The Devil's Apprentice: Book 2: Descent to Hell

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The Devil's Apprentice: Book 2: Descent to Hell Page 24

by Patrick Stewart

  Sitting on the lava, his arms folded across his chest, was Satan.

  This was the prison that contained the devil for thousands of years. It wasn’t exactly what Alex had imagined it to be.

  Satan sat in his human form. He wore leather trousers, but his chest was bare.

  “So you killed Merculis too,” Satan said, as he stared up. “You’re burning too many bridges, Lucifer.”

  “It’s Alex, actually. Remember Alex? The guy that threw you back in here?”

  Satan smiled. It sent a shiver down Alex’s back. There was something about being in the devil’s presence. He wasn’t scary to look at. In fact, his human form was that of a handsome young man who hit the gym regularly. But Alex felt the power. The blue haze of a glass barrier between them did little to stop it radiating out.

  They were right.

  The devil had been weakened when he’d climbed out on earth. If Satan broke free now, Alex knew he would be in for the fight of his life. Even with his new tricks, he feared he might lose that fight.

  “Oh, I’ll be sure to remember Alex when I break out,” Satan said. “In case you didn’t know, Alex. I live forever. So will your soul. I know you have one. When you die, your soul will come to hell. It always does for people like you. When you’ve killed so many, it doesn’t matter if you think it’s for the right reasons now. You’ll feel guilt. There will always be one demon or human that you’ll regret killing. When your soul comes down, it’ll be mine. You’ll have nowhere to hide in hell.”

  “Humans forget what they did when they arrive here. But I’ll make sure you remember.”

  Alex had a feeling that Satan was right on that count. If it took a clear conscience to rise up to heaven, Alex doubted he had one now. At best, it was conflicted. He was down here in hell, battling on Satani’s behalf while she enslaved the souls of humans. They lived like slaves. They were beaten and abused at will. Some were even crushed to make weapons.

  Coming down to a terrifying place full of demons and beasts with no memory, Alex could only imagine how petrifying something like that could be. And here he was, helping Satani, under whom all of this was happening.

  “Tell my sister the prison I make for her won’t be so comfortable,” Satan said.

  “Tell her yourself,” Alex said.

  “Oh, I wasn’t talking to you. I was telling your little buddy.”

  It was then did Alex become aware of Keira standing beside him. She stared down at Satan, her eyes wide, her body shaking, she nodded slowly. The demon was terrified.

  “Good little demon,” Satan nodded approvingly. “What’s your name?”

  “K-K-Keira…” she said the word quietly, her voice shaking.

  “Well, Keira. You played your part in this. You’re going to be punished for that. You know that, don’t you?”

  Keira nodded quickly. “I’m sorry, my lord. I’m just-”

  Alex grabbed Keira by the back of her collar and pulled her away from the edge of the prison so that Satan was no longer in view. He stared at her, eyes wide. “What are you doing?”

  “What?” she glared back at him.

  “Why the hell are you apologising to him?”

  “He’s Satan,” Keira said, as if it were obvious. “He’s the lord of hell!”

  Alex was about to snap at Keira, but then he noticed the pale colour of her red skin. Her lips quivered, and even now, her body trembled. She was terrified. Keira, one of the bravest demons he had ever met was terrified. Alex could understand why. The power radiating from Satan was making even him feel a little uncertain.

  He decided against shouting at her and instead he pointed back towards the door that led out of this room. “I’ll meet you outside,” he told her.

  Keira stared at the black darkness that was the door leading out of the prison. It seemed to bring back her normal sense of calm. Her body stopped shaking. “Okay,” she said. “I’ll see you outside.” She took six steps before she stopped and turned to look back at him. “Don’t-” she paused. Alex raised an eyebrow. “Don’t antagonise Satan, please,” she said.

  “I’ll try not to,” Alex muttered. He waited for her to leave before he came to stand at the edge of the black stone.

  “You’re still here,” Satan said, annoyance in his voice.

  Alex smiled. “Aren’t you glad for the company? Can’t be fun stuck down there for,” he paused to think. “What is now? Thousands of years?”

  All of sudden, Satan shot up from the lava he’d been sitting on. His whole body burned red and he crashed into the blue haze of a wall that covered the pit.

  “Impressive,” Alex said. It actually had been. Were it not for the pit cover, Satan would probably have burnt him down to a cinder.

  “You’ll die a painful death, Alex.”

  “You’re a prophet now?” Alex muttered.

  He really was glad for the blue haze of a wall that kept them apart, because the look Satan gave him with his black eyes, it sent shivers down his spine. This really was different. Satan here was so much more powerful. Alex wondered if emanating fear into his opponents was one of the devil’s powers.

  “You want something,” Satan said. “That’s why you haven’t left. What is it?”

  Alex did want something actually. He told Satan about the humans and how, when they were hiding in that cave in the mountain, they suddenly remembered who they were.

  Satan smiled. It was a cruel smile, and Alex knew he wouldn’t like the answer.

  “You stumbled across a portal,” Satan said. “Somewhere in that mountain, behind the stone and rock was a portal.”

  “A portal to where?”

  Satan’s smile widened. “To wherever humans are supposed to go next.”

