Alien Selection

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Alien Selection Page 4

by Honey Phillips

  “It is as long as a scholar’s hair,” he continued, running a hand over his own short, black hair.

  “A scholar?”

  “Like S’kran,” he explained.

  Now that he mentioned it, she remembered that the medic had worn a long black braid. She also remembered that S’kran didn’t have T’saran’s massive horns, only short nubs on each side of his forehead. Were they even the same race?

  Before she could ask, T’saran rubbed his chin and looked at the table. “I was not sure what you would like so I prepared a variety.”

  “You certainly did,” she said, and to her surprise, a giggle escaped.

  He smiled back, revealing a rather distressing amount of white pointed teeth, but she gulped and kept smiling.

  “Are you going to tell me what they are?”

  Chapter Six

  T’saran watched with satisfaction as his female, wearing his clothing, ate the food he had provided for her. It would perhaps be more correct to say that she tried the food he had provided, but nonetheless, it satisfied some deep primal urge to provide for his mate. Remembering the prominence of her ribs, he urged her to take more food, but she finished far too quickly for his liking.

  “I can’t eat any more,” she said as she put down her utensils with a sigh. “That’s a lot more food than I usually eat at one time.”

  “You are too thin,” he growled.

  To his dismay, pink washed her cheeks and she ducked her head, her beautiful hair covering her face.

  “L’ren, did I say something wrong?”

  “No. You were just being honest.” She would not look at him. “I know I’m too thin for a man to find appealing.”

  “Not appealing?”

  Shocked at her interpretation of his words, he automatically reached for her. They had been seated next to each other on the bed while she ate, and now he simply lifted her onto his lap. She gasped and looked up at him at last, her eyes startled but not afraid.

  “My… lady, you are the most beautiful female I have ever encountered.” He gazed directly into her eyes, willing her to believe him. “My concern is only for your health. And as for appealing…” He tucked her a little closer, letting her feel the hard ridge of his cock against the soft curves of her ass. “My cock has been hard for you since the moment that we met.”

  “Oh.” Her mouth formed a perfect circle and he had a dizzying vision of thrusting his cock between those soft, pink lips. His cock jerked beneath her and more color heated her cheeks, but this time he didn’t think it was embarrassment, especially when he caught the delicate fragrance of her arousal.

  “T’saran, I… You…” She bit her lip, then blurted out. “You’re very attractive but I’m not ready for sex.”

  “Of course not. You have had a traumatic day and perhaps, not the first one?”

  She gave a reluctant nod and he had to take several deep breaths to suppress his rage.

  “I hope you can believe that I would never force you.”

  “Yes, I do believe that.” A shy hand reached up to touch his mouth. “Do the Yehrin kiss?”

  The definition provided by his translation interface caused his cock to jerk again.

  “It is not customary,” he said, and her face fell. “But I would very much like to experience it. If you are willing.”

  “I haven’t been kissed in a long time. I miss it.”

  “I am at your disposal.”

  Her radiant little smile peeked out. “It’s supposed to be a mutual pleasure.”

  “Then you must instruct me.”

  “Me?” Her shocked look was followed by another smile. She reached up and tugged his head down, her fingers burrowing into his short hair and circling the base of his horns. He groaned at the feel of her soft fingers on the sensitive area, and she drew back.

  “Am I hurting you?”

  “Not at all.” He couldn’t resist adjusting her position so that his aching cock nestled between the soft cheeks of her ass. “That area is very sensitive.”

  “Your horns?”

  “Just at the base.” He had to suppress a second groan as she stroked him there again. “Yes, there.”

  She tugged slightly, sending an electric thrill through his body, and he lowered his head. Still using his horns to guide his movements, she tilted his head and then pressed her soft mouth against his. The sensation was quite pleasant, but then she ran a soft little tongue across the seam of his lips. He parted them instinctively and her tongue slipped inside his mouth. Her taste exploded across his senses and he immediately wanted more.

  Careful to shield her from his teeth, he sucked the soft flesh deeper into his mouth, relishing the delicious taste. Her fingers tightened around his horns and he grew bolder, letting his own tongue explore the tender depths of her mouth. His cock throbbed an insistent demand, but his whole being was focused on where their mouths connected. She nestled closer and he could feel the hard points of her nipples against his chest. When he finally, reluctantly, raised his head, her lips were pink and swollen and her face glowed.

  “That was wonderful,” she whispered.

  “Yes, my lady. Can we do it again?”

  “Oh, yes.”

  As he started to lower his head, he remembered the way she had rubbed against him. “Are your tits sore?”

  She bit her lip. “No. Whatever it was you put on them worked really well. It, um, felt really good when you applied it.”

  “May I touch them again?”

  A tide of color washed over her face and down her neck. He desperately wanted to know if it stretched as far as those tempting little tits, but he waited until she nodded shyly before he parted the mutashi to reveal the perfect mounds that were indeed flushed a delicate pink.

  “Oh.” She jumped as he carefully cupped one breast, checking to make sure that no sign of injury remained. The bruising had disappeared and only a thin red line marked the place where she had been cut.

