Breaking into Prison

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Breaking into Prison Page 25

by Mairsile Leabhair

  Next, Trudie called in Molly Maids for a thorough cleaning and asked Deidra to bath and groom both animals, even though they weren’t invited to the party. Trudie knew that Kelly was allergic to Bruno, and she hoped that she would attend the party if she knew that steps had been taken to reduce the allergens in the air. Trudie even called up the pharmacy and had a particulate respirator mask delivered.

  Then she ordered liquor from the store around the corner, who had delivered to her before, and got online and ordered decorations and had them FedEx them overnight. Then, just as Annie had shown her, she shut down the computer and unplugged everything.

  If they weren’t setting a trap for a murderer, Trudie would have enjoyed her time with all the activity and people coming and going in her condo, just as if she were living a normal life. But each time she forgot why they were there, Annie would wave a hand-held metal detector wand over people coming in, looking for a knife.

  But the hardest time for both women was at night. Trudie slept with Annie on the couch, and as uncomfortable as it was, because there wasn’t that much room, Trudie slept better than she had in years. They would talk, joke, and tickle each other, and spoon, lots of spooning, but somehow, they managed to abstain from what they craved most. Neither women wanted their first time to be with Annabelle right next door.

  “What was it like, growing up with siblings?” Annie asked.

  “At the time, it was frustrating. I was the youngest, you see, so when we were kids, they ganged up on me. But as we grew older, I came to love it as a sign of affection. Now, we’re a very close family, even with the boys living in other states.”

  “That sounds nice,” Annie said pensively.

  “Honey, your mother told me about your brother. What was he like?”

  “He was the coolest of the cool, even at six years old. He taught me how to sword fight with sticks, make bow and arrows out of tree limbs, and even how to dam up a creek so we could catch tadpoles. But he was sensitive, too. We’d always release them so they wouldn’t die.”

  “He sounds like a wonderful brother,” Trudie said softly.

  “He was. I still miss him every day, even though he’s been gone over twenty years.”

  “He’s not gone if he’s in your heart, honey.”

  Annie kissed her on the forehead. “The same can be said of Leigh, baby. She will always be with you, watching over you.”

  Trudie sat up and looked at her ring finger. “You’re right, sweetheart. She will always be a part of me.” Trudie took off her rings and sat them on the coffee table. “I don’t need to wear her ring anymore to keep her close. You’ve made it easy for me. Thank you for that.” Trudie leaned back and kissed Annie sweetly.

  “Baby, anyone you love is worth my love. Well, except maybe…”

  “Noella,” they said at the same time, and then laughed.

  Chapter Twenty-three

  Monday morning finally arrived, and there was a tense excitement in the air. Trudie, Annie, Donny, and Annabelle started the day together with breakfast, where they went over the plan one last time.

  Noella arrived just ahead of the film crew and the first thing she noticed was that Javier wasn’t at his post. “Where’s the walking tree trunk?” she asked Trudie as she walked into the kitchen.

  “We don’t need him anymore,” Trudie stated, handing Noella a cup of coffee. He would scare off the stalker, which is the last thing we want, now.

  “Is that so?” Noella asked, without waiting for an answer. She walked over to talk with the producer, as the crew brought in their equipment.

  The door had been left open so that the film crew could bring in their large blue equipment storage cases, so Krystal didn’t bother to knock. Helping herself to a cup of coffee, she stood back and watched the activity. Annie retrieved a soda from the refrigerator and leaned against the counter next to Krystal.

  “Pretty exciting stuff, isn’t it?” Annie asked, popping the top on the soda.

  “Nah, seen one, seen them all. I’m just here to check out the big burly guard, but he wasn’t there.”

  “No, it wasn’t working out so Trudie let him go,” Annie explained.

  Krystal shook her head. “Pity.”

  The Celebrity Inquisitor reporter, Larry Lewis, stood beside Noella, going over his questions for Trudie. When Noella finished with the producer, she checked Larry’s questions, and scratched out the one about Leigh’s murder. Larry frowned, but not where she could see it. The interview was going to stream live on their website, and Noella didn’t want anything that would be too painful for Trudie to discuss.

