Alpha Defenders_Mate

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Alpha Defenders_Mate Page 9

by Lyzie Carlisle

  “You guys look fantastic,” she told them, her eyes wide as she took in both of them.

  “So do you, babe,” Ry said, smiling at her.

  “You’ll look even more amazing when we take your clothes off for you,” Jeff said, his eyes glinting with mischief as he grinned at her.

  She had a feeling this was definitely going to be good. She watched as they crossed to the table near the loungers and put down a few things they took out of the pockets of their robes. It looked like they’d brought out a tube of gel and some condoms. Her pussy felt aroused at just the thought of having sex with them. They left everything on the table and returned to her at the edge of the pool. She expected that Jeff would want to swim a little before playing.

  “How about swimming with me to the end of the pool and back?” she asked them.

  “Last one in,” Jeff warned as he dove into the pool headed for the deep end.

  Keri couldn’t let him get away with that. She dove in and followed him, swimming as fast as she could to catch up to him. Even recuperating from injuries, he was a powerfully fast swimmer. She heard Ry dive in right behind her. The noise of the pounding strokes of their strong arms hitting the water was loud in her ears as splashes of water sloshed against her. She raised her head out of the water to gulp a breath of air and saw that Jeff was already at the end of the pool with his right arm resting on the side. She couldn’t help grinning at the smug look he gave her.

  “All right, you win,” she said, grinning at Jeff.

  Ry slowed his strokes and settled in the water beside her. “I think he’s feeling a lot better, don’t you?” he asked her.

  “It definitely looks that way.” She grinned at Ry. “I hope he didn’t hurt his arm swimming that fast.”

  “Nope, he’s pretty tough,” Ry said.

  Jeff let go of the side of the pool and slipped his arms around her so he was facing her. They floated awhile in the deep water with him supporting her. Ry dog-paddled beside them until they reached the other end of the pool. They took the steps together to leave the pool. Ry gave her a hand up, and they all crossed the patio together to grab their towels and dry off. It was obvious that Jeff and Ry were still aroused. The cool water of the pool hadn’t done anything to relax that particular part of them.

  Jeff reclined on the lounger. She joined him and straddled the lounger with her legs on either side of Jeff’s legs.

  “Come here, hon,” Jeff said, his voice low and gentle with his obvious desire.

  She moved closer to his chest. He took hold of her hands and drew her even closer until she was positioned with her legs spread, her mound near his face. As he held her steady with one hand on her hip, he reached up with his other hand between her legs and caressed her inner thigh. Sitting up and leaning forward, he nuzzled her mound and delved between her pussy lips with his hot, wet tongue. She moaned with the titillating touch, closed her eyes, and inhaled swiftly and deeply with the arousing sensation. Then she felt his fingers stroking between her folds.

  “You’re pussy is so wet, silky smooth, soft and dark pink, hon.”

  A sharp moan escaped her at the incredible caress as he delved inside her channel with one thick, long finger and teased the opening before sliding slowly deeper. She heard Ry moving close behind her. She could hear him opening a tube of gel. Then he spread her butt cheeks and rubbed cool liquid over her tight hole. He pushed gently inside her opening a little way with one finger, pulled it out, and pushed it inside again with more cool gel. He slid slowly deeper, stretching her tight rim.

  Jeff continued to lick and suck her sensitive folds and then moved to her clit and tormented that nubbin. He sucked hard on her clit, making her feel swollen and aching along her entire slit. She could feel Ry spreading more gel around her puckered rim. He slowly pushed what felt like two fingers inside her, stretching her.

  “Are you okay, babe?” Ry asked her, his voice low and raspy.

  “Yes,” she answered him as she panted with the hot arousal they created in her. Ry gently stroked the walls inside her tight hole as he pushed deeper with his fingers.

  “Take me inside your sweet pussy, hon,” Jeff said, his voice low and rough with his need.

  With Ry’s fingers stretching the rim of her hole, she positioned the opening of her channel over the bulbous head of Jeff’s cock and took him slowly deep inside her.

