Was there something you wanted to say?”


  The brow arched a bit higher. “I’m not sure what that means.”

  At the moment, she wasn’t sure, either. She just knew that her anticipation—the hopes and desires she’d tried to suppress because she thought there was no point—were all bubbling to the surface like a kettle left on the stove for too long. She felt like her emotions were all colliding, about to boil over. Luke loved her! And then she realized he was watching her with a puzzled look on his face. She hadn’t answered him and she didn’t even have the excuse of studying the wall paper. “Criminy.”

  “You’ve already said that. Translation, please?”

  Giddiness threatened to erupt, but she managed to taper the feeling. “Forget that word. Here’s the important one. Love. I love you, too, Luke.”

  His eyes darkened to cognac-color. “Do you mean that?”

  “Of course I do.”

  He moved toward the bed. “Tomorrow I’ll talk to Ben tomorrow and tell him he’ll be seeing a lot more of me.”

  “That should go over well.”

  “Doesn’t matter.” Luke’s eyes darkened. “But for tonight, perhaps we can seal our feelings with a kiss? A real one?”

  “Just a kiss?” Abby lifted the sheet and patted the bed. “I’d like to finish that dream we started.”

  Luke grinned. “So would I.”

  Abby smiled back. “Then I’d suggest you remove your clothes.”

  He didn’t need to be told twice. She didn’t think she’d ever seen someone disrobe so quickly. Not that she’d ever seen a man disrobe. She hadn’t even seen Ben naked since they were small enough for their mother to give them both baths. She couldn’t help the gasp that escaped her lips when Luke was free of his denims. She did know where that part of him was supposed to go, but... “It’ll never fit.”

  Luke chuckled. “Believe me, darlin’. It will fit.”

  She was about to argue the point when her speech was cut off by his mouth closing over hers. There was nothing light or teasing about this kiss. Instead, his lips were firm and warm, his tongue demanding entrance. With a soft mewl, she opened to him, her own tongue doing battle.

  He groaned and deepened the kiss while one hand palmed a breast, kneading it gently before the rough callus of his thumb swept across the nipple. Immediatel
y, it budded, and she gasped again as he flicked the hard tip, over and over. His mouth left hers to trail kisses down her neck and across her collarbone while his hand tended her now heavy, aching breast. And then she started as his tongue swirled around the aureole of the other one, causing it to peak, as well. The pleasure was near unbearable, and she arched her back instinctively, wanting more friction. She heard a rumble deep in his throat and then he pulled the nipple into his mouth and began to suckle. Lightly, at first, and then harder. Sensation pierced her body, sending quivers of delight coursing through her. An odd throbbing began between her legs, and she felt herself grow damp.

  And his hands were everywhere, like molten lava, heating every part of her that he touched. Her ribs, her abdomen, her hips…sliding down her thighs and then up to the juncture where they met. She sighed as his fingers separated her slick folds, and she nearly came off the bed when he rubbed the sensitive little nub.


  He looked up. “I am definitely going to learn the meaning of that word.”

  He could speak rationally when she could scarcely think? Especially when his clever fingers had not stopped what they were doing. He was going to drive her mad.

  “Ah…you… Arrgh!” Whatever he was doing, she had lost any coherent ability.

  “You like that?” he asked.

  What a stupid question. As if he couldn’t tell. Before she could gather enough wits to say that, he’d changed position. Suddenly, her legs were spread wide as he knelt between them, her knees over his shoulders. She was completely vulnerable and fully exposed to him. “What…are…you…doing?”

  “Just this.” And then, he dipped his head.

  If she’d thought his fingers were magic, the feeling of his tongue licking its way slowly up her folds took what tiny bit of sense remained in her brain. All she felt was sensation. Every nerve was on fire, but at the same time, all feeling was concentrated there. His hands slid up to knead her breasts once more, his thumbs grazing her nipples, as he drew her wildly throbbing nub into his mouth and sucked hard.

  Abby came undone. All that mattered was the sensation building, bubbling, boiling like a volcano about to erupt as Luke slowed to leisurely nibbling and licking her core while he pulled and tugged at her nibbles. And then he sucked hard once more, and Abby exploded. Colored lights swirled around her and she floated senselessly in the air like so much ash before gradually descending to reality.

  She had barely opened her eyes when she felt his big member nudging at her opening. Except it didn’t feel so huge anymore. She was all soft and pliant, and the feeling of him filling her as he plunged his full length into her felt like heaven. Her nub started throbbing again as he began thrusting, and soon, another crest began to build. Her belly clenched hard as he drove himself harder and deeper. The last thing she heard was him saying, “I told you it would fit…”and then the lights sparkled once more, sending her into oblivion.


  Luke reined in Diablo behind the store and dismounted. The hours since he’d left Abby in exhausted sleep had seemed like an eternity—yet, at the same time, it flashed by—mainly because he could think of nothing else besides her. He’d relived their love-making—all four times—so often that his cock had stayed permanently hard when it should have been taking a well-deserved rest.

  Abby was quite the lover. He’d been pleasantly surprised—and maybe a little smug—to discover she was a virgin. Not that it mattered, except he felt honored to have been the first to introduce her to the pleasures of bed-sport.

  And he would also be the last man to do so. He had intended to meet with her brother this morning and declare his intention to marry Abby, but she had asked him to wait. She said Ben needed time to absorb all that had been said yesterday afternoon and their sudden engagement would only make him think Luke was using her. He didn’t much like the idea, but he could see her point. He was going to have to win Ben’s trust first.

