Raven Falls: Australian Rural Romantic Suspense

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Raven Falls: Australian Rural Romantic Suspense Page 9

by Suzanne Brandyn

  Samantha’s insides burned. Was it something she ate? What would he have to say? She shook her head and stared toward the front of the room while everyone scrambled for their seats. Luckily, the seat she had chosen had been vacant the entire night. She toyed with the glass in front of her, and smiled pleasantly at the guests nearby.

  ‘I would like to say a few words if you don’t mind.’

  ‘As long as it doesn’t take too long,’ someone called.

  The guests laughed and chatter hummed throughout the room. Cameron had to tinkle his glass for a second time.

  ‘I wanted to say spending time with the Osborne family has opened my eyes to decent, loving people. Their parents would have been proud if they could see the way their kids interact. They hold respect for each other, although they joke about a bit, their love is an unconditional love. I’ve never had a brother or sister, although I wished I had. Sorry, this is not about me. The hard work, the land brings people together especially when facing drought and the elements. I’d like to make toast to the Osborne family for opening their home to me, for making me a part of their family and doing business.... I’m in irrigation and my company has recently installed the first pipeline of many at Raven Falls to feed a sprinkler system.’

  Whispered comments rose from the crowd.

  Brad raised his glass. ‘To the Osbornes’. May Raven Falls prosper. To Christine and Jack Osborne. You’ve done a great job.’

  Everyone stood and raised their glasses but Samantha remained seated. For some reason she didn’t feel well. Eyes were searching her and her brothers out. She imagined that they were probably wondering where the money came from for the irrigation system. She grew annoyed with Brad, annoyed that he had to big note himself in front of her parents’ friends and their friends. What did he know about hard work, or about the community of Raven? He spoke in riddles most of the time, especially when it came to anything related to their past relationship.

  ‘Hey, what’s up sis?’ Steven crouched beside the chair.

  ‘Why did Brad have to say that?’

  ‘I guess he felt the need to say what he did. He’s a good bloke Sam.’

  ‘I didn’t say he wasn’t but I don’t have to agree with what he says, especially getting up there and big noting himself and mentioning what we are doing at home.’

  ‘I know. Shrug it off. It’s nothing. People have forgotten already. They’re all half tanked and won’t remember much in the morning.’

  Samantha looked around. It was true. Everyone was drinking like there wasn’t a tomorrow.

  ‘Hey, I gotta go.’

  ‘You’re leaving? It’s early.’

  ‘No.’ He looked up, and she followed his line of vision to the busty blonde leaning on the wall behind them.

  ‘I want to talk to Amy somewhere quieter.’

  Samantha nodded. Wasn’t Amy all over Brad earlier?

  As soon as Steven left, Brad appeared from the other side of the room and made a direct path toward her. She picked up her drink, feeling her nerves somersault, and gulped a mouthful of wine. As it eased to her stomach, strangely she felt somewhat better.

  ‘There you are.’

  He sat on the chair beside her and faced her, with his knees apart. If she turned toward him her knees would end up between his.

  ‘They’re going to clear out the tables to allow room for a dance floor. Would you like to have a dance?’

  ‘A dance?’

  ‘Yes. Would you like to dance with me?’

  ‘Considering our circumstances Brad, I don’t think it’s a good idea.’

  ‘It’s just a dance, nothing more.’

  ‘Okay then.’ It may be just a dance to him, but her pulse quickened.

  He pushed to his feet, and extended his hand. Samantha placed her hand in his and stood. Her palm absorbed warmth and while his fingers tightened around her hand he led her toward the dance floor.

  The moment his hand slipped to her waist she sucked back a sudden gasp.

  ‘What’s up?’

  She cleared her throat, and looked up into eyes that rocked her core. ‘Nothing.’ Good heavens, why did she agree, knowing dancing entailed contact, with hands together, fingers entwined. As he guided her over the dance floor she struggled to rein in her feelings. She’d been burnt once by this man, why was she putting herself in the line of fire for a second time? It was obvious her heart ruled her mind. She had to be stronger. Trying to disengage from her thoughts she said, ‘I want to ask you something.’

