Too Curious Complete Series (Books 1-5) Box Set Romance Series: (An Alpha Billionaire Romance Series)

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Too Curious Complete Series (Books 1-5) Box Set Romance Series: (An Alpha Billionaire Romance Series) Page 2

by Brooke Kinsley

  I looked up at him but didn’t say a word. Instead, I reached for my phone and ignored him. His stare was searing into me, I could feel it on my body.

  “Any chance I could see you again?” he asked.

  Again, I didn’t respond. I’d got what I wanted from him.

  “So that’s it then?”


  “You’re a strange girl,” he said as he stood up. “This is my stop anyway.”

  As the train pulled up to the platform, I watched him leave, his eyes not leaving me until he had disappeared into the crowd of commuters. More people came on board and the train began to fill up. I pushed my earphones in and cranked up the tunes. Living alone was going to be fun.

  Chapter Four

  He’s a professional womanizer, you know.

  The words were stuck in my head as I walked up the stairs to the entrance to Wylde Towers. The building I would be working in was gargantuan. As I looked up to the top floor I saw it peak just below the clouds. It made me dizzy, but the whole of New York did. It was loud, busier than anything I’d ever experienced and full of a wide array of people I’d only ever seen on TV. It was a melting pot of every type of person you could imagine, from homeless people to Wall Street bankers. It was constantly moving, changing, glamorous and sleazy all in one. I couldn’t wait to be part of it.

  My suitcase was heavy as I dragged it up the steps. I felt like I had a dead arm and stopped half way up, rubbing at my bicep.

  “You need a hand there, young lady?”

  A security guard came rushing out the entrance with a smile plastered on his face. He looked me up and down, liked what he saw and took my suitcase before I had the chance to answer.

  “Thank you. The thing weighs a ton.”

  “Yeah it’s not often we see people bring these to the office,” he said as he carried it to the main door.

  “I’m starting work here, as an intern.”

  I pulled the letter of acceptance from my purse and showed him it.

  “It says I have to report to the head office to get the keys to my apartment.”

  “Ah! Of course! Yes, let’s get you there straight away.”

  We squashed ourselves into an elevator filled with men in suits and one woman in a pencil skirt that was so tight I could see the buttons on her garter belt push through the fabric. She gave me a dirty look, clearly didn’t like the competition.

  I was beginning to wonder why the security guard was still with me, my suitcase still clutched in his hand as though he was afraid to lose it. Surely he could have just pointed me in the right direction and left me alone. I turned to face him and saw he was staring at my breasts. I rolled my eyes and covered them with my long, blonde hair. He met my gaze before glancing away embarrassed.

  Showing me to the main desk, he gave me a little mock salute and laughed.

  “Good luck! Hopefully be seeing you around.”

  He disappeared back inside the elevator, waving to me as the doors closed.

  “Weird… He’s never normally so happy,” the girl behind the desk said. “You must have been really nice to him.”

  I handed over my letter.

  “I’m nice to everyone,” I said.

  She inspected the letter and typed my details into her computer.

  “Okay… So you’ll be staying at the apartment complex on Windermere. Lucky you.”

  “Do you stay there?”

  “No,” she scoffed. “I mean, I wish I did. The boss lives there, in the penthouse on the top floor.”

  “You mean Trevor Wylde?”

  “I certainly do! If you’re lucky you might be invited to one of his legendary parties.”

  She handed the letter back.

  “Anyway, I’ll call you a cab to get you over there. You can spend today getting settled in before you start work tomorrow.”


  The elevator dinged as it opened again. I was expecting to see more men in suits and I wasn’t disappointed, except these ones were different. They were younger, taller, more tanned, better looking and walked as though they thought of themselves as princes.

  “Here he comes,” the girl behind the desk leaned forward. “The big boss and his cronies.”

  Their polished brogues tapped along the polished, marble floor. They were laughing and joking, full of themselves and their own importance. Then I saw him, the man in the middle of the group. He was taller than the rest and broader too with wide set, muscular shoulders and a shock of jet black hair. He ran a hand through it turned to look in our direction. Our eyes met. My heart began to thump wildly as he looked at me, his eyes slowly scanning my entire body. One of his friends said something in his ear and they both chuckled. Then they were gone, pushing their way through the large mahogany double doors that protected the inner sanctum of the main office.

  “That was Trevor Wylde?”

  “Yup,” the girl grinned.

  I turned to see her cheeks were rosy.

  “I didn’t realize men like that existed, you know outside of Men’s Fitness Magazine.”

  She wasn’t paying attention. Instead, she had her eyes fixed on the door he’d walked through.

  “So is it true? That he’s a professional womanizer?”

  She blinked as if awakening from a trance and turned to me.

  “Pretty much, that’s one way of putting it, but I’ve never been so lucky. Anyway, here are your keys. Let me know if you have any problems.”


  I clutched them in my hand, the keys to my future.

  Chapter Five

  I didn’t know what I was expecting. Definitely not an opulent penthouse but not quite a hovel, this place was sat in between the two. It was far too big for someone like me. If only I knew people I could invite over for a party.

