Mustang Daddy - A Single Daddy, Small Town Second Chance Romance

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Mustang Daddy - A Single Daddy, Small Town Second Chance Romance Page 28

by Sienna Parks

  Xander makes good on his promise the next morning, and it’s eleven o’clock by the time we shower and sit down to breakfast. We must have taken almost an hour and a half to get washed and dressed with his roaming hands and my unquenchable thirst for him.

  I’m in no rush to get on with my day because I know I won’t see Xander until after finals on Friday night. He isn’t too happy about that, but he knows how important it is for me to do well, and acquiesces to my half-hearted demands. We agree to keep in touch throughout the week, no more crazy avoidance on my part, or his.

  I’ve organized to go out on Friday night with friends to celebrate the end of exams and I convince Xander to meet us after work for drinks which he agrees to - on the condition that he can organize a private celebration for me at the weekend. I’m not going to say no to seeing him on Friday night, and at the weekend! I’m excited and it’s great to have something to look forward to, but we still need to talk about what happened when we left the Hamptons.

  Xander leaves for work at around one o’clock, giving me a heart-stopping, ruin me for anyone else kiss, to get me through until Friday night. When I close the door, my apartment feels empty without him. Later in the day, I receive a gorgeous bouquet of pink roses with a card attached.

  I’m in a good mood, and I get so much studying done before going to bed, snuggling into the pillow that still smells of Xander. He calls me just before I fall asleep; it’s a great way to end the day – listening to his smooth, enticing voice. He could say anything and it would sound amazing coming from his lips.

  Every morning I wake to a text telling me how much he missed the feel of me lying in his arms the night before. And every day I receive a different color of roses with a card attached. Wednesday’s card reads:

  We text throughout the day and speak before going to sleep. I don’t like admitting it, but I'm really missing him.

  Thursday is the beginning of finals and at 8 a.m. the buzzer goes off - There is a package. I thought it would be flowers but it's a box, with a card inside.

  Inside is a bouquet of HB pencils – They are too cute for words. There are all kinds of stationery in a box marked Exam Survival Kit, and at the bottom of the box is a small box marked ‘Good Luck Charm.’ I open it to find a Tiffany & Co pouch.

  My hands shake as I untie the ribbon. Nestled inside is a stunning silver charm bracelet with a single charm attached – a four leaf clover. I must have the most ridiculous smile on my face as I clip it around my wrist. A reminder of Xander wherever I go. I text him immediately to say thank you.

  Me: Your package was so thoughtful, I love everything. Thank you so much. I will be taking my survival kit today and I’m already wearing the bracelet. It’s beautiful. You really shouldn’t have.

  Mr. P: You’re more than welcome, sweets. You won’t need luck today but I like the idea of you wearing something from me while you ace your finals. Call me when you’re finished. Xander x

  Before I leave for campus, my daily bouquet of roses arrives – yellow. Thursday’s card reads:

  Could he be any sweeter?

  After I finish for the day, I grab some dinner with Addi and head back to the apartment. I call Xander, and talk for hours - he listens patiently as I drone on about my exam. He just laughs when I go on and on about how much I love the bracelet and my exam kit. I put the bouquet of pencils on my desk because I don’t want to use them. This gets me no end of teasing. We say goodnight and I prepare for my last exam on Friday.

  Friday morning is finally here. Today is the day I finish four years of hard work at Columbia, but I have to be honest, my excitement this morning is definitely more to do with the fact that I’ll be seeing Xander tonight. The butterflies have taken flight in the pit of my stomach once again - I’ll be counting down the hours today.

  Another package arrives this morning – A large Saks bag. This time the card reads:

  Inside is an amazing Dolce & Gabbana dress – a short teal sleeveless lace shift. There’s also a Manolo Blahnik shoebox, which contains a pair of peach patent leather sandals with a giant buckle round the ankle. I may have died and gone to heaven.