  “I didn’t realize you were going to…”

  His gaze flicked to her face as he stroked a careful thumb across one taut peak. A line had formed between her brows and he immediately halted his movement.

  “Did I do something wrong?”

  “I thought you meant over my clothes.”

  He reluctantly started to withdraw his hand, but she took a deep breath and pressed it back in place with her small fingers.

  “It’s all right. Just… just be careful, okay?”

  “I will always be careful with you, my lady.”

  She gave him a considering look, then smiled. “I think I believe you, my monster.”

  He rewarded her trust by teasing the impudent little peak. When she gasped and pressed against his hand, he gave into temptation and lowered his head, watching her carefully for any objection before he closed his mouth around her nipple.

  Instead of protesting, she grabbed his horns, tightening her grip around them as he moved from tit to tit before returning to the tempting succulence of her mouth. When he raised his head a second time, she was writhing against him, the tantalizing massage bringing him dangerously close to ejaculating.

  “T’saran,” she gasped.

  “Yes, my lady?”

  “I want… I want to come. Can you help me?”

  His seed almost escaped at the shy request. In answer, he slid his hand down her soft stomach until he reached the apex of her thighs. He paused there, about to ask permission, when she parted her legs and he felt her hot damp heat for the first time. A scrap of cloth separated his hand from her flesh, and he tore it away impatiently, sighing with satisfaction at the silky warmth beneath. He delved deeper, finding a spot that made her gasp and clutch his horns even tighter. Returning to the delightful temptation of her kiss, he stroked into her mouth with the same measured pace that he stroked the small hard nub of flesh. She lifted her hips, urging him on, increasing the pace as her soft body moved across his cock in a tantalizing dance, his own body tightening in step with hers until at last sh
e cried out into his mouth and he felt her liquid flooding his fingers even as his own seed gushed forth in an explosion of searing ecstasy.

  When he dropped a final kiss on her lips and reluctantly raised his head, her eyes fluttered open.

  “I… I’ve never… Thank you, my monster.”

  Before he had a chance to respond, her eyes closed again, and her breathing deepened into the soft rhythm of sleep. He held her in his arms for a long time, watching her face, full of wonder and fear. He had found his L’chka and she was perfect—but he would have to return her to her planet and leave her alone until the fleet came. Alone and unprotected. His instincts raged at the thought, but he could find no alternative. She would be no safer aboard a ship under T’ngorzul’s command. He would have seethed about his foolishness in choosing such a desperate path to regain his rank, but how could he when it had brought him to her?

  At long last, he placed her in his bed, cleansed them both, and then curled around her. Tomorrow was uncertain, but for now, she was safe in his arms.

  Chapter Seven

  Lauren awoke slowly, feeling unusually safe and warm. The source of both was T’saran, wrapped around her so tightly that she could barely tell where he ended and she began—although, the hard bar pressed against her ass was most definitely him. She thought she should feel more embarrassed about the events of the previous evening than she actually did. While it was more than a little mortifying that she had ended up having almost sex with an alien stranger, she was still amazed that she had finally had an orgasm.

  She had come a virgin to her marriage bed and Adam had been impatient with her nerves. Their wedding night had been short and painful, and while she had eventually adjusted, she had never been able to more than tolerate their brief infrequent couplings. He considered her failure to orgasm yet another indication of her shortcomings.

  But T’saran… T’saran had been patient and gentle and so incredibly sexy that even the memory had her pussy dampening.

  “Mm. You smell delightful this morning, my lady.” T’saran’s deep voice rumbled against her ear and her nipples responded immediately, already anticipating pleasure.

  He rolled her easily onto her back and rose over her, his horns dark and massive above her, but she wasn’t afraid. His eyes glowed a soft purple in the dim light and she reached up to run her fingers lightly across his mouth.

  “Good morning.”

  “A good morning indeed, with you in my bed.”

  Feeling unexpectedly playful, she smiled up at him. “You know it is customary on Earth to start the day with a good morning kiss.”

  “I approve of this custom.”

  He lowered his head and she parted her lips, already anticipating the rough brush of his tongue. Unlike a human tongue, the surface of his was textured and almost coarse, but it felt amazing against her own and even more amazing against her nipples. Would it feel just as amazing against her pussy? The naughty little thought snuck into her mind and she smiled as his lips reached hers.

  Unfortunately, she’d barely had time to taste him before he stiffened and lifted his head.

  “What is it?”

  He tapped impatiently at his wrist device with his claws. “We have been summoned to the med lab. I’m afraid I was only able to buy you one shift of delay.”


  “It’s of no consequence.” He brought the lights up, then climbed out of bed, and the color filled her cheeks as she realized that aside from his wrist device, he was completely naked. Unconcerned about his nudity, he walked to one of the cabinets while she watched in speechless awe. Without clothes, she could see the well-defined muscles that covered every inch of his frame. Her gaze traveled down over broad shoulders, a wide back, and a truly impressive ass to muscular thighs and calves and… clawed feet? How had she missed that before? She studied the three black front claws and the almost palm like foot leading to the rear claw in horrified fascination. Then he turned around and she immediately forgot about his feet as she saw his cock for the first time.

