Mustang Daddy - A Single Daddy, Small Town Second Chance Romance

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Mustang Daddy - A Single Daddy, Small Town Second Chance Romance Page 23

by Sienna Parks

  Okay. Maybe he’s not quite the ass-hat I thought he was. Why is he getting under my skin? I know nothing about him. It would be rude to ignore him again if he contacts me though, right? I mean it’s just common courtesy after he returned my phone, gave me a ride home last night, and sent me exquisite flowers today. My stomach coils with the anticipation of hearing from him again. Addi practically knocks me down trying to read over my shoulder.

  “Wow. This guy has it bad, Lil.”

  “I’m just a challenge. You saw him, he can have anyone he wants, why would he want me?”

  “WTF? I am the most awesome person you know, right? And therefore, it’s only reasonable that my best friend in the whole world would be equally awesome! You’re also knockout gorgeous with a killer rack and an ass I would sink my teeth into, if I was that way inclined! So don’t give me any shit about this guy being out of your league. He would be damn lucky to date you.” She’s out of her mind crazy, but I love her all the more for it.

  We sit and have coffee and pancakes, admiring my flowers. I fill her in on my conversation with Xander last night, and she tells me to give him a chance - I’m inclined to agree. I send him a quick text.

  Me: Thank you for the flowers. I’ve never seen anything so beautiful. You picked my favorite flower. Lily

  I don’t expect to hear from him right away; he seems like one of those important businessmen, but two minutes later my phone beeps.

  Mr. P: I’m glad you liked them. I can think of something more beautiful than your flowers :) I have to go into a meeting right now, but I’ll be in touch later today. Xander x

  The butterflies that have taken up a permanent residence in my stomach spring to life. He keeps his word, texting to ask if I want to meet him on Friday.

  Mr. P: Hi. How was your day? I was thinking late drinks tomorrow night?

  Me: Hi. It started off so well, I had a smile on my face all day. I have plans with my roommate Addi tomorrow night. Maybe Saturday?

  Mr. P: If I can’t see you tomorrow, I insist you spend the day with me on Saturday. Sound good?

  Me: Sounds perfect. I look forward to it.

  Mr. P: I’ll pick you up at 10 a.m. Until then x

  Me: Until then x

  I wish I wasn’t going out with Addi tomorrow night.

  We decide to go glamorous for Jason’s party. He’s always been a really good friend to Addi and me, and we don’t want to embarrass him amongst the VIP of N.Y. I have to say, we’re looking pretty foxy with our smoky eyes, sultry dresses, and killer heels.

  I’m excited to see the restaurant for the first time. It’s Italian food. Not classic Italian, more modern and from what he’s told me, it will be catering to the financially blessed in Manhattan. The cab pulls up on the Upper East Side, and I’m filled with a rush of pride for Jason as I stare at the façade of his new restaurant, La Cattedrale. That’s The Cathedral to you and me. It looks spectacular from the outside, and I can’t wait to see the interior.

  The place is already packed, and the atmosphere is electric. Jason is going to be famous in Manhattan.

  Addi and I weave through the crowd, grabbing some tasty looking cocktails along the way. I don’t want to overdo it on the drinks tonight. I need to be presentable by 10 a.m. and not look like ass… but wow, this cocktail is good!

  When we find Jason, he’s surrounded - everyone eager to congratulate him. He deserves it; this place looks phenomenal. We manage to catch his eye.

  “I’m so glad you guys made it. You girls look hot tonight!”

  “Congratulations. We’re so proud of you.”

  “Thank you. There are a few people I want to introduce you to - investors that helped me turn this idea into a reality. Follow me.” Addi has a massive grin on her face. I know what she's thinking – investors equal money. My girl is definitely on the prowl tonight.

  We follow Jason toward the bar where there are a few guys chatting and laughing, with their backs to us. He gives the tallest of the men a friendly nudge. The butterflies are back, alerting me to the familiar dark hair and lean body I was not expecting to see tonight.