  There’s a Prada clutch in the same peach color at the bottom of the bag, wrapped in its own Prada cloth tote. The whole outfit is spectacular. I wave of guilt washes over me – uncomfortable at the thought of how much all of this cost, but I can’t wait to wear it for Xander. There’s one more bag I haven’t opened; it’s from Victoria’s Secret. Inside is some seriously sexy lingerie. I have to press my thighs together to contain the ache that swells at the thought of Xander’s gaze on me wearing this. A gorgeous teal satin balconette bra with matching thong. Of course they’re the right size. Did he go through my drawers when I was sleeping on Monday? I call to thank him and he’s as gracious as always.

  As I get ready for my last final, it dawns on me just how momentous this day is. I will no longer be a student at Columbia, I will be going out into the big bad world and carving a path for myself. Hopefully a path that will include Xander. Before I leave for campus my daily roses arrive, white with crystals woven through them, and a card that reads:

  It amazes me that he seems to read my mind from miles away. I send him a quick text before I have to leave.

  Me: You read my mind. L x

  Mr. P: I wish that were true, sweets. See you tonight x

  I’m more than ready to close this chapter and embark on the next.

  The elation that courses through me as I leave the exam hall is palpable. I did it. I made it through four years of hard work and dedication. I am ready to party! Addi’s last final is today so I decide to wait in the student bar.

  The look on her face as she walks toward me is beyond happy. We start jumping up and down like idiots, chanting, “We did it.” Unleashing the crazy. Our friends aren’t surprised by this kind of behavior, they’ve grown accustomed to it over the years. There has been a weight lifted from our shoulders, and the excitement for what comes next is in the air. Once we agree on a time and place to celebrate, I send the details to Xander so he can meet us there. He says he has a late meeting but should only be an hour late.

  For the first time in my life I feel truly beautiful. The outfit Xander sent me looks fabulous, even down to the underwear. The only jewelry I wear is my Tiffany bracelet. My styling wand has transformed my unruly hair - now hanging down my back in soft golden curls that complement my outfit nicely. I’ve gone with smoky makeup with a touch of teal glitter on my eyelids, and it really makes them stand out.

  When Addi sees me she starts wolf whistling. “Damn, girl. You look H-O-T tonight. Xander is going to have a heart attack when he sees you. Or he could die of a perpetual boner!”

  She looks hot tonight with a barely-there black dress, the back of which is non-existent, ending so low down you can see the cute little dimples above her ass. “Looking foxy yourself, Addi. Ready to paint the town red?”

  She interlinks our arms and grabs the keys to our apartment. “Hell yes, friend… hell-to-the-yes!”

  We arrive at a great bar called Blue at around 7.30 p.m. to find the party in full swing. I guess our friends started early.

  “You guys look phenomenal tonight.” Our friend Matilda says, giving us a joint hug.

  “Thanks. We’re ready to party. Buy a girl a drink?” Addi is such a flirt – Doesn’t matter if it’s a man or woman. If she knows they’re attracted to her, she starts flirting. Matty has always been open about her sexuality, and Addi enjoys the attention.

  “How could I refuse two beautiful women? French Martinis?” Everyone knows our poison of choice, especially when we’re out to have an epic night.

  As Matty makes her way to the bar, we join the rest of our group – there are about ten of us that have finished up today, so we’re all ready to party. I think we have a bit of catching up to do with the drinking. I’m pretty sure most of our friends are already feeling the buzz.

  The music is loud - the atmosphere charged in a way that you only find
in Manhattan on a Friday night. This city sweeps you off your feet and all you can do is go along for the ride. I love it. There’s nowhere else on Earth like it.

  Matty returns with our drinks and parks herself next to us, reminiscing about our time at Columbia, laughing at some of the crazy nights we’ve had together. Addi is really laying the charm on thick with her tonight. I feel bad - she doesn’t stand a chance. Addi will have her buying drinks all night then wave goodbye as she heads home with a guy – She loves cock too much! I lose track of her after a while, struggling to maintain a conversation with Matty above the noise in the bar. I lean in closer to hear what she’s trying to say when I feel a warm hand on my shoulder. I know from the jolt of electricity coursing through my body that Xander is behind me. Even without seeing him, my body responds.