  The crew had to rearrange the furniture in the living room before they could set up, and two men picked up the glass coffee table and moved it to the side, out of camera range. Noella noticed the rings laying on the table and picked them up.

  “Trudie, you left your rings on the table,” Noella said as she handed them to her. “I figured you’d want to put them back on for the interview.”

  “No, but I will put them away so they don’t get lost,” Trudie replied, carrying the rings back to her bedroom.

  Noella looked perplexed as she watched her walk away. Then she looked at Annie, who was grinning. Shit! She walked over and stood by Annie and Krystal. “It’s insane. You know that, don’t you?”

  “I assume you’re talking about Trudie moving to Italy. It’s actually a very good idea.”

  Krystal threw up her hands. “Whoa. Wait a second. Trudie is moving to Italy?”

  “Yes, with me,” Annie replied.

  “I’m not talking about that, and you’re fooling yourself if you think she’ll actually go. No, I’m talking about you and her together. She is way out of your league, both in class and money. Or is that why you’re hovering over her, for her money?”

  Annie clenched her jaw and tightened her hand into a fist. But Trudie walked back in before she could unleash her anger.

  “Honey, it’s time for my session with Kelly,” Trudie said, looking at Annie’s raised eyebrows and flushed face.

  “All right, I’ll help you get it set up,” Annie replied. She picked up her laptop, glaring at Noella.

  Noella looked at Trudie. “I thought you said your computer wasn’t working?”

  “It wasn’t, but Jeff was able to fix it,” Trudie explained, remembering to stick to the script. “Apparently it had a nasty virus and some spyware on it. I haven’t a clue how that could have happened.”

  As they entered the office, Trudie asked, “Is anything wrong?”

  “No, just the normal bullshit when talking with Noella,” Annie replied, and then quickly changed the subject. “Remember, keep it brief, and nothing too personal. Just convince her to come to the party tonight, and then hang up.” Annie plugged in Ethernet cable and turned the computer on. As it was booting up, she walked behind the desk and opened her laptop. “They’re not online, go ahead.”

  “Good morning, Trudie,” Kelly greeted her.

  “Good morning, Kelly,” Trudie responded. “I’m sorry, I should have called you. I’m going to have to cancel our session. I’m doing a live interview in an hour and have to go get made up. Did you get my email about the party tonight?”

  “Yes, and I’ll be there. Thank you so much for taking all those extra steps just for me.”

  “Sure, that’s no problem at all,” Trudie reciprocated.

  “Say, my nine o’clock canceled, and I would love to watch you in action, especially since you went to all that trouble. Would it be all right if I came over?”

  “Absolutely. It’s nothing special, but you’re welcome, anytime. See you in a bit.” Trudie ended the call, shut down the program and turned off the computer.

  “I didn’t see that one coming,” Annie said as she unplugged the cable.

  “She’s never invited herself over like that before. She has always seemed interested in the Hollywood aspect of my life, maybe she just wants to see it firsthand.”

  “Now if we could just get her
to take her shoe off, we’d have confirmation,” Annie interjected.

  “You really want it to be her, don’t you?”

  “Yes, because if it’s not her, then we have to move to Italy.”

  Trudie laughed. “Okay then, what if you accidently pour your coffee or soda on her shoe, and then offer to clean it for her?”

  “Damn good idea, my princess.”

  “I get the feeling that you don’t like Annie much,” Krystal stated.

  “About as much as I like you,” Noella retorted.

  “Oh, goody. We’ll start a club,” Krystal shot back.

  “Why are you here, Krystal? Don’t you have some CEO business to take care of?”

  “Trudie invited me for some big announcement. Besides, I hire people to take care of the boring day-to-day shit for me. You wouldn’t understand, having to schlep around after Trudie like that.”

  “Oh, no sweetheart,” Noella countered. “It’s so much more than schlepping for Trudie. It’s cocktails with producers, partying with celebrities, and sleeping with starlets, all as part of the service I provide for Trudie.”

