Losing Control II

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Losing Control II Page 6

by E. B. Wood

  I nodded and accepted the beer he offered me. Rob hadn’t bothered to dress and I couldn’t help but stare at the long thick cock that dangled between his legs. Even in its flaccid state it was larger than mine when erect and I envied the way it swung so large and weighty when he moved. Even from a purely aesthetic point of view I could understand why Bea preferred big cocks to mine. There was something so primal and male about Rob’s naked form that was lacking in mine.

  Rob noticed the direction of my eyes and grinned. ‘Like it?’

  I nodded again, not sure what to say.

  Rob grinned even more. ‘So does your wife.’

  ‘I know,’ I shifted uncomfortably. ‘I’m glad.’

  Rob sat down in the chair next to me and took a slip of his beer. ‘You really mean that, don’t you?’

  I shrugged. ‘Yeah.’

  ‘And it doesn’t bother you that she’s getting it better from someone else?’

  I decided there was little point in not being honest at this stage. ‘No. It turns me on to see her turned on.’

  Rob appeared to consider this for a moment. ‘I get that; kind of. I mean I can understand it but, shit man, I couldn’t do it.’

  I shrugged again. ‘How’d you get into this anyway?’ Rob continued.

  I’d never talked to another guy about cuckolding or more correctly about being a cuckold. I looked at Rob searching his face to see if there was any trace of mockery or ridicule but could see nothing but honest interest. I took a deep breath. ‘I’ve just always been this way, I guess.’

  ‘Did Bea always know?’

  ‘No. We’d been married for years before I admitted what I wanted.’

  Rob laughed. ‘I bet that was an interesting conversation!’

  I joined in his laughter. I was finding Rob easy to talk to and decided to take a chance. ‘Do you want to hear about it?’


  ‘Okay, we might need a couple more beers though...’


  I wasn’t sure what woke me up at first. In fact I wasn’t even sure where I was straight away. All I knew was I woke up to that delightful mix of soreness and satisfied contentment that follows a really thorough fucking. That sensation brought back the memory of where and what I’d been up to and I reached my arm across the bed expecting to find the warm, naked (and hopefully eager) body of Rob; instead my hand felt nothing but cold sheets. A burst of laughter brought me fully to my senses and I realised that it was similar laughter that had awoken me in the first place.

  I slipped out of bed and, donning my robe, made my way out onto the balcony. The sun was low on the horizon and I had to blink against the glare. As my eyes adjusted I was stunned to see Rob and Jason sitting together and, by the number of empty beer cans lying about, they’d obviously been there for some time.

  ‘Hiya honey.’ Jason said cheerfully. He’s not a great drinker and his words were a bit slurred but he seemed quite happy and also quite oblivious to the fact that, with the exception of his chastity cage, he was buck naked. Now that I looked a bit closer it was quite obvious that Rob was also letting it all hang out.

  I pulled my belt tighter and leaned against the balcony rails. ‘Well, you two sure seem to be hitting it off.’

  They both grinned like naughty schoolchildren. ‘Oh yeah, we’ve been having a great time,’ laughed Jason.

  ‘So it would appear, but do you mind me asking why you’ve both got no pants on and just what’s so funny?’

  ‘The pants thing would be me,’ said Rob. ‘I didn’t want to wake you so I slipped out without bothering to dress. And Jason here,’ he gave my husband a friendly punch on the shoulder, ‘being a gracious host decided that it wasn’t fair if he was dressed when I wasn’t.’

  ‘Yeah,’ agreed Jason. ‘I didn’t want him to feel embarrassed.’

  They both laughed again and this time I could get the joke. Given Rob’s physique and the size of his cock I doubt that he’d ever be embarrassed by being naked. Jason on the other hand not only had a fairly small dick but was also wearing a chastity cage, a fact that would surely be enough to make any guy self-conscious. But there he was, sitting next to my better-endowed lover as if he didn’t have a care in the world. I’m sure partly it was the alcohol but at the same time I was reminded of just what a brave man my husband is. Not just physically although I never for a moment doubted that Jason would fight tooth and nail to protect me if he had to. Rob may have saved me at the club but I was sure that if Jason had gotten there first the guy would probably have been in an even worse state by the time Jason had finished with him. It was more than that though. I knew how much courage it had taken Jason to come out to me and be honest about his cuckold desires. Although he wants me to fuck other men I know that at times I’ve overstepped his comfort zone when in bed with someone else and I could only imagine how hard that was for him. Despite that he was brave enough to let me experience something with Steve that was as close to love as it could be and yet he was still strong enough to support me emotionally when that relationship ended. And now here he was naked and caged, chugging beers with the man who’d just fucked me like it was the most natural thing in the world.

