Broken Pieces (Healing Heart Book 1)

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Broken Pieces (Healing Heart Book 1) Page 11

by Maxene Novak

  Spencer released Lorie’s legs and pulled out of Clay. When Clay stood back up Spencer turned him around and shoved him down on the bed beside Lorie. Spencer spread Clay’s legs and quickly pushed back inside of Clay. Lorie sat up and wrapped her arms around Spencer’s neck, and with her hands wound into his hair she pulled Spencer’s mouth to her own. Clay watched them devour each other while Spencer fucked him. When Spencer pulled away from Lorie he tightened his grip on Clay and growled. Lorie bent over Clay and kissed him hard, nipping his bottom lip before she pushed her tongue inside his mouth. Spencer groaned through his gritted teeth, “Fuuuck!” Clay felt the warmth of Spencer’s release shoot inside of him and he loved it. Lorie turned to watch Spencer and Clay did the same; both of them watching Spencer’s face as pleasure ripped through him and spilled inside Clay. Spencer was so gorgeous in that moment that Clay nearly came again just watching him. Clay was certain that he’d never experienced anything as wonderful as what it felt like to be with both Lorie and Spencer. Then Spencer collapsed on the bed on Clay’s other side so that Clay was cocooned between both Spencer and Lorie. Spencer pulled Clay’s back up against his chest and wrapped his arm over Clay’s waist, then Lorie curled up against his front with her face buried in his chest, and Clay pulled her closer with his arm over her hips. None of them said anything. They all just laid there in each other’s embrace absorbing the comfort and tranquility. It reminded Clay of how the two of them had held him close between them when the ghosts from his past came out to haunt him earlier in the day. They hadn’t asked questions or tried to force him to talk. Somehow they knew exactly what to do to help him even without knowing what was upsetting him. He had never found anyone who could do that for him; hell, he’d never found anyone he would have let close enough to try before. As he laid there between Spencer and Lorie for the second time that day, Clay found himself wanting to let them in and it shocked the hell out of him. He felt Spencer placed a soft kiss against his shoulder blade and it made him smile. He let his eyes close and for once he fell asleep easily without the memories creeping in.


  “Clay, wake up!” Clay grunted and pulled the warm body in his arms closer. “Seriously, Clay, we’ve got to get up. They’re bringing Paul to the children’s home this morning and we are going to be late.” Clay’s eyes flew open and locked on a wide-eyed Lorie.

  “Shit!” Clay said. He released the tight hold he had on her and hopped out of the bed. Lorie and Spencer were both up and quickly throwing their clothes from the night before back on. “How much time do we have?”

  Lorie looked at her wrist to check her watch. “They’re bringing Paul in an hour and a half, and I still need to get home so I can get cleaned up and change into clean clothes.”

  This was the first time Clay had seen Lorie so frazzled when it came to her work. She was usually very organized and he knew she believed that she needed to be early for everything. He couldn’t blame her because he felt the same way, and today would be the worst day to be late when child services was bringing over the first child who would be living with them at Children’s Haven. He found his pants from the night before on the floor just inside the room. Picking them up, Clay rifled through the pockets until he found his keys. “Lorie, here.” When Lorie looked in his direction, Clay tossed her the keys to his car from the night before. “Go home and get ready. We’ll meet you at the home as soon as you can get there.”

  Lorie held up his keys and looked at him like she was confused. “If I take your car how will the two of you meet me.” Clay chuckled and smiled in that way he had noticed always made her breath hitch. As he expected Lorie reacted to his smile, but it was only for a second. She put her hands her hips and mock glared at him, which only made him laugh harder. “You have another car.”

  “Or a couple,” he answered her. She rolled her eyes at him but he saw the smile she was trying to hold back.

  She stopped at his side and gave him a quick kiss. “Thanks.”

  “I’ll walk you out,” Spencer said to Lorie. He took her hand in his and Clay watched them walk out of the room before heading into his bathroom to take a quick shower.

