Branded Captive: A Reverse Harem Omegaverse Dark Romance (Wren's Song Book 1)

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Branded Captive: A Reverse Harem Omegaverse Dark Romance (Wren's Song Book 1) Page 5

by Addison Cain

  Except she didn’t sink down, she rose up.

  Thumping against warmth, the frost infecting her limbs began to sting.

  “You shouldn’t have left me alone,” her eyes said when they met muted brown. “You wrecked everything I built.”

  A warm cheek in need of a shave scrubbed hers. “Even when I’m angry with you, I can’t help but think that you’re a sweet little mouse.”

  Her nostrils filled with a spice that perked up her lungs and set her stomach twisting.

  Gruff, warm and male, the voice at her ear promised, “If you keep looking at me like that, I won’t feed you first…”

  The idea of food sounded lovely. Minced mushrooms on sour bread. Maybe a juicy hunk of opossum.

  That was not what a fat finger poking between her lips set upon her tongue once he’d sat.

  It was something familiar and heady, seasoned with salt and some kind of herb. Meat that squished without bone fragments or gristle when chewed.


  So damn good that, in her haze, she latched onto the finger that offered savory reward and sucked every last drop of juice away. When the flavor went from meat to man, she spit out the digit and launched her own attack on the carcass nestled in a plastic sack on her coffee table.


  God, she had forgotten what it tasted like, gobbling down this impossible dream without thought for manners or consideration for the purring beast who braced her on his lap. Finger in her mouth, licking the juice from her palms, Wren hardly drew breath between swallows—only pausing long enough to wrap her greasy hands around the glass of clear water set nearby.

  She ate until it hurt, and then she ate some more.

  She gorged until she realized this wasn’t a dream, and lacked the will to care that an awful man would mock her for this later.

  She cleaned that whole damn chicken, panting at the boney aftermath as if she were offended it had run out of meat.

  And then she began to suck the marrow.

  And he let her.

  He let her lick and gnaw. Let her stoop over the meal as if she were ready to fight to the death for it. All the while rubbing her back in slow circles.

  He even reached past her carnage to lift up a cistern and refill the grease-smeared glass. “Drink more.”

  Wren didn’t do it because he’d ordered her. She did it because she was so fucking thirsty and water was hard to come by. The way she slammed the empty cup down on the pockmarked wood said that loud and clear.

  Again it was refilled.

  But she couldn’t hold another drop.

  “Mouse.” A nose nestled into her tangled hair, large hands slipping where they would. “I’m angry with you.”

  Too full by half to be anything but satisfied, Wren let him touch and sniff.

  “I looked in your storage. There wasn’t any food.”

  Yeah… only rich people stored food. Warrens rats fought to find it daily and most of them didn’t have to feed two growing boys.

  “And your water is shit—distilled until there are no minerals left and hardly wiped of rust from your garbage machines.”

  Well, fuck you too.

  Glancing over her shoulder, Wren looked the purring male in the eye. He didn’t look angry at all. In fact, he looked extremely content to sit on her couch and keep her settled over his thigh.

  Simple signs said, “I do my best.”

  Though he could not have understood, he nodded. “Of course you do.”

  Well, that was…

  Her brief moment of respite drained down to her toes. He hadn’t come here to spoil her with food and share his water. He’d come here for sex.

  He, the man who knew where Mikael was.

  And they had a deal.

  Reaching for the hem of her dirty shirt, she lifted it up so they might get it over with. Breasts bouncing free, hair disheveled, she pulled it off and faced him.

  Mud brown eyes went to pink nipples, a darting tongue wetting Caspian’s lips. “Kiss my neck and tell me that you’re grateful. Show me that you want me.”

  What Wren wanted was to curl up into a ball, digest all this food, and rest. But she obeyed and pressed her exposed breasts to his clothing-covered chest until dry lips met male skin.

  She couldn’t find it in her to kiss him. It wasn’t willfulness, it was…

  It was sadness.

