Too Curious Complete Series (Books 1-5) Box Set Romance Series: (An Alpha Billionaire Romance Series)

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Too Curious Complete Series (Books 1-5) Box Set Romance Series: (An Alpha Billionaire Romance Series) Page 4

by Brooke Kinsley

There was a sweeping look of disappointment before he raised a smile.

  “You’re too young for it, maybe.”

  He took the glass from my hand.

  “And you’re too delicate, too pure. Is that it? You’re too innocent for such a strong and poisonous libation?”

  “That must be it,” I took a step closer to him.

  Now I was in arm’s reach of him and he took his chance, reaching out his hands and pulling me to him by my thighs.

  “Let’s get better acquainted, shall we?”

  Chapter Nine

  He pressed his lips to my stomach, the fabric of my dress bunching up around his lips. His hands slid up my thighs, up and up until they were running over my hips, then further up until they were pressing into my waist. I gasped as his fingers dug into my ribs. He was grinning wickedly, the flash of his white teeth glistening in the lamp light.

  “You are so perfect and tiny,” he whispered. “I want all of you.”

  Without warning, he tore at my clothes. I screamed, pulled away but it was too late, my dress fell to the ground in tatters, a halo around my ankles. I was now exposed to his power, to his muscular hands that were still on me, touching caressing every inch of skin. He leaned down and kissed my shoulder as he tickled my back. I whimpered and wriggled in his arms and he laughed before hooking a finger inside my bra strap.

  “Since I first saw you I wanted to know how your pert breasts would taste.”

  The straps dropped to my elbows. Leaning around into a hug, he unclipped my bra and let it fall. My nipples stood up to attention, hard and desperate to be sucked on. He pinched one between his thumb and index fingers and pressed hard. It stung and I cried out, not sure whether I wanted to slap him or feel him tug at me harder.

  “That’s it,” he softly muttered. “Your voice is like music when you’re pained.”

  I clenched my eyes closed as he pinched harder. When I thought I could no longer stand it, he let go. My nipple was raw and purple, engorged with blood and highly sensitive.

  “I am sorry,” he said with a touch of mockery. “Let me kiss it better.”

  He nuzzled the sore skin, ran his tongue over my bumpy areola and moaned hungrily as he tasted me.


  He kissed the space between my breasts and swept my hair behind my back

  “So perfect.”

  He kissed lower.

  “Your skin is like silk.”

  He kissed even lower then he dropped to his knees, my sex lingering in front of his mouth.

  “I would do anything to see your face when you come.”

  My panties were soaked through with my juices. He pulled them to the side and loitered an inch away from me, his breath hot on my clitoris.

  “I think you’re more than ready,” he said as he breathed in my scent. “Yes… More than ready for me.”

  He pushed out his tentative tongue, brushing the soft skin of my lips. It felt divine, an explosion of heat and pleasure, a tidal wave of euphoria. My legs trembled slightly but he grabbed them, his nails pressing hard into my thighs.

  “You like that?” he took a breath.

  “Oh fuck yeah.”

  He didn’t move, just taunted with his lips perilously close to me.

  “Say please.”

  I looked back down at him.

  “I said say please.”


  “Please, Mr. Wylde, make me come,” he insisted.

  “Please,” I sobbed. “Mr. Wylde, make me come!”

  Our eyes connected for a second then he struck, latching his mouth to my clitoris and sucking. His chin became wet as though he was sucking on the ripest, juiciest fruit. I screamed, shook, convulsed violently and lost my balance. The orgasm ripped through me as my pussy shuddered in his mouth and never, not once, did he take his eyes off my face.

  Even after I came, when my body was almost too sensitive to be touched, he kept sucking, harder and harder until my eyes rolled back in my head and I cried and shrieked at him and felt as though I was leaving my body. It amused him, I could see it in his eyes with the power he held over my body. When I could no longer stand, he pulled away and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. I noticed the front of his shirt was wet. He dabbed at it with his fingers and gazed at me.

