Sun Burnt

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Sun Burnt Page 2

by Cat Miller

  Bitsy was grinning and shaking her head behind the bar. She’d obviously just been waiting for the rest of the bar to see the lovely long legged newbie. If she’d just arrived, the news would be all over town before the end of the breakfast rush at Notcha Momma’s in the morning.

  Never one to miss the opportunity to be neighborly and welcome a new resident to Walker Creek, Beau laid down his pool stick and casually walked toward the restrooms for a little accidental run in. The first real smile in days split his face. This night had just taken a turn for the better. He was gonna catch him a redhead.


  Kesslyn blinked at her tired reflection in the bathroom mirror. It had been such a long damn day. She smiled in the direction of the door. She didn’t think there was a bar in America that didn’t get a little rowdy when the third verse of 'Friends in Low Places' was played. Country music thumped through the walls and vibrated the lighting fixture over her head. When she looked up at the sound her head spun a little. She washed her hands and splashed some water on her warm face while she listened to a chick in a bathroom stall make multiple phone calls to inform her friends that a mysterious redhead was flaunting her big ass all around Hooligans and tempting their men.

  Kesslyn frowned and turned to examine her butt in the mirror. She could agree that she was a curvy woman, sure, but a big ass? Now that was going a bit too far. She happened to like being taller than average and built like Marilyn Monroe. She was healthy. That was all she cared about.

  As for flaunting it, she didn’t believe walking from one end of the room to the other qualified, but the devil on her shoulder dared Kesslyn to give it a whirl. It could be fun, right? Thoughts like that are how she knew it was time to say when and head back to her hotel for some much needed sleep. When that naughty voice whispering bad ideas in your ear starts making perfect sense, you’ve had too much to drink.

  Kesslyn scowled at the stall door as the woman made yet another phone call. Good lord! Was this how a small town rumor mill worked? This was a bad way to start out in the town named for her forefathers. The toilet flushed so Kesslyn hurried to leave. She didn’t want a confrontation with Gossip Girl.

  She pushed through the ladies room door and smashed into something solid. The door bounced back at her.“Oh!”

  “Ouch!” said the wall of man she’d struck with the door.

  “I’m so sorry. Did I hurt you?” Kesslyn reached up to inspect the face of the man she’d hit with the door. It was dark in the hall and he was backlit, but she got the impression of a square jaw and sharp cheekbones. She couldn’t tell if she’d done any real harm, but she’d hit the man pretty hard. His hands covered hers and held it to his face as he looked down at her. He was tall. At least six-five, likely taller. Kesslyn was five-ten and the top of her head just reached his chin. She was eye to neck with his nice dress shirt open at the collar. His attire was out of place in the honky-tonk. He must be a businessman of some sort.

  “I’ll be alright darlin’. Are you okay? You flew out of there like there were hounds on your heels,” he answered in a smooth, deep Texas drawl that made her heart kick up a notch.

  The ladies room door opened behind her and the woman she’d been trying to avoid stepped out. The bathroom light illuminated the stranger's face and Kesslyn caught her breath. Holy shit! He was gorgeous. His perfectly honed features and sandy good looks reminded her of a Ken doll. Only without the whole creepy lack of genitalia thing.

  Oh god! Was she really standing there imagining his genitalia? And she’d hit him in the face with the door. There was a scratch on his temple . . . and she had her mind in his pants in an instant. It was time to go to bed. Alone? Yes, alone!

  “I see. Not a hound, but a bitch for sure,” he said under his breath when he saw the too perfect blond in tight jeans and extremely high heels who was gawking at them as if she’d seen a train wreck and couldn’t close her painted red lips.

  Kesslyn looked back up to the man, who still held her hand pressed to his face, and she giggled. Lord, she’d had too much to drink. She’d regressed to laughing at dirty words, but the woman really was a bitch. He lowered her hand but didn’t let go.

  “Beau, I thought you were out of town tonight.” She spoke to Kesslyn’s victim as if she weren’t there.

  “Decided to get home. I have work to do tomorrow,” he replied stiffly.

