The Devil's Apprentice: Book 2: Descent to Hell

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The Devil's Apprentice: Book 2: Descent to Hell Page 12

by Patrick Stewart

  Alex glanced around at his surroundings and sighed. He was standing in the centre of a circle of bloodied demon bodies. Four were dead, one had his arm sliced off and now lay on his side in a foetal position, still losing blood, the demon shook feverishly as he muttered words too quiet to hear.

  He turned his attention to the one demon that was still alive. He sat on his bottom and stared up at Alex, anger in his eyes, but also fear. There was blood around his mouth, and on the dirt by his feet, there lay scattered a bunch of broken teeth.

  “Kill him,” Lucifer said with eagerness in his voice.

  Alex was tempted to. He didn’t feel any guilt for those he had already killed. Not because they were demons. Alex didn’t have the same hatred for demons that Lucifer had. He felt no guilt because the demons had assumed he was a slave. They were ready to punish him because they thought he’d escaped. It was demons like this that Natasha had fled from. His jaws tightened as he stepped towards the demon. Anger rising within him, he spun the sword in his hand as he towered over the demon.

  “Alex,” a voice called out.

  He turned to look back at the gate. A red demon with black hair stood by the gates. She was dressed in a leather skirt and a white sleeveless shirt. There was a black sword in a scabbard by her waist. Behind her stood two human women.

  More humans… was this city going to be full of captive humans?

  Alex turned his attention back to the demon. She had said his name. “Who are you?” he asked. “And how’d you know my name?”

  “I’m Keira,” the demon said. “I’ve been waiting for your arrival.”

  The name sounded familiar, and it took a second for Alex to remember. Satani had told him to find Keira when he got to the city. He glanced back at the two girls behind Keira. At five ten ish, they were both tall for humans. Pretty, too. Big breasts, curvy hourglass figures and dressed in white satin that wrapped around the breasts and around the waist, but left everything else bare, they looked hot.

  They looked healthy too. They bore no signs of abuse. But both girls stared down at their feet in a clear sign of submission.

  The one demon that was still alive now climbed to his feet and pointed at Alex. “This filth attacked me,” he said in anger.

  Alex looked back at the demon. Then he glanced at the bodies of the other demons. “They attacked me, so I killed them,” Alex said to Keira. “Is that going to be a problem?”

  Keira shook her head. “No. You’re here to kill demons, after all. It is good to know that is something you can do.” She then turned her attention to the demon. “Find replacements to guard the gate. And next time, if you’re alive when a stranger attacks, I’ll personally cut your head off and feed it to the Bastillions.”

  Chapter 18

  Alex sat in a black carriage that was being pulled by two creatures that could only be described as hell’s version of horses. Each beast was twice the size of an ordinary horse. They also had three sharp black horns on each of their two heads and four eyes, all of which were red. The horses’ fur was jet black and their tails had naturally growing spikes on them.

  They pulled the carriage through the demon city of Katarnak. The roads were wide and mostly empty, but they were made of red rock, and dust rose up from beneath the carriage’s wheels. As they drove further in, Alex began to suspect the entire city was made of the same red rock that was so prevalent in hell. It was as if rather than building a city on flat land, the demons had found low hills of red rock and cut into it for the buildings and flattened it completely to create roads.

  The buildings they passed were four or five floors tall. The architecture was simple. The walls were smooth, the doors and windows had arches, but no elaborative designs. The frames were made of a black wood. Some windows had simple cloth draped across them. Others were completely empty.

  There were other demons on the road. Some were in carriages, others walked. There were humans too. A lot of them. Some walked behind their demon, their eyes on the ground, their heads lowered. Others had manacles around their necks and were being led on leashes.

  So many humans…

  There were more humans than there were demons. Had they all been kidnapped from earth? Alex mentally cursed his stupid thoughts. Of course they were from earth. Where else could they have come from? But if so many humans were kidnapped from earth, how could they have gone unnoticed by the authorities back on earth? Most of the humans seemed to be of a certain age too. Either late teens, or early twenties.