  “Look at what you did.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be. It’s a compliment.”

  He rose from his knees and held my face, kissing me gently. I had a feeling he was kissing me goodbye.

  “Won’t you lie with me for a while?”

  He gestured toward the bed.

  “Don’t worry. I won’t make you do anything. Sometimes a man just needs to hold someone.”

  I slid off my heels and crawled onto the bed, my hands and knees sinking into the deluxe mattress. If it was my bed I would never leave. I lay down and as though I was a child, he pulled the covers up over my naked body and tucked me in.

  “I’ll just be a minute,” he said as he began tugging at his tie.

  There was something so familiar about it all, a feeling that we were a couple getting ready to lie down for the night, except I was going to see him without his clothes for the first time, and he was my boss. He unbuttoned his shirt with a deliberate slowness, flicking one button off at a time with his dark eyes boring into mine.

  All I could do was watch as each inch of skin was revealed to me, my heart hammering faster as the soft linen of his shirt fell away. At last, I could see his tanned muscles and the way they rippled. A dizziness overcame me as he pulled off his belt. It fell to the floor with a heavy clunk, a signal that I was about to see even more. His pants hit the ground and he stood proudly in his boxer shorts, silk and black and just as refined and sophisticated as everything else he owned.

  “Thank you for being here,” he said as he crawled beneath the sheets.

  His warm skin pressed up against mine and in the moment, I had never felt luckier. So why was he thanking me for being here? Surely I wasn’t that special, was I?

  “I mean it,” he said as though reading my thoughts. “There’s something special about you. You’re not like the other girls, are you? Not like those two out there who thinks the world owes them a favor?”

  “I’m just a small-town girl.”

  “You say that like it’s a bad thing.”

  “Well, isn’t it?”


  He wrapped an arm around me and drew me close to him so my face was pushing into his chest. It was smooth and smelled carnal as his sweat mixed with his cologne.

  “Being from a big city like New York isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. I mean it has its perks obviously, everything is on your doorstep, you feel as though you’re in the center of the world but it’s not everything.”

  He tangled my hair around his fingers and kissed the top of my head. I began to feel sleepy as his voice lulled me to sleep as his hands stroked me. Closing my eyes, I couldn’t imagine life could get any better, not unless he asked me to stay. But this time was going to come to an end. We were going to wake up in the morning to go our separate ways and tomorrow night this bed would be occupied by someone else, another blonde twenty-something with a need to be loved.

  “I mean,” he continued. “City girls are great. Nothing shocks them, you know, they’re really worldly. They know which cutlery to use at silver service and can schmooze their way into any party but it all makes them old before their time. They hit twenty-one and think they’ve seen it all. They’re past their peak by twenty-five and after that, all they want is a rich husband, a second home in the Hamptons and a walk in wardrobe that’s bigger than most family homes.”

  “Are you speaking from experience?” I looked up.

  “Oh,” he laughed. “Maybe. I mean I’ve had my fair share of socialites. They all try to get their claws into me but all they want is my money.”

  “It must be a curse, in a way.”

  I wanted to kick myself for sayi
ng something so cheesy.

  “It is,” he replied quite genuinely. “Although a really fun one.”

  I nuzzled further into his chest and pushed myself up against the hardness of his body. Letting out a long sigh, I rested a hand on his stomach and let the feeling of him breathing in and out relax me to sleep like the ebb and flow of the waves. He kissed my forehead and hugged me tight.

  “Goodnight, little one.”

  I yawned and pulled the covers up over my shoulders.

  “Goodnight, boss.”

  Chapter Ten

  When I woke up there was a commotion in the apartment. I peeked my head up from the covers and saw the bedroom door was open, revealing the scene that was unfolding down the hall. In the distance, I could see the lounge, lit up like a small television. I rubbed my eyes and sat up and noticed Trevor wasn’t beside me. His voice was booming from somewhere down the hall, mingled with the shrill voice of one of the girls.

