Rowan's Lady

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Rowan's Lady Page 5

by Tisdale Suzan

  Silently, she cursed her heart and mind for allowing the images and thoughts through the barrier she had built. It does no good to want for somethin’ ye’ll never have, she admonished. There will be no man and no home filled to the rafters with babes.


  The Blackthorn keep stood black against the indigo sky. Torches that lined the large curtain wall cast eerie shadows against the massive four-story keep. Rowan was thankful there was no moon this night for they needed the complete cover of darkness to gain entry.

  Had the kidnapping taken place five years ago or even a few more years into the future, Rowan would have had hundreds of men to help him lay siege to Blackthorn Castle. But the Black Death of 1350 had decimated not only his own clan, but countless others across Scotland. It would be years before the Graham Clan could ever reach the number of able-bodied fighting men they had prior to that awful, dark time.

  Two of Rowan’s best men had been watching the keep for days, hidden in the forests that surrounded it. Rowan had requested help from clans McDougall, McKee and McDunnah the very day he had received the news that his daughter had been taken. The chief from each of these clans had brought with them as many men as they could, which was not many. The numbers of these clans had been significantly reduced by the same cursed epidemic that had come close to wiping out Rowan’s clan.

  Though their numbers had dwindled and their resources were just as scarce, not one had turned down Rowan’s request for help. Rowan had never been more thankful for the alliance and friendship that had been forged amongst himself and these clans as he was this night.

  Nial McKee and twenty-five of his men, along with the thirty that Duncan McEwan brought from clan MacDougall, were encamped and well hidden some two miles south of Blackthorn keep. To the north and east, Caelen McDunnah and fifty of his men waited for word as well. Rowan had brought nearly every able-bodied man in his clan, a sad number at twenty. He had left behind barely enough to defend his keep.

  As Rowan waited in the dark forest, he quietly tallied the number of men at his disposal. It was, to say the least, a dismal number. He sorely wished he could simply lay siege to the damned keep, rush in, find his daughter, and then leave nothing but burning embers in his wake. Instead of a full out invasion, Rowan and his men would have to rely on cunning, stealth, and a heavy dose of divine intervention.

  His men had reported that the best way into the keep was at the weakest point on the north side. That part of the keep was not well guarded. Rowan could only suppose it was because the entire north side was nothing but flat land and it would be quite easy to see someone approaching.

  They would have to make their way in from the west and work their way around to the north side. It would by no means be an easy expedition, but it would be worth it.

  They decided that Rowan, Frederick and Daniel would be the three men who made their way into the keep. Frederick had tried, quite unsuccessfully, to talk Rowan out of actually entering the keep. Rowan, however, was unmovable on the point. It was his daughter who had been kidnapped. Rowan was fully intent on getting her back. And if God saw to it and allowed him the opportunity, he would be the one who cut Garrick Blackthorn’s throat.

  The three men were covered from head to toe in black clothing. They had also painted their faces and hands with black paint. Every weapon, even the rope they carried, was painted black. Ginger-haired Frederick and blond-headed Daniel had black hoods draped over their heads. They were taking enough chances as it was without the light from a torch or candle somewhere within the keep glinting off anything.

  With quiet, stealthy precision, they made their way across the western portion of Blackthorn lands, toward the keep by crawling on their bellies. It took some time, but after more than half an hour, they reached the outer wall.

  With no more sound than a cat walking across the grass, they made their way along the outer wall to the north side. With practiced skill, they maintained steady breathing, as well as steady steps until they were able to find a good place to climb over the wall.

  With great care and silence, Frederick removed the rope draped across his shoulder. Taking the looped end in one hand, he twirled it about his head before tossing it high into the air. He missed his first attempt at securing it around the parapet of the walk wall. Gritting his teeth and cursing under his breath, he tried again, this time with success.

  Moments later, the three men were over the walk wall and working their way into the castle.

