Raven Falls: Australian Rural Romantic Suspense

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Raven Falls: Australian Rural Romantic Suspense Page 23

by Suzanne Brandyn

  The house seemed fresher, even with the aroma of the nightly meal.

  ‘Sam. You’re back.’

  ‘You’ve done a wonderful job.’

  ‘Thank you. Your brothers and Brad are in the office discussing something about the irrigation. The police were here this afternoon.’

  ‘Why the police?’

  ‘I don’t know any more. I try not to listen.’

  ‘Thanks.’ Samantha wandered toward the office door, which was left ajar, hesitated and listened.

  ‘The cops caught them. They were out of towners. Lucky for us no cattle were stolen and the pipeline can be fixed, although a new pump is on the list.’

  ‘I’ll chase up one in the morning. I’m sure there is one hanging around that we don’t use.’

  ‘We’ll pay you, Brad.’

  ‘No need.’

  Brad did have a kind heart. They had similar characteristics. Always helping out. She hesitated, and found it hard to breathe. Tiptoeing backward, she returned to the kitchen and chatted to Charlotte.

  ‘I was wondering about what you said earlier.’

  ‘Yes.’ Charlotte looked up with big ocean blue eyes.

  ‘What did you mean when you said, A man like that. You were talking about Brad.’

  She put an open palm to her chest. ‘Oh yes. That. It’s really not important.’

  Her answer frustrated Samantha further, but she didn’t push the subject. She didn’t want Charlotte curious to know the details of her and Brad’s past relationship. She’d just have to ask Brad the moment she got a chance.

  ‘I hope you don’t mind but I cleaned out the office a bit today. Just dusted it basically. That bookshelf needed a good clean.’

  ‘Well, here she is. Are you satisfied now that the drop and Falls weren’t affected?’

  Samantha smiled. ‘Yes, Cam. It’s beautiful after the rains. I never imagined it could restore itself to its former glory in such a short time. It’s paradise.’

  ‘You can say that,’ Brad commented.

  ‘I heard your conversation. I hope it’s the last we see of any rustler, or intruder.’

  ‘Cam’s sending more men out to ride over the property each day. If they know we are attentive they’ll move on,’ Steven said.

  Cameron walked over to the oven. ‘Hell, that smells good.’

  ‘You can dish up now if you like, Charlotte.’

  When Charlotte finished serving the stew, with a side serve of rice, everyone took their plates to the table. Freshly baked damper sat in the centre of the table and Samantha hesitated.

  ‘Charlotte, where’s your meal?’

  ‘Oh. I’ll eat later.’

  ‘No such thing. You will eat meals with us. We’re not that old-fashioned.’

  ‘Thank you, Sam.’

  After the meal, the men retired to the lounge room, all except Cameron who helped clear away the mess and pack the dishwasher. Samantha caught him and Charlotte making eyes at each other from the corner of her eye. They were besotted with each other. She secretly grinned.

  ‘Oh, before I forget. I found an envelope behind the bookcase. It’d dropped down the back. It most probably fell from the top. I’m not sure.’

  ‘Where is it now?’

  ‘I left it on the office desk. I was going to tell you earlier but I was interrupted.’

  ‘I knew there was a file missing. It has to be our birth certificates. It has to be.’ Samantha dashed from the room and closed the office door only to turn and eye the yellowed envelope.

  Mum. You betta be my mother. I don’t know what I’d do if you aren't. Samantha broke out in a cold sweat as she picked up the envelope and sat on the office chair.

  Instead of ripping the envelope open, she stared at it as though it contained a mountain of problems, that it held answers she didn’t want to hear. After searching for so long, and finding nothing, it was better to surmise than to have the truth revealed...revealing the criminal act she had taken part in.

  The door opened. ‘Hey, are you okay in here? You’ve been in here for at least half an hour.’

  She glanced up as though in a daze.

  ‘Oh. Yes Cam.’

  ‘Haven’t you opened it yet?’

  ‘No. I can’t.’

  Brad appeared beside him and she looked up.

  ‘Well blow me down. You guys have got something going on.’

  Samantha’s eyes welled in tears. ‘What the?’

  ‘Just open the envelope Sam.’