  Seconds later, my eyes are fixed on the ice-blue that’s been haunting my dreams all week. He breaks my gaze - heat rising in my body as I watch his eyes devour me, lingering for a long moment on my legs. When his eyes finally meet mine, I’m practically panting. The sound of Jason's voice distracts me.

  “This is my friend and investor, Alexander Rhodes. You’ve probably heard of Rhodes Industries? That’s this charmer, these are a few of his partners in crime, Carter and Logan. Logan and I go way back.”

  It’s like an Adonis Anonymous meeting in here. These guys are completely stunning, and all in different ways. I’m probably biased, but Xander is definitely King Adonis. While checking out the handsome buffet in front of me, I don’t even register Jason telling me what they all do for a living. When I look back to Xander, his fists are clenched at his sides and the look in his eyes is glacial.

  “Miss Tate, how nice to see you again,” his tone cold.

  At this point it becomes obvious to the entire group that we know each other. I anticipate having to explain my embarrassing moment earlier in the week, but he wraps his arm around my waist and asks to speak to me privately for a moment. As we walk down a hallway toward the kitchen he tightens his hold, stopping only when we’re far from the crowds. He presses me up against the wall. Every nerve ending in my body burns with his proximity.

  “Did you like what you saw back there?”

  “What do you mean?” I whisper, confused.

  “My friends, Miss Tate. I saw the way you were looking at them. Do you want me to put in a good word for you?” His voice is cold and unforgiving.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “I don’t appreciate lying… and I don’t share.” That riles me - I am not a liar.

  “If you must know, Mr. Rhodes - I did notice that your friends are good looking, because I’m not dead. And if you didn’t have such a huge ego, I would tell you that I was also thinking that none of them even come close to how handsome you are. More importantly - I am not your possession to share or keep to yourself.” I pause for a moment to catch my breath. He doesn’t respond. “What’s wrong, Mr. Rhodes, cat got your tongue?”

  He’s staring at me, the beginnings of a smirk lifting the corners of his delicious looking lips. “Far from it. I’m just thinking about your naughty little tongue, and how nice it’s going to taste, and the things you’re going to do with it.”

  He’s so incredibly close, everything inside me is screaming, begging for him to kiss me. The smell of him invades my senses, the look in his eyes making me weak at the knees. He reads my mind.

  “I know what you’re thinking, Miss Tate, but not here. The first time I kiss you is not going to be in a room full of people.” He laces his fingers with mine and pulls me back into the restaurant. This guy is so damn full of himself, and I don’t know why, but it’s sexy as hell.

  When we return to our friends, they clearly notice us holding hands, but no one mentions it. Xander is obviously not a man to be messed with. Addi is busy flirting outrageously with his friends, but stops long enough to give me a sly wink and a smile. She approves. I’m not sure if that’s good or bad!

  The rest of the evening is spent chatting and laughing. Xander and I don’t talk much, but he ensures I’m by his side, in constant contact. Every now and then he leans in, so that only I can hear, and compliments me:

  “That dress should be illegal.”

  “Your legs are killing me right now.”

  “I can’t wait to run my hands through your gorgeous hair while I kiss those sumptuous lips of yours.”

  Every word he whispers has a direct line to ‘little Lil.’ My body hums, a delicious ache building in my stomach and between my thighs, in anticipation of our first kiss.

  By the end of the night, Addi is pretty cozy with Xander’s friend Carter. He’s hanging on her every wor
d and she’s just being herself – gorgeous, sexy, and irresistible. Xander offers to drive them home but Carter says he’ll make sure she gets home safely. I take her aside and give her my usual safe-sex lecture, but she just kisses my cheek and tells me not to wait up.

  After thanking Jason for inviting us, and saying our goodbyes, Xander places his hand on the small of my back, leading me out to a waiting town car. I recognize his driver David from the other night, giving him a small smile as he opens the door for me.

  “So nice to see you again, Miss Tate.”

  “Thank you, David.”

  I slide into the plush backseat, making sure not to show more than I should in this short dress. Once I’m settled, Xander climbs in next to me, leaving no space between us; his thigh brushing against mine, sending jolts of pleasure pulsing through me. Oh my God, if I ever actually kiss this man, I might explode with sensory overload. In saying that – there are worse ways to go! He cuts short my daydream, asking how I know Jason.