  Spencer was back by the time Clay got out of the shower. When Clay stepped out of the bathroom running the towel through his hair, Spencer was sitting on the edge of his bed, and he openly ran his eyes over Clay’s naked body. “Keep looking at me like that and you’ll be wearing yesterday’s clothes to work again today.”

  Spencer shrugged his shoulders and smiled, “I don’t think my boss will mind.” He got up and walked over to Clay, placing his hands on Clay’s bared hips.

  “No, I don’t think he would,” Clay agreed, “but Lorie might kill us both if we don’t make it to the home on time.”

  “Fine.” Spencer let go of Clay and backed up. Clay quickly got dressed and headed back out to meet Spencer.

  Since Spencer lived so close to the children’s home he had Clay go straight to the home where they had left his car the night before. Clay put the car in park, but before he could step out Spencer reached over and put a hand on his thigh, stopping him before he could open the door. “Are you going to be okay with everything today?” Spencer asked. Clay raised an eyebrow in question while staring at Spencer, but he didn’t say anything. “Last night when you heard about Paul’s past,” Spencer paused and ran a hand through his hair. Clay could see that he was trying to figure out the best way to say what he wanted to say. “Shit, Clay. I don’t know a better way to say it, but that was some horrible shit that little boy has been through, and it was obvious that it triggered some bad things of your own.” Clay tensed up for a second before he started shaking his head no. Spencer rubbed his hand up and down Clay’s leg in an attempt to calm him. “Clay, I’m not asking you to go into what upset you so bad. I get that it isn’t something you want to talk about now. Hell, if you never want to I will respect your decision, but that doesn’t mean I won’t worry about you. I just want to make sure that you’re going to be okay meeting Paul today. I’m sure Lorie would understand if you weren’t there.”

  Clay felt like his head was starting to spin and he focused on the kindness in Spencer’s gaze to help keep the memories from pulling him under again. He couldn’t keep letting his past come back to haunt him. Most of the kids that would be staying at the home would have bad things that happened to them, and Clay couldn’t lose it every time a new child moved in. “I won’t be alone. Lorie will be there. If I feel like I need to walk away for a minute I will. If I want this place to work I can’t let my issues keep me away from here.”

  Spencer stared at him for another moment, searching Clay’s eyes to make sure what he’d said had been the truth, and then he nodded. “Alright, but just so you know Lorie won’t be there by herself.”

  “I know,” Clay said. “The rest of the staff will be in today as well.”

  Spencer shook his head. “I wasn’t referring to the home’s staff. I meant that I will be here with you, too.” Spencer glanced at his watch. “That being said, I’ve gotta run so I can make it back here in time to welcome Paul with you all.”

  Spencer leaned in and chastely kissed Clay on the lips before turning and getting out of the car without waiting for Clay to say another word. Clay just sat there and stared at Spencer until he got into his car and drove out of the parking lot. That was the second time he had expected to be grilled about his past and his reaction to hearing about Paul’s history the night before, yet Spencer seemed to understand it wasn’t something that he was ready to discuss. Neither him nor Lorie had asked him for an explanation, seeming to understand that he needed their support but couldn’t talk about what made him need them. Clay felt his heart swell. Spencer and Lorie had managed to wake up his frozen organ; something no one had done since he was a boy. Lorie pulled up beside him in his car from that morning and pulled him back to the present. They had a little boy coming. A little boy who needed their help. Paul needed people who were strong and could show him love, and wit
h Lorie and Spencer by his side Clay was going to be one of those people.



  When Lorie went home after disappearing the night before and forgetting to let Heather know she wouldn’t be there, she found Heather sitting at the kitchen table waiting for her. “I know, I know.” Lorie held up her hands in surrender. “I’m sorry. In my defense, I hadn’t planned on not coming home last night. It just sort of happened.”

  Lorie was running late already so she didn’t stop to face Heather’s inquisition and headed straight to her room to get ready. She knew Heather would follow so she wasn’t surprised to hear her friend right behind her. “Okay, but did whatever you were doing somehow render your phone completely useless as well?”