  Her hands trembled when she picked the envelope up and she found it difficult to open.

  ‘Steven’s. Steven’s and Christopher’s birth certificates are here.’ She pulled them out and handed them to Cameron and kept flicking through the pages. By the time she’d reached the end there wasn’t a birth certificate or a letter; nothing for either her or Cameron. Her frustration rose.

  She glanced at Cameron and then to Brad, pushed to her feet. ‘We are no better off than when we started. I’m going to have a port or few.’

  Samantha left the room in a hurry.

  ‘So, what’s happening?’ Christopher asked when she approached the bar.

  ‘We’ve found your birth certificate and also Steven’s.’

  Cameron walked into the room and he passed a sheet of paper to Steven and one to Christopher.

  ‘Drink anyone?’

  ‘Yeah, I’ve been waiting,’ Steven said.

  Brad added, ‘me too.’

  ‘I’m going upstairs. I can’t...I’m tired.’

  ‘We’ll eventually find out something Sam. Give it time.’

  ‘There’s been plenty of time. We’ve searched this place. We’ve searched every inch of this house.’

  ‘I can’t see Mum adopting any one of us anyhow,’ Christopher said.

  ‘Why not? Perhaps she thought she couldn’t have any more kids,’ Cameron commented.

  ‘I don’t think so.’

  ‘Why don’t you think so?’ Cameron beamed a heated look at Stephen.

  ‘Because she wouldn’t. She could have kids.’

  ‘That’s not a good enough reason.’

  Samantha noticed for the first time in her life that her brothers were getting heated with each other.

  ‘Listen, don’t argue. You guys never argue.’

  ‘That’s probably what is wrong with this family,’ Cameron barked.

  ‘There’s nothing wrong with this family.’

  ‘You wanna bet?’

  ‘We’re all hyped up wondering which one of us is Brad’s missing sibling but to tell you the truth I don’t think any one of us is. Just calm down. Everyone sit down and take a deep breath. You all get on my nerves sometimes.’ Her brothers did as they were told and Samantha realised she’d never spoken to them in that way before. Hell, with a crushed heart, with three brothers that were at each other’s throats it was a wonder she remained sane. And as for Brad, he didn’t say a word. ‘You too Brad.’

  He kinked an eyebrow, turned and sat on the nearest available seat.


  Charlotte entered the room. ‘Samantha, can I talk to you for a minute?’

  ‘Yes, what is it? Oh sorry,’ she added realising the tone of her voice. ‘As you can see we are having a family discussion. It’s not always like this, in fact, it’s never been like this.’

  ‘Samantha. I couldn’t help but overhear. Have you checked the sealed compartment in that book case?’

  Samantha’s mouth gaped. ‘Sealed compartment.’

  ‘I’ve seen an old book case like that before. It most probably needs a key and then it drops open.’

  Samantha shook her head. ‘I’m not going in there, I’ve had enough.’ No one moved.

  ‘With your permission, I’ll take a look,’ Brad said.

  After they all agreed he made a quick exit while Samantha downed her port and poured another.

  ‘You are supposed to sip on port,’ Steven said.

  ‘Not tonight.’ Her nerves wer
e wired, stretched to the maximum; any further and she’d fall in a heap. She let out a sigh, and looked up as Brad entered the room holding something in his hand.

  She shook her head, continued shaking it. ‘Don’t expect me to open it. It could be Pandora’s Box.’

  ‘Why sis? Even if you were related to Brad it wouldn’t worry me,’ Steven said, but he didn’t know the full story.

  ‘You’re really hung up on the idea, aren’t you?’ Christopher said.

  Samantha shook her head. ‘You wouldn’t want to know.’ She flicked her dark lashes in Brad’s direction before sending Christopher a sharp look. The room fell silent.

  ‘Shit no. You’ve jumped in the sack with Brad.’ Christopher glanced from Samantha and then to Brad. His eyes rounded in surprise or was it shock.


  ‘This could get really sticky.’

  ‘Ugly is the word, Chris,’ Cameron added.

  ‘I don’t need to be reminded.’

  ‘Now I know the reason. Hell Sam. So, it’s true.’ Cameron looked at Brad who raised his eyebrows, and put his hands up, palms open facing the ceiling.