  Arline had spent the better part of the day and evening, quietly making preparations for their impending escape. Wanting to make certain they had at least two days worth of food for their journey, Arline had skipped eating lunch and instead, tucked the meat, bread, and cheese into her satchel.

  It had taken Arline some time to finally fall asleep that night, her nerves a tangled mess of fear induced excitement. Thankfully, Willie had fallen asleep with little trouble, clinging to the little doll Arline had made for her.

  Arline had not been asleep long when Garrick pulled her from her bed. Her mind was muddled and for a moment, she could not fathom why he was dragging her from her bed and into the hallway, without saying a word.

  The light from the burning torches stung her eyes. It did not take much time for the cobwebs of sleep to be replaced with abject fear.

  He’s found out! He knows I planned to escape and now he’s come to kill me. Arline swallowed the knot that had formed in her throat and looked fearfully up at Garrick.

  He looked positively livid. His face was red and she could see his heart beating furiously in the vein of his neck. His large hand dug into her arm painfully. Arline knew better than complain that he was hurting her. Complaints would do nothing more than to further incite his anger.

  Garrick had taken several steps away from her bedchamber door before tossing her against the wall. Her breath was momentarily taken from her from the force as much as the welling fear. Somehow she managed to remain standing and mute.

  Garrick came and stood inches away from her. “Do ye ken what day this be?” he asked gruffly.

  Arline quickly shook her head, unable to speak at the moment. Inwardly, she thought mayhap this would be the day she died.

  “It is just past the midnight hour. ’Tis a special day, to be sure.” His smile was evil, sinister. Cold fingers of fear shot down her spine.

  “It has been exactly one year, one month and one day since we were forced to marry.”

  Arline’s brow knitted into a fine line of confusion. She had been diligently keeping track, using marks on the wall of her closet, to mark the passing time. “Today?” she asked breathlessly. “I thought there were three more days,” she said, more to herself than to Garrick.

  Garrick’s laughter was clearly maniacal. “I can assure ye that it is today.”

  She wracked her brain trying to figure out where she had gone wrong. Three days. I had three days! I’ve kept track since…. ’Twas then that realization hit her like a wall of cold water. She had been counting down the days since her arrival, not their actual wedding date. She had neglected to take into account the three days it took to arrive at Blackthorn Castle.

  How could I be so stupid! She cursed herself.

  Garrick took a step closer. “The priest has just granted me the annulment. Ye are no longer my concern. I want ye out of this castle. Now.”

  Her only thought at the moment was of the innocent child sleeping a few steps away. She could not help herself. “But what of the babe?”

  Garrick was on her in an instant, grabbing her arms with both hands. “The brat is no’ yer concern,” he seethed as she gave her a shake.

  Arline was beside herself with worry and fear for Willie. Her mind raced for a way to convince him to allow her to stay. At least long enough for her to flee with Willie. Certainly, he did not mean for her to leave immediately.

  “Me laird, perhaps ye would allow me to stay, at least until Willie’s father pays the ransom. I promise, I will ask nothin�
� else of ye--”

  She saw the fury flash in his eyes and had no time or way to respond. A large hand landed across her cheek. He grabbed her arms again and slammed her against the wall, pinning her there. Her teeth cut her cheek and her mouth filled with blood. Tiny flecks of white flashed in her eyes and she felt instantly woozy.

  Her hatred toward Garrick grew.

  “Have ye learned nothin’ this past year? Are ye truly that stupid that ye would question me decision?” He was yelling at her now, but she could barely hear him over the blood that rushed in her ears.

  “I’m sorry,” she whispered frantically.

  He pushed her against the wall again. “Ye will leave this castle this night. I give ye half an hour to pack and leave. If ye argue further, I will think nothing of squeezing the life out of ye and sending yer corpse back to yer da. Do ye understand?”

  Arline nodded her head yes, but her heart pounded no, no, no! I do no’ understand how any one man can be so cruel! She made a solemn vow that if she were to survive this night, she’d never allow herself to be hit by a man again. From this point forward, she would carry a dirk with her at all times.

