Too Curious Complete Series (Books 1-5) Box Set Romance Series: (An Alpha Billionaire Romance Series)

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Too Curious Complete Series (Books 1-5) Box Set Romance Series: (An Alpha Billionaire Romance Series) Page 12

by Brooke Kinsley


  He was holding me closer, kissing my face over and over as he caressed my back.

  “Uh? You look worried, Tammy.”

  “It’s nothing,” I lied as I lay my head back down on his chest. “I’m just so happy to be here with you.”

  Chapter Three

  A cold breeze was blowing over my body. Opening my eyes I saw the sun was rising, its pale, yellow light lighting up the end of the bed. I was in a room I didn’t recognize and rolled over to see Trevor sound asleep beside me. Gradually, as I regained my senses, the memories from the night before came back to me. There were so many people, so many things to experience and so many people watching me at my most intimate moment, but there was someone else there too, a girl who was insistent on scaring me away. I couldn’t imagine why she hated me but maybe she despised anyone who got close to her brother. Maybe no one was good enough for him. I was certainly not good enough to penetrate the sacred bond that her family had with the peculiar secret society I had been initiated into.

  Sitting on the edge of the bed I saw my robe on the ground, my heels lying beside them. It was such an odd image, my past life mixed with my new one. I shivered in the morning light and noticed the doors to the balcony were open. Standing up, still naked, I tiptoed over and shut them over, lingering for a moment to look at the view. The sun was rising over the forest, its orange warmth swarming through the leaves. It was hard to believe where I was.

  Sauntering back to the bed, trying to be as light-footed as a cat, I climbed back into bed making sure to pull the covers up over me. Trevor was lying on his front, his nude body exposed to the elements. I always envied guys and how they were pretty much immune to the cold. I covered him up anyway and snuggled in close to him. He stirred in his sleep and rolled away from me and I huddled up to him again, eager to not waste a single empty space between us. I wanted to be as close to him as possible, wanted to savor every moment I had with him. Who knew when he would disappear again. Who knew where this journey would take us or how long it would last.

  From downstairs, I could still hear the sound of people partying, reluctant to let the morning dampen their good times. There was the low drawl of someone’s voice as they crooned an out of tune song. A piano was accompanying them, the notes occasionally blurring together giving the impression that someone was attempting to play a jazz piece while wearing boxing gloves.

  “You’re awake,” a whisper came from beside me.

  “I didn’t mean to disturb you,” I said.

  “It’s ok. It’s always a pleasure waking up to you.”

  He yawned and stretched, pulled back the covers and stretched some more.

  “I love this place,” he said as he rose from the bed.

  He leaned around and scratched his back and I watched in awe at how beautiful his body was. It was the little things that blew me away, like when he stretched so innocently and accentuated all his muscles or when he was performing the most mundane of tasks and his face was so wholly concentrated on it, his eyes alive and vibrant. Of course, he looked most gorgeous first thing in the morning when he barely realized the power his looks had on me. He was so innocent at this point of the day, a clean slate before the stresses of his empire began to wear him down.

  “Where do you think you’re going, mister?” I asked, yawning after watching him do the same.

  “I’m not going anywhere sweetheart,” he replied as he opened a drawer at the far end of the bedroom.

  Pulling out a pack of cigarettes he lit two and handed me one.

  “I really shouldn’t,” I protested. “It’s a filthy habit.”

  “After last night’s escapades, I think you’re allowed a treat.”

  I sucked on the cigarette and felt the bitterness dance on my palate. Trevor walked over to the balcony windows and I watched as the sun illuminated his body. He ran a hand through his hair and yawned again, a great big cloud of gray smoke floating out of him like a dragon’s breath.

  “You’re a giant enigma, Mr. Wylde.”

  He turned to me and gave his signature smile.

  “And what makes you say something like that?”

  “Last night, this place, introducing me to not one but two men wearing a goat’s head… Need I say more?”