  Alex blinked. It took him awhile to register what the devil had just said. “Sorry?”

  Satan let out a laugh. And then, he told him. A long time ago, when the first human soul came down to hell, the demons were small in number and disorganised. It was comparable to the human’s stone ages. Some of the demons lived in lakes of lava, others resided in volcanoes, or deep caves. They hunted the beasts that roamed the harsh land, and occasionally, they fought with other demons.

  Overall, they were pitiful creatures. They were weak and afraid.

  During that time, beside the lakes of lava were portals in the ground from which blue light shone out. When the first human came down to hell, it wandered around, confused and lost. Satan watched it some interest. But when he spoke with it, it knew nothing. Not where it had come from, not where it wanted to go, not even its own name.

  Soon after the first human arrived in hell, many more began to follow. They too didn’t know where they’d come from, nor did they know where they were going. They didn’t know their names, or what they were supposed to do.

  Hell now had a good number of humans. Satan saw a use for them. They were the perfect slaves. No memory of what had happened before, no memory of right or wrong. His word was law to them.

  And then, one human came across the portal in the ground. It suddenly remembered everything. The human remembered its name, it remembered its previous life. Suddenly, it didn’t want to be a mindless slave anymore. It led other humans to the portal, then, together they rebelled, wanting to free all humans from captivity.

  There was a short war. The humans stood no chance against demons. They were weak and had no weapons. A shame that the rebel leader jumped through the portal with some of his followers before he was caught. After that, Satan sealed up the portals, all of them. Over time, he moved bigger structures over them.

  “Hell isn’t their final destination. At least, it’s not supposed to be,” Satan said, laughing maniacally.


  It was time for Alex to leave hell and head home. Keira kept her part of the deal. Jamana would be going with him. As Alex headed out, to leap into another terrifying portal to head home, he knew he would be coming back down to hell.

  What Satan said had changed everything. />
  Alex had wanted to make hell as comfortable for the humans as possible. It never seemed fair for humans to suffer for all of eternity. Especially when all it took was a guilty conscience, rather than actual guilt.

  But now, everything had changed. It made more sense. The two beings that asked him whether he had a good conscience or not, then determined if he went down to hell or up to heaven, did they know what happened to humans when they jumped through the portal?

  Alex would come back to hell. He would find the portals and he would break them open.

  Now, as he stood on the edge of a portal himself, staring down at the black abyss surrounded by the ring of fire, his thoughts turned to home. He hoped Satani had found the angel murderer. Because if she didn’t, and if more angels died on earth, then all of this would have been pointless.

  Alex took Jamana’s hand in his. “Ready?” he asked.

  She stared down at the black hole that was to take them to earth and she smiled nervously. Alex pulled her in close. And then, together, they jumped in.

  Author Comments

  I would like to thank you very much for reading this book. Writing is my passion and without your support, I would not be able to pursue it. I would greatly appreciate if you could leave a review so that others will know if this story is worth investing in.

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  Once again, thank you so much for support.

  Keep turning to read the first chapter of The Land of Debauchery series

  The Land of Debauchery

  Books 1 - 8

  Patrick Stewart

  All rights reserved


  Book 1: The Red-Eyed Witch

  Book 2: The Death Maze

  Book 3: The Killing Pits

  Book 4: The Blood Awakenings

  Book 5: The Black Leopards

  Book 6: The Three-Breasted Witch

  Book 7: Harmony: Captured by the Werewolves and Trained to be a Sex Slave

  Book 8: The Shapeshifters

  The Red-Eyed Witch

  The Land of Debauchery

  Book 1


  Oliver hit the brakes angrily, his eyes on the old woman as she took her sweet time to cross the road. She noticed his frustration and gave him the sweet old grandma smile. Oliver was not in the mood for grandmas. All four of his grandparents died long before he was born. It was probably why he never understood the fuss when other people’s grandparents passed. For him, grandparents seemed more like nice toys. Some people had them, others didn’t. And it wasn’t really a big deal if you lost your nice toy.

  He realised it was a bad analogy. Kids cried their hearts out when they lost a favourite toy.

  The grandma was still crossing, so Oliver pulled the window down and stuck his head out. “What the fuck!” he shouted at her. “It doesn’t take that long to fucking cross. MOVE!” he pressed the horn.

  The old woman stopped in the middle of the road and turned to look at him, the smile still on her face. “Your mother should have kept her legs closed, you manner less cunt,” she said sweetly.

  Oliver blinked twice. That was not the response he had been expecting. She was supposed to be a sweet old lady. Like one of those grandma’s that baked cookies for the grandkids and smiled excessively, showing beautifully white dentures.

  “You’re right,” he told her. “My mother should have kept her legs closed. She would still be alive today if she had.”

  He caught a glance of the look of shock on the old lady’s face as he drove around her. He felt satisfaction only for a second. And then he began to wish his mum really had kept her legs closed. She would have lived, and he wouldn’t have this miserable existence currently titled as “his life”.

  His thoughts turned to Emily, the only good thing in his life. Hurry up, please, she had said, sounding desperate.