  “I thought you might call me when you got back to town.”

  Kesslyn got the feeling she was intruding on a private conversation. She tugged her hand out of his grip and squeezed herself against the wall so she didn’t touch him as she passed in the narrow hallway.

  “I’ll just be going. I’m very sorry for hitting you with the door,” she apologized and hurried away. She stopped at the bar to pay her tab and was almost to the door when the hottie in a suit caught up with her.

  “Hey there, darlin’, you leaving so soon? I thought I might get a dance, you know, to make up for my injury.” He pouted and pointed to the bruise forming on his temple. The big striking man actually poked out his lower lip and pouted.

  Kesslyn giggled again.“I’m really very sorry, sir.”

  “Beau. The name’s Beau,” he introduced himself and took her hand. He didn’t shake her hand. He just held it, stroking her knuckles with his thumb.

  “I heard.” She looked past him to Gossip Girl, who was staring a hole through Kesslyn’s head.“I don’t think your girlfriend would appreciate me monopolizing your time, Beau.”

  “Who, Luann? She ain’t my girl.” He shrugged.“She just wants to be. Can you blame her?” he asked with a cocky grin and gestured at his glorious form. She was so stunned by his arrogance that her mouth fell open. He laughed out loud.“Kidding! I’m just kidding. Come on, girl. Just one dance?”

  His smile was straight and white. His brown eyes danced with challenge, daring her to take him up on the offer. His hand was extended and waiting for her to take it. Kesslyn put her hand in Beau’s huge paw. His fingers wrapped around hers, and his grin broadened. He tugged her back toward the dance floor. It felt like every eye in the room was on them. She imagined Gossip Girl, Luann he’d called her, was making a new round of phone calls in the bathroom since she could no longer be seen in the bar room.

  The song playing was about being old enough to know better, but still too young to care. It was fast paced, and Kesslyn hoped her inebriated feet would cooperate. Beau spun her around, and they were off into a quick two-step. The familiar moves she danced so many times with her dad came back to her like riding a bike. She laughed and enjoyed the dance, smiling widely when Beau sang along and performed some fancy moves she’d never seen her daddy do. It was freeing to just relax and enjoy being a stranger in a strange place. This stunning man didn’t know her at all, but he wanted to. She could tell by the way he touched her everywhere possible and the way he danced a little too close.

  The music changed and a slow song began. Beau’s pleased grin was heart stopping. He pulled her into his arms, wrapping himself around her. The brush of his long legs against hers and the solid bands of his arms around her were an aphrodisiac. The man could move too. She loved a man who could dance with confidence.


  The hot redhead was a damn good dancer. Beau loved to dance, and it was nice to find a partner who could keep up with him on the floor. He pulled his sweet armful in tight. She was tall enough for him to kiss without bending himself in two and a beauty to boot. She had the kind of curves a big man like him adored. She was shapely and sexy as hell, but not too delicate. He hated feeling like he might break a woman if he let his passion have free rein. But that was putting the cart a bit before the horse. She hadn’t even given him her name yet. He thought he’d picked up an accent over the loud music during their short conversation.

  “What does a man have to do to learn your name, darlin’?” He gave her his best shucks-ma’am-I-don’t-mean-no-harm, Texas gentleman smile. She looked a little stunned and blinked a few times before she a

  “Kesslyn. My name is Kesslyn. It’s nice to meet you, Beau.” A pink stain spread over her lovely cheeks as she blushed under his stare.

  Damn, he was glad he’d decided to join the after-party at Hooligans instead of heading home after the reception. She had to be the sweetest thing he’d ever seen. And that was definitely an accent. Northeastern if he thought correctly.“What’s a little yankee like you doing around these parts?”

  “I’m not a yankee.” She frowned and got even cuter. Damn.“I’m from Maryland. That’s south of the Mason-Dixon Line.”

  “Oh, well, pardon me, ma’am. What’s a not-quite-but-nearly-a-yankee doing in Walker Creek, Texas on this fine Saturday night?” he rephrased, but that didn’t seem to appease the woman.