  I moved my attention to Rob and was pleasantly surprised to see that he also seemed completely at ease with the situation. He appeared to be genuinely enjoying Jason’s company and that made me very happy. It would be easy for any man to see Jason’s locked cock and write him off as a sissy, let alone a guy who’d just recently climbed out of bed with his wife (in actual fact recently climbed out of his wife). Rob however appeared to see beyond the cage and the cuckold to the man that my husband really was.

  Their amused looks were contagious and I decided to join in. Grabbing a fresh beer I asked warily, ‘So just what have you two boys been chatting about?’

  ‘What do you think? Jas has been filling me in on your adventures. Seems I’m not the first one to play on his patch.’

  I arched an eyebrow as the pair of them giggled. ‘Is that right?’

  ‘Yeah’ said Jason. ‘I told Rob all about how we got into this and about Steve and why I like it when you sleep with other guys. And then we had an argument over who was better in bed, me or Rob?’

  ‘Are you serious?’


  I suddenly realised they were both looking at me expectantly. ‘I don’t believe you. You’re kidding right?’

  ‘No, we really want to know.’

  ‘Oh I don’t mean that,’ I said taking a sip on my drink. ‘I mean I can’t believe it was even argument; it’s Rob obviously.’

  Rob hooted in delight and to my surprise Jason actually high-fived him like hearing my lover was a better fuck than him was a great thing. Which I suppose, for him, it was.

  ‘Hang-on, hang-on,’ said Jason raising his hands. ‘What about between Rob and Steve?’

  Ooh, tough one. ‘They’re both really good,’ I fudged. ‘Just different…’

  ‘Ow,’ moaned Rob clutching his heart in mock pain. ‘Not “different”. “Different” means ‘not you mate.’

  We all laughed. ‘Tell you what,’ I said moving over to straddle Rob’s lap. “I’ll give you another chance to prove yourself if you like.’ I moved his face to mine and kissed him deeply while reaching down between his legs to massage his cock. I could feel him growing in my hands and almost jumped with surprise when his fingers suddenly brushed my pussy.

  For a long moment we kissed and played until Rob drew away. ‘Damn, I’d love to but I’ve got other things on tonight.’ He gave me a quick kiss on the lips and gently lifted me off his lap. ‘I’m really sorry but I’ve got to go. But hey, I’d love to see you again and Jason knows the plan so why don’t you two chat and give me a call tomorrow?’

  He got up and walked to the door and I felt a twinge in my pussy as I watched his semi-erect cock swaying enticingly in front of him as he moved. He paused at the door and turned back to Jason grinning. ‘Now don’t you go touching my woman while
I’m gone.’

  Jason returned his grin and raised both hands palm up on either side of his chastity cage in a gesture of helplessness.

  ‘Oh yeah…’ laughed Rob and went inside to dress. A few moments later the door to our room closed as he left.

  I looked at Jason. ‘Well, that was a bit...odd.’

  ‘Why? Are you saying it’s more normal for you to fuck the guy than it is for me to chat to him?’

  ‘No...’ I paused, was that what I was saying? In fact it did seem odder to me that Jason would want to hang out and drink beer with my lover than me actually having a lover in the first place. ‘Maybe a bit,’ I conceded. ‘But it’s not just chatting, it’s like you two were best buds out here, drinking beers and chatting about our sex life.’

  Jason shrugged. ‘What can I say? He’s a nice guy and let’s face it the ‘our’ in ‘our sex’ life is really about you two anyway.’ He indicated his cage. ‘At the moment I’m pretty much surplus to requirements.’

  ‘Oh I don’t know about that,’ I said, sinking to my knees between his legs. ‘I mean I was planning on sucking Rob’s cock before he left but now that he’s not here...’ I wrapped my lips around Jason’s chastity cage and started to suck him. Within moments I could feel his cock swelling out between the steel bars and hear his tormented groans. ‘What’s the matter?’ I teased lifting my mouth and caressing his balls with both hands. ‘Don’t you want Rob’s blow job?’