  He’d asked for a kiss. Wren chose instead to wrap her arm around his neck and embrace the enemy. Cooing and shushing as she would have one of her boys, she nestled. Careful fingertips danced over the tense muscles of Caspian’s neck, then dipped under that disgusting coat and kneaded tension away.

  She gave him a feast of everything but lust. True attention. Generosity of spirit.

  And when his head rolled back against the sagging cushions of her couch, Wren gave him a purr.

  Chapter 9

  Caspian hardly recognized the rumbling contentment humming in his chest. It wasn’t a purr offered to manipulate and calm an Omega, it was the sound of unadulterated male gratification.

  The little mouse had lulled him out of the rut and right into a doze.

  And she had kept him in that state by curling up on his lap and finding her own rest. She snored, a little whirring female purr. It was extremely cute.

  Soft and pliable and filled with food he’d given her.

  His cock stirred, a twitch of pulsing blood engorging tingling flesh. He wanted to be inside her while she made that noise, to feel her touch him as she did before she’d closed her eyes to catnap.

  Women didn’t touch men like that. Not men like him.

  Once or twice Caspian had caught Rosie rubbing against Kieran when she didn’t know her owner could see. It was the handsome ones who earned enticing touches. Scarred up men like him had to fuck bitches first to show them what they were missing.

  And then sluts spread with enthusiasm for what he could offer, groveling at his feet in a bid for rank.

  For the last six months, Rosie had saved all her best tricks for his cock. She’d whispered sweet words and praised him because he was First-ranked Alpha—because he was kingpin—but she would never have played like his mouse.

  There would have been no gentleness on a couch. After her meal, Rosie would have swallowed his cock, bobbing up and down as she’d slathered him with stringy spit. She would have fucked him in whatever vile way she thought he might like best.

  Done anything.

  The mouse hadn’t even thought to stroke his dick. She had given pleasure in other ways, while taking comfort of her own. The sour anxiety in her scent had faded into sweet sleepiness. She had even willingly put her ear to his heart just to listen.

  He should not have left a female like her alone for three days after breaking her in.

  The sleek, raw mouse needed more than just a meal. She’d needed an Alpha. Otherwise she’d end up like Rosie, vying for attention in a bid to secure rank amongst the kept females.

  “Sir, you’re needed back at the pipeworks.” Since his arrival, Kieran had been watching them as if unsure what to make of the scene. His Second was perplexed, those green eyes women preened for locked on Caspian’s Omega.

  A masculine rumble thick with contentment said, “It can wait.”

  Kieran eased closer, leaning forward to sniff the female. “What is she doing?”

  Was that a hint of jealousy in his Second’s tone? Caspian’s dick grew all the harder, the soft bottom butting up against it wiggling in unconscious response. “She’s earning another good meal, if nothing else. I’m almost tempted to…”

  “To what?” Piercing green eyes darted from the sleeping mouse’s face to meet his, Kieran cocking a brow. “Are you… are you smiling?”

  “I want you to watch me fuck her.” Why did that feel so good to say, and not just in the carnal sense? Caspian wanted the Second to sit and wait, and watch a woman who had purred only for him come apart.

  “Can I touch her?”

  An instant ref
usal came to his tongue, bitten back before it was more than a growl. His Second and Third had every right to demand their share, but for once, Caspian was not eager to offer. “Afterward.”

  A trace of challenge, a reminder of what they were, led Kieran to narrow his eyes. “Toby will expect to at least lick her clean.”

  That was an action beneath First Alpha and even that was more than Caspian wanted to share. Agitation hooked into the slipping sense of calm, leaving his stone-hard dick instantly uncomfortable. “Summon him when you are ready and I’ll leave you to it. See that he remembers his place.”

  A handsome grin bloomed, Kieran chuckling. “Still pissed he gave her back that dress?”

  Caspian had watched the recorded feed and seen how she’d clung to it for days. Even now, it was moldering in the corner of her bedroom. As punishment, Toby had been pinned and dominated. He had been splashed with his First’s seed and made to swallow. “He had his orders.”

  “You know how he gets with women.”

  Grave, Caspian drove the point home. “I know he’s killed three of the whores in my pen.”