  ‘I had an idea that you two were more than friends when Samantha rode up to greet you when you first arrived here. No wonder you’re so highly strung, sis.’

  ‘Can we please drop the subject and get on with this? It looks like there are no volunteers. Would you like to do the honours, Brad?’

  Brad tore open the sealed edge of the envelope. ‘There’s an envelope addressed to Sam in here. It says to be opened only by her.’ He glanced up. ‘I’m not doing it. Here you go, Sam.’ He took the few paces between them and held out his hand.

  Samantha glared at the contents of Brad’s hand. The grandfather clock began to chime, and it wasn’t until the ninth and final chime that she forced her trembling fingers to take the envelope. She extracted the first piece of paper and ran her gaze down the page, and held her breath while doing so. Her eyes watered and she almost cried. The tension in her shoulders eased and her breath whooshed up her throat before she sucked back another.

  ‘I’m an Osborne.’ Relief saturated every fibre in her being. Her lips quivered and she looked up at Brad who appeared just as relieved. His eyes softened, and the corners of his mouth twitched almost as though he was containing a grin, one hell of a sexy grin.

  ‘Well don’t sit there and stare at each other, although you two might have a lot of catching up to do.’

  Samantha looked from Cameron to Brad.

  ‘That’s another story we’re busting to hear.’ Cameron smirked at Brad.

  Samantha noticed the silent vibes going on between Cameron and Brad. ‘Don’t tell me there is something else you’ve been keeping from me, Cam?’

  ‘Keep looking please Sam.’

  And she did but she didn’t find a birth certificate for Cameron.

  ‘I’m sorry Cam. It’s not here.’

  ‘I didn’t expect it to be.’ His face paled, his eyes dulled and as he walked from the room, Samantha held up an envelope.

  ‘I think I’ve got something. Hang on Cam. It has your name on it. It might be your birth certificate.’

  He stopped by the door, turned back. ‘You open it.’

  Samantha turned the envelope over, pulled out two pages and flicked her gaze over her mother’s handwritten words. She cupped her mouth with her hand. Her entire body filled with numbing shock as she glared at the page.

  ‘There’s my answer. I’m not an Osborne,’ Cameron remarked.

  ‘Yes, you are, well sort of. Oh, I feel sick. Poor Mum.’ Tears escaped her eyes and she passed the pages to Cameron. ‘You read it.’

  Cameron glanced at Brad, and stepped forward taking the letter. He sat down, and started to read.

  ‘I can’t believe it. I cannot believe it. But it’s Mum’s handwriting.’ Cameron shook his head and continued to read. ‘Bloody hell.’ He handed the letter back to Samantha and left the room without another word.


  ‘Cameron is your half-brother, but you won’t believe this. I’m shocked. I can’t tell you. You’ll have to read it and leave it here on the coffee table when you’re finished. I need some fresh air.’

  As Samantha rushed from the room, Steven called out, ‘It’s all bad isn’t it Sam?’

  ‘It’s not that bad. It’s more of a shock than anything else.’

  When Samantha arrived on the back veranda, she dropped onto a seat and stared toward the mountains. She rubbed at her arms absentmindedly, as her insides rattled her senseless. Cameron paced around the house yard. His hands were deep in the back pockets of his jeans as he shook his head.

  After such a long time the truth was finally out. They all needed time to digest the facts. She closed her eyes, wondering what path the Osborne family would take from that point. She’d hadn’t known anything about any of this. Fifteen minutes or so had passed, and she opened her eyes. Brad wandered outdoors. She glanced up as he strolled closer. ‘Are you okay Brad?’

  ‘Yeah. It’s a shock though. I guess in a good way. I’ve found my half-brother. It means Mum must have known about Cameron all along. Poor Mum. She had a hard life.’

  ‘It would have been difficult. I wonder if my mother was aware if Dianne knew who Cameron’s father was.’

  ‘I think she had a pretty good idea.’

  ‘Unless there’s more to find.’

  Steven walked out, and came to a standstill beside Brad. ‘It’s too confusing for me.’

  ‘Cameron is our half-brother, Steve. He is also Brad’s half-brother.’

  ‘What in the...how? How’d that work?’