  Jason squirmed under my touch and I went back to sucking on his cock, removing it from my mouth every so often to tease him some more. I know how torturous it is for Jason to be teased this way, to be able to feel the pleasure of my soft warmth of my mouth on his tender flesh but at the same time to have his cock painfully squashed by the confining cage. The better it feels for him the harder he gets and the worse the pain. It’s a double-edged sword and often he’ll have to beg me to stop as the pain starts to override the pleasure, particularly since he knows there’s no way he’s going to be able to reach the release of cumming.

  ‘So,’ I muttered around his cock. ‘What’s this ‘plan’ Rob was talking about?’

  ‘Turns out Rob runs a charter boat, a yacht. He wants to know if we’d like to go out for a couple of days sailing around the islands.’

  ‘Really? That sounds great. Did you tell him you can sail?’

  ‘Yeah. He reckoned that would be good as it would free him up for more important things...’


  ‘Like fucking you.’

  ‘Mmm, that does sound good,’ I popped his cock out of my mouth and used the saliva on his cage as lubricant to rub his cock. ‘I bet you’d like that, just the three of us away on some deserted island. You doing all the cooking and cleaning while I spend my time riding Rob’s fat cock.’

  Jason shuddered. ‘Oh, god yes!’

  ‘Just think we could wander around naked all day and I could just grab Rob’s cock whenever I needed it,’ I sucked Jason’s cage back into my mouth and murmured. ‘Which would be a lot...’

  ‘Please...’ he whimpered.

  ‘Of course there’s not much privacy on a boat so I’d probably have to screw him right in front of you. Over and over. Would you like that?’

  ‘Yes, yes...please.’

  ‘Okay then,’ I said slipping his cock from my mouth and standing up. ‘You give him a call and set it up while I go grab a shower.’ I grinned to myself. I had a husband sitting there with his cock red and swollen with denial and a couple of days of sun, sail and sex with my lover to look forward to. I had to admit I was enjoying this holiday!


  Yet another beautiful day had the sun reflecting almost painfully from the white decks of Rob’s boat. A 45’ catamaran it boasted four double cabins, two bathrooms and ample space to relax in the spacious cockpit and bow trampoline.

  Bea was impressed but a bit overawed at the yacht’s size. ‘Are you sure you can handle her?’

  ‘Sure,’ I replied confidently. ‘All lines led aft, roller furling and an autopilot. Should be easy to sail.’

  ‘By yourself?’

  I looked at my wife out of the corner of my eye and recognised the slight smile on her lips. ‘Sure. Why?’ I asked innocently.

  ‘Oh, I don’t know,’ she smirked. ‘I might just have plans to take up a bit of Rob’s time...’

  I grinned at her. ‘I love you.’

  Bea turned to me and rubbed her hand over the bulge my chastity cage made in my swimmers. ‘Good. You keep on loving me and I’ll keep on cheating on you...’

  I leaned forward to kiss her but was interrupted by Rob coming up from below. ‘Hey! What have I told you about touching my woman?’ He stepped between us and grabbing Bea in his arms bent her back and kissed her long and thoroughly in front of me. ‘And that’s how you do that,’ he grinned at me when he finished.

  ‘Wow, it certainly is...’ stammered Bea, looking flustered.

  I honestly enjoyed seeing Rob with Bea. Beyond simply the cuckold thrill of her with another man I genuinely liked Rob and could tell that Bea did too. The dynamic between the three of us was very relaxed and comfortable and I didn’t feel threatened by Rob’s relationship with my wife at all. I think it was mostly this level of comfort that convinced me to agree to Rob’s other suggestion for the next couple of day’s entertainment.

  We’d got the boat squared away and ready for departure and were sitting in the cockpit enjoying a drink. Bea was puzzled about why we were still alongside and asked Rob what the delay was. ‘Oh, we’re just waiting for someone,’ he replied vaguely and then, a moment later. ‘And here he is.’