  He laughed.

  “Not really,” he sighed. “I can’t help it. I’m just not your average guy.”

  “I wouldn’t want you to be.”

  He was silent for a moment, a contemplative gaze sweeping over his face. For a few seconds, I could see his mind being transported to another time and place. Then a flicker of realization came over him as he noticed where he was standing.

  “I love this place,” he said again to himself more than me.

  “Oh yeah? Come here often?” I joked.

  “I practically grew up here,” he said without elaborating.

  “So… The Hades Society… Tell me more.”

  He stubbed out his cigarette and came back to bed, sitting on the edge and holding his hungover head in his hands. He tugged on a strand of hair and rubbed at his eyes.

  “Well, Tammy, I know you’re a bright girl. Something tells me you were making wild assumptions long before I brought you here.”

  “That may or may not be true,” I smiled.

  “So what did you find out? I can totally imagine you snooping around for dirt on me like a regular, modern day Nancy Drew.”

  “It was my brother actually. He found all this crazy shit about the society. There were some weird old photos of guys, like your father actually, doing some seriously strange rituals or something.”

  “Really? I’m rather impressed.”

  “And there was something else too…”

  He raised his eyebrows.

  “Something else eh?”

  “That this little club was responsible for slaying a bunch of women in the twenties.”

  He burst out laughing and stood up, pulling on his underwear before slinging on a silk dressing gown.

  “Don’t believe all that conspiracy crap,” he said.

  He looked a little angry, his lips forming a tight lip across his face.

  “I mean I assume if you believed it then you would have, you know, not joined.”

  “I guess you’re right.”

  I thought about everything that happened over the last few weeks and how it all happened so quickly. Trevor Wylde was a like a steamroller that had rolled over my life and consumed it completely. No matter what he said, I would go along with it.

  “What’s on your mind?” he asked.

  “A lot of things.”

  “Look,” he said as he sat beside me and took my hand in his. “There’s a lot of misinformation out there, terrible things that people on the internet spread and believe in a futile attempt to diminish our power.”

  “But if you’re really so powerful, why don’t you put an end to the rumors?”

  “We like them,” he answered with a smirk. “I mean they keep people at arms’ length, they freak people out. It’s a pretty easy way to stop people wanting to join so easily. I mean, we want to keep things exclusive, so exclusive that-“

  “You’re willing to let people think you’re evil so they don’t want to be a part of the society. I get it. This is all so crazy but I get it.”

  “I knew you would,” he playfully ruffled my hair. “You’re not like the others.”

  He bopped me on the nose and laughed.

  “Won’t you come back to bed?”

  He chewed on his lower lip in thought, a habit of his that I adored. Pulling back the bed sheets, he looked over my body and ran a hand over my stomach.

  “The day I say no to you is the day I die.”

  Climbing on top of me, he pinned my arms above my head and latched his mouth on my nipple, sucking hard as he let out a slight groan. He was hard instantly, his erection pushing up in between my lips, sliding inside of me easily as I parted my legs.

  “Oh, God,” I whispered, the breath coming
out of me in waves as he thrust.

  His weight was on me. His heavy body pushing me down, protecting me, making me feel safe. There was no greater feeling than being dominated by him. He was possessive but loving, gentle but firm.

  “You like it when I fuck you like this?”

  “Uhuh,” I breathed.

  “What about if I go a little harder?”

  He grabbed onto my arms tighter and began to move faster. It felt divine, like I was being filled up over and over again, the tip of his penis hitting my g-spot every time. He kissed me hard, his tongue pushing against mine. I could taste the night before all over again, the drink and the sex. Images flashed in my mind, beautiful memories of climaxing as dozens of people watched. Visions danced in my mind of an expanse of bodies all mingled and entwined in an infinite loop of pleasure.

  “I wanna fuck you harder,” he grunted.

  “Do it,” I said. “Fuck me as hard as you can.”