  The dust and heat along with the ashy air was becoming a little uncomfortable. Alex closed the carriage window and turned his focus on the three others he shared it with. Alex sat opposite the demon, Keira. The two human women sat on either side of her, their eyes on their laps where their hands rested.

  “What’s your first impression of hell?” Keira asked.

  “It’s red,” Alex responded.

  Keira laughed. “That it is,” she said with a smile. She had a pretty face with sparkling white teeth. “Where did you land? In the mountains?”

  His guard up, Alex nodded carefully. He didn’t want to divulge any information about Natasha and the rest.

  “You did well,” Keira said. “I wasn’t expecting you so soon. Even demons can get lost in the mountains for weeks.”

  Alex could tell from her tone this was more than just conversation. She was probing him. He had arrived relatively quickly, considering everything. Thanks to Natasha, of course. But Alex wasn’t going to say that.

  “Climbed on top of a mountain, spotted a path and followed it all the way here,” he said casually.

  “Smart thing to do,” Keira said with a nod. “Meet any trouble along the way?”

  “A few mutated monkeys,” Alex replied. “They made for a good meal.”

  Keira laughed. “I can see why Satani sent you.”

  She’d sent him to kill the powerful demons amongst the Azarath army. They came with varying powers, the demons. Jamie Azarath became stronger and grew in size, as did Scarlett. Satani was technically a demon, wasn’t she? Her brother, Satan, grew into a fucking giant. Apparently an unkillable demon giant. Alex drove his sword into Satan and pushed him back down to hell. But the devil was still alive and back in his prison.

  They rode the rest of the way in silence. Alex occasionally glanced at the two girls. Both continued to stare down at their laps. They sat with their backs straight, their chests jutted forward, displaying their breasts. Both were really pretty girls.

  The carriage finally came to a stop and Alex jumped out.

  The building before him was made of red, which wasn’t a big surprise. It was six floors tall. Keira stepped out of the carriage and the two girls followed after her. They stood behind her as she climbed the steps and walked into the lobby.

  At the right side was a red desk made of rock, behind which sat a human woman. Alex thought it strange to see a human working as a receptionist in a hotel in hell. Keira did not acknowledge the human, but headed towards the end. Alex walked beside her as the two humans followed closely behind.

  “The first floor will be your living quarters. Food and drinks will be served on the second floor. There is a library on the third floor, an armoury on the fourth floor. The fifth floor is where we will meet to discuss your assignments. The sixth floor has rooms for other demons that will be staying here,” Keira said as they climbed.

  They took the stairs up. There didn’t seem to be an elevator, or any signs of technology. For lighting, the walls had black sconces with unlit torches. The first floor had a corridor through the middle. There was a single door on each side of the corridor.

  Keira led him to the door on the left. Inside was a large room. There was a four-poster bed to one side with a large wardrobe beside it and a table opposite it. On the other side was a sitting space with leather sofas arranged in a square. To the left corner was a door that led to a toilet and shower.

  The room had wide windows and white cloth draped across it. The r
ed light penetrated the fabric and shone an orange hue into the room. It was a nice room, large and spacious. But it was red. The walls, the floors, even the bloody bed sheets. Alex was getting a little tired of all the red. Sure, it was hell, but that didn’t mean they needed to lack imagination.

  “When did you become an interior designer?” Lucifer scoffed.

  It was an annoying reminder that sometimes Lucifer, the voice in his head, could actually read his mind. Lucifer was right. He wasn’t an interior designer. But he was tired, thirsty and hungry. It was possible he was a tad on the cranky side. The four-poster bed looked comfortable and inviting. He walked up to it and arms spread out, he collapsed onto it.

  “I’ll let you get some rest today,” Keira said. “Tomorrow, we will begin your work.”

  Alex raised his head to face her as she was leaving. “When do they serve-” he paused to look outside to see what time of day it was. What with it being red like that pretty much all day until it got a really darker shade of red, he had no idea of what time it was. “I’m hungry,” he finished.

  Keira smiled. She did that often, he noted. It made her seem almost human. Like one of those really positive glass half full sorts of humans.