  “Shit, no.” Lorie realized she hadn’t looked at her phone all night. “My ringer was off from work and I was a bit…preoccupied.” Lorie pulled off her clothes and headed into her bathroom to start the shower right away. She was hoping that Heather would see the hurry she was in and let her off easy. She was wrong.

  “Don’t even think you are going to leave it at preoccupied after you left me up all night worried about where you could be.”

  Lorie turned to face Heather before stepping into the shower. “Heather, I really am sorry, but if I don’t get ready to go in the next fifteen minutes I might not get to work before our first child arrives this morning. I can’t be late for that.”

  Heather knew Lorie well enough to know that she hated to be late for anything. She likely also knew that when Lorie said late she meant she just wouldn’t be as early as she liked. “I’ll let you get ready, but I am coming with you to work today.” Lorie jerked her head in Heather’s direction, but Heather cut her off as soon as she opened her mouth to protest. “Don’t bother trying to tell me no. We both know you can let me help you out today as a volunteer; it wouldn’t be the first time I volunteered to help you with children who needed it. You owe me an explanation, and you’re going to at least start filling me in on the drive to work. Now, get ready. I’ll make us both some coffee and be ready to go when you are.”

  She turned around and walked out of the bathroom without giving Lorie any chance to argue. Lorie knew Heather wouldn’t be deterred no matter what she said so her best option was to just get ready so they could leave.

  The ride to the children’s home was like a full-blown interrogation with Heather firing question after question at Lorie. Heather was particularly interested in the sexual details of the night before, but other than telling her that it was the best sex she had ever had Lorie wasn’t giving up any details. Lorie also downplayed Clay’s reaction to hearing the horrible things that had happened to Paul. It would be a betrayal of his privacy and trust for her to share things like that with anyone, even her best friend. Besides, she didn’t know the story behind his reaction herself, and she wouldn’t risk outing Clay’s pain to someone who’s a stranger to him.

  “Look, Heather, Clay will be there today. You have to behave yourself. Despite what happened last night, he is still the CEO and my boss. Children’s Haven is about helping the kids. Not about giving the third degree to the man I’m sleeping with. If you’re going to be there today you have to make sure you’re there to help Paul or with something to prepare for the other children who will be coming in the next few days. This is serious.”

  All of the teasing and laughter immediately left Heather’s face. “You know I would never do anything to take away from the kids you’re helping. I was serious when I said I would work as a volunteer today and do anything you need.”

  “Thank you.” Lorie gave her friend a small smile and reached across the console of the car to give her hand a light squeeze. Heather probably understood these kids better than Lorie ever could. Lorie knew Heather wouldn’t do anything to jeopardize her ability to help them or her job.

  When they pulled up another car was already in the parking lot. Lorie pulled up beside the car and looked over to see Clay sitting in the passenger seat staring blankly out the passenger’s side window. Lorie knew the second he saw her because the far off look he’d had fell away, and his beautiful smile spread across his face just before he turned to get out of his car.

  “Damn, girl,” Heather whistled low. “He’s even hotter in person than on the internet.”

  Lorie laughed and pushed her friend’s shoulder. “Just shut up and get out of the car already.”

  Heather rolled her eyes but smiled at Lorie. “Fine.”

  Before Lorie could get out Clay was already opening her door. She put her hand in his extended one and he pulled her out of the car and gave her a sweet kiss. Every time the man touched her it took her breathe away. When Heather’s door shut Clay quickly looked in her direction, and Lorie prayed he wouldn’t mind that she’d brought someone with her to work.

  “Oh, don’t mind me,” Heather said. Lorie could hear the smile in Heather’s voice before she turned to look at her. Heather was smiling like the Cheshire cat.

  “Clay, this is my friend Heather. She came to volunteer at the home today.” Clay took Lorie’s hand and they walked around the car where he held his hand out to shake Heather’s.

  “You mean came to check out the reason your friend didn’t make it home last night.” Clay winked at Heather and she burst out laughing.

  Lorie’s eyes grew to twice their normal size and she just stared at the two of them for a second. It didn’t take her long to come back to her senses and she smacked Clay in his shoulder. “I just got her to behave right before we pulled up here.”