  Krystal was speechless, something very rare for her.

  “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have more schlepping to do,” Noella said, tossing her hair back and walking away.

  An hour later, Kelly rang the doorbell. Trudie opened the door and showed her in.

  “Would you like some coffee?” Trudie asked.

  “Yes, thank you,” Kelly replied, looking around at the activity in the living room. She was wearing the same stylish three-piece, dark blue pant suit she’d worn when she talked to Trudie online.

  Trudie handed her a cup and poured coffee into it. “How are the allergies? Any problems yet?”

  “No, feeling good,” Kelly announced, helping herself to the sugar and cream on the counter.

  Trudie pointed at a mask laying on the counter. “Here’s the mask I told you about.”

  “Thank you, that was very thoughtful. I think I’ll put it on just to be on the safe side.” Kelly set her cup down and opened the plastic bag.

  “I have to get my hair fixed, so just help yourself to anything you need. Enjoy the show.”

  Annie gave Trudie a quick comfort glance as they passed one another, and then walked over and pulled a soda from the fridge. Popping the top on the can, she looked around to make sure no one was watching, then she came up behind Kelly, who was distracted with the mask, and poured the cola on Kelly’s shoes.

  “Oh, no,” Kelly cried, her voice muffled by the mask.

  “Damn. I am so sorry,” Annie fibbed. “Here, give me your shoes before it soaks in.”

  Kelly leaned against the counter and pulled off her black loafers, and then her knee-high socks.

  Annie bent over to pick up the shoes. She dropped a shoe on the right foot and rubbed her hand over the bones before she picked up the shoe. Damn it! If we don’t catch them at the party, then it looks like we’re moving to Italy. Annie soaked a cloth and cleaned the soda off, all the while trying to come up with an alternative plan. Nothing she had tried had worked, and the reality was that they really would have to move. She knew Trudie didn’t want to leave her family, nor did she, but moving away would keep everyone safe. Annie resolved to be optimistic about the move, for Trudie’s sake.

  Trudie came back into the room and Annie shook her head. “Annie, can I see you a moment, please?”

  “Here, let me do that,” Annabelle offered, taking the shoe from Annie.

  “Thanks, Mom.”

  Trudie led Annie back to her bedroom, shut the door, and immediately asked, “What do we do now?”

  “It’s okay, baby. We’ve still got the party tonight. We’ll catch them.”

  “We’d better, because I really don’t want to move to Italy.”

  “I’m with you on that, but it doesn’t matter where we live, as long as we’re together.”

  Trudie smiled, her eyes glistening. “Kiss me now before I throw you on that bed and ravish you.”

  Annie ran her fingers along Trudie’s jaw, then entangled them in her hair. With her lips parted, she pulled Trudie to her, and slid her tongue inside, tasting the juices that had her body begging for more. Reluctantly she ended the kiss, still trembling with desire.

  “Oh wow,” Trudie exclaimed, slightly off balance. “This nightmare can’t end soon enough for me.”

  “Baby, you are preaching to the choir.”

  They went back to the living room and Trudie took her seat on the couch in front of the camera. The hairdresser did some last minute primping and then the director counted down.

  Larry began, “Ms. Youngblood, your book, Breaking into Prison, is already on the New York Times Bestsellers list, congratulations.”

  “Really? I didn’t know. That’s great.” Trudie looked into the camera. “Thank you, everyone. I hope you enjoy the final book in the series.”

  “So, tell us, what your plans are now that the series is done? Will you write another series?”

  “I never say never, but right now, it doesn’t seem likely. You see, I am still being stalked by the monster who killed my wife three years ago. Because of that, I am moving to Italy with my lover, Annie.” She looked to the side. “Annie, will you join me, please?”

  Noella was livid, shaking her head, waving her hands.

  Krystal shook her head in disbelief.

  Annie winked at Noella, then walked over and sat down beside Trudie. She took her hand in hers and looked at the camera.

  “This is Annie Nichols, my partner, my lover, my protector. The stalker attacked her, too, but she got away. We decided not to give him, or her, another chance.”