  “Whenever you’re hungry, go to the second floor. There is always food there. But for today, as you’ve had a long journey, I will ask Jamana to bring you something to eat.”

  “Cool, thanks,” Alex said. He dropped his head back down onto the welcoming bed as they left the room.

  Despite being hungry and thirsty Alex could have stayed on that bed forever. After having slept on hard rocky surfaces for the past two nights, the bedding felt extremely comfortable. But there was a knock on his door. He climbed to his feet and opened it to find a green-skinned demon girl standing behind a trolley.

  “I brought you food, sir,” she said.

  “Jamana?” Alex asked.

  “Yes, sir,” she said.

  Alex moved out of the way to let her in. Jamana pushed the trolley into the room and towards the table. The trays were covered in silver domes, hiding away the dishes that lay underneath. It didn’t hold in the scent though. The food smelt great. There was also a jug full of water and a tray of beverages, some of which looked like beer.

  Alex eagerly sat down on the chair and lifted the silver domes. To his relief, the food looked fairly normal. There was a large piece of meat that looked like beef. He took a bite. It tasted like beef, and it was perfectly cooked to medium rare. There were chips too that were cut thickly and fried perfectly. The sauce that dripped around the steak was mildly hot and thick.

  Alex tucked in and devoured the plate within five minutes. He then grabbed a bottle off the beverage tray, turned the lid and took a sip. It was beer, and damn, it was cold. Alex leaned back in his chair, his eyes closed, a smile on his face. Hell wasn’t turning out to be so bad after all.

  He could have stayed there, even fallen asleep, so full he was. But then, he became aware of Jamana standing a few feet away. She was breathing normally, possibly even quietly, but he could still hear her.

  “I’m guessing you’re waiting for me to finish so you can take it all away?” he asked.

  “Yes, sir,” Jamana said with a smile.

  Alex got up off his chair. “I’m Alex,” he told her.

  She stared at him nervously, the smile on her lips faltered. “Okay… sir?”

  Alex shook his head. “Call me Alex,” he said. “Sir just sounds weird.”

  Jamana smiled, but didn’t say anything. She quickly cleared the table, loaded it onto her tray, and then hurried out of his room. Not thinking much about it, Alex made his way to the bed, closed his eyes, and nodded off.

  * * *

  When Alex woke up, the sky outside was a dark red. The torches attached to the wall were lit, and a dark red flame dimly lit the room. Alex climbed out of bed and stretched. Well rested, well fed, he felt good. He’d slept with his clothes on, even with his sword strapped to his back in its sheath. That could have gone horribly wrong, he thought.

  His work would start from tomorrow, Keira had said.

  Alex didn’t know what to do now.

  The whole floor was supposedly his. There was another door on this floor. Deciding he had nothing better to do, Alex walked out of his room and opened the door to the other room and walked inside.

  There was a small library to the left with dark wooden shelves. The books looked old, with leather covers. Opposite it probing out from the wall was a fireplace. A fire was lit, and gentle red flames burned from it. Wooden chairs were arranged around the fireplace, looking very cosy indeed.

  Alex glanced at the books, curious. Back on earth, before becoming a Demon Hunter, Alex had been a writer. At least, he’d tried to write a book. Now, he was in hell, which had libraries, apparently. He was tempted to grab a book and see what it was all about.

  But then, he spotted the small armoury. Hanging off hooks in the wall were swords, pikes, spears, arrows and armoured plating. The metal was black, but shiny. Alex already had a sword of his own, but there were two black swords that were smaller than his that looked interesting. With a sword in each hand, he would look like a total badass.

  But then, Alex spotted the two girls.

  Human girls. One had blonde hair, the other was a brunette. At five feet ten, they were both tall for humans. Of course, at six feet five, Alex still towered over them. Both girls wore strips of silk cloth that was wrapped around the breasts, and another smaller piece that was wrapped around the waist, just about covering both girl’s modesty.

  “Hey,” Alex waved at them.

  “How may we serve, sir,” both girls said quickly, and in unison.

