Haunted (A Secret Salem Novel 3)

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Haunted (A Secret Salem Novel 3) Page 5

by J. N. Colon

  A sweet, sincere smiled twitched his lips as if he read every thought I just had. Maybe he did.

  Mac grabbed my ankle and brought it to his mouth, kissing my skin. A giggle escaped me as a tickling sensation hit my insides. When a deep chuckle resonated out of him, vibrating against my leg I knew the mistake I made.

  “I’m in trouble now,” I laughed despite myself.

  With a nod Mac started trailing kisses down the front of my calf, tiny laughs still quaking me. That is until he hit the soft, tender flesh behind my knee. His tongue flicked out and licked the spot not once, but twice.

  A gasp slipped out my mouth and all the laughter died. Instead my heart was suddenly racing violently again.

  His lips lingered near the spot, breathing hotly against my skin. “Mmm. Good.”

  Oh crap.

  His jade eyes flecking with silver pinned me with a smoldering look as he streamed kisses now down my outer thigh all the way to my purple lace panties. His wild, silken midnight hair danced feather light all down my skin, maddening and sensational at the same time. Mac grabbed the material with his teeth, ripping the tiniest slit in them.

  This time there was nothing I could do to stop the whimper from slipping out. The sound of it forced Mac back to survey me. My chest was heaving erratically and I could not only see the deep flush, I could feel it along every inch of me. Fire raged inside, coiling deep in my belly.

  I thought he would tease me about how much I wanted him now, but something entirely different happened. Mac’s jade eyes blazed hotter, two green fires burning within his suddenly darkened face. Something feral flashed through him unlike I’d ever witnessed before. It would probably frighten anyone else. Not me. Nope. I’m certain it was doing the very opposite.

  “Rubi,” Mac growled, slowly crawling forward, the muscles in his arms, chest, and abs bunching and twisting. He settled between my legs, his body easing onto mine carefully. His body was so tense it felt like hot stone. “You are mine.”

  “I’m yours.” My voice was a throaty whisper. My hands wandered around his torso, kneading the small of his back until his muscles finally gave, more of his weight relaxing against me. “And you’re mine.”

  Mac’s head dipped forward, brushing his lips against mine. “No denying that Rubi.” His tongue slowly swiped my bottom lip, asking for entry before delving into my mouth.

  I moaned and my fingers dug into his flesh as my legs curled around his torso. Rain pelted the house while thunder and lightning thudded and flashed with an intensity that matched what was happening between us. Our bodies moved together, binding us in a new, exciting way. Just like when we said our vows, I could feel our souls connecting, reaching out for the other.

  Pleasure, longing, passion, and pure joy swelled within us so intense I wanted to scream and cry. We were our love made physical and we were home.

  And true to Mac’s word—by the end I was a quivering pool of liquid beneath him and I really enjoyed it.


  My patent leather Mary Janes were quiet against the thick gold and navy carpet running the length of the deserted hallway as I tiptoed toward the unfamiliar voices. The one I recognized sent shockwaves through my system at his betrayal. How could he be a part of this? No one suspected him. None of them did. Who would?

  “The girl knows too much already.” A light Scottish accent filtered through the unfamiliar male voice. “We can’t wait around for her to discover our true plans.”

  “But she’s just a teenage girl. She doesn’t even suspect us.” The familiar one seemed dismissive of me, which was fine. I’d rather be underestimated.

  “Yet,” he hissed. “And she’s not just a girl. She’s unnatural in more ways than one. She will be dealt with accordingly.”

  A smile laced my lips, knowing they were already too late. They could have me, but their future is set. I’ve made sure of it.

  A murky darkness slithered down the hall, dimming the lights one by one and slowly pulling me far away.

  Warm, delicate kisses woke me from sleep, shattering the lingering images of a dream I could no longer remember.

  “Rubi…” a deep, familiar voice crooned. “Wake up sleepyhead.” More kisses.

  “Mmm. No wake,” I mumbled. The dream was trying to weave its way back into my consciousness to tell me something, but the intoxicating presence beside me was more persistent.

  A chuckle vibrated against my skin as a hand slid across my bare tummy. “Yes wake. We’ve been in bed all night. We even skipped dinner. My parents and Demy’s think you’re sick from being out in the rain.”

  Memories flooded me. Mac and I soaked from the rain. Mac and I kissing. Mac and I undressing. Mac and I touching and…

  Holy filet mignon. We had sex last night!

  I’m not a virgin.

  Mac laughed again, his face in the crook of my neck. “That’s right,” he said as if reading my thoughts. “So if you don’t want them barging in on us nude in bed we should probably get up.”