  “We go way back, I’ve known him since school. Addi’s known him her whole life. I moved to New York when I was sixteen and she took me under her wing; her friends became my friends, and the rest is history.” I’ve inadvertently opened a door I didn’t mean to.

  “Why did you move to New York?”

  “My dad died when I was fifteen. We lived on a ranch and my mom couldn’t manage it without him, so she sold up and we moved to be closer to my grandparents.” He interlaces our fingers once again.

  “I’m sorry to hear that, Lily. I don’t know what it’s like to lose a parent. Even at the age I am now, I know I’d be devastated. It must have been awful for you at that age. What happened?” Tears well in my eyes, and I’m powerless to stop them.

  “I can’t… I…”

  He pulls me onto his lap, wrapping his arms around me.

  “It’s ok, Lily. You don’t have to tell me. When you’re ready, I’ll be here if you want to talk.” The last time I felt content in someone’s arms, it was my father’s, and that realization scares me. I never really recovered from his loss, and the thought of letting another man give love and that sense of security is something I avoid. I don’t think I would survive that kind of loss twice in one lifetime.

  I try to pull away, to put some distance between us, but he won’t let me. He just holds me close, understanding my need for quiet. I know I have to stop whatever this is between us before I get hurt, but for tonight, I just want to enjoy the bubble we’re in, where nothing else matters and I feel more relaxed than I have in years.

  When we pull up outside my apartment, our bubble is burst. I crawl out of his lap and grasp the door handle.

  “Allow me.”

  He walks round to my door to help me, so graceful and at ease with his own body. He definitely works out… a lot. He’s ripped in all the right places. Noticing every delicious inch of him isn’t exactly helping with the ‘distance myself plan.’

  He insists on accompanying me to the entrance of my building and when we reach the vast glass doors, he reminds me he’ll be picking me up at 10 a.m. for our date. I’m surprised.

  “I didn’t think you’d want to go out tomorrow because we saw each other tonight - especially after my outburst in the car. Not the best impression to make on a guy.”

  He lifts my hand to his lips, gives me the lightest kiss. My heart just skipped a beat. His lips feel amazing on my skin; so soft, but firm.

  “Of course I want to see you, can’t you see how captivated I am by you?”

  He’s so intense, and it’s hot as hell, but we’ve only known each other for a few days, and have only been in each other’s company for a matter of hours. I don’t understand what this GQ model, businessman wants from me. He can have anyone he wants.

  “You already agreed to spend the day with me, Miss Tate, and I’m holding you to it. I’ll be here at ten.”

  He kisses my hand one last time, lingering for a moment, as if he’s breathing me in before he leaves. I feel lonely all of a sudden. How can you miss the presence of someone you hardly know? I feel like part of me just left the building with him, and a chilling unease settles in the pit of my stomach. Having strong feelings for someone as unobtainable as Xander Rhodes, will only end badly for me.

  I resolve to tell him after our date tomorrow that it would be wise if we don't spend any more time together. It's for the best, but as I drift into a fitful sleep, I dream of ice-blue eyes, warm embraces, and a contentment beyond compare.

  I need to get ready for my date with Xander and I have no idea where he’s planning to take me, so I send him a quick text.

  Me: Dress code for today? Where are we going?

  Mr. P: Anything you wear will be perfect. Casual is fine. I’m not telling, it’s a surprise. Xander x

  I can do casual. My hair still looks good from last night. I just need a quick shower, minimal makeup, and some jeans that make my ass look good.

  I’m chewing over the various conversations from last night when I remember Jason assuming that I’ve heard of Rhodes Industries. I guess the company Xander works for must be a family business. So, like every self-respecting woman my age, I decide to do a quick Google search on my date for the day.

  Holy. Frigging. Shit.

  Xander doesn’t work for Rhodes Industries - he OWNS it. I am way out of my league here. As I read on, it becomes apparent that he’s a savant with more money than God. Rhodes Industries owns what seems like half the commercial real estate in Manhattan. Not only does he make a fortune leasing premises, he also invests in a number of companies, helping transform them into something bigger than they ever would have been on their own.