  She paused for a little too long before answering.“My rental broke down up the road. It’s at the garage. I’ll be leaving town as soon as it’s running again.”

  And wasn’t that a damn shame. Beau had been hoping his little yankee was new in town. He’d followed her down the hall and walked into that damn door on purpose. She’d thrown it open though, and caught him off guard, hitting him in the face instead of the shoulder like he’d hoped. All in an effort to get a shot at that hot ass before any of the other cowboys in town set eyes on her.

  “You’re breaking my heart, darlin’. I thought I was fallin’ in love.” He sighed dramatically.

  “I bet you say that to all the girls.” She giggled and smacked his arm.

  “No, ma’am. I have never told a woman I was in love, or fallin’ in that direction.” He smiled, but the truth of the statement struck him.“I’ve only ever loved one woman. And she raised me, so deserves my unending love and affection.”

  He held Kesslyn close, and they swayed to the music for another song while they chatted about inconsequential things like the heat in Texas compared to the humidity in Baltimore. Beau couldn’t relate, having never been that far northeast. She steered the conversation away from anything too personal. The excitement of finding such a lovely lady in such an unexpected place turned to regret. Beau was seriously attracted Kesslyn and wished he had the opportunity to know her better. He should have just gone home after the reception.

  Kesslyn yawned widely, covering her mouth. She stepped back out of his arms, and he knew it was time for goodbye.

  “I’m really sorry I hit you with the door, Beau.” She stroked the little bruise forming on his brow.

  “It’s nothing. Really.” He shrugged it off.

  “Thank you for the dance.” She was still swaying a bit.

  Dancing with a woman who could reach his face without going up on her toes was a first for him, and he liked it. He liked her a lot, and he hated to see her go.

  “I’m going to head back to my room. It’s been a really long day for me.” She smiled weakly. The woman looked dead on her feet.

  “Hey, why don’t you let me give you a ride? I’m heading out, too.” It was stupid, but Beau didn’t want the evening to end just yet.

  She looked a little wary at first, but she agreed with a nod of her sleepy head. Beau wrapped an arm around her, and they made their way through the other couples to the door. He knew everyone was watching them go, and there would be gossip all over town about him and the sexy redhead. He smiled. Life in a small town was like that. If he ordered something different than his usual at the diner everyone would know it.

  Outside Beau opened the driver side door of his Silverado and helped Kesslyn climb in.

  “I don’t think I should drive.” She looked at him with big confused blue eyes.

  “I know, darlin’. Scoot over, but don’t you scoot too far. I’d like to keep you close for a little longer.” Christ, was that him being all . . . sweet? What the hell, man?

  Kesslyn smiled sweetly and complied, moving over to the middle of the bench seat. That was what was up, right there. He wanted as many of her smiles as he could get. If he could get a kiss before she disappeared into the night it would be even better. He needed to know if she tasted as sweet as she looked.


  Kesslyn sat close to the big Texan with their fingers entwined. She’d never been a hand holder. Not since she was little and held her mom or dad’s hand everywhere they went. It was surprisingly intimate to sit that close and hold onto each other that way. She liked the comforting sensation of being palm to palm. Suddenly she wasn’t quite so alone in the world if only for a moment.

  He drove her the short distance to her hotel and parked where she directed him, toward the rear of the hotel, closer to her room. It was very quiet. The heat of summer must not be tourist season in small town Texas.

  Beau slid out of the truck, and Kesslyn moved to hop out, but he blocked her exit. She thought he was going to help her out of the big truck. Instead she found herself on the edge of the driver seat with her legs dangling and Beau wedged firmly between them. He cupped her face and stroked her lower lip with his thumb.

  Those sexy brown eyes burned through her, melting her instinctual fear of being pressed against a strange man. He didn’t feel strange to her though. He was mesmerizing. Kesslyn’s hands skated up the sleeves of his dress shirt to caress his shoulders.

  “I need a little taste. Just a sip, baby. You gonna give it to me?” He was moving in, staring at her mouth. Waiting.