  It wasn’t the first time she had gotten herself in with the wrong crowd and called him for help. And he knew it wouldn’t be the last time either. Oliver was in love with the girl. And she knew that, took advantage of it. But to Oliver, that didn’t matter. Emily wasn’t just a girl he loved, she was his best friend, his only friend. And if he was into all of that really romantic soppy shit, he would say she was his soul mate too.

  Oliver pulled into Boundary Street and spotted her immediately. She stood with her back pressed against the wall, mobile phone in hand. His heart skipped a beat, much like it did pretty much every time he saw her. She spotted him and waved. And then her head turned and she looked up. Mark was there, his head sticking out the window.

  Oliver harboured a strong dislike for Mark. Emily had been dating him for only a couple of months, but it was enough for him to know that Mark was a dirt bag. He treated her like crap, but she ignored it, made excuses for him.

  Mark disappeared from the window, and by the time Oliver pulled up and climbed out of his car, Mark was down on the street, wearing nothing but boxers and slippers. It was obvious why Emily liked the guy. She had a thing for bad boys, especially ones that looked like they spent most of their time in the gym.

  That’s what Mark looked like, a guy that spent his whole life in the gym. Either that, or he was pumping steroids. The guy was ripped like a beast.

  “We’re done,” Emily said, pushing Mark’s hands away. “We’re fucking done you creep.”

  Mark grabbed Emily’s hands and pressed them back against the wall roughly. Leaning in, his bare chest pushing against hers, he kissed her on the lips. Oliver’s blood boiled at the sight. He wanted to pull Mark off Emily and punch the guy in the face.

  He didn’t. Because he wasn’t a fucking idiot. He was well aware of what would happen if he tried to get in Mark’s way. One punch is all it would take for Mark to flatten Oliver.

  As the two began to kiss passionately, Mark let go off Emily’s hands, and they dropped by her side. Mark reached down, tugging at Emily’s skirt, he pulled it down to her knees, exposing her red lacy panties.

  She was only a few feet away now, but Oliver stopped walking. This had happened before. Emily had called him, sounding desperate, asking him to pick her up. And when he had arrived less than an hour later, she’d told him to go away.

  “Stop,” Emily murmured, managing to pull her lips away.

  Mark had pulled down her panties, his fingers dug in to her cunt, his other hand pulled at her top. There was a tear, her bra became visible, and then her breasts were exposed. Mark was good at taking clothes off women, it seemed…

  “Stop!” Emily said more forcefully. She pushed Mark away and pulled up her panties and skirt.

  Mark came back at her. He slapped her across the face, then pulled her in for a rough kiss. He laughed as she struggled to free herself, and then he yelled, pushed her to the ground and felt his lip.

  “You bit me,” he said slowly. “You fucking bitch, you bit me.”

  There was blood on Mark’s lips, and not a small amount. Oliver rushed to Emily’s side, and helping her up, he tried to move back and away from the towering and angry Mark. But he wasn’t quick enough. Mark raised a foot and kicked his arm, the one wrapped around Emily’s chest, sending them both cashing to the ground.

  “Stay out of this, Oliver,” Mark warned him. “The bitch bit me. She needs to learn some fucking respect.”

  Oliver wasn’t really one for getting into fights, he didn’t have the build for it. He was tall, over six feet, but that didn’t count for much when you had a strange sort of flab covering most of your body. Not only that, Oliver had an actual hunch back, not as bad as that dude from Notre Dam, but still… a fucking hunched back. And to make things worse, pretty much all types of physical exertions really hurt.

  Oliver’s only saving grace was his cock. It was very big. But having a big cock wasn’t exactly a g
reat conversation starter with the ladies. Or anyone else for that matter.

  And it certainly wasn’t useful in a fist-fight.

  No, Oliver really wasn’t a fighter. But this was Emily. The girl he’d loved since forever. He couldn’t just leave her at the mercy of Mark, not without trying. Sighing, Oliver climbed off the ground and stood facing Mark. He knew what was to come, and he raised his fists, planning to at least try and fight.

  Mark sniggered. “Seriously? You’re going to take a beating for that whore? You know why she’s pissed? Cuz Charlie took a picture of her wasted cunt. The whore didn’t mind both of us fucking her last night and this morning, but take a picture of her cunt… that’ll set her off. Stupid bitch.”

  Oliver glanced back at Emily. She was still on the ground, her palm grazed by the fall, she stared up at him, a look of anger mixed with hatred on her face. He wasn’t sure who she was angry with. It could have been herself, it could have been Mark or Charlie, it could even have been him.

  In the end, it didn’t matter what she had done last night, or this morning. He wasn’t going to walk away and leave her at Mark’s mercy. She was Emily… the girl he had known and loved since forever.

  Oliver turned to face Mark once more, mentally preparing to fight. It happened so quickly, he only caught a brief glimpse of Mark’s fist before it connected with his left cheek. Staggering back, his sight blurred with pain and the bright lights that came with being punched in the face, Oliver struggled to stay up.

  Mark leapt forward, and raising his foot, he fly-kicked Oliver in the chest, knocking him to the ground. “Stay down, Oliver. Trust me, she’s not worth it. Not after taking my cock,” he laughed.


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