  “You let her stay the night!”

  It sounded like the brunette one although I couldn’t put my finger on why.

  “So she’s like, your girlfriend now? Is that what you’re trying to tell me?”

  There was a crash, perhaps a piercing stiletto hitting a priceless vase or a glass smashing into the fireplace. What the hell was going on?

  “She’s not my girlfriend, Ophelia!” Wylde yelled.

  Oh my God, Ophelia… I should have guessed she would be named something like that. There was no way it was something normal like Susan or Jessica or Tammy…

  “But she’s still in there right? If I go down there I’m going to find her in your bed still, all snuggled up like she owns the place, like she’s the fucking Queen of Sheba!”

  “Ophelia, you’re being ridiculous. You know what these parties are. They’re just a little bit of fun. I mean don’t tell me you were innocent last night either.”

  His voice was soothing against her madness.

  “Sure,” she huffed. “I had my fun too but I know where to draw the line.”

  “Draw the line?” he spat. “You wouldn’t have a fucking clue.”

  I slipped out of bed, the satin sheets gliding me to the floor. It would seem the fun was officially over and it was time to get dressed. My things were scattered across the carpet, a shoe here, another one over there. My panties were discarded below the bed. My bra, on the other hand, was nowhere to be seen. Then I spotted my dress. It lay in miserable pieces at the bottom of the bed. I held it up to me body and saw the gaping hole in its side like a deadly wound. He’d practically destroyed it when he tore it from my horny body. It was one of those moments where anything seemed like a good idea until the next morning.

  Although I knew it was pointless, I pulled the dress up around my body and looked in the mirror. It looked ridiculous, like I was an up market cave woman in a torn department store dress, foraging the land for cacao nibs and prosecco.

  “Urgh… Awful.”

  I let it drop back to the ground. A cacophony of insults was now erupting from the lounge. Others had now got involved. It would seem half the guests were happy for me to stay the night, the others on Ophelia’s side were raging.

  “You don’t normally let outside girls stay the night, Trevor. Why this one?”

  It was the older gentleman speaking as if he’d just been the subject of a great injustice. I had no idea what was going on or why it was such a big deal that I was allowed to stay. Were there so many girls that came and went through these walls only to be discarded in the morning in the same manner as my dress? Clearly, something was amiss, something serious. There was a gnawing feeling inside me that I was trespassing. The girl was right, I shouldn’t be here. I wasn’t one of them. The only problem was that I couldn’t leave without walking through the middle of their argument. I sat on the edge of the bed instead, wrapped up in the covers and waiting for my time to leave.

  It was then, as my eyes drifted passed the drinks’ cabinet that I noticed the mysterious cupboard in the corner. I hadn’t noticed it last night but now, as the winter sun blasted through the balcony windows, I could see its subtle shape carved into the wall and the way the brass handles glinted in the sun like pointed nipples. With nothing else to do, I made my way over. The door opened with a click and glided away from my hand.

  I jumped back and gasped. Halloween costumes? No, they didn’t look cheap like that. There were six robes dangling like men on the end of nooses, long and velvety.

  “What the fuck?”

  I fingered one. It was soft in between my fingers and made of a material I’d not seen before. I pulled a sleeve out so the daylight could reach it. It was fur, of a kind, although I couldn’t figure out what animal it came from. I shivered and let it fall from my fingers and drift back into the cupboard. Robes… What the hell had I just stumbled upon?

  Footsteps came bounding up the hall. I gasped, closed the cupboard door and jumped back into bed.

  “Sorry about that,” Trevor blustered through the door, breathless and pink-faced.

  He looked different from last night, still as handsome as ever but the magic had gone from his eyes. He was no longer cool and calm, he was emotional and stressed with the confidence zapped from his strong body. His shoulders were bunched up around his ears and he was picking at a fingernail nervously. He almost looked like an ordinary person.

  “Don’t worry, though, she’s leaving?”