  The kitchen was huge, far too big for me to use. All I could do was oven bake French fries and make a salad. This was for someone who knew what they were doing. Moving into the bathroom I was ecstatic to see a large bath, a beautiful one with brass taps and a high back. It was far more luxurious than the one back home that came away from the wall when you lay in it.

  As I unpacked my things I thought about the man on the train and the look of betrayal on his face when I didn’t want to talk to him anymore. It amused me. Of course, I felt cruel for a moment but there was something about owning that much power over a man that turned me on. The way I could make a stranger do something so forbidden aroused me far more than any man had done before. My panties were still wet from earlier, still soaking from when I’d come with my fingers buried deep within my pink lips. They grew wetter still when I thought about the way the man’s face was crumpled up, intense and desperate for the relief of orgasm as his hand moved up and down so fast his fingers became a blur.

  My things were scattered across my bed and I lay on top of it all, spreading my legs and reaching my hands down to pull off my underwear. Below, I was swollen, needed to be taken. I pushed my hand inside my suitcase and felt for the long, metallic wand, the one that had brought me so much pleasure. Pulling out my vibrator, I felt its coldness in my hand, placed it into my mouth to warm it up and sucked on it hard. Then I plunged it deep inside me, my back arching as I pushed it all the way in.


  My toes curled as my eye clenched shut. I imagined I was still on the train, the cornfields rolling by as the old woman far down the carriage read her book, oblivious to the sordid happenings in front of her. What would have happened if she merely looked up? Maybe she did…

  The man with the crimson-tipped penis, his voice came out in animalistic grunts, guttural and low. He had moved his hips in a steady motion so his penis could meet his hand faster and all the time he had his eyes staring with laser focus into the treasure between my legs. Aside from my angelic face, it was the most powerful thing I owned.

  “Oh God!”

  I thrust the vibrator in harder, cranked up the dial to the maximum setting and fel
t it buzz against my g-spot. Writhing my body against it, I took in the smell of my new home, felt the excitement of the city mingle with my own arousal. Then I thought back to the train journey and the way the man’s body convulsed as he jutted forward in a jolt of ecstasy. I bit down on my lip as I orgasmed, my thighs trembling as I landed a hand over my face.

  Then I was left breathless with nothing but the fading memory of my journey. Sitting up to clear my head, I looked down at my own stickiness between my thighs.

  There was a knock on the door.

  For a moment I’d thought I’d imagined it. Who would want to see me already? Then it came again, someone’s knuckles tapping a jaunty tune. Feeling a little suspicious, I took tentative steps out into the hall. There was the shuffling of footsteps outside as someone shifted from one foot to the other.

  “Hello?” I called out.

  “Hello there,” a masculine, low voice returned.

  It was deep and gravelly but youthful too. I scurried up to the door and placed my eye to the peephole. My stomach lurched. It was him. Trevor Wylde.

  “Hello?” I heard his voice again, booming and confident.

  For a second I was too nervous to answer the door. Then I took a deep breath and clicked the lock open and stared up at the man who was head and shoulders taller than me. Then I realized I wasn’t wearing any underwear and the smell of sex was strong on my skin. My skirt, luckily, covered enough of me that hopefully, he wouldn’t notice.

  “Hi,” I smiled.

  “You’re the new intern aren’t you?”

  “I certainly am!”

  “I just wanted to drop in and say hi, make you feel welcome at our company.”

  “That’s really nice of you. Do you welcome all of your employees this way?”

  “Just the special ones,” he said as he put one foot inside the door.

  I was close to him, could smell his cologne. The scent was as masculine as he was; earthen, strong and rich. He strode into the center of the living room and looked around.

  “You need some more stuff in here,” he nodded. “It’s empty like a show home.”

  “I think it’s gorgeous. It’s my first apartment so-“

  “Your first place all to yourself?” he interrupted me. “You must be excited.”

  “I am!”

  He cocked his head to the side and looked me up and down, his eyes burning through my clothes.

  “I think you’ll like it here,” he mused. “Is there anything you need?”

  I shook my head.

  “How about the bedroom? Do you like it?” he said with twinkling eyes.

  Without warning, he walked through to my room where my things were flung arbitrarily across the bed and the floor. As I followed behind him I saw the silver vibrator on the bed, still dripping wet and shining. I know he saw it, I could see his face twitch as he smelled it, but he didn’t mention it. He turned around and smiled before walking back into the hallway.

  “I think you’re going to have fun here,” he touched a hand to my shoulder.

  It sent a shockwave of goose bumps down the side of my body as his warmth seared through my clothes. Then he pulled away and made for the door.

  “I’ll drop in and see you again,” he said with his eyes between my legs. “Don’t have too much fun without me.”

  And he was gone, his cocky gait carrying him down the hall to the elevator.

  “Fuck,” I whispered to myself as I closed the door.

  He took my breath away.

  Chapter Six

  I’d barely slept all night and had been kept up with the excitement of my first day at work. I had mixed feelings. On one hand, I couldn’t wait to be a proper adult, a person in the big city with a great job and all that came with it. On the other hand, I was terrified. I didn’t have much responsibility back home with my parents but here I was expected to keep up with all the city slickers. I’d spent most the night staring at the ceiling thinking over a hundred different ways I could screw things up.