  ‘Fire ahead. What’s up?’

  ‘Marg said a Good Samaritan paid for our meal tonight. That person wasn’t you, was it?’

  ‘I don’t know what you’re talking about.’

  She looked up into mischievous eyes. ‘I think you do.’

  He smirked, but Samantha knew it was Brad who paid.

  ‘Thank you,’ she whispered.

  He shook his head.

  ‘Seeing I got away with asking one question...has something happened? You seem so different to the man I met on the coast.’

  ‘This is not the place to have an in-depth conversation.’

  ‘I would like to know.’

  ‘Okay, I’ll tell you.’

  The music stopped and quietness fell over the room.

  ‘Let’s go and sit down.’ As they walked from the dance floor Samantha avoided contact. One dance was enough. She didn’t know how much more she could take inhaling his aftershave of summer rains, or his breath feathering her skin. At one stage she wanted to snuggle against his wide shoulder, bury her face onto his chest and absorb the male underneath his beautiful suit.

  She returned to her original seat. ‘Would you mind getting my purse please? It’s on the table over there.’ She nodded in the direction and Brad returned within seconds, placing her purse in front of her.

  ‘Can I get you a drink?’

  ‘I’m not sure. I’ve had two wines already.’

  ‘Would one more make a difference?’

  ‘I suppose not. Thank you.’

  While Brad went to the bar, the music started again and she scanned the crowd for her brothers. Cameron was guiding Shelly toward the dance floor, but Christopher wasn’t in sight. Failing to spot him, she stood, and tried to peer over the top of the crowd.

  ‘Here you go.’ Brad placed the drinks on the table.

  ‘Have you seen Christopher?’

  ‘No. Not for a while now.’

  Samantha checked the area for the youngest of the Brown girls. ‘I bet he’s with Julie.’

  ‘Does that matter?’

  ‘He’s sixteen, Brad.’

  ‘He’ll be fine.’

  ‘No he won’t.’ Images of Christopher leaving the property with an unwanted child and a woman he had to marry filled her mind.

  ‘He’s sixteen...I need to speak with Cameron.’ She took off, headed onto the dance floor. ‘Cam. Cam. I need to talk to you.’

  He put his hand to his ear indicating he couldn’t hear. She reached out grabbed his arm, gave it a tug and drew him closer. ‘I need to talk. Christopher is missing.’

  ‘He’s about somewhere.’

  ‘He’s sixteen...what if he...he....’

  ‘He’s got condoms on him.’

  Samantha almost wet her pants. ‘Got condoms.’ Her insides filled with motherly concern. She was about to turn, and Cameron took her arm, and gestured her away from the noise into a corner of the room.

  ‘He’s a kid. Give him a break. I’ve spoken to him about the birds and bees. He knows all that stuff. Let him be a man.’

  ‘Let him be a man...and were you a man at sixteen?’

  ‘Fifteen to be precise.’

  Samantha’s eyes widened. There was a lot she didn’t know about her brothers, and a lot more she didn’t know about men.

  Cameron loosened his grasp, dropped his arm. ‘He’ll be okay. Why don’t you let up for a while? You’ve been doting over us all night like an old mother hen.’

She stilled, drank in his words. Had she been overdoing it? Thinking this is what her mother would do, what she would have wanted. Samantha didn’t know anymore. Perhaps she was too stringent with all the rules. What…Cameron at fifteen? She wouldn’t have believed it if he hadn’t told her. Her first time was with Brad. Perhaps she was too inexperienced for him. She swallowed and made an unsteady path toward the restroom.

  Samantha walked the length of the vanity and back again, took a glance in the mirror, and turned toward the door, with noticeable rising and falling of her shoulders. After she’d taken a few moments out, she walked from the restroom and headed back to her previous seat.

  Some of the guests were leaving. They stopped to say goodbye and to let her know how much they enjoyed the night.

  ‘Christopher is mature for his age. He’ll be okay,’ Brad said.

  ‘I know, but I can’t stop worrying.’

  ‘You can’t help it if you want the best for your brothers. I imagine they want the best for you as well. They care a great deal about you.’

