Mustang Daddy - A Single Daddy, Small Town Second Chance Romance

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Mustang Daddy - A Single Daddy, Small Town Second Chance Romance Page 35

by Sienna Parks

  “Yes, who?”

  I tug on her hair. A second delicious thrust inside her.

  “Yes, Mr. Rhodes. I’m yours.” I love it when she calls me that. It’s such a turn on I can barely control myself.


  I set a punishing rhythm, taking her hard and fast; my desire animalistic. As I thrust deeper and harder I find her clit, rubbing in circles, complementing every sweet thrust of my hips. It’s only seconds before she’s screaming my name, and I let her ride out her orgasm before chasing my own, her walls clenching around me, milking every possible ounce of pleasure from my cock.

  I collapse against her back, feeling the sheen of sweat between our bodies. The smell of sex is in the air as I kiss up and down her spine, gently caressing her side with my hand – the other holding my weight. I pull out of her, watching my come run down her leg.

  “Stay right there, baby. You look so incredible right now with my seed running out of your sweet little pussy. So fucking hot.”

  I grab a handkerchief from my pocket before dropping to my knees, taking care to gently clean Lily, making sure to wipe the tops of her stockings, covered in my come. When I’m finished, I place a sweet little kiss on her ass before standing and pulling her up into my arms.

  “You are so beautiful, Lily. I can’t get enough of you.” I nuzzle her neck, losing myself in her scent, but I’m startled from our tender moment by a bang on the door. I hurry to grab Lily’s bra and dress, thankful that I locked the door when we came in. The banging continues.

  “Xander. Man, we have a problem. Put it back in your pants and get out here.” It’s Carter.

  Shit. He wouldn’t come looking for me if it wasn’t something important. I zip Lily’s dress, making sure to pick up her torn panties as we head to the door.

  “This better be fucking important, Carter.” I usher him away from the doorway to let Lily make a quick exit without having to talk to him.

  I follow Carter downstairs through the crowd, anxious to know why I was dragged away from a very hot, naked Lily.

  You’ve got to be kidding me. My blood runs cold seeing who’s standing at the bar… fucking Natalie. Carter leaves us to talk, but I wish he hadn’t. The way she’s touching me, running her hands up and down my biceps – makes me want to vomit. We have a short and not so sweet discussion before I send her on her way.

  I go in search of Lily, but she’s nowhere to be found. Addi finally tells me that she went to the restroom but hasn’t returned. Fuck!

  I quickly make my way down the hall, stopping in front of the door. It’s locked and there’s a line of angry women outside waiting to get in. I know she’s in there, so I bust the door open to find Lily with tear-streaked cheeks.

  “What the hell, Xander? This is the ladies room, in case you hadn’t noticed.”

  “You’ve been in here for twenty fucking minutes. I was worried about you.”

  “Why didn’t you send Addi in to check on me then?” Her tone is exasperated.

  “She’s dancing with Carter and I wanted to check on you myself.”

  “Well, I’m fine, so you can leave and I’ll be out in a minute.”

  I turn to leave when I hear her mumbling under her breath. “I’m surprised you noticed I was gone.”

  I spin back around, anger in my eyes. “What the fuck? What’s going on? Of course I would notice. You’re all I fucking think about 24/7.” Did I not just show her how much she means to me?

  “I’m just saying… you disappeared and I’m surprised you noticed I was gone.” I’m relieved. For a moment I thought she saw Natalie. That’s the last thing we need right now. “What did Carter need you for?”

  I feign innocence. “Just a staff problem. It’s sorted now, so I’m all yours for the rest of the night.” I move toward her.

  “I didn’t realize your ex works here. You lying sack of shit!”

  I pace the floor, running my hands through my hair in frustration. Why did I just say that? “Fucking. Fuck. Fuck… She fucks everything up. Listen to me, baby. Natalie turned up downstairs and Carter thought it would be better if I went down and asked her to leave so she didn’t come up here and make a scene. I didn’t want her to ruin your night. I was going to tell you about it tomorrow… after we had a good night celebrating your graduation.”

