Echo (Archer's Creek Book 1)

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Echo (Archer's Creek Book 1) Page 29

by Gemma Weir

  I nod. “Yes, it’s fine. I actually have something to tell you and a favour to ask,” I say, biting at my lip nervously.

  Concern fills Gus’s eyes. “Okay. Should I be worried?”

  I laugh and shake my head. “Echo asked me to marry him, and I said yes.”

  Old weathered hands cup my cheeks. “Congratulations, sweetheart. I’m sure you’ll make each other very happy,” Gus says, smiling widely.

  I wipe a happy tear from my eye. “Thank you. The favour I actually wanted to ask was about the wedding. My parents aren’t coming, so I was wondering, well, hoping really, if you’d mind giving me away.” I feel the slight shake in his fingers and watch as emotion passes over his face.

  “Oh, sweetheart. I’d be absolutely honoured,” Gus answers, his voice cracking with emotion.

  I officially have a K-1 Fiancée visa, and it’s two days till my wedding. Two days till I tie myself to Echo for the rest of my life. I’m not stupid; this is forever, and once I say “I do,” I know he’ll never let me run again.

  I love him.

  I love the life I have with him.

  I love the family and friends I’ve found in this tiny town in the middle of Nowhere, Texas.

  Seated on the bar at Strikers, I chat to Brandi whilst she works. “Liv, when do your parents get here?” she asks.

  I sigh deeply and swing my legs backwards and forwards. “They don’t. My mum had a vision, and apparently that means they can’t leave Latvia. Honestly, I think they’re just bloody stoned and don’t want to leave all the free weed.”

  “God, I love your parents.” Brandi laughs.

  I roll my eyes and scoff. “They’re a bloody nightmare. Mum tried to give Echo pointers on how to get me pregnant quicker, for God’s sake. Honestly, I’m kind of relieved they’re not coming,” I admit.

  “Pregnant. Fucking hell,” Brandi cries.

  “Tell me about it,” I say, my eyebrows raised.

  Echo’s working, so Daisy’s my guard for the day. He speaks to me now. Mainly when Echo’s not around, but it’s so much better than his silence. The door swings open, and Echo and Sleaze march into the bar. I jump down from the counter and run towards my man, throwing myself into his arms.

  “Fuck, sugar. You okay?” Echo says.

  Giggling, I wiggle in his arms and lean in to kiss him quickly. “I’m fine. I just missed you. Did you realise we get married in two days?” I say, excitedly.

  He presses his hips into my sex, and I groan when his hard cock rubs against my pussy. “I know. Two days, and you’re mine in every fucking way,” he growls.

  Echo lifts me into the air and kisses me. Holding me in his arms, he walks us across the room, until he drops me down onto the counter and pulls away. “Give me two minutes to talk to Daisy, and then we can go home,” he says. I grunt in annoyance and pout as he walks across the bar to Daisy.

  Brandi smacks my leg affectionately. “Bloody hell, Liv. Watching you two makes me a little horny.”

  I laugh lightly and lean back with my arms braced behind me.

  “Shoot, I’m out of whiskey. Liv, just watch the bar for a second while I run and grab another bottle,” Brandi says.

  Shaking my head, I jump from the counter. “I’ll go. You carry on serving.”

  I slip inside the storeroom and reach for the light switch. The smell of gasoline assaults me, and I pause, my fingers touching the plastic switch. I hear a grunt behind me just as someone grabs my hair and viciously slams my head against the wall.

  Pain bursts from my forehead and stars flash behind my eyes. My head is yanked backwards by the hair, almost pulling it out at the roots. I fumble blindly in the darkness, throwing my hands forward and frantically reaching out for the wall in front of me.

  Goosebumps prickle across my skin when I hear a familiar maniacal laugh right before I’m shoved into the wall again. I catch myself on my arms and use all my force to push backwards and thrust my elbow into my attacker. A momentary sense of pride consumes me when Mimi groans in pain, and spinning, I flick the switch and the room floods with light. Confronted with the crazed eyes of Wyatt’s aunt, I scream, shrinking back against the shelf. My eyes water from the gasoline fumes, and I quickly search for the source of the smell.

  Mimi pulls a large knife from her pocket and smiles at me. “Hello, whore. Wyatt should have killed you, but my weak nephew was too obsessed with his lust for you to finish the job.”

  Her eyes are wide, and her hair is dirty and matted. Her clothes are stained, and she looks like a deranged hobo. “Mimi, you’re ill. Don’t do this. Let me help you,” I cry, trying to calm her.

  She cackles manically, then picks up a jerrycan and throws the fuel at the walls, liberally dousing them in gas. “God tasked me with ridding the world of evil-filled whores like you. But now it’s time to get rid of the filthy, criminal bikers as well. I’m going to burn this place to the ground, and you and those disgusting bikers along with it,” she snarls.

  Placing the fuel can on the floor, she raises the knife in the air and launches herself at me. I reach behind me and desperately search the shelves for something to defend myself with. Finally, my fingers wrap around the neck of a wine bottle, and roaring, I swing it, smashing it into Mimi’s head.