  Still partially erect, it hung heavily halfway down his thigh. Unlike a human penis, it wasn’t a straight column, but instead bulged and twisted into an undulating shaft. Even from here, she could also see that the surface wasn’t completely smooth, and she wondered if it was as coarsely textured as his tongue. As she stared, it began to fill and lift.

  “My lady.” T’saran’s voice sounded strained. “You make it very difficult for me to remember my duty.”

  She ducked her head, old instincts kicking in. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to stare.”

  “I am delighted to have your eyes upon me, but it makes me yearn for your touch as well.”

  Still embarrassed, she nevertheless managed to raise her head and give him a shy smile. “Maybe later?”

  “I will look forward to it.”

  After a quick wash and a hasty breakfast, they prepared to leave the cabin. T’saran had resumed the black uniform, a sleeveless top tucked into tight black pants with a wide utility-type belt fastened around his waist. For her outfit, he had shortened the sleeves of the mutashi top with an intimidating looking knife before cutting away a large portion of the pant legs. She was still swallowed by the garments, but she was also covered. He paused at the door, apparently listening.

  “What are you doing?” she asked, remembering his caution from the previous day.

  “Checking to see if anyone is about.” He looked down at her, eyes grave. “Word of your presence has undoubtedly spread but I would prefer to avoid having anyone see you.”

  Her head dropped at his words. Was he ashamed of her?

  Before the thought took hold, he raised her chin in one big hand. “I do not want to have to fight every man who lays eyes upon you.”

  At her blush, he dropped a far too brief kiss on her lips and led the way out of the room.

  They made it to the lab without encountering anyone else and the rest of the day passed in a long blur of tests. S’kran poked and prodded, although fortunately, he seemed able to perform his examinations while she was dressed. He measured her eyesight, her hearing, her sense of smell, and even ran a taste test that included some remarkably disgusting substances. He also took samples of all of her bodily fluids, although even the blood draw was quick and painless.

  “Fascinating,” he muttered as he entered notes onto tablet computer. “And only a single heart. How inefficient.”

  T’saran hovered in the background the entire time, a low continuous growl coming from his throat. After his initial hesitation, S’kran seemed to accept it and barely flinched when the volume increased whenever he stepped to close to her. That acceptance came to a rapid end when S’kran asked her to undress. T’saran was immediately between her and the doctor, every inch an enraged Yehrin warrior.

  S’kran stepped back, his hand flying to his throat.

  “I need to do an internal examination.”

  “Use the scanner,” T’saran growled.

  “B-but Commander T’ngorzul wants visuals as well.”

  “He is not going to get them from my L’chka.”

  S’kran’s eyes widened. “Your L’chka? You have formed a mating bond?”

  T’saran cast an almost embarrassed glance in her direction.

  “She has not accepted my claim.”

  Had he asked her? She distinctly remembered him saying he had no right to make the claim, but he had seemed to indicate that he wanted to do just that. The thought of a bond with him created a surprising yearning in her heart, even though she knew there was no future for them. She would be returning to Earth—to her pathetic existence—and he was going off to do warrior things. Would he even remember her if the Yehrin actually returned?

  T’saran and S’kran continued to argue while she rather gloomily considered the possibilities. To no one’s surprise, T’saran won the argument and escorted her back to his cabin.

  After a rather silent dinner—where she noted that he gave her only the items she
had enjoyed the night before—he stowed the table, then lifted her gently into his arms.

  “You have been very silent, my lady.”

  “As have you, my monster.”

  “I do not wish to be parted from you,” he said immediately, surprising her with his directness. A lump formed in her throat.

  “I’m going to miss you, too.” Fighting her natural urge to avoid a painful subject, she took a deep breath. “Will I see you again? If the Yehrin return.”

  “The Yehrin will return and you will most definitely see me again. I will miss you every day that we are apart.”

  A tear escaped down her cheek and he leaned forward and kissed it gently before directing his attention to her mouth. He kissed her long and slowly, and she could feel the same sorrow in her heart in his kiss. But despite the underlying sadness, her body responded to his touch and she could feel his cock hardening beneath her.

  “Will you allow me to bring you pleasure again tonight?”

  “I would like that very much.”

  As soon as she finished speaking, he stripped away the mutashi top and cupped her breast in one big warm hand.

  “That is much better,” he said, so obviously satisfied that she didn’t feel embarrassed to be half-naked in his arms.

  “You could remove your top as well,” she suggested shyly.

  His fingers immediately went to his shoulder and the uniform fell away. She put a hand on his chest. Despite the hard muscles, his skin was warm and smooth, lightly dusted with dark hair. Feeling brave, she trailed her hand down his stomach, but he caught it as she approached his waistband.

  “You are tempting my control, L’ren.”

  The fact that he responded so quickly to her touch was tremendously empowering and she gave him what she hoped was a sultry smile.

  “Good. Can I touch you?”

  “I could wish for nothing more, but…”

  Her heart sank at his hesitation and she suddenly felt exposed. He must have read her expression because he kissed her gently.

  “I do not believe you are ready to mate. It is best that I concentrate on pleasuring you.”


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