  “Who will care fer the child?” It was, mayhap, the most stupid question she had ever asked for it did nothing but inflame his anger further.

  Before she realized what was happening, Garrick had thrown her to the cold stone floor. “Why do ye test me?” he growled as he stood over her before one foot landed hard into her thigh. “Do ye wish to die this night?” he asked before kicking her again.

  She curled herself into a ball, covering her head with her hands. She had indeed pushed him too far, she knew that. She’d only been thinking of Willie. Soon it wouldn’t matter who would take care of the child for Arline was as good as dead.

  Another swift, hard kick was delivered to her ribs and knocked what little breath she had left completely from her lungs. She’d never known such fear before. She could not beg for mercy, could not crawl away for she was trapped in the corner.

  “M’laird!” came a muffled voice. “M’laird!”

  Arline barely recognized the voice. It belonged to Archie, Garrick’s second in command.

  Archie had placed a hand on Garrick’s shoulder and was gently leading him away from Arline. “M’laird,” Archie repeated. “Ona waits fer ye in the kirk. She wishes to be married this night.”

  Arline had never had any kind feelings toward any of Garrick’s men. But had she been able to move, she would have kissed Archie for pulling Garrick away from her. She lay in a heap, trying to catch her breath and willing her stomach to settle. One more kick and she would certainly wretch and that would not help her case with Garrick.

  “Go to Ona, m’laird. I’ll take care of Lady Arline,” Archie spoke quietly and in even tones. Arline didn’t care why he was helping, but she would be eternally grateful to him.

  Garrick finally turned his glaring eyes away from Arline and focused on Archie.

  “Go to Ona,” Archie told him again.

  It was as if the name alone was enough to calm his anger. Slowly, Garrick’s angry face softened before he smiled at Archie.

  “I’ll take the lady back to her da, m’laird,” Archie said. “Ye needn’t worry. I’ll have her gone before yer done speakin’ yer vows.” He offered a reassuring smile.

  Garrick shook his head. “Nay, she gets no escort. No horse. Nothin’, do ye understand? Cast her out. She can fend fer herself. She is no longer my responsibility.”

  Archie looked appalled at the thought of just turning Arline out. “But, Garrick!” he argued. “Ye canna be serious. We canna just turn her out in the middle of the night!”

  Garrick shoved Archie away. His voice was filled with disdain. “Ye heard me orders. Cast her out. Now. Do no’ argue it further. I care no’ what happens to her. I didn’t want her to begin with!”

  “But, Garrick, if we do this, and anythin’ happens to her, her father will be sorely disappointed in ye!”

  Garrick would not listen to reason. “I do no’ care what her father thinks. Turn her out, turn her out now.” He said nothing else as he stomped away leaving a disgusted Archie and a terrified and confused Arline in his wake.

  Archie went to Arline and knelt down. “Are ye all right, m’lady?”

  Arline wanted to laugh at the absurdity of his question. All right? Nay, I am no’ all right. I hurt, I am afraid, and I ashamed. I have failed an innocent little girl.

  Instead, she lied. “I will be fine soon. I thank ye for helpin’ me, Archie.” It was a struggle but she managed to pull herself to sit, with her back leaning near the door that led to the chamber next to her own. “Please, let me at least get my breath and wash before ye cast me out.”

  “Take yer time, m’lady. He’ll be quite busy with Ona for the next few hours.”

  Arline drew her knees up and placed her palms on the floor. She could see the concern written in the lines of his face and in his hazel eyes. Why he was concerned did not matter much to her at the moment, she was simply grateful for it.

  Droplets of blood trailed down the front of her night dress. She could feel her cheek begin to swell as it throbbed painfully. Her thighs and ribs throbbed along with it. Damn, ye are a fool!

  She closed her eyes and moments later heard footsteps coming toward her. Please do no’ let it be Garrick back to kill me, she prayed silently.