  When I see the look on Matty’s face I’m not sure I want to look into the icy-blue depths of his eyes; she looks scared. Tension emanates from him in waves as his mouth finds my ear, his voice edgy. “Hello. Aren’t you going to introduce me to your friend?” I feel the whisper of a kiss on my cheek before he stands tall, his shoulders broad, extending his hand to Matty.

  “Matilda, this is Xander. He’s…” I don’t really know what we are. It’s not something we’ve spoken about and I don’t want to assume anything.

  Xander jumps on my hesitation. “I’m her boyfriend. And you are?” Matty shakes his hand and introduces herself.

  He snakes his arm around my waist, pulling me to his side - the heat in his eyes evident as he rakes his gaze over my outfit. Lowering his head down closer to mine, his sexy voice caresses my cheek. “You look astonishingly beautiful tonight, Miss Tate.” Lifting my chin with his fingers he presses his lips to mine igniting a fire inside me that has been burning for days in his absence.

  Everything around us fades into the background as our kiss becomes more passionate, his tongue teasing the crease of my lips to open, and I can’t deny him; I don’t want to. I part my lips and dart my tongue out to meet his, crashing into each other, hungry for a taste of what we’ve been deprived of. God, this man can kiss. I swear I can feel it down to my toes, his tongue tangling with mine in an exploration of our fierce attraction to one another. Xander pulls back before I do, holding my face in his hands.

  “We need to stop now. I don’t want your first time to be in a crowded bar, and if we keep kissing like this, I might not be able to convince myself to do the right thing.”

  I’m embarrassed to realize that I completely forgot Matty was standing next to me, looking dumbfounded by our combustible display. Xander has a cocky grin on his face and I know - that kiss was tantamount to him pissing all over me. Let’s face it, though - I loved every second of it. Women love a little caveman behavior, even if they don’t admit it; it’s sexy as hell. What I don’t understand is why he’s acting that way over one of my girlfriends. She makes her excuses and scurries off to chat with some other friends.

  Xander pulls me into his arms, his masculine smell enveloping me - a delight to my senses. “How’s my girl doing?” His fingers caress my cheek as he speaks.

  “I’m better now that you’re here. I missed you this week. Thank you so much for all the flowers and gifts, it was so thoughtful of you, but you shouldn’t spend your money on me.”

  He holds up my wrist in his hand, inspecting the Tiffany bracelet he gave me.

  “This suits your tiny wrist, sweets. But it’s missing something.” He dips his hand into his suit jacket pocket and produces a small Tiffany box.

  “You can’t keep buying me things.”

  Rolling his eyes he places it in my palm and says, “Open it.” A sweet smile forming on his beautiful, kiss swollen lips. Inside is an exquisite butterfly charm.

  “It’s gorgeous. Thank you so much. Could you put it on for me?”

  As he attaches the charm he whispers in my ear. “For my beautiful girl who is about to spread her wings and fly.”

  My eyes well with tears, but before they escape, Xander’s lips capture mine, giving me the softest, sweetest kiss. Pulling back, he pins me with his gaze.

  “I hope I’m part of your next chapter.” I’m lost for words. I just stand there dumbstruck and nod my head, my eyes unable to leave his blue depths.

  Addi is at my side and I hadn’t even registered her. “Hey, dill weed. Let’s get the drinking on the go and decide where we’re going to hit next. I’m ready for some dancing.”

  Xander chimes in before I have a chance to speak. “A friend of mine owns Cube. How about I give him a call and get him to put us on the list? I can have him rope off an area for us? All of your friends are welcome, obviously.”

  I don’t want to put him out, but Addi has other ideas.

  “Get on that this minute, my good man. I love that place. I’ll go tell everyone the plan.”

  “You don’t have to do that for my friends. I don’t want to put you in a bad position with your friend.”

  “Firstly, you’re not putting me in any ‘position,’ as delightful as that sounds. I offered. My friend won’t mind; besides, I own the building. Secondly, I’m not doing it for your friends, I’m doing it for you, because I want you to have a great night celebrating an amazing achievement. Plus, I might be able to back you into a dark corner in there and have you all to myself for five minutes. My motives are purely selfish.” He says winking at me. I don’t believe that for a second.