  ‘Mum was with Timothy Harper before she met Dad. Mum and Dad married pretty well straight after they met because she was pregnant. Dad loved Mum enough to marry her knowing she was having another man’s baby. Mum and Dad knew each other since childhood.’ Tears welled in Samantha’s eyes. ‘Mum found out that Timothy was married after she’d been with him.’

  ‘What, slept with him?’

  ‘Yes, Steven. She didn’t know anything about Dianne at the time. Mum hadn’t even met her.’

  ‘Hell, that’s a gob-full.’

  ‘It’s finally out in the open though. So, Brad, you and Cameron have the same father but different mothers.’

  Brad’s face blanched. He was in as much shock as everyone else.

  ‘It’s all in the letter, along with Cameron’s birth certificate. But what I don’t understand now, is that there must be another child.’

  ‘Kerry Campbell had a child; a daughter. So where’s that child?’ Brad asked.

  ‘A daughter. You didn’t mention anything about a baby girl.’

  ‘Scott Campbell told me, Sam. I’m sorry. I didn’t want to cause you any more unnecessary worry.’

  ‘Our birth certificates prove who we are. So, that’s one consolation,’ Samantha added. ‘Don’t think it. I’m sure Kerry’s baby is alive and well.’

  ‘Mary Hinder said the old man had a baby with him at the barbeque. Who was that baby?’ Brad fought to slot the facts into place. ‘Two half-siblings.’ He shook his head.

  Samantha looked out into the darkness and couldn’t spot Cameron. At that moment the roar of a vehicle caught everyone’s attention.

  ‘That’s Cam’s vehicle,’ Steven said, as he rushed through the house, followed by the rest of them.

  ‘Hell.’ Samantha spotted Cameron’s car fishtailing up the drive, heard the rev of the engine as the taillights disappeared into the night.

  ‘Give him time to adjust. He’ll be back.’

  ‘He better be,’ Samantha added.

  Steven and Christopher walked into the house, leaving Samantha and Brad alone. She turned to him. Their gaze connected, and he put out a hand, moved a lock of hair from her cheek and tucked it behind her ear.

  He closed the gap between them and slipped a hand to her waist before putting an index finger under her chin. She allowed his lips to glide over hers in
one sensual slow soul-destroying kiss that lasted long enough for her need to take a breath. She backed away a little.

  ‘Wow.’ She blinked several times, startled by the warmth pouring through her body, and the love building in her heart.

  ‘I thought I lost you. I thought— It was nightmarish. I don’t want anything more to happen without you knowing that I do love you.’

  ‘You love me.’

  ‘I always have, Sam. Always, from that first time I spotted you on the beach. I can’t imagine I used the pain, the meds and scars and everything I could think of as an excuse not to have a relationship with you after my arrival. And then we thought we were related. That was pretty damn hard to get my head around.’

  ‘You mentioned scars.’

  ‘They aren’t pretty. With skin grafts, and several operations it looks like a war zone. They look freakish.’

  ‘I’m sure it’s not that bad.’

  ‘I’d show you, but now is not the right time. I also get severe sciatica, mostly at night, bad nerve pain that keeps me awake for hours at a time. I take pain meds to get me through each night. It isn’t as bad as it used to be. There’s a lot of things I can’t do. ‘

  ‘We could work through it.’

  ‘There’s not much more I can do, although as I said it’s improving. The doctors said it would improve, but it’s been slow. During the day I’m almost one hundred percent. I can do almost anything. If I overdo it, or do something out of the usual, I pay for it at night.’

  Samantha understood to some degree. When she had her sprained ankle it drove her nuts as it was, let alone suffering from back pain. ‘Perhaps you need to have more tests, an MRI and x-rays.’

  ‘That’s on the cards.’

  ‘All the reasons you had lined up, you thought I wouldn’t want anything to do with you. It’s absurd. When a person loves another person it doesn’t matter. Nothing matters except those two people and their love.’

  ‘You’re in love with me.’


  ‘There is one thing I haven’t told you.’

  She slid backward, crossed her arms at her chest. ‘One more thing. Are you sure there’s just one thing? It seems as soon as we get over one obstacle, another one springs up.’


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