  “You just lied to my face, Xander. Why should I believe you now? Were you down there laughing at how gullible I am - that I was begging you to fuck me ten minutes before she was running her hands all over you? Well, fuck both of you. I’m not going to be second best, or the other woman, or whatever the fuck I am to you.” She tries to force her way past me and out the door, but I won't let her. I’m fucking livid.

  “Wait just a goddamn minute. I told you why I didn’t want to tell you she was here. I wanted us to enjoy tonight. And as for the rest of the shit you’re spouting, I’m going to assume that’s the work of the alcohol and your ridiculous Google search, because if you don’t know what you mean to me by now then I’m obviously doing a fucking pathetic job here.”

  As I reach out to touch her face, she shirks from my hand, stabbing a dagger through my heart.

  “Please, don’t pull away from me. I made a mistake, but it was to protect you. I’m sorry, it won’t happen again. I promise.” When I reach out again, this time she let’s me soothe her. I press a tentative kiss to her lips. “You could never be the other woman, or second best to anyone. Any man lucky enough to know you, knows that you’re the one you don’t let get away; the one that makes you stop noticing other women altogether. The only one that thinks you’re second best... is you. You. Are. Amazing. There is no one that compares to you, Lily. Not for me. Please believe me when I tell you, you are number one with me. You’re the only fucking number.”

  The kiss that follows is a plea, a heartfelt request for Lily to believe me. I implore her to open up to me, licking my tongue over the crease of her sweet seductive lips. She tastes so intoxicating. I pull her flush with my body, connected from chest to hip, my heart thundering against her breasts as our kiss deepens. I can feel her heart hammering, confirmation that I affect her; a comfort to the ache I feel in my chest.

  We could have been standing like this for a minute or an hour and I wouldn’t know, I’m so lost to the sensations and emotions she stirs within me.

  I break contact just long enough to pull her out of the ladies room and back her up against the wall in the hallway. I relish the feel of my body pressed against her, my sole purpose to bring her pleasure. There is a strange calm surrounding our frenzied connection in a club full of people that doesn’t make sense. Everyone around us disappears - everything that we’ve been fighting about vanishes. There is only this, only us – our bodies, our mouths; the tangible bond crackling between us. After what seems like hours, we pull apart, our breaths ragged; I press my forehead to hers.

  “Please, hear me. Please, believe me. You have nothing to worry about. You are all I see, all I want. How could you not be?” I lift her face, forcing our eyes to meet. With an unspoken understanding that we are on the same page, we head back into the VIP. lounge to spend some time with our friends.

  To bring us back down from our rollercoaster ride, we are greeted by the sight of Logan being… what I can only describe as mauled by Lily’s twin sisters on the dance floor, but to be fair to them, he seems to be enjoying every minute of it.

  I spot Addi and Carter in a dark corner looking cozy. I hope she gives him a chance, he’s a great guy and he’s crazy about her.

  I order a bottle of champagne from the bar and we find our own quiet corner to celebrate in. The rest of the evening is more chilled. We dance, we laugh, and talk about what we’re going to do when we get to London. I’m so excited. In three days I’ll be in London… with Lily.

  By 2 a.m. she can barely stand after dancing for hours and having far too much champagne and cocktails. I decide it’s time to take her home. I’m pretty sure Addi is taking Carter home to their apartment so I take
Lily back to the penthouse, and she is more than happy to oblige. David is waiting outside to take us back to Museum Mile on 5th Avenue and I’m more than ready to call it a night.

  I wake up confused. The last thing I remember was getting in the car outside the club. When I take in my surroundings I realize that I am tucked into Xander’s side, snuggled in his huge comfy bed, wearing one of his T-shirts and nothing else. Wow. I must have been really drunk last night not to wake up when he was obviously taking such good care of me. He squeezes me closer.

  “Go back to sleep, sweets. We have nowhere to be today. You’re stuck with me.” That puts a smile on my face – as if anyone would feel ‘stuck’ with Xander Rhodes.

  I kiss his warm chest and snuggle in, wrapping my legs over his and drift back into a peaceful sleep until lunchtime. When we finally wake, we spend another hour lazing in bed planning what we need to do today to get organized for London. I have shopping and packing to do. I can’t go to London without some new clothes! Xander doesn’t have much to do because he already knew we were going so he’s decided to take me wherever I need to go today. Eek! I’m so excited. I don’t think I’ll believe it until we’re standing in front of Big Ben.