  He ducks out for a few minutes to make the call and when he walks back into the bar I’m entranced by the full effect of him commanding the room. He’s tall, broad and lean in his charcoal suit. You can tell it’s been tailored to his perfect body. I wonder what he does to keep in that kind of shape. His jacket is open showing a black fitted shirt, the top two buttons undone; a hint of chest hair peeking out. His dark clothing perfectly complements his complexion, his hair looking like he’s just been fucked - in the best possible way. But his eyes are the killer feature that grab you, shake you, and leave you breathless; such a stark contrast to his dark hair, his eyes are pools of icy-blue, sparkling with sex and mischief and a confidence that makes me weak at the knees. He’s grinning as he makes his way to me.

  “Keep looking at me like that and we’ll never make it to the club.” He knows exactly what he does to me and I have no way of hiding the blush rising on my cheeks. I drop my gaze to the floor. “Don’t be shy. I love that I can see how I affect you.” He wraps his arms around my waist. “Would you like another drink while we wait?”

  “We can just get a cab with everyone else. Don’t go to any trouble for me.”

  “Or… everyone can just come with us.” He’s arranged for David to bring a limo so that I can travel with all my friends. I quickly shut down the swell of emotion threatening to overflow. It’s too soon - definitely, too soon.

  Thirty minutes later we’re all bundling into the limo; Xander holding me close the entire time. I don’t find it overbearing or proprietary… I find it… comforting. I usually feel like a fish out of water at the best of times, even around my friends. It scares me that I have such a sense of peace and belonging when I’m in his company. I’m enjoying my friends more, because I’m more confident in myself. There’s a niggling worry in the back of my mind that my confidence will be completely shattered into a million pieces, along with my heart when this ends - because everything ends.

  When we reach the club, the queue to get in is around the block. Xander grabs my hand and pulls me toward the door. The guys on the door seem familiar with him - opening the rope to let us in, bypassing the line of eager clubbers. It never gets old – seeing him so confident and commanding. He leads us through the crowds, parting the sea of sweaty, writhing dancers, to a staircase and up to the VIP lounge.

  His friend has cordoned off half of the lounge for our party. It is the most luxurious club. There are plush purple velvet sofas and armchairs around the room, elegant glass tables, soft sensual lighting and walls covered in sumptuous deep purple damask. The bar in the VIP. area
is small but very sleek and modern, with a bartender that could grace the cover of any magazine. Addi will have something to say about him. I’ve never been in a VIP lounge, and my earlier worries resurface.

  Xander and I live in different worlds. He fits in perfectly here, surrounded by luxury. I quickly quash my insecurities with a shot of tequila and decide to enjoy tonight – there are no guarantees in life. Why waste the time I have with him right now?

  “If you’re going to do shots, you need to do them properly.”

  He speaks to the bartender and two minutes later there are two shots of tequila, two lime wedges and a salt-shaker in front of us. He licks the back of his hand and sprinkles salt over it. Just the sight of his tongue has me pressing my legs together. He holds his hand out to me.


  Every muscle in my body clenches into a tight ball in my stomach. With my eyes fixed on his, I lick my lips and lower my tongue to his hand. It’s intensely erotic licking the salt from his strong, hard hand. I can see the fire burning in his eyes as he watches me, and I love that I affect him.

  As I down the shot, Xander picks up the lime wedge and places it between his teeth. With a sly, sexy grin playing at the edges of his mouth, he lowers his face to mine. My heart is going to burst from my chest it’s beating so fast. I slowly suck the lime while he holds it in his mouth, desperate to devour him, but he has other ideas. He’s enjoying teasing me, and grabs my hand holding it to my lips.


  I do as he asks, watching in a haze of desire as he covers the back of my hand with salt, heady with anticipation of what comes next. The thrill that runs through my body as his tongue connects with my hand is exhilarating - a fire chasing the burn of tequila starting to take effect. I’m mesmerized as he downs his shot and holds the lime for me to take between my teeth.


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