  Larry realized what an exclusive he had and carefully sought to exploit it. “You’ve been stalked the last three years and they never caught the person. Why do you think that is?”

  “It’s five years, actually. After my first book came out,” Trudie answered. “The funny thing is, my first book was a flop.”

  “I don’t think it will be after today,” Larry concluded. “Now, if I might address this next question to Ms. Nichols, I’d like to ask how you two met.”

  “I was the service tech for this building,” Annie explained.

  “And now you’re not?” Larry asked.


  When his goading didn’t work, Larry changed tactics. “And how do you plan to support Ms. Youngblood?”

  Annie wasn’t prepared for the focus to be on her. “What are you, her father?” she snapped.

  “Tread carefully, Mr. Lewis,” Trudie warned.

  “Yes, my apologies, Ms. Nichols.”

  Annie nodded. “Trudie is the star here, let her shine.”

  Trudie smiled and kissed her on the cheek.

  “Yes, of course,” Larry conceded. His assistant handed him an iPad. He read the highlighted area quickly and then shook his head. Looking back at the two women, he said, “It looks like, at this time, that Italy does not have marriage equality. Knowing this, will you still move there?”

  “That is something to consider,” Trudie said, then turned to Annie. “Honey, I think we need to do some research.”

  “Yeah, I think you’re right, because, baby…” Annie stood up and then kneeled on one knee. She pulled a small box from her pocket and opened it up. The small diamond sparkled as Annie pulled it from the box. “I love you, for better or for worse, and want to be with you always. Will you marry me?”

  Annabelle cried, Noella scowled, Krystal laughed, and Kelly was completely shocked, as was everyone else.

  Annie, Trudie and Annabelle knew the proposal was part of the script. But the thought of proposing to Trudie with Leigh’s engagement ring left Annie feeling cheated. Trudie had suggested they use Leigh’s ring because it was already there.

  Annie made a modification to the script, and used her mother’s engagement ring that Annabelle had given her years ago, when she couldn’t wear it anymore because of the swelling. Annabelle had recogniz
ed it instantly.

  “Wait. That’s not my…” Trudie looked into Annie’s imploring eyes. Questioning eyes that spoke to Trudie’s heart. Trudie’s own eyes welled up and her hand trembled as she held it out. “Yes, oh yes! I will marry you and spend the rest of my life with you. I love you so much.”

  Annie slipped the ring on Trudie’s finger and kissed it lovingly. Blinking back the tears, Annie glanced at her mother, before slipping her hand into Trudie’s hair and kissing her eagerly, oblivious of the camera.

  Just past noon, after the film crew had packed up and left, Kelly went back to her office, and Annabelle went out to lunch with Donny, it was just Trudie, Noella, Krystal and Annie sitting at the dining room table, not talking. Trudie played with her engagement ring, a smile on her face. Annie and Noella squared off in a frowning contest, and Krystal sipped her tea.

  “I thought it went really well today,” Trudie said, breaking the silence.

  “Me, too,” Annie said.

  Noella sneered.

  “Well, I was shocked,” Krystal said. “I think you two will make a wonderful couple. Of course, that’s only my opinion.”

  “You’re entitled to your opinion, Krystal. As long as you keep it to yourself,” Noella said sternly.

  “Jealous, much?” Krystal asked.

  Noella rolled her eyes and looked away.

  “We just have the party tonight to get through, then off we go,” Trudie stated, ignoring the other two.

  Annie looked at Trudie amorously. “Yeah, but I’m thinking about something else right now. My mother is gone for at least an hour, and we’re engaged now, so…”

  “Oh!” Trudie jumped up and grabbed Annie’s hand. “Excuse us, guys. Make yourself at home.”

  As she passed the entertainment center, Trudie switched on the stereo and turned up the volume. Then they ran to Trudie’s bedroom, and Annie shut and locked the door. When she turned around, Trudie already had her blouse off.

  “I wish we had time to take it slow, but I guess our first time will have to be down and dirty,” Annie said, pulling her boots off.


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