  We spend the day in Saks, and Xander insists on paying for anything I so much as look at. He’s crazy adorable, following me round like a walking clothes rail, holding everything, giving me a running commentary of the naughty things he plans to do to me in each outfit. I let him think that he’s going to pay for all this stuff, but I have a cunning plan.

  He’s actually a great shopping partner, he doesn’t moan, keeps me laughing, gives his honest opinion of the clothes that I show him, and makes me stop for regular treats and drinks. Once I’ve gotten everything I need for our trip, we head to the cashier and this is where my plan comes into play. Xander sets down all of my lovely purchases on the counter.

  “Could you go pick up those sunglasses I saw earlier? I meant to go back for them – The Dior ones.” He gives me a peck on the forehead and off he goes with a smile on his face.

  I turn back to the cashier and tell her what I need. “Can you ring this up as quickly as possible, please? If you don’t he’ll insist on paying.”

  She laughs. “Gorgeous and generous. Let him pay, honey. He’s a keeper.” He definitely is, but I don’t want him for his money and I need him to understand that.

  “Please, just ring it up. I really want to pay for it myself.” She does as I ask and I sign my name on the dotted line just as Xander returns.

  “Miss Tate, what do you think you’re doing? Did you actually intend on buying these sunglasses, or was I just sent on a wild-goose chase?” He’s sporting a disgruntled but amused smirk.

  “Sorry, but I had to pay for this stuff myself. You’re paying for the trip. It wouldn’t feel right if you paid for all of this as well, and I know you wouldn’t have let me if I hadn’t sent you away.” I give him my best puppy-dog eyes and a saccharin sweet smile. He can’t resist, grabbing me by the face and setting a smacker of a kiss on me right in front of the cashier.

  “Oh, honey. Where did you find him? I need to get me one of those.”

  I giggle. “Sorry. I’m pretty sure he’s one of a kind.”

  When my stuff is all bagged and ready to go, Xander brushes past me and puts the sunglasses on the counter. “I’ll take these, please.” He can’t be serious.

  “What are you doing?”

  He doesn’t so much as glance in my direction as he answers. “I am not a man that gets sent on pointless errands, Miss Tate. I’m buying these sunglasses for a woman that I happen to be taking to London on Monday. Please don’t interrupt me, it’s very rude.” I can’t see it, but I hear the smug grin plastered all over his face. I don’t have the energy to fight a battle that I will inevitably lose. I decide instead just to kiss him on the cheek and say, “thank you.”

  He unburdens me of my bags and we decide it’s time to go home. I was lucky enough this morning that Xander had arranged for some casual clothes and my favorite toiletries to be at his apartment. Of course I didn’t think of that when I was getting drunk last night. I really don’t deserve to feel as good as I do today.

  He gave me some concoction to drink that made me feel great.

  When we make our way outside, I don’t know why, but I'm surprised to find David waiting for us with the SUV. Xander puts the bags in the back before ushering me into the car.

  “I’m sure we could have walked back to your apartment.” He laces our fingers together pulling me closer as we start moving.

  “Well, I figured you’d have a few bags, and I thought you might want to go to your apartment to get organized for Monday.”

  “Okay. Thanks.” My obvious disappointment is thinly veiled.

  “It’s not that I don’t want you to stay at my place. Heck, I’d keep you there permanently if I had my way.” What the hell? I know it’s way too soon, and it was probably just an off the cuff remark, but my heart soars. I try to hide my elation.

  “I just figured you need to get packed and you’d probably want a night with Addi before we go. It would be easier if you stay with me tomorrow night so we can just head to the airport when we get up. Obviously, if you want to stay on your own tomorrow night as well, then I’ll come pick you up a bit earlier on Monday morning.” He sounds sad, and I’m a little over eager.

  “No… no… NO. I am completely okay with staying with you tomorrow night. Thanks for thinking of me and Addi. I hope she’s free tonight.” The look on his face tells me that he’s already checked. “She’s free isn’t she?” I can’t help but smile. He really does think of everything.