  Clay laughed at that and held his hands up in surrender. Lorie disarmed the house and they all went inside. Paul wouldn’t be arriving for about twenty minutes and Lorie planned to use that time wisely and put Heather to work. She logged into her computer then grabbed Heather and headed for the second floor. “I want to make sure we have Paul’s room ready so he feels welcome when he first sees it. There are clean blankets and sheets in that hall closet. Will you make sure his bed is made up and ready to go before he gets here?” she asked Heather.

  “Of course,” Heather told her. “Just show me which room he’ll be staying in.”

  Lorie took her to the first room on the left. “He’ll be in here.”

  Heather looked around the room. “Wow. Do all of the kids get a room like this with a full size bed?”

  “Yes.” They both turned to see Clay standing in the doorway to the room. “Many of the children we will help here have been stuck in places where they are sharing rooms with numerous other kids, and their lives before that were often worse than just sharing a room. I want them to have everything they could want or need here, and that includes a comfortable bed and a room they don’t have to share.”

  “That’s awesome.” Heather’s voice relayed her complete sincerity. Before coming to live with Lorie’s family Heather was once one of the kids who had it worse before her parents were no longer in the picture.

  “Okay. I’m going to go pop a breakfast casserole in the oven,” Lorie said. “If Paul is hungry I want to make sure he’s got something good to eat.”

  “You have a casserole just ready to throw in the oven?” Heather asked Lorie.

  Lorie pursed her lips at Heather. “Never mind,” Heather laughed. “That was a dumb question. Of course you do Ms. Always over prepared.”

  “Better than not being prepared at all,” Lorie retorted, then she turned and headed downstairs to the kitchen.

  Lorie was glad she had thought to put the casserole together the day before when she found out Paul would be coming. It would only take about fifteen minutes to heat up and she’d have a nice hot breakfast ready for Paul first thing. “It smells great in here.” Lorie turned away from the stove when she heard Spencer’s voice. “You making breakfast?” he asked. He walked around the island and came to stand beside her.

  “Yes,” Lorie said. “I’ve got a breakfast casserole in the oven for Paul. I just want to make sure everything is perfect for him w
hen he gets here.”

  Spencer gave her a quick hug then rubbed his hands up and down her back. She had to admit that it was soothing. “Paul is going to be in great hands here with you.” She smiled up at Spencer and she couldn’t resist the urge to lean up on her toes and plant a soft kiss on his lips. She felt him smile against her lips, and couldn’t stop her own smile in return.

  When she heard a knock at the door Lorie pulled away from Spencer but her smile didn’t fade. As she made her way to the front door she heard the sound of feet on the stairs and knew that Heather and Clay were making their way down quickly. Clay met her at the front door and smiled before reaching to open the door. On the other side stood Cheryl, from child services, and a beautiful little boy who could only be Paul. Even for only being five Paul was small; no doubt a result of the way he had lived during his short life. He was thin and had dark circle under his eyes. It was obvious that he was malnurished. He had light blonde hair, so light it could almost pass as white, and big blue eyes. Paul was holding onto Cheryl’s hand as tight as he could with his little hand. Lorie stepped forward to greet him but Clay beat her to it. Clay dropped to one knee in front of Paul and gave him one of his beautiful bright smiles.

  “Hi, Paul. I’m Clay, and this beautiful lady is Lorie.” Clay pointed behind him to where Lorie stood and Paul’s eyes followed before looking back at Clay. “We are really happy that you are going to be staying here with us. Tell me, have you had breakfast yet?”

  Paul stared at Clay for a second, then he looked up to Cheryl like he was seeking approval to speak. Cheryl smiled down at him and nodded her head. Paul looked back at Clay and said, “We had some oatmeal when I first woke up with morning.” His voice was so timid it nearly broke Lorie’s heart.

  “Well,” Clay said in a hushed tone like he was about to tell Paul a secret, “I don’t know about you but oatmeal never really fills my tummy. Ms. Lorie made a yummy breakfast casserole, and I know she would love it if you ate some with us.”


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