  Jeff growled softly. “That feels incredible, hon.”

  Keri felt so full. As she moved over Jeff’s cock, pleasuring herself as well as Jeff, Ry moved his hand with her, keeping his long fingers inside her tight hole. Jeff circled her swollen clit with his fingers and built her need even more. The pressure grew, and places in her lower belly tightened. Jeff took the nipple of one breast between his lips and pulled on that sensitive flesh. He cupped her other breast with his hand and squeezed the nipple with his fingers. Heat flashed downward through her body to her pussy. Her orgasm slammed into her, sweet contractions pulsing over and over with wonderful aches.

  “Keri, that feels so good,” Jeff said. He growled long and deep in his chest just as his orgasm exploded and pumped inside her channel over and over.

  Slowly her contractions eased to more gentle pulses. When they both eased, she rested her head on Jeff’s chest. He caressed her lower back as Ry gently eased his fingers from her tight hole. She heard Ry’s soft footsteps as he crossed to the house. When he returned, he had a washcloth in one hand. She smiled at his consideration.

  “Stay right there, babe, and I’ll take care of you,” he said, smiling at her. After a couple of gentle caresses with the warm damp cloth, he headed back to the house.

  It wasn’t hard for her to notice that Ry hadn’t climaxed and was hugely aroused. When he returned again, she lifted up from Jeff’s chest and saw that Ry was still wearing a condom. She could take care of that for him.

  She turned toward him, and he slowly moved closer to the foot of the lounger. She scooted closer and knelt near the edge of the lounger. Taking him gently between her hands, she rolled the condom off his engorged cock and set the condom aside. She lowered her upper body toward him, took his hard cock between her lips, and let him slide deep into her mouth.

  “Babe, that feels fantastic.”

  Moving her head up and down, she licked the sensitive underside of his cock and swirled her tongue around the shaft. She pulled her lips almost to the tip of his shaft and then slid back down, taking him deeper, outlining the swollen vein on the underside with the tip of her tongue. She heard his deep moan of pleasure.

  “God, baby that’s so good.” His soft, deep voice revealed his need. “Don’t stop.”

  Keri wasn’t about to stop. She moved up and down his thick, hard cock and reached between his thighs to caress and roll his swollen balls in her fingers. His groan of extreme pleasure was her reward. His shaft jerked.

  “Let go, babe,” he said, his voice raspy.

  She shook her head and continued to stroke his hard-as-a-rock shaft with her tongue. He pumped his cum into her mouth, and she swallowed every bit of it. When his cock relaxed and softened, she pulled off him and sat up and met his gaze. He looked almost drugged. She was supremely happy that she was able to give him such pleasure.

  She reveled in their hot lovemaking. She had loved giving herself to them with no holding back. She felt completely at ease with Jeff and Ry. She’d never enjoyed a generous, giving relationship until she’d met these two wonderful hunks.

  “Thank you, babe, that was perfect,” Ry said and hugged her tight.

  “You were truly amazing, hon. Thank you,” Jeff said as he hugged her.

  She hugged them both and smiled at them. “Thank you. I enjoyed it, too. That was wonderful.”

  “How about a short nap?” Jeff suggested.

  “I’m good with that,” she assured him.

  They walked inside the house together to Jeff’s bedroom and settled on his big bed. She snuggled between her best guys, and they turned toward her and each put a
n arm around her. Soon she heard Jeff’s soft even breathing and was glad he was getting the rest he must still need to be perfectly healed.

  She could tell that Ry was not sleeping. His hand caressed her side up and down ever so gently. She had a feeling something concerned him. She didn’t want to disturb Jeff, though, so she decided to wait until later and maybe Ry would let her know what he was thinking about.

  Chapter Twelve

  After their short nap, they were ready to have an afternoon snack with various goodies in the kitchen. Keri opted to have a quick shower in the bathroom off her bedroom and change into her clothes there while Ry and Jeff showered quickly in their own bathrooms, dressed, and headed to the kitchen to put together some light snacks.

  “We don’t want to ruin our appetites for dinner,” Ry said, smiling at Jeff.