  He pulled out of me and placed his hands on my hips.

  “Are you ready?”


  He flipped me over onto my stomach and pulled my ass up high. He drove himself into me, pulling at my hair as he pummeled me. I orgasmed fast, my pussy throbbing and contracting onto him as I squirted.

  “Oh, God!”

  I screamed, cried out and pushed myself onto his length over and over, desperate to be impaled by him. His voice roared out of him as I felt him shudder violently behind me.


  I felt the twitch of his muscles as he ejaculated inside me, a mass of wetness streaming down the insides of my thighs in a thick torrent.

  “Oh, Jesus Christ,” he gasped as he fell away from my body.

  For a long while, we both lay on our backs staring up at the ceiling, our labored breaths punctuating the silence. A door banged down the hall followed by the sound of running footsteps. Then a shriek sounded and a cacophonous laugh echoed through the walls.

  “Does the party here every end?” I asked.

  “Not unless you don’t want it to.”

  “I don’t want the fun to ever end,” I sighed.

  He leaned over and kissed my stomach. Then he looked up at me, his eyes meeting mine.

  “Neither do I.”

  Chapter Four

  “Don’t I have to go back to work?”

  We were walking through the grounds around the house. In the midday light, I could finally see the vast expanse of forest that spread out across the horizon. To the back of the house, there was a small lake, a little piece of paradise where people were lounging around in the midday sun with fur coats keeping their bodies warm.

  “Work?” Trevor turned to me. “I suppose we’ll have to go back soon but no point in worrying about it now.”

  He took my hand in his and walked me around the lake. For some people, the party hadn’t ended and a group of older men were sat in deck chairs with tumblers of whiskey in their hands and girls on their laps.

  “Who are all these people?”

  “They’re your friends now,” he explained.

  In the center of the garden a record player crackled out an old tune, I didn’t recognize. A female voice was singing in French and her words traveled across the grounds sounding as mystical and foreign to me as they were sexy.

  “What’s on your mind?” Trevor asked. “You look lost in thought.”

  “This is all just so odd to me. It’s like something out of a movie. I can’t help but think I bumped my head and I’m imagining the whole thing. No one’s going to believe me when I tell them.”

  He let go of my hand and straightened himself.

  “You’re not going to tell anyone,” he said.

  It was more of a threat than a request.

  “I’m not?”

  “No,” he shook his head. “What happens here doesn’t leave.”

  “Ok,” I nodded. “I won’t tell a soul.”

  “Make sure you don’t.”

  He narrowed his eyes and looked into the distance.

  “Anyway! I have some friends I want you to meet.”

  He took my hand once again and led me past the drunken men and their even drunker companions. A little, white table was decked out with an array of drinks, a butler by its side with a smile plastered on his face.

  “Champagne madam?”

  He handed me a glass before I had the chance to answer.

  “Well! Look who it is!”

  A sneering female voice came from behind me. I didn’t need to be told who it was.

  “Ophelia!” Trevor said as he took a step back. “I had no idea you were here.”

  She ignored him and glared at me.

  “I think you knew fine well I was here.”

  “I swear to God I didn’t,” he insisted.

  An awkward silence hung between the three of us. It felt as though Ophelia’s eyes were burning through the side of my head.

  “I… I’m going to go take a walk,” I said.

  “Good idea,” she gibed. “Don’t hurry back.”

  Jesus, what was her problem? Why did she hate me so much and why did Trevor put up with it? As soon as I took a few steps away I could hear her hushed but angry tones as the two began arguing. Looking over my shoulder, she shot me an angry glance, he cheeks flushed red and livid.


  I walked away and back inside the house. The place was almost empty with the distant voices of people drifting down the endless, snaking corridors. I didn’t feel much like going back to our room but I certainly didn’t want to be back outside. Needing a few minutes of alone time, I walked around the house, gazing at the opulence. Paintings of people long passed adorned the walls while the smell of frankincense still permeated the air.