  Alex didn’t know how to respond to that. It wasn’t every day two hot girls wearing barely anything asked him how they could serve him. And what exactly did they mean to serve him?

  “Sex,” Lucifer said. “You take the blonde, I’ll take the brunette.”

  “And how exactly would you do that? How exactly would you “take” the brunette?”

  A door opened from the end of the room, and Alex just realised that the door was there. It was Jamana.

  “Alex,” she said with a smile. “How are you feeling?”

  “Yeah, uh, I feel good,” he stuttered, still distracted by the two humans.

  “Did you sleep well? Are you hungry? Shall I get some more food?”

  “Slept well,” Alex said. “Not hungry.”

  “Would you like to sit by the fire whilst One and Two help you feel comfortable?”

  Alex narrowed his eyes. One and two? Jamana seemed to take his confusion as a yes. She walked up to him, took his arm and led him to the armchair directly opposite the fire. As Alex sat down, the two human girls came up to him and dropped to their knees. One took off his trainers, the other worked on the straps of his scabbard that were fastened around his bare chest.

  As both came off, Jamana was beside him once more. “Would you like anything to drink?”

  “A beer would be nice,” Alex said.

  “Of course,” Jamana said. “I’ll be right back.”

  As she left, Alex turned his attention to the girls, an eyebrow raised. They were tugging at his jeans now. Alex stood up to make life easier for them. Once it was off, his underwear followed. He was naked now, but Alex felt comfortable. He sat down on the wooden chair and did not like it much. Maybe he should have kept his underwear on.

  The blonde seemed to notice his discomfort.

  “Would you like to move to the bedroom, sir?” she asked. “It would be more comfortable.”

  Alex didn’t resist as she took his hand and led him out of the room, into the corridor and back into his own bedroom. He ogled her curvy ass, barely concealed that it was by the satin white cloth. Alex lay on the bed on his front, expecting a massage.

  That was how it began. The two girls joined him on the bed. One worked on his shoulders, the other on his legs. They were good at it. Alex felt his muscles relax as t
he girls expertly probed and prodded. His worries of before, his thoughts about hell, about Natasha, about Karen, Melissa and Chrissy, they began to fade away as he enjoyed the moment.

  Jamana returned with his cold beer. Alex turned to lie on his back. He took the drink and the blonde began to massage his head. The brunette moved down. She rubbed his waist, then moved inwards towards his groin. Alex felt his cock growing before she even touched it.

  The brunette continued to rub around his cock and balls. His cock grew bigger until it reached almost full size. Jamana chuckled nervously and Alex raised an eyebrow.

  “That’s-” she pointed at his cock. “You’re really-” she stopped again; her green cheeks darkened. “I’ve never seen a human cock before,” she said softly. “I didn’t think they were that big.”

  “They’re not, normally,” Alex said, grinning.

  “Can I touch it?” Jamana asked.

  Alex couldn’t see why not. The demon girl was cute. Not quite as hot as the brunette or blonde, but she was cute.

  “Go for it,” he told her.

  She jumped on the bed. Her eyes glazed, she stared at his cock in wonder. She took it in her hands. “The skin is so soft,” she murmured. “Can I taste it?”

  Alex smiled, nodding. Jamana reminded him of Natasha. That girl had asked him before she did anything too. Jamana took his cock in her mouth. Alex closed his eyes as her warm and wet mouth wrapped around the head. She took in more of his cock until his tip hit the back of her throat. She held it there, in that warm but tight spot.

  Alex opened his eyes to look at her. Damn, she was good. Jamana was wearing a leather skirt and a leather top that was cut like a sports bra. Alex fumbled at the bra, trying to take it off. He wasn’t doing a great job of it.

  The brunette seemed to notice. She came up behind Jamana and undid the bra, revealing the demon’s perky green breasts. The brunette didn’t stop there. She took off Jamana’s leather skirt too. The demon was completely naked now, but she didn’t seem to care. She continued to suck on his cock, continued to push it down her throat. Alex’s hand trailed down Jamana’s back and down her bare bottom. His fingers brushed the outer lips of her green pussy. He could feel the heat coming from them.


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