  We turned to see a young black guy throwing his bag over the stern and climbing onboard. ‘This is Ray, my nephew,’ introduced Rob. Ray couldn’t have been much past his early twenties and was of a similar height as Rob but without the other’s heavy muscle. Even so he was slim, broad shouldered and obviously in peak condition. Ray had a huge and winning smile as he held out his hand to first me and then Bea. Bea turned and gave me a querying look as Ray took his hand in hers.

  ‘I thought Jas might need a bit of help sailing the boat,’ explained Rob. ‘Ray’s an experienced sailor and I thought it would be good to have someone else onboard to...er, lend a hand...’

  While Rob showed Ray below Bea turned to me. ‘Did you know about this?’

  ‘About what?’ I asked innocently.

  ‘Don’t give me that ‘butter wouldn’t melt’ look. You know what I mean.’

  ‘Okay, so Rob might have suggested he could use a hand with the...boat.’

  ‘Do you really think I’m going to...’

  ‘I wouldn’t want you to do anything you’re not comfortable with,’ I said placating. I paused. ‘But you have to admit he’s pretty cute...’

  Bea looked at me for a long moment before shaking her head. ‘You’re mad.’ She walked up to the bow and stayed there while we cast off and got the sails set. She stayed up there so long I thought she might be really mad at me. I resolved to talk to her at the first chance but the wind was quite fresh and getting to grips with a new boat took up all of my time so I didn’t get a chance until a couple of hours later when we finally reached our first anchorage.


  I’m no fool and I knew exactly what Jason had in mind the moment I saw Ray climb onboard. Here we were off for a trip on a yacht, ostensibly to ‘see the sights’ but in reality just so I could spend a few days getting my brains fucked out by my new lover. Not that I minded that prospect you understand. But one thing you don’t do when you’re planning a sex-holiday is bring along a third-wheel. Okay so sure, Jason was there but when it comes to sex he doesn’t really count. I mean I’ve got him locked up for a reason and if I can make do without his cock when we’re at home why would I need it when I had a nice big black one to play with on holiday?

  No, nobody brings a plus-one to a sex weekend unless they’re hoping for a bit of extra fun. It didn’t surprise me that Jason would be keen
to see me with two guys but it did surprise me that he’d put me in this situation without discussing it first. I mean, it would be one thing if Ray had maybe just joined us for dinner on shore because then it would have been easy for me to gracefully decline the implied offer of a threesome. But that was impossible stuck out here in the confined environment of a small boat. If I decided I wasn’t interested then what the hell were we supposed to do with Ray? Would he be okay with being rejected and, even if he was, what would he do when I wanted to screw Rob? I’ve got to admit the idea of being fucked outside in the sunshine while we cruised the islands was a pretty attractive one and not a small part of why I’d agreed to come along. But while I’d gotten accustomed to fucking in front of Jason I wasn’t so sure I wanted to be putting on a show for half the bloody locals. Which means I either had to forego outside sex or insist that Ray go below whenever I felt amorous; neither of which appealed.

  I felt trapped and more than a little pissed off with Jason. Sure he couldn’t have arranged it without Rob’s involvement but Rob was just a guy I was fucking; Jason’s my husband and should know better. I spent some time simmering up on the bow, pointedly ignoring everyone. I was half tempted to say screw the lot of them, or more correctly, not screw any of them. I figured I could still have an enjoyable cruise and if I could manage one guy with blue balls I was pretty sure I could do the same for three. Only trouble was I didn’t really fancy a dose of celibacy myself. I’d been a long time between lovers and had been enjoying another dose of big cock quite considerably.

  Bugger Jason anyway. I was supposed to be the one in control around here and now suddenly he was the one changing the rules.

  As I slowly cooled off I started to look at the situation from a more practical point of view. First item on the agenda; did I really want to try a threesome? I knew I’d be lying if I said the idea had never occurred to me. I’d never told Jason but there were times when Steve was fucking me that I wouldn’t have minded if Jason had just taken the initiative and joined in. More than once I’d thought it was a shame his kink was denial instead of participation. Even in our pre-cuckolding days I’d occasionally brought myself off to the idea of multiple men playing with me. These were good fantasies and never failed to bring me to a strong orgasm but, as Jason had already discovered, there’s a world of difference between fantasy and reality. So let’s put the threesome idea down as a ‘maybe’ for now.


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