  It’s a staggering achievement for anyone, especially someone so young. I’m not sure how old he is, but I would guess late twenties. Thoroughly intimidated by his business achievements, I slam my laptop shut, afraid to look any further.

  The phone rings and I glance at my watch - 10 a.m. to the second. The doorman informs me that Xander has arrived. I tell him to send him up, and unlock the front door before grabbing my jacket from the closet and heading back to the living room.

  My breath just evaporates.

  He’s standing in the doorway of my apartment, leaning his broad shoulders against the wall, with his toned arms crossed over his chest. I drink him in.

  He’s wearing a white T-shirt that highlights his muscular arms and abs to perfection. There’s not a morsel of fat on him. Over that is an open tailored black shirt, the sleeves rolled up to reveal strong, sinewy forearms. I don’t know how he does it, but even arms are sexy. The way he’s leaning against the door makes his T-shirt lift ever so slightly, revealing a hint of that mouth-watering V muscle heading down into the low waistband of his jeans. Oh. Fuck. That’s hot. He has on black fitted jeans and charcoal grey biker style boots with the laces loose. This is not the businessman I met this week; he’s more reminiscent of a bad boy model, giving me a panty-melting smile.

  “You look beautiful today. Are you ready to go, or are you going to stand there with a sexy as hell look on your face that says you’re going to rip my clothes off any second?” I can’t answer. I’m gob-smacked by how amazing he looks, and as soon as he says those words, I’m picturing stripping him and seeing every… last… inch.

  “Miss Tate, I will not be responsible for my actions if you keep looking at me like that. I’m trying to be a gentleman here, so please, get your sweet ass over here and let’s go before I lose the small amount of control I am currently exercising.”

  I grab my keys, my cheeks flushed with a little embarrassment and a lot of arousal. As I brush past him, he gently takes my hand and leads me to the elevator. His large, warm hand fits perfectly with mine.

  When we step outside into the bright New York sunshine, I spy a familiar face walking toward us.

  “Addison Warner. Doing the walk of shame.”

  She gives me the biggest grin and bites her bottom lip. “Who said I’m ashamed. I had a fabulous night. Tell Carter I
said ‘Hi’ when you see him.”

  Xander smirks. “I will pass along your regards.” His voice lowers. “Thanks again for helping me out yesterday.”

  She smiles. “No problem, Casanova.” Raising her eyebrows, she stares him down. “Just remember you owe me, and remember what I told you about my girl here.”

  With a massive hug, she tells me to have a great time and cut loose for a change, then disappears into our building.

  As I turn my attention back to Xander, I notice the most expensive looking car I’ve ever seen - double-parked right outside the doors to my building. Of course he doesn’t abide by the rules the rest of us do! “Really… a sports car. Could you be anymore cliché?” Shit, shit, shit. I need to control my brain to mouth filter. I can’t believe I just said that out loud.

  He lets out a belly laugh. “Don’t hold back. Say what you really think.” Shit. “You are right, though. This is a Ferrari 458 Italia. The word cliché was invented for this car, but I just can’t bring myself to care. I fucking love it. I wanted a Ferrari when I was two years old. It’s the first thing I bought when I made my first big deal. Just wait until you take a drive with me, you’ll understand when you feel the engine purring beneath you.”

  How can a car make me horny? There is most definitely something wrong with me. He opens the passenger door and the moment I sink into the leather seat, I have a bit of a crush myself. He slides into the car with the elegance of a dancer. It’s a joy to watch.

  He starts the engine and I swear it sends a jolt straight to my lady bits. He has a massive grin on his face, like a little boy at Christmas.

  “See, I told you.”

  I can’t help but laugh. “Touché.”

  I sit back, enjoy the ride, the company, and the sense of ease I feel when with him. I ask a few times where we’re going, but he isn’t going to give it up that easily. I’m surprised by how natural it feels to be alone with him. I’m usually nervous on first dates, but something about Xander and the way he seems genuinely interested in everything I have to say makes him so easy to talk to.


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