  The house seemed to go on forever, up and up until I didn’t think there could possibly be another floor, but there always was. Up here the voices faded away and there was nothing but dust and ghosts. I had to admit it was pretty creepy, even creepier than Trevor’s cabinet of curiosities that he kept in his office.

  I rattled a few doorknobs and found all the doors were locked. Just for good luck, I opened the last one at the end of the hallway. To my surprise, it opened. I was immediately struck by the smell of antiquity; mothballs, decay and expensive perfume, the scent of faded glamour.

  Opening the door I was confronted with an almost dark room. A sliver of sunlight blazed through a rip in the curtains to illumine the kicked up dust particles dancing in its glow. I shouldn’t have been there. It felt as though I was stumbling on sacred ground, trespassing somewhere ancient and forbidden but I loved trouble and something told me I should hang around a minute longer. Fumbling for my phone, I held it out in front of me like a weapon and flicked on the torch.


  A goat’s head was staring back at me, the same one that greeted me at the front door the night before. I clutched my chest as I took a deep breath, then moving my phone around the room, I saw the other heads. There were so many of them stacked up on top one another like a macabre shrine. Then footsteps startled me.

  “What are you doing in here?”

  Chapter Five

  I was too afraid to turn around to see the source of the voice. I thought my heart might give out if I saw the face of the person who had caught me.

  “Hello?” the voice came again but this time softer. “What are you doing here?”

  I turned around slowly, the glow from my phone enlightening the space around me. I saw feet, a pair of smart brogues at the bottom of skinny trousers. Making my way up, I saw the rest of the suit and the slender frame it hung from. A pair of elegant though strong hands hung loose, the fingers flexing in and out.

  “I’m sorry… I didn’t mean to intrude,” I said.

  I lifted my phone a little higher and saw his face. It was smooth and regal with high cheekbones that had more structure than my life. Pale, icy, blue eyes gazed out at me intelligent and radiant. His face was too young to match his voi
ce and his mannerisms were far beyond his years.

  “Well, you did intrude,” he huffed. “What are you even doing up here?”

  “I was just… I don’t know. I just didn’t want to be outside with everyone else.”

  “Fair enough. Anyway, I see you’ve been acquainted with Percy here,” he said as he pointed to the goat’s head.

  “Was it you who was wearing it last night?”

  “It was.”

  He grinned like a wolf, the sides of his porcelain face stretching so much I was worried he would crack.

  “I recognize the voice now,” I said. “Although I thought you would be older.”

  “Oh, I’m hideously ancient,” he joked. “A modern day Methuselah.”

  “You’re strange,” I said.

  “Thank you,” he answered with the return of his maniacal smile.

  For a moment we blinked at one another. It was beyond awkward as we both stood speechless amongst the animal heads and spider webs.

  “This place creeps me out. Do you live here?”

  “I do. It’s my family home. It’ll all be mine someday, until then it belongs to my father.”

  “He wasn’t at the party last night was he?” I said aghast.

  “My God, no he was not. He’s on business in Europe.”

  I regarded him coolly for a second.

  “Why’s your goat called Percy? It’s a weird name.”

  He looked a little offended and cocked his head to the side.

  “It sounded amusing at the time, I guess. Anyway, enough small talk. Let me give you the grand tour.”

  Making our way back down the stairs, we emerged on the second floor, a place that was much warmer and actually showed signs of the living.

  “My name is Maxwell, by the way.”

  “I’m Tammy.”

  “I know who you are. You’re Trevor’s golden girl.”

  “You sound a little upset about that,” I said.

  He didn’t respond.

  “So this is the library,” he announced as he pushed open a large, green door.

  “Wow. It’s massive in here!”

  “I like to think of a library as a hospital for the mind. You know the phrase, ordinary people have big televisions but extraordinary people have big libraries.”


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