  “I’m sleepy,” I half mumbled half whined.

  “I bet a shower will wake you up.” Mac nibbled on my ear. “We can take one together.”

  Mmm. That idea was appealing. “’kay.” I yawned without opening my eyes yet. “Go get in. I’ll meet you.”

  “Yes lover.”

  I giggled. Yeah I actually giggled.

  I finally squinted to watch him saunter into the bathroom with his butt bare.

  I giggled again.

  I heard him brush his teeth and then the shower cut on. I finally rolled up and slid on his t-shirt as I shuffled toward the bathroom. I was sore in places I didn’t know you could be and I hurt in all the right ways.

  My eyes stung against the intense light of the bathroom, pulling a whimper from me.

  “What’s wrong baby?” Mac asked from the shower.

  “Too bright.”

  “Oh. Just use the dimmer on the wall.”

  My hand blindly felt for it and turned it down, cooling the spots from my eyes. I brushed my teeth without even looking in the mirror, trying to hurry to hop in the shower.

  Gees. How is it possible even my jaw is sore?

  I shook my head and wiped my mouth with a hand towel, something suddenly feeling weird.

  What the hell?

  I finally glanced up in the mirror to check it out, but my attention fell to another object on my face. I leaned closer and saw silver flecks dancing in my honey eyes, glowing brighter the longer I stared.

  And then I pulled up my top lip and saw two very sharp, very dangerous looking fangs.

  I screamed.

  Chapter 7

  I sat on the edge of the bed with a white towel wrapped around my body, my wet hair leaving trails down my damp skin. After I screamed my head off Mac rushed out of shower and realized the reason for the theatrics. About a million curse words tumbled out his mouth.

  And then everyone else in the house started pounding on the door, threatening to break it down. They could have easily done it. None of them were human. Hell, I’m not even human anymore.

  Mac finally yelled at them in one of the most powerful voices I’d ever heard that we needed some privacy and would explain in a minute. Surprisingly they left us alone.

  I could see why he’ll be king one day.

  I started to freak out so Mac pulled me into the shower to calm down. He washed my hair and thankfully was smart enough to put conditioner in it otherwise there was no comb wide enough to untangle the mass of snarls. Then he held me until the water ran cold.

  I was officially pruned.

  “How the hell did this happen?” I asked for the millionth time. “We didn’t even share blood.”

  “I don’t know.” Mac was pacing the length of the room like a caveman in a white terry loin cloth with his damp midnight hair sticking every which way and jade and silver eyes wild.

  If we weren’t in such a crap load of trouble I’d probably rip that towel off and have my way with him.

>   I shook the thoughts from my head before he picked up on them, but the way he stopped and stared at me told me too late.

  Mac was suddenly before me, cradling my face in my hands. “Rubi, I know this sounds crazy, but you don’t seem like a turned vampire.”

  My brows knit. “You can tell a difference?”

  “Yes. There are certain things.” He sat beside me, his arm around my shoulders. “A made vampire’s normal heartbeat is a fraction slower than a born. They smell a tad sweeter.” He picked up my nails, examining them. “Their nails are shinier, almost like they’ve been lacquered. That’s only naming a few.” He released my hand, letting it rest on his thigh.

  “So none of those are true for me?”

  He shook his head. “No. You smell the same. Your heart is the same as always.” He unexpectedly kissed me so passionately my fangs instantly tore through my gums, aching with need. He pulled back and peered into my eyes. “Made vampires also have a faint silver ring around their pupils when their fangs extend.”

  “I don’t have that?” I asked, my voice breathless from his sudden lusty assault.

  “No. And once a born vampire turns someone and they stop aging they also instantly develop a silver ring. Do I have one Rubi?”

  I inspected his jade a silver eyes for several moments, almost getting lost in the faucets of flecks and colors curtesy of my new vampire vision, but there was no silver ring.

  I can’t believe I’m a freaking vampire!

  “I don’t see one.”

  Mac slumped and lay back on the bed with a sigh, scrubbing his face. “This is insane.”

  “Yeah. I don’t even feel that much different.” Mac arched a dark brow at my words. “I mean yes I can see better, hear better, smell better, move faster, and I’m sure I’m stronger, but I’ve been experiencing that kind of thing for almost a year now. Honestly it’s not that much of a difference.”

  “Yet. You haven’t really had time to test your abilities.” A smirk laced his lips. “Aren’t you thirsty?”

  I shrugged. “Sure, but I’ve been experiencing bloodlust for nearly that long. I’m kind of used to it.”

  “Well, I just have the perfect vampire girlfriend, don’t I?” His hand unexpectedly traveled up my thigh to the edge of my towel. “I wonder if that would be the same.”