  “Yea… That bitch.”

  “I don’t understand what I’ve done wrong,” I wailed.

  “Oh sweetheart!” he hurried to my side. “You’ve done nothing wrong, not a single thing.”

  He held my face and kissed me hard. His old self was back, the strong protector from the night before.

  “Ophelia and I… We have history. Go a long way back.”

  “Is that all it is?”

  I thought about the secret robes in the closet, the feeling that I was so desperately unwanted in his home, the sense that I was intruding on a secret club.

  “Yes… that’s all it is. She always gets like this. She’s no fun, not like you.”

  He bopped me on the end of the nose and I giggled like a schoolgirl. But as my cheeks hurt from laughing, I couldn’t help but notice his face was still like a statue’s, rigid and serious. He was hiding something. I could see it in the way his eyes darted from side to side and the way his body was still taught as if holding back the floodgates of true emotions. But who was I to care? I hardly knew the man. I shrugged and let it go.

  “I better get back to my apartment,” I said.

  It was time to shower and get ready for another day at work. I thought of all the endless filing and paperwork and I thought of Cecil and shuddered.

  “What’s wrong?” Trevor asked.

  “Ah, nothing. Just this guy I share a room with in the office. He’s a real creep.”

  “Is he now?” he laughed. “Anyway, we need to get you some clothes. If I remember your dress has seen better days.”

  He picked it up and shook his head at the shredded garment. Walking over to the bed, he pressed a button I’d not noticed before, a threatening looking red one that looked as though it could detonate a bomb.

  “Yes, sir,” a crackled voice came from a speaker by the headboard.

  I recognized the voice as being the butler’s.

  “A size four,” was all Trevor said.

  “Yes, sir,” the butler repeated.

  A moment later there was a knock on the door.

  “Thank you, Peter,” Trevor said as he took a mysterious black, paper box from the butler’s hands.

  He then handed it to me.

  “Sorry, I’m always ripping dresses.”

  I opened the box and saw black silk.

  “Put it on,” he urged.

  I pulled it from the box and saw the most beautiful, little black dress. I’d never owned anything so seductive or expensive in my life.

  “That’ll see you down to your apart
ment without looking as though you’ve been mauled by a tiger,” he chuckled.

  I didn’t know what I was more overwhelmed by, the fact that I’d been given such a generous present or that he had loads of these ready to hand out to his sexual conquests. As much as I didn’t want to, I felt hurt.

  “Thank you.”

  I gave him a weak smile as I pulled it on.

  “I guess I’ll be seeing you around.”

  Chapter Eleven

  I’m not the paranoid type but as I walked into the office, I was sure everyone was staring at me. They must have all known I was invited to the party and for some reason they were angry.

  “She’s part of his inner circle now,” a voice came from a nearby cubicle.

  I frowned as I tried to see who it was but as I peered over the little partition wall, a face shrunk back behind a computer screen.

  “This place is a freaking’ circus,” I muttered under my breath.

  I began to look across the sea of desks for the scowling woman, the one who carried a clipboard close to her chest like a newborn baby. Then I heard her voice.

  “Cecil! I’m sorry I’m just doing my job.”

  “But twenty years, Karen! And now I’m what? Being kicked out on the street for no reason?”

  Cecil came striding out the side room with his belongings in a cardboard box, a sad houseplant drooping over the edge. Pencils and pens dropped to the ground as he struggled with his things but no one stopped to help him. Karen watched him leave, one hand on her hip as she leaned across the doorway.

  “I’m just following orders,” she shook her head. “Please don’t make a scene, Cecil.”

  “What’s going on?” I asked.

  “Urgh… Apparently, management has seen sense and decided to get rid of this old creep.”


  Trevor, he’d been responsible for this.

  “I’m going to speak to my union about this!” Cecil called back over his shoulder as he stepped into the elevator.

  “Sure thing, buddy,” Karen rolled her eyes.

  Then she looked back to me.

  “So… How was the party?”


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