  “Yeah. I just wanted to make sure you got to see her before we go.”

  “You’re a control freak you know that, right? Lucky for you I find it quite sexy.”

  He’s on me in seconds. “Oh, Lily. If it’s control that does it for you, you ain’t seen nothing yet.” He kisses me, pinning me to the spot, helpless but to acquiesce to his desires. I’m breathless when we pull up in front of my building. I don’t want to leave him and he seems nervous as he rubs his thumb over the back of my hand.

  “I was wondering if you want to have Sunday dinner with my parents tomorrow. I’d love for them to meet you.” A shy little boy stares back at me.

  “That sounds lovely. Guess I better go and get my packing sorted then.” He senses that I’m not ready to leave him yet and gets out to open my door - offering, or rather demanding, to bring my bags up to the apartment. I let him, because I’ll take any extra time. I’m addicted to him.

  As I open the door, Addi comes barreling down the hallway, enveloping me in her arms. “Friend! Girls’ night in tonight. I get you all to myself. Woohoo!” She peeks around my shoulder. “No offence, Xander.” That makes him laugh.

  “None taken. I know I’m stealing your girl away for the better part of a week so this was the least I could do.” He sets down my bags and takes my hand, leading me out toward the elevator.

  “I’ll miss you tonight. Call me later?” As soon as I say yes, his lips capture mine in a tender but intense kiss. His tongue teasing mine in a gentle rhythm. I run my hands up his back, losing myself to the sensation of his soft lips, his delicious tongue and his muscles rippling under my fingertips; his scent surrounds me. I’m bereft when the elevator arrives and he steps inside. He holds my gaze, his stunning ice-blue eyes never leaving mine as the doors come between us. When they finally close and he’s out of sight, I just stand there like an idiot, staring at the doors. Addi comes out and throws her arms around my neck from behind.

  “You’ve got it bad, Lilliput. Dang girl, he must be phenomenal in bed.” We burst out laughing and head back into our apartment for a night of wine, Chinese food, and some good old chick flicks. We have a great time, and eventually she mentions her night with Carter.

  “Okay. I’m going to choke this out, so don’t be an ass-hat about it - you were right.” Oh. Holy. Mother. Of. Pearl. That is the first time�
� ever… that Addi has admitted I’m right about anything. I’ll be damned if I’m not going to milk it for all it’s worth.

  “What was that? I didn’t quite hear you. Please… Please… tell me again.”

  “Ass-hat it is then. YOU WERE RIGHT, you loser. I was punishing Carter for Gavin’s mistakes and he didn’t deserve it. He stayed last night, and we’re planning to go out tomorrow on our first proper date. You happy now?” I can tell she’s excited at the prospect of going on a date with him - her eyes are sparkling and her cheeks are glowing.

  “Of course I’m happy… for you. I don’t want that douche Gavin wasting any more of your time. Carter is nothing like him, and he’s obviously into you. Did you have a good time last night?” Her sly siren smile creeps onto her lips. Oh damn, I’ve just opened myself up to hear every last detail of their sexcapades, and she doesn’t disappoint. I hear a play-by-play of all the places I’ll need to disinfect because they’ve apparently had sex everywhere in this apartment. Where do these boys get their stamina from, it’s ridiculous?

  We stay up talking into the early hours. Gladly, at some point during our nonsense we moved to my room and Addi helped me pack.

  “I can’t believe he’s taking you to London. What a flashy bastard.” I know she’s just kidding around but I still feel the need to defend him.

  “He’s not a flashy bastard. He’s just really generous with what he has. And I’m not just talking about his money.” I say wiggling my eyebrows. That has both of us in a wine induced giggling stupor for a good fifteen minutes. It must be after 3 a.m. before we actually get my packing finished and collapse on my bed.

  I wake in the morning to Addi’s hand on my face. Then I remember our late night and copious quantities of alcohol. I glance at the clock - It’s already 11 a.m. I am in dire need of coffee. I grab my phone off the sofa and start making a pot of coffee. As I wait for the machine to supply me with my much needed hit, I check my phone. Oh crap. I was supposed to call Xander last night. I have a missed call from him and quite a few texts.


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