  “I feel like I could eat a meal right now,” Jeff said.

  “I want to talk to you about something important to the three of us while Keri is finishing her shower and getting dressed,” Ry said, meeting Jeff’s curious look.

  “Obviously you’ve realized, just as I have, that we’ve held back from being completely truthful with her about ourselves,” Ry said and glanced at Jeff, who nodded his head in agreement. “I think she’s as serious about us as we are about her, right?”

  “I think she is,” Jeff agreed. “I haven’t seen so much caring and consideration in a woman’s eyes in a long time.”

  “She’s been honest with us from the beginning of our relationship with her,” Ry continued quietly so she wouldn’t overhear. “But we haven’t been honest with her. We haven’t told her yet that we’re shape-shifters. What if that turns her off completely? If that’s something she can’t accept, it could be really hard on her. I don’t want to hurt her.”

  “I don’t want to either,” Jeff said quietly. “I’d feel as guilty as the worst thief in the world for not being honest from the beginning and then she was hurt. I’ve kept ignoring the truth. I also don’t know if I can handle it if she leaves us.” Jeff shook his head.

  “That’s how I feel,” Ry said. “Not only am I afraid of losing her, but the loss of her because of keeping the truth from her until now, and then hurting her as a result, would weigh on me like a ton of guilt. Our relationship has grown so much that she seemed to enjoy sex with us today even more.”

  “That shows how much she has come to care for us. How do we handle this?” Jeff asked, holding his hands out in a gesture of despair.

  “I don’t know,” Ry said, shaking his head. “But we have to figure out a way to keep from hurting her. I think our failure to tell her by now is pure shit.”

  Ry stopped from saying anything more when he heard her open and close her bedroom door. Within the short time it took for her to walk to the kitchen, he and Jeff had changed their demeanor and greeted her with smiles. They’d had lots of practice as agents in controlling their expressions. As if nothing had changed for any of them, they discussed what they had in the fridge for a snack and dinner for later.

  After a little while, Keri wandered outside to sit by the pool with a cold soda.

  “Jeff, we need to explain to her about what we are. We can’t let this go any longer. It’s not fair to her.”

  “I agree,” Jeff said. “I just don’t know how to broach the subject with her or how to tell her without scaring her away.”

  “Let’s join her outside by the pool and bring it up,” Ry suggested. “I’ll start the conversation if you don’t feel like you can.”

  “All right. We need to do it.” Jeff rose from the stool and headed outside.

  Ry joined him, and they took the loungers on each side of Keri and sat down. Ry picked up her hand and held it, smoothing his thumb over the satin-smooth skin. “Keri, we need to tell you more about ourselves. It’s important that you know more about us since we feel like our relationship has become serious.”

  She nodded to him. “Yes, I think our relationship has grown. It’s become very important to me. I care for both of you so much.”

  “We care for you, too, hon,” Jeff said.

  “There’s something about us that’s different from most folks,” Ry said. “We use our ability at times in our work as agents for C.P.O. Sometimes we use this ability to help people who are in trouble that doesn’t involve the organization we work with.”

  “What is your special ability?” she asked them, looking interested.

  Ry took a deep breath and hoped for the best. “We’re shape-shifters, babe.”

  “Oh, come on. You’re teasing.” She looked from Ry to Jeff and back. Then her face turned serious, and she frowned. “What exactly do you mean by shape-shifters?”

  “We can change to silver and white wolves when we need to for protecting ourselves or others, when someone is attacking, especially if the attacker is another shape-shifter,” Ry said.

  “I don’t believe that.” She looked at Ry with complete disbelief. “If you don’t want me to be here, or you don’t want to continue our relationship, why didn’t you just say so? You don’t have to make up such nonsense to let me know I’m not welcome in your lives any longer.”

  She sounded like she was going to cry. “Keri, I don’t mean to hurt you, but we need to be honest with you about what we do.”

  “I know when a relationship is over. I’ll be out of your way as fast as possible.” She lurched from the lounger and headed inside the house.