  “Archie,” a young man called as he approached. “Garrick wants ye in the kirk.”

  Archie muttered a curse under his breath and stood upright. He stood with his fingertips on his hips and looked as though he were trying to assess the situation thoughtfully.

  “He says fer me to throw the trash out,” the young man said proudly as he leered down at Arline.

  Archie grabbed the young man by the collar of his shirt and shoved him against the wall. “Do no’ show her further disrespect young Gunther, elst I’ll show ye the end of me blade.” Arline stared up in utter surprise at Archie’s threat. When on earth had the man come to be her champion? She found his sudden change of attitude toward her quite confusing.

  “Back off, Archie!” Gunther threatened. “Since when do ye care what happens to her? Garrick certainly does no’ hold her in any high regard. Why should ye?”

  Archie took a deep breath and let it out slowly before releasing his hold on Gunther. “No matter what your laird’s opinion of her is, she is still a lady and deserving of yer respect. Ye treat her with compassion, Gunther, or, I swear I will gut ye through.”

  Gunther sneered at him but remained silent as Archie went back to Arline. “Me lady, I fear I must leave to see to Garrick. Please, go to yer room and pack. I shall return as soon as possible to escort ye out.”

  Arline stared up at him, dumbfounded at his kind tone and offer of assistance. “Thank ye,” she murmured softly.

  Archie offered her his hand, which she politely refused. “I do no’ think I can stand just yet. I will be fine in a few moments. Please, now, go see to yer laird.”

  Archie gave a curt nod before turning to leave. He warned Gunther one last time to leave the lady alone and show her no ill treatment.

  Gunter waited until Archie was out of sight before he said anything to Arline.

  “Our laird wants ye out of his castle this night. I would strongly suggest ye hurry and do as he says.” He crossed his arms over his chest and looked at her as if she were covered in manure.

  She’d learned her lesson with Garrick and dared not do or say anything that would give the young man reason to act rashly. Inwardly however, she was cursing him to the devil.

  The door to her chamber seemed too far away at the moment and she would have to pass by the young man in order to get to it. She chose instead to slip into the empty chamber that sat next to hers. The empty room was part of her chamber but it had never been furnished for her.

  She took a deep breath and rolled to her knees, embarrassed and humiliated. Using the latch to the door for balance, she slowly and carefully pul
led herself up to stand. She nearly tumbled into the room for the latch hadn’t been fully engaged.

  Pain irradiated from her ribs to her toes but she wasn’t about to let anyone see it. She especially would not give Gunther the satisfaction.

  Carefully she pushed the door open and stepped into the dark room. There was no moonlight or lit candle to help her find her way. It was nearly as black as pitch. She slowly closed the door behind her and took a deep breath.

  She hadn’t taken three steps into the room when a hand came around and clamped across her mouth while another held her about her waist. She nearly jumped from her skin as the room spun around her.

  Good lord, what now?

  Frederick and Daniel had witnessed a good portion of the attack on Lady Arline. They were hidden in the dark room with the door slightly ajar. Frederick had to restrain Daniel to keep him from bursting through the door and running Garrick Blackthorn through. As much as Frederick wanted to assist the lady, his first priority was Lily.

  His mind raced for a way to do both. Just as he had decided to damn the consequences and go to the lady’s aid, the man appeared and pulled Garrick from her. Frederick was thankful for the man’s assistance and prayed God’s forgiveness for not intervening sooner.

  He and Daniel had been quite relieved for the man’s assistance. They were forced to wait in silence, praying that the occupants would soon clear the corridor. They were trapped and could not do much until everyone left. The only other option was to leave the way they’d come in, via the balcony.

  They were surprised when the lady entered the room they were in. It was a small room with nowhere to hide. And if the lady lit a candle they would certainly be seen.

  So they did the only thing they could think of.

  Frederick now held the battered, trembling woman against his chest with one hand firmly over her mouth. “Me lady, please do no’ make a sound. We mean ye no harm,” he whispered into her ear.


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