  Standing in front of the mirror, I put the finishing touches on my makeup and looked at myself from all angles. I was looking pretty awesome. I grabbed my keys and purse and headed for the door.


  “Settled in well?” the voice came from behind me.

  I spun around and saw the security guard, the one that was a little too keen to see me. He loitered his eyes somewhere around my midriff and patted down his scruffy, gray hair.

  “Yeah, I’m doing great,” I turned on my heel.


  Urgh… What was it with this guy? He really had a thing for me and it was starting to get annoying.

  “You’re interning in Wylde’s office aren’t you?”

  “Yep,” I smiled knowing I’d see the alpha male again soon.

  “Be careful,” the security guard said as he darted his eyes around nervously. “You’re just his type.”

  It was an odd thing to say and made me uneasy, not because it seemed like a serious warning but because the security guard looked as though he’d had this conversation before.

  “I’ll be ok.”

  I pursed my lips and gave him a sorry look before walking away.

  “I mean it,” he called after me. “He’ll spit you up and chew you out like the rest of them. Women are like sport to him.”

  I ignored him and stepped into the elevator.


  Exiting on the top floor, I was immediately hit by the urgency that was sweeping through the room like a tornado. This was a place where business was serious, where people couldn’t make a mistake. It looked like a sea of suited savages. People were yelling into phones, there was paper being flung about and stacked up. There were stressed out looking men walking briskly with steaming coffees in their hands and faces wet with perspiration. It was a little like hell.

  “Can I help you?”

  An older woman with a clipboard stood in front of me with a fake smile and a scowl lining her forehead that betrayed her politeness.

  “I’m starting here today and-“



  “Right this way.”

  She led me through a heavy set of double doors and down a corridor before almost pushing me into the last room on the left.

  “This is where you’ll be spending most of your time. You’ll be filing the reports that come in here and photocopying them.”


  “So this is your to do pile.”

  She flicked her manicured fingers through a pile of papers that was at least two feet deep.

  “As long as you keep your head down and get through the piles then you’ll do ok. We hate slackers here so don’t be lazy. If you’re asked to make coffee for someone, do it, and any other sundry errand that may arise. Got it?”

  “Yes,” I said although I was completely overwhelmed.

  “Okay… So I’ll leave you to it. Lunch is at one.”

  She moved toward the door and away to a more important task.

  “Just a moment,” I stopped her.

  She turned back around looking annoyed but somehow still raised a smile that was even faker than the last.

  “Trevor Wylde, he’ll be here won’t he?”

  I felt silly for asking. I sounded like a desperate schoolgirl. Her smile turned to a frown and she glowered at me.

  “He sometimes drops by but he’s not always here. He has more important things to attend to.”

  She looked me up and down with a sneer.

  “I’ll get started then,” I sat at my desk.

  She left without another word. The door slammed hard beside me and I jumped. My desk was facing the wall. It was a subtle beige that had been created for the sole purpose of dampening your imagination. I’d only been sat down thirty seconds but I was already more bored than I’d ever been. I pulled a folder from the pile and began photocopying the pages. Words danced in front of my eyes, dull ones with forecasts of profit projections and graphs
that made no sense to me.

  “Oh my God,” I yawned. “This is lame.”

  I looked at the clock. It was only five past nine. All there was to do was think and daydream, wish you were somewhere else. When I found out I’d be working here, I thought I’d be in a big office somewhere where people gathered around the watercooler to gossip about drunken antics and where office parties got a little raunchy after dark. I thought I’d be somewhere with large windows that gave a view of the city skyline and where you could watch the world go by. All I’d be doing in here was watching the dust gather and getting paper cuts. I already had one in the crease of my thumb. I sucked on it and felt the stinging subside.

  The door opened and I looked up, my thumb still in my mouth and my eyes wide with surprise. An older man entered with thin, sporadic hair swept over his balding head and a puzzled look on his face.

  “You must be the new intern.”

  His voice was as thin as his hair, weak and shy. He didn’t look like the other guys in the office which may have been why he was hidden away in the back room with me.

  “Yeah,” I smiled. “I’m Tammy.”

  “Nice to meet you.”

  He reached out a hand and I shook it. Somehow it was limp and slimy and when he wasn’t looking I wiped my palm down the side of my skirt.

  “So how long have you been here?” I asked.

  “Oh… Twenty years, give or take.”

  “Twenty years! In this room?”

  He laughed.

  “Not quite. I’ve been moved back and forth across the department. At the moment I’m doing accounts so I’ve been sent here, for my sins. It’s sure nice to have some company for a change. I was starting to get cabin fever in here.”

  He licked his lips. It made my shiver. I turned back to the pile of paper in front of me and still felt his eyes on me. Looking over my shoulder I saw his gaze stuck to my ass. Since I’d moved here I’d only spoken to three guys. Two of them were weirdos and one was a hot, billionaire alpha stallion. It would seem there was no one in between.

  “You didn’t tell me your name,” I said.

  “Oh,” he shook his head as if he was trying to remember it. “It’s Cecil.”


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