  Kieran shrugged as if their loss was nothing. “Betas.”

  “She will see him on his best behavior. Do you understand me?” Caspian reached out, collaring his Second-Alpha in a menacing grip.

  The second most dangerous Alpha in Dale City complied without question. “Yes, sir.”

  Kieran’s throat was set free, Caspian running a touch over a milky white arm instead. The fine hairs under his fingertips rose, the mouse stirring. Lavender eyes blinked open just in time for the Omega to hear, “The mouse will rebuild her nest today. Praise her when it’s finished.”

  “And if she disobeys?”

  “Rape her.”

  The Omega’s sweet purr dried up, the air once again soured with anxiety.

  Pinching her chin, gentle as a monster might be, Caspian said, “Come now, sweet mouse. You’ll be a good girl for Kieran and Toby, so there is no reason to be afraid. But should my mouse choose to turn into an ordinary rat, she will be treated like one. Understood?”

  The girl nodded, swallowing.

  He booped her nose. “Feeling better?”

  She nodded again, slower as if unsure what he expected.

  “I’ve enjoyed the view of your tits for the last two hours, but it’s your cunt I want to see now. Strip. Stand with your legs apart in front of me and pull your pussy open.”

  Lavender eyes darted to the other male, but not in eager anticipation. Her body language made it very clear she didn’t want the Second-Alpha anywhere near this.


  A fierce sense of triumph roiled in Caspian’s stomach. His mouse wasn’t hoping the pretty boy would play, and it excited him. Stern and hungry for his due, he warned, “He’s already tasted your pussy, pretty mouse. And he will again if I order it. Get up and obey me. Spread those cunt lips and let me see.”

  Climbing from his lap, she peeled her lower layers away. With a deep breath, she faced him full on, legs spread wide, her fingers caught on the sweet outer lips until the ripe inner flesh was on display.

  Caspian reached forward, tracing a finger over all he found. Light stimulation, perhaps even the humiliation, brought drops of dew to collect at her opening, easing the slip of his exploration when he thrust two fingers as deep as he could reach.

  A twist and a whirl and he pulled them free, holding shiny digits up for inspection. “I don’t see any blood. Did that hurt?”

  The flash of temptation to lie leapt into her gaze and just as quickly vanished. She shook her head no.

  “You’re healed enough for what I have in mind.” His hand went to his belt, working the leather and the zipper until his pants gaped open and his cock sprang free. If she was surprised by the display in front of the other male, the mouse kept it off her face. Though she did twitch when Kieran settled on the couch beside him, the Second reaching down to free his own growing erection.

  “I want him to see how sweet you are to me.” Male hands cupped her hips, Caspian drawing her forward to straddle his lap. “You are going to be a good little mouse and ride my cock.”

  Beside them, Kieran pulled at his dick, knee braced so he might see every lovely swell and dip of the girl about to be used.

  When lavender eyes went wide, Caspian caught her chin and brought her back under his spell. “Good girls keep their eyes on mine, hmmm? Kieran only gets to watch your body. I’m not in the mood to share your attention.”

  Between them, Caspian stroked his girth, moving in time with his Second until a little well of precum glistened at his tip. There was a subtle shift to her hips once the scent of his offering tickled her nose. Unknowingly, she presented.

  Kieran choked up harder on his dick. “If you don’t growl, I’m going to. I need to see that cunt flood.”

  In a rare concession to a subordinate’s desire, Caspian began a low extended rumbling. That first spurt from her slit doused his cockhead, slick dripping over his jerking fingers like hot fudge on a sundae. Warm and slippery, it sweetened the air.

  His Second groaned, leaning close, hand jerking his shaft. He began to sniff and lick his lips, to growl under his breath… to almost whine. “Fuuuuuck.”

  Sluicing his cockhead in the slippery mess still dripping from the mouse, Caspian grunted. “Eyes on me, princess. Eyes only on me.”

  The lavender burned with just enough anxiety to slow the encroaching pupil, yet her desire bloomed nonetheless.