  Ry looked at Jeff in horror. “She’s leaving us.” He hurried into the house after her, but she was already headed for the front door. She was out the door before he could grab her and pull her back. “Keri!” he called after her. He pulled open the door and ran outside. She was already in her car. Before he could reach the car, she’d backed it up and started racing down the drive to the highway.

  “Jeff, we’ve got to go after her and explain that we love her before she’s hurt worse.”

  “Let’s go!” Jeff said. He tossed the keys to the truck to Ry, and they both got in. Ry backed it out and raced after Keri. She was already down the highway in the distance.

  Ry noticed a big black pickup pulled onto the highway between her car and theirs. “Watch where she goes. I can’t see her car with that truck behind her.”

  “I’ll bet she’s heading back to her apartment,” Jeff said.

  “She may not though,” Ry said, worried he’d lose her.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Keri couldn’t believe what they’d told her. It was their way of telling her they were finished with her. Couldn’t they think of something better than saying they were shape-shifters? They didn’t want her in their lives any longer obviously, but couldn’t they just say that to her instead of telling her that ridiculous story?

  She hadn’t wanted to stay there a moment longer after that story. She’d grabbed her purse and car keys and run out the door as fast as possible. She knew when she wasn’t wanted around any longer. But now she didn’t know where to go except back to her apartment. No, that was too lonely. She wanted to be around people she trusted. She’d go where she knew people she believed she could trust. She raced toward Austin and Rex’s place. At least there would be people there who could take her attention off what Jeff and Ry had just said to her. She swiped the tears from her face and eyes and sped down the road as fast as she dared.

  There was a black truck coming up behind her. She ignored it and kept going. Finally she reached the parking area at the bar and dance hall. She parked as close to the entrance as she could, turned off the car, and jumped out. Locking it quickly, she turned and ran to the front steps and entered through the front door.

  The noise and the laughter sounded louder than usual this evening. She looked toward the back and saw Austin behind the bar. She hurried toward him. She must look a sight. He smiled at her. She stopped in front of the bar and looked at him.

  “Could you use some help tonight?” she asked him quietly.

  “Definitely,” he said. “Go ahead and put on
an apron. You can help out with your usual tables. They’re beginning to fill up fast. Friday night always seems to draw a crowd.”

  Of course it did. She’d waited on tables on Friday nights here before, and tonight was the first one she’d had off in a long time. She wished now that she hadn’t taken off from work tonight. She headed into the room with the lockers, and after putting her purse inside her locker and locking it, she found a clean apron in the closet and put it on. She was ready to get busy.

  She needed to be busy so she didn’t dwell on her disappointment with Jeff and Ry, or how much it hurt. She walked back into the hall and closed the door behind her. Hurrying toward the dining area, she took in the crowd and the tables she usually served. Some were empty, and some were already being served.

  Mark and Tom were sitting at a table with their new lady, Brenda. She hurried over to say hello to them and thank Brenda for taking her to the hospital when Jeff was injured. Her stomach flip-flopped. That was when things had been good, before what they’d told her tonight.

  She slowed her steps as she neared their table. She noticed that Mark was intently watching someone in the direction of the door. When he tapped Tom on the shoulder, Keri looked across the room to the doorway to see what he was staring at. It was a big, burly guy, and she’d seen him before. He was the jerk who had grabbed her butt. Behind him was a large group of people, mostly guys, but a few of them had women with them. She’d seen them before. The memory of the masquerade party assailed her when couples at that party had begun to take off pieces of clothing and revealed their nakedness beneath. It had reminded her of the so-called parties she’d been told to attend by the modeling agency and the abusive behavior of the men at those parties toward the models, including herself.

  The group seemed to be with the burly guy. They gathered around him without crowding him. He seemed to be their leader the way he was acting. The group of men swaggered with their motions within their group as they waited to be seated. She noticed Austin heading over to them just as the door at the entrance opened again and Jeff and Ry walked inside and took in the entire room, their eyes resting finally on her. They paid no attention to anyone else but her. All she could feel was hurt and betrayal.


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