  She nodded. That’s all she could do. Perhaps she’d been overreacting all her life, well since her mother died. Wasn’t it about time she loosened up?

  ‘I’ll have to talk to Mark and Fran. I haven’t spoken to them all night.’

  ‘What about your question?’

  ‘I’ve waited all this time, I can wait some more. If I don’t mingle they’ll think I’m rude.’

  She stood, and made her way through the guests to the far side of one of the tables knowing Brad’s gaze followed. While they were dancing, he’d been in some type of pain. His face paled and his eyes reflected what was within. It was obvious something had happened. And when this night was over she intended to find out.

  Towards the end of the night, Cameron and Steven weren’t in sight and she gathered they too had condoms stuffed in their back pockets as well. She cringed, not wanting to think about their sexual encounters.

  ‘You want a lift home. I think Cam and Steven have left,’ Brad said as he approached.

  ‘What about Christopher?’

  ‘I haven’t seen him.’

  ‘I’m not going anywhere without Christopher. Panic latched onto insides. She sprung from her seat. ‘Will you help me find him please? He’s sixteen. A young sixteen. I’ve tried his mobile and he’s not answering.’

  ‘He’s a mature sixteen. Settle down. I’m sure he’s outside somewhere.’

  Brad didn’t seem to be in any pain at present, and she wondered if he’d taken something to camouflage whatever it was that was troublesome. He’d reached for his leg on two occasions now. It was as though he was rubbing at a painful spot to lessen the pain. For now, she had Christopher to worry about.

  In the company of a few streetlights and the glow of a three-quarter moon, they checked up along the street and backtracked toward the cafe, continuing up the side and around four large rainwater tanks. After twenty or so minutes, they decided to head back to the cafe.

  Two figures appeared in her sight as she rounded the bend and onto the footpath.


  ‘Sam, thanks for a great night. I’m glad we made it.’

  ‘Me too. It was good to see you again. Have you met Brad Harper? Brad, this is Mark and Fran Anderson. They own a cattle property on the other side of town. About ten minutes out.’

  ‘We didn’t get a chance to meet. Good to meet you.’ The men shook hands, and Brad gave Fran a nod in acknowledgement.

  ‘Have you seen Christopher?’ Samantha interjected.

  ‘As a matter of fact, I was talking to him a moment ago.’


  ‘Inside the cafe.’

  ‘Thanks. I should let you go. Nice seeing you again.’

  Samantha ran up to the door and pushed it open, her breath bursting from her chest.

  ‘Chris. Are you okay?’

  He glanced up. ‘Yeah. Guess so. Is it time to go now?’

  ‘Brad is giving us a lift home.’

  Christopher’s eyes were always like a summer’s sky. Now a cloud lingered, dulling the usual sheen. She reached up to ruffle his hair as they walked outside and he managed to duck from her touch.

  ‘You okay?’

  ‘I will be when I get home.’

  ‘Want to talk about it?’


  The cabin of his Brad’s four-wheel drive was in silence most of the way home and Samantha guessed they were tired. She had wanted to get her answer, but with her little brother in such a state she didn’t want to leave him alone. It would have to wait.

  Her brothers expected her to be polite, to help out and that meant having Brad in her company when it came to matters about the property. She’d just have to suck it up, although it damn well killed her to see him most days. He’d been the only man she’d fallen in love with, the only man she’d slept with and something stirred deep within whenever he was close by.

  How would she overcome her tortured feelings, especially when he finished his work at Raven Falls?

  Chapter Six

  After a quick wave, Brad drove away and she followed Christopher toward the house knowing he was hurting and that made her hurt. Whatever had happened she hoped he’d open up to Cameron, or perhaps Steven.

  The house was in darkness when they passed through the front door. Samantha flicked on a light switch.

  ‘Looks like it’s just us kiddo. Want to talk about it?’

  ‘Nope. I’m tired. I’m off to bed. Night, Sam.’

  ‘Are you sure?’

  ‘Yeah. Sure.’

  ‘Night Chris. Tomorrow is another day.’


  That night Samantha thought of all the odd things Brad did, but she also thought about all the kind gestures he made and it pleased her. She wondered what happened to make Amy turn from Brad to Steven.