  My entire body suddenly ached for his and my canines sharpened to points again. “That is something we should find out.”

  Just as Mac’s fingers inched higher a loud knock resonated on the door.

  “Mac,” Demy hissed. “I don’t give a damn about your royal mate crap. I want to know what’s going on with Rubi now.”

  Before we could even make a move the door unlocked and Demy rushed in. His face barely showed anger, but his eyes were like raging storms of violet clouds shining unnaturally as he scrutinized us. “Oh great.” He motioned toward us on the bed in nothing but towels. “You two have everyone worried while you’re busy screwing around.”

  He hadn’t seen my face yet.

  “Demy,” Mac growled. “It’s not what you think.”

  He ignored him. “I get that you two are madly in love and destined to be together forever.” Sarcasm was thick in his voice. “But why you couldn’t have just said…”

  I finally faced him while I knew my eyes were dancing with silver.

  He stopped cold and stared wide-eyed, mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water.

  For a moment my heart fluttered with panic, wondering if he still feels the same about me, if he’s still be my best friend now that I’m a vampire.

  After several moments of awkward silence Demy dragged his fingers through his hair. “Well shit. You could have just told me what the deal was.” His expressive violet eyes calmed and seemed to radiate relief.

  I took a deep breath, reassured by his gaze. I shrugged. “I wanted to see how far you’d go with your little rant.”

  His lips twitched. “That was all for show. I simply wanted to see how long I could stare at you with nothing on but a tiny towel before Mac realized it.”


  Mac let out a warning snarl.

  “I just don’t understand how this happened. You must have given her your blood McCollum.” Whitmore paced in the kitchen while Mac and I sat at the round wooden table, trying to convince him we didn’t share blood last night.

  Mac sighed. “Dad, we didn’t I swear.”

  Miranda grabbed her husband’s shoulder as he passed by, halting him. “Darling, I don’t think they’re lying.”

  He dragged his fingers through his hair and growled. “Well what then?” Whitmore wasn’t his usual calm, pristine self. Of course I couldn’t blame him. He thinks we went too far and took that final step our parents have been dreading. In reality, we exercised a mountain of restraint in that department. We just happen to seal the deal in another way.

  “Maybe it’s simply Rubi,” she offered. “She’s been an anomaly since she was five.”

  I inwardly rolled my eyes. I love it when people talk about me like I’m not in the room.

  I’m totally being sarcastic.

  Mac shot me a gentle smile and squeezed my knee under the table. Images of last night flickered through my brain, bringing a flush to my cheeks. That smile of his turned devilish.

  “Did you two do something last night?” Whitmore’s question made us both jump.

  Demy, who was sitting on the counter, snorted on a laugh.

  Mac shot him a warning glare that didn’t go unnoticed by Whitmore or Miranda.

  “Son.” Whitmore turned his serious gray eyes on us. “Is there something you’re not telling us?”

  “No.” His answer was too quick. He cleared his throat and straightened in his seat. “It’s nothing to do with this.”

  “I don’t know Mac.” Demy pursed his lips. “I wouldn’t discount it.”

  “Demy shut up,” I hissed.

  Miranda came forward, her jade eyes gentle as she put a hand on my shoulder. “It’s okay. You can tell us.” Her auburn hair glistened in the light streaming through the courtyard.

  Mac mumbled something under his breath.

  Whitmore’s brows furrowed in confusion. “What?”

  “Me and Rubi…” He looked at his dad, pleading with his eyes to understand what he was trying to say without saying it.

  “You and Rubi,” he prompted instead, motioning his hand in the air for him to continue.

  “Me and Rubi…you know…”

  Neither of his parents were getting it and Demy was on the counter about to keel over with laughter.

  “They had sex last night!” Demy blurted.

  Oh man. I wanted to crawl under the table and die of embarrassment. The only thing worse would be if my parents were here.

  “Oh,” Whitmore said, his eyes flickering between us. “I see.”

  “Oh.” Miranda appeared flustered.

  A smile began to curl Whitmore’s lips that reminded me of Mac.

  “Whit,” Miranda chastised as she slapped him on the arm. “Cut that out.”

  His brow furrowed in an attempt to look serious again. “Well, I don’t know how that would have affected Rubi’s change.” He rubbed his chin, his gaze pensive. “Then again, this is Rubi we’re talking about so…” he trailed off, leaning forward to examine my eyes that lacked the silver ring. His scent of leather and spice was stronger, permeating my nostrils.

  “Do you think they’ll stop aging?” Miranda asked.

  “They both appear to be born vampires.” Whitmore stood. “I don’t think they’