  Swallowing as if already gripped by her cunt, he ordered, “Use your hands on me how you did before.”

  It took a moment for the mouse to grasp his intent, but then those hands slipped under his coat. He watched her as she learned the shape of his body, explored his superior strength—her cunt dripping out the perfect substance to keep the fist jerking his cock well-lubricated.

  “Purr and make your little noises.” The second she did, he groaned like an untried boy, spurting another wave of precum to splash against her pussy and edging her body even further into need.

  At his side, Kieran had slowed his pace, the man already fighting back the threat of a knot at the base of his cock. Her smell was just that fucking good.

  Knowing his Second suffered just as much as he relished this moment, Caspian took the little mouse in hand. Lined up with that sweet hole, he drew her down until she grimaced and began to push up.

  “I didn’t tell you to stop.” Bruising her hips with his grip, he hissed, “Slide down my cock like a good girl, or I’ll shove it into you the way I punish a bad girl.”

  Pained noises caught in her throat. She breathed in shallow pants and let gravity impale her on his rod. Ass met his thighs, her lip shaking, but wisely she never closed her eyes in pain.

  She’d held his gaze just as he’d ordered, and would be rewarded for it.

  He growled again, smirking as he kneaded her hips. In response, her insides marginally loosened, reducing her discomfort and encouraging more slick.

  A symphony of confusion and desire burned in her expression, little twinges of pain and beautiful shocks of pleasure inspired and extended at Caspian’s leisure.

  Cock throbbing in her internal grip, balls already starting to swell in anticipation of a glorious eruption, he drew his mouse closer for a kiss.

  Even with his tongue in her mouth, she kept her eyes open, she kept them locked on his as if nothing else in the world existed.

  “Fuck me?” Had he just asked her? Was that pleading in his voice?

  There wasn’t time to decide, not when an infinitely distracting cunt squeezed where he ached and drew up a shaft desperate for friction. Caspian showed her how to move, guiding her hips as he breathed in her air. Once she had the measure of it, his hands wandered of their own volition— arms threading around her back until one tangled in the hair at the base of her skull and the other hooked her closer.

  Why had he not ordered her to remove his clothing first? How could he have thought a simple fuck on her d
isgusting couch would be enough?

  Those abnormally white tits should have been slipping over his bared chest, not pressed to his shirt instead. He should have felt her hair trailing over his arms. The skins of his slaughtered enemies wasn’t worthy to brush against her flesh.

  “Ride me faster, circle your hips. Gah...” He choked, gasping when her pussy gave a lurch and slammed down just as he desired. “Jesus, mouse. Take what you want!”

  Her hands fisted in his shirt, she bucked, chasing after what drove her. Her need for his cum.

  Going to town wringing his own meat, Kieran’s eyes were glued to where the mouse’s pussy swallowed and spit out an angry, red Alpha cock. He was chiming with them a steady, “Yes, yes, just like that. Fuck him as hard as you can.”

  Eyes black as Caspian’s heart, completely high on his call, the mouse did. She fucked him.

  He just sat back and took it.

  The sounds she made would have made an old sailor blush, the squelch and suck of a dripping cunt seasoning the air and driving both Alphas wild.

  Slapping down hard on Caspian’s thighs, her body called for the knot, his skin bursting to deliver what she craved. He swelled so hot and so fast that she was caught, the Omega past reason as she squealed and began to lurch. Whatever was happening inside her was heaven on his cock, the rippling suck of her orgasm fierce and violent.

  Mouth parted, unblinking eyes stared straight through him. He gave her three massive gushes in such rapid succession he grew lightheaded.

  Her greedy pussy demanded more, biting down with such fervor on his knot that he clawed for her throat in response.

  “Careful, Caspian!”

  Another wave of lava rushed from aching balls, up a pulsating shaft to spray from the slit in his cockhead and batter her insides with foamy seed. Another and another until he was whining with each breath, so far twisted up in pleasure, he couldn’t remember his name.

  When he was certain his cock would split like an over-cooked sausage, the squeezing ripple let up. The following wave of euphoria was stronger than any drug he sold on the streets.


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