  ‘Sam. Sam, are you asleep?’

  Samantha pushed the sheet away, and grabbed a wrap, slipping it on as she walked toward the door.


  Swinging the door open, she glared at Steven. ‘What’s up?’

  ‘I couldn’t find Christopher. I looked for ages.’

  ‘Steven. He’s home. He’s here. I’ve been trying to text and ring you and Cam, but you guys never answer.’

  ‘We didn’t take our mobiles with us.’

  ‘Great help having a mobile phone isn’t it? Didn’t I tell everyone to check if they had their phones?’

  ‘Guess so. But we forgot. A bunch of kids were in an accident near Blackmans Ditch.’

  Samantha cupped a hand to her mouth. ‘Any fatalities?’

  ‘We don’t know. They were transferred to Tamworth about an hour ago.’

  ‘Come on. I’ll make you a cuppa. Christopher is asleep.’

  Steven ran a shaky hand through his already tangled hair.

  ‘It’s okay Steven. Check on him. It’ll make you feel better.’

  While Steven checked on Christopher, she went downstairs into the kitchen, put on the jug and made two coffees. The front door opened and Cameron stormed in.

  ‘Christopher wasn’t in the accident. He's safe asleep in bed.’

  ‘How’d you know?’

  ‘Steven arrived back moments ago.’

  Cameron dropped his jacket and tie over a chair and grabbed the edge of the breakfast bar with outstretched arms. He dropped his head for a few moments before looking up.

  ‘I thought I mentioned that we all should take our mobiles tonight. It seems as though no one listened.’

  ‘I did think about it, but forgot at the last moment. Sorry.’

  ‘Well everyone’s safe.’

  ‘Hell. I thought we’d have to go through it all again, except with Christopher.’ He ran a hand behind his neck.

  ‘We aren’t and we won’t. He’s a sensible kid but something happened tonight and I think he would like to talk to his brother and not his sister.’

  ‘Didn’t it go well with Julie?’<
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  ‘I don’t know what happened except he was pretty upset when he came home with us.’

  ‘Who, you and Brad?’

  ‘He dropped Christopher and me off.’

  Cameron shook his head, and looked at the coffee in front of her. ‘Got one there for me?’

  ‘Yeah sure. The other one is Steven's.’

  Cameron took his coffee white with no sugar, so she pushed her mug over to him. ‘Have this one. I haven’t touched it. I’ll make another.’

  ‘Thanks.’ He ambled toward the table and sat the cup down, slopping its contents.

  ‘Steady on.’

  Steven walked in looking as bedraggled as Cameron.

  'Christopher is out to it.'

  'Big night for him so it seems,' Cameron added.

  Samantha pushed his coffee across the breakfast bar.

  'Thanks.' Steven joined Cameron at the table.

  ‘Have you heard much about Shelly, Sam?’ Cameron inquired.

  ‘No, why?’

  ‘Do you know what’s she really like?’

  ‘I don’t know the Brown girls that well.’

  ‘I thought you may have heard something that’s all.’

  ‘Why? What’s up?’

  'Yeah, what's the go there?' Steven added.

  ‘Forget it. It’s not important.’ He gulped his coffee. ‘I’m off to bed. The dinner went off well.’

  ‘Yeah. Everyone seemed to have a nice time.’

  ‘I’ll take a peek at Christopher before I turn in.’

  ‘Okay.’ It appeared not only did her little brother have trouble in the girl department, her older brother had as well. All she needed now was Steven to announce that he’d fallen in love with someone and her stress would shoot up to a dangerous level.

  'I'm heading for the sack as well. Night Sam.'

  'Night Steven.'

  Moments later Cameron walked passed the kitchen and hesitated. 'Just like Steven said, he’s out for the count. He could sleep through a violent thunderstorm.’

  Samantha chuckled. ‘Just like Dad, eh?’

  ‘Yeah. Just like Dad.’


  Brad’s unease and frustration was driving him crazy. He hadn’t discussed his findings with anyone and was unsure about his missing sibling. It was scrambling his brain. With intentions of heading over to the Osbornes’, his mobile rang and he tapped the answer button as he closed the front door.


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