  One of the things he had discussed with Abby—while they had enough energy left to talk—was how to ease John out of his job. Luke had shared his suspicions that John was behind the accidents because he didn’t want Abby running the store, but to fire him without cause might bring retaliation. Better to find a reason to let him go. Before that, though, they needed a thorough knowledge of the physical end of the business. It meant checking the incoming inventory personally, meeting with vendors, and even the Neptune Maiden’s captain… chores that John had done before. Once he was gone, Luke wanted operations to continue to run smoothly.

  He grinned as he climbed the back steps to the store. He had every intention of personal operations concerning Abby to run smoothly as well…like a ship sailing at high tide and full sails.


  “That’s the schooner that brings you the goods from the East?” Ben asked Abby as they stood on the docks watching the Neptune Maiden putting into port two days later. A number of dock-handlers stood ready to throw lines or receive them, depending which of the giant cleats that secured the ship to the pier each man was in command of.

  “Yes. I hardly ever get to see her come in since she usually arrives at night,” Abby replied. “So this is a surprise.”

  “She’s got sleek lines.” Ben squinted his eyes against the sun. “Ships have always fascinated me.”

  Abby was surprised. “I didn’t know that.”

  Ben grinned. “Remember when I used to play hooky from school?”

  “I doubt I’d forget. The nuns practically put me through the Inquisition about where you might be.”

  “Um, well. I suppose they felt obligated to try to keep their sheep in one flock.”

  Abby shook her head. “As if you were ever a sheep. You never would follow anyone’s lead.”

  “I didn’t want anyone telling me what to do.” Ben shrugged. “Still don’t.”

  She gave him a wary look. “I meant what I said about staying retired from our old ways.”

  “And I told you I would.”

  Abby decided it might be best not to push the subject. “So—just curious—where did you go when you played hooky?”

  He grinned again. “I’d sneak over to the Hudson River and watch the boats and barges. Mostly, I liked to think about where the big ships were going when they left the docks.”

  Abby frowned. “Did you want to leave on one of them?”

  “Well, we didn’t exactly have a life of luxury. Adventure sounded like a good alternative.” Ben looked down at her. “Didn’t you want to get away?”

  “I guess I never thought about it much,” Abby replied. “Mother needed us.”

  “That’s why we did what we did.” He was quiet for a moment, and then he smiled. “But you did get away after all. You came all the way out West on your own. I found it to be almost as much an adventure as sailing to parts unknown.”

  “I didn’t think of it as an adventure. I just needed a place to start over. This was the best opportunity.” Abby shook her head. “You really are a romantic.”

  Ben studied her. “Do you think you would have learned to love Sayer if he’d lived?”

  Abby felt a twinge of guilt that she hadn’t really given it much thought, and maybe a second twinge knowing that Luke was the person who’d shot him, albeit not intentionally. She’d never had the chance to meet Travis, so perhaps her apathy had some logic. His few letters had been polite. She’d been aware of what marriage involved and had been willing to do her duty—anything was worth getting away from her former life—but whether she’d ever develop feelings for him? She lifted a shoulder and let it drop. “He was already dead when I arrived, so I’ll never know.”

  “My ever-practical sister.” Ben gave her a sideways glance. “What about Cameron?”

  She started, hoping her face wasn’t going to turn pink. She wasn’t quite ready to tell Ben about that relationship yet. “What about him?”

  He laughed. “Have you forgotten that being observant is what made us successful pickpocket

  “Shhh!” She looked around, although there wasn’t anyone near enough to hear. “That subject is not open for discussion.”

  “All right,” Ben said affably. “So what about Cameron?”

  “I have no comment.”

  Ben raised a brow. “My eyes tell me a different story. The looks you give each other could ignite a fire on wet wood.”

  Forget pink. From the way her cheeks burned, she was probably the color of a beet. “I don’t know what you mean.”

  “You’re losing your acting skills, little sister.” Her brother narrowed his eyes. “You’ve both been acting funny the last couple of days.”

  “Don’t be silly.” She turned her attention back to the ship, watching as a number of barrels being unloaded. Better to redirect the conversation to the ship. If Ben had any idea of the love-making she’d already shared with Luke, or how the memory of it remained clear as a mountain stream, he would force Luke to marry her. Or worse, call him out. And she’d seen Luke in action with a gun. She had to make sure Ben didn’t suspect.

  Perhaps her “acting skills” were better than her brother knew.


  Abby tossed and turned in bed that evening, unable to fall asleep. Partly because she wanted Luke to “visit” again and partly because she was afraid Ben would catch them. Frustrating as it was, they had to move slowly and give her brother time to absorb the change taking place.

  She finally gave up, threw the covers back and went to the window. It was a clear night and she could see the streets were quiet and empty which meant it was probably well after midnight. Her thoughts turned back to the events of the day. She’d had no idea Ben was so interested in ships. And, he had given her a new perspective on the Neptune Maiden. She’d simply thought of it as a cargo ship, but Ben had pointed she was built for speed, more like a warship than cargo. Which made her wonder why the schooner was being used for transport.

  The crew was certainly skilled at unloading the ship. The contents had been quickly put into three wagons that John had sent down to the docks and he had shown up to supervise the loading, a job that Ben was probably going to have to learn once they let John go.


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