  The bottle shatters into a thousand pieces, and blood coats Mimi’s face. She screams and doubles over in pain. Using her distraction, I turn and run to the back door. Franticly, I twist the handle, but the door refuses to open. I turn my back to the locked door and search for a weapon or a way to escape, but Mimi is blocking the other exit.

  She slowly rises from the ground. Blood drips down her cheeks as she stalks towards me. “You bitch,” she screams.

  I scramble along the wall and stumble into the fuel can, struggling to stay upright. Mimi screams, launching towards me and slashing with the knife. Quickly grabbing the metal fuel can, I swing it towards her, knocking the knife from her hand. Gasoline splashes, covering both of us in the foul-smelling liquid.

  Mimi recovers quickly and pulls a lighter from her pocket. “It’s time to die, whore,” she says, her crazy eyes shining with excitement.

  I run towards the door.

  The click of the lighter is ominously loud, and bright flames burst into life. I’m fighting to open the door when Mimi’s screams draw my attention.

  Fire has consumed her whole arm, and we both watch as the flame quickly spreads into her hair and across her gasoline-soaked clothes. The room is quickly engulfed in flames, and my eyes widen in shock. I watch, frozen, as the flames build until they cover her whole face. Her screams echo through my brain, and shell-shocked, I barely notice being lifting into the air, my eyes locked on Mimi’s burning body as Echo carries me to safety.

  Dazed, I watch in silent slow motion as the fire crew and ambulances arrive and head for Strikers. Fire consumes the bar, firefighters battle to control the flames as Strikers explodes, the windows shattering and showering the sidewalk in glass. A crowd grows; bikers and locals stand together, watching the fire be gradually brought under control.

  It’s dark by the time the body bag is carried from the building.



  My knees give way, and I fall to the ground. Echo’s strong arms catch me, and held to his chest, I sob uncontrollably in fear and sadness and relief.

  Mimi’s dead. She’s gone and she’s never coming back.

  Burned alive. She suffered horrifically. I want to feel bad. But I don’t.

  The sheriff found five other bodies in the woods. Mimi and Wyatt were psychopathic serial killers, and they almost killed me too.

  I hope they rot in hell.

  I’ll never forget what happened. I’ll never forget the look in Mimi’s eyes as the flames consumed her.

  My time in Archer’s Creek has changed everything in so many ways. Good and bad, it all led me to Echo.

  One Month Later

  Today’s the day. It’s taken longer to get here than I expected, bu
t it’s finally here. Our wedding day.

  Standing in the front of the mirror, I smooth down my dress, my hands pausing over my stomach. With a smile, I step outside where Gus waits patiently for me.

  “You look beautiful, young lady,” he says. I blush and take his hand, letting him help me into the car.

  Echo thinks I don’t know he still has people guarding me, but I do. My man’s a control freak, and I wouldn’t want him any other way. We pull up to the meadow behind the clubhouse, and Gus helps me out of the car. I loop my arm through his, and we walk to the end of the aisle. That’s when I see him.


  My sexy biker is everything I never wanted.

  Our eyes lock, and my hand unconsciously falls to my stomach and the baby that’s starting to grow there.

  Smiling, I walk towards him and the rest of my life.

  My Echo.

  My future.

  My forever.

  We stand in front of each other and promise forever. Till death do us part.

  She’s everything I never knew I needed.

  She’s my world.

  My Livvy.

  My love.

  My happy ever after.

  The End…

  For Now.

  Finishing this book is actually a dream come true. I wrote a book! How fucking cool is that!

  My friends and family have listened to me talk about this for so long. I’ve been telling my husband I was going to write a book for about ten years, and he finally just turned around and said, “Stop talking about it and just bloody well do it.” So I did.

  I think I will always be a reader first and foremost, but writing may come a very close second. These characters have been talking to me for a very long time, and it’s amazing to actually bring them to life. I’ve lived and breathed this book for the best part of two years, and I need to thank my husband, Martin, and my beautiful babies for letting me ignore them and hide in my office for the last year while I actually finished.

  I’ve had so many crises of faith during this whole process, and I’ve abandoned this story completely on more than one occasion. Without the help and support of some really amazing people, I’m honestly not sure I would ever have gotten this far.

  Samantha Rodgers, you were the first person to ever read my words. You were the cheerleader I needed, and you helped me believe I could actually do this.

  Sybil Bartel, I adore your words and I can’t thank you enough for helping me to find mine. You have held my hand, shouted at me, given me endless support and advice, and called me on my shit when I needed it. Thank you.

  To all of my wonderful beta readers and friends that I have forced my book upon, I’m so sorry! But thank you so much.

  Finally, to anyone who reads my story, thank you for taking a chance on a brand new author. I hope you enjoyed the story and fell in love with Echo and Livvy just like I did.

  This isn’t the end of Archer’s Creek, so if you’d like to keep up to date on the next book in the series, then pop over to Facebook and like my author page.




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