  Beau’s hands glided up her waist and over her shoulders until he cupped her face in his hot palms. He loomed over her so big and strong. He was going to kiss her. She should stop him. She should, but she couldn’t. Kesslyn wanted to taste his flavor as badly as he wanted to sample hers.

  He hovered there so close to her lips that his breath mingled with hers. He was still waiting for her permission to kiss her before he let her go. No, she wasn’t afraid of this stranger at all. She nodded slightly. Giving him the consent he wanted.

  Beau growled softly and took her mouth. It wasn’t a slow building kiss. It was an explosion. Their mouths touched and they both dove in head first. Their tongues danced as smoothly as their bodies had earlier. There was no tentative searching. None of the unfamiliar awkwardness of a normal first kiss. He kissed her like they’d been lovers and he knew just what it took to set her body on fire.

  Beau crowded her making her feel all at once vulnerable and shielded. The kiss went on in a frenzy of exploration. They each searched out the other’s flavor and savored it. He kissed her deep and long making her want with a fierceness she wasn’t accustomed to. Damn the man could kiss.

  Beau was the first to pull away from the kiss, but he didn’t release her or back away to let her out. He stared up at the sky above the truck. His broad chest heaved as he took several deep, calming breaths. A shudder ran through his big body. Kesslyn realized Beau was attempting to rein in his need.

  Kesslyn clutched his shirt while she too tried to catch her breath. Somehow, knowing he wanted her as desperately as she wanted him was freeing. His cock was a solid mass between them and she wanted it. She wanted to feel all of that heat deep inside her body. She wanted Beau and knew she could have him if she just said the word.

  Her hands moved from his shoulders to the front of his shirt. She gripped both sides of the expensive shirt and tugged hard, sending buttons flying in every direction. Her hands immediately went to the hard muscled chest she was so eager to explore. Beau’s hands gripped the edges of the roof of the vehicle tightly. Like he was holding on to keep from grabbing her again. She wanted his hands on her body. She just needed to ask for it. Kesslyn nuzzled her face against his chest. She let her tongue sneak out to taste the skin of his nipple.

  “Baby, Kesslyn, please. I’m trying to be a gentleman here. I’m failing miserably and that isn’t helping me a bit, darlin’. This is one of those times I don’t mind admitting I’m just a man, and a weaker man than I want to be.”

  Beau tried to back up but Kesslyn hooked her legs around his and held onto his tattered shirt.

  “To leave me now would be very ungentlemanly.” She licked his
other nipple and he shuddered again.

  “I won’t want to stop, darlin’. I’m just a man and dammit that feels good.” He groaned and the vibration coming through his chest made her smile.

  Kesslyn looked up into copper brown eyes that burned with lust for her and she was lost. She wanted this man with a desperation she didn’t understand. So she lifted her face and kissed him again with all of the longing she was feeling in her chest. Beau responded immediately.

  The feel of his big, hard body against hers, nearly dwarfing hers, made Kesslyn feel small and feminine. Even a little delicate, which she wasn’t and she knew it. Kesslyn was tall, curvy, and quite feminine, but not delicate. It said a lot about the size of the man currently pulling the t-shirt over her head and tossing it back into the cab of his truck.

  She imagined a man like Beau would need a huge bed. The thought of him in an actual bed was tempting. The weight of him would press her deep into the mattress. She wanted that but it was too late now. Beau already had her breasts exposed above the cups of her bra. He was plumping a breast with one hand and sucking the pouting nipple deep into his hot mouth. The tug shot from her breast straight to her core. Damn, he might make her come with just his mouth on her breast if he kept up that intense suction while she rubbed herself against his thigh.

  Beau’s other hand got busy unbuttoning her shorts. Kesslyn dragged her nails lightly down his chest to the waist of his slacks. He shivered and began making his way back up her chest to lick her collarbone. She made fast work of unbuttoning his tailored trousers and went straight for the prize. And what a package it was. Beau’s manhood was rock hard, smooth as granite, and shockingly proportionate with the rest of his big body.


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