OMEGA Allegiance

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OMEGA Allegiance Page 25

by Stephen Arseneault

  Joni frowned. "I would have thought my own father would have come out to see me."

  The driver spoke before closing the door. "Your father will be meeting you at the palace my lady."

  Several minutes later the transport stopped and we stepped out onto the white tile of the main entrance. I again took in the look and feel of the majestic white marble and stone. The lush green plants spread throughout the compound were covered with flora. Joseph Salton was not there waiting to greet us. Four large Human males of the family's personal guard stood waiting.

  "Please follow me," one of the guards instructed.

  Joni commented in a low voice. "I don't know that I like the way this is going."

  We were escorted into a grand room where Joseph Salton was waiting. He opened is arms as Joni ran to him.

  "We all thought you were dead!" Joseph Salton said through teary eyes. "How is it you have come back to us?"

  Joni's two cousins stood nearby, with scowls on their faces. They were not so thrilled to see their rebellious cousin.

  "I was caught up in the rebellion on Adicus. I was injured, they took me in and took care of me. When they were forced into conscription, I felt it was partly my fault because it was my family that was doing it. I went with them through the portal."

  Joseph held her at arms length. "Wait, you went through the portal? To the wars?"

  Joni nodded. "I did. Knog came through and rescued me."

  Joseph stepped over and held out his hand in what seemed like a reluctant gesture. "I can't thank you enough for bringing our Joni home to us. I will speak to my brother about your exile."

  I shook his hand. "That would be appreciated, Sir."

  Joseph Salton took his daughter by the shoulder and walked over to an ornate couch. "Sit down. What happened to you? Where were you injured?"

  Joni replied, "I mostly just got knocked out. Had some scrapes and a broken rib. Nothing major. About the portal and the wars going on, we have a lot of information that we are bringing back. We even have a couple prisoners from the species we are fighting."

  Joseph nodded. "Those would be the Moddle. They are ruthless butchers and we will be rid of them soon enough."

  Joni shook her head. "No, I'm talking about the Grotus and the Grumar."

  Joseph Salton looked on with wide eyes. "You took a Grotus captive?"

  Joni replied, "Yeah, him and the Grumar have been spilling their guts to us. We have a good idea of what's going on out there."

  Harden Salton stepped in behind her. "And just what is it that you think is going on out there?"

  Joni jumped up, moving around the couch to greet her uncle. Her hug was not returned.

  Harden Salton looked at me. "You. I thank you for the return of my niece, but you have been stirring up malcontent and that is going to stop. Your exile is revoked, however, your debt to the New Alliance remains to be fulfilled."

  The four personal guards that had accompanied us drew their blaster pistols. "You, come with us!"

  Joni protested. "Wait! You haven't heard what it is we have to say! That portal is not taking the conscripts to fight in the Andromeda galaxy. They are jumping to some other galaxy outside of the Alliance! And the Grotus and the Grumar are just using you to do their bidding! We are sending our citizens to fight their wars!"

  Harden Salton gave an evil grin. "The Grotus are merely managing our war for us, my dear. The Moddle are standing in the way of our opening a hundred new colonies out there. That entire galaxy is full of small, backwards empires, just waiting to be absorbed. With the Grotus running our campaigns, we have the military experience and equipment that we lack here. It would have taken us thirty years to crush the Moddle. With the Grotus running things, we can accomplish that feat in three."

  Harden Salton looked at me and continued, "Oh, and your little empire out in Omega. That will be dismantled in the coming weeks. Governor Marcos kept things peaceful there, I was sad to hear of his demise. No matter, I will have a new Governor in place shortly. And thank you for organizing the mines for us, those resources were sorely needed."

  I spoke as the guards took hold of my arms. "You are playing into their hands, Mr. Salton. The Grotus are aggressive and will not be managed by any other species. They will win your wars, and then turn and crush you as well."

  Harden replied, "The Greens, as you call them, I've been told they look a lot like Gruntas, only they are warriors and not farmers."

  I shook my head. "They are a sister species. There are only a few minor genetic differences between us. One of those differences is their aggressive behavior. As I said, they will not be ruled or commanded by others. They are dominators and not allies. Mark my words, when you least expect it, they will turn on you."

  Harden Salton waved his hand with chagrin. "We have the Grotus under control. One thing that puzzles me though, you Grunta were one of the species in the War of Wars, soundly defeated by us Humans, but a warrior species, and yet you choose to be farmers. Why is that?"

  I replied, "Unlike the Grotus, we prefer to build and create rather than destroy. With the Grotus, the only thing you will build is your own defeat. I have warned you."

  Harden Salton scowled. "You had best worry about your own demise. Your new debt to the empire, for all of the trouble you have caused, will be one of conscription. You will be sent through that portal where you will soon join your brethren in battle."

  I replied, "I will not fight alongside the Grotus. They wouldn't allow me to live. They have been our hated enemy since before the AMP. I will be dead the moment I am seen."

  Harden Salton laughed. "Oh, I don't think you have to worry about the Grotus killing you. You and the other Gruntas will be too busy fighting the Moddle!"

  I turned quickly to face my new nemesis.

  Harden Salton smiled. "Yes, those transports you passed were carrying Gruntas! Your entire planet... men, women, children... even the elderly insisted on all going together. The handful of Gruntas that lived off-world voluntarily returned for it as well. It seems that there were all sorts of secretive meetings and goings on by your people that we never knew about. It is still unclear, but it almost seemed as though they were preparing for war, which is fortuitous for both of us I suppose.

  My eyes burned with hatred over what I had just been told. "I will return here one day. And on that day I will avenge the death of every Grunta that was made to pass through that portal!"

  Harden Salton again waved his hand. "Take him away. I'm tiring of his presence."


  Once again, this Human is asking for your help! In return for that help I have a free science fiction ebook short story, titled "THE SQUAD", waiting for anyone who joins my email list. Also, find out when the next exciting release is available by joining the email list at [email protected]. Visit the author's website at for the rest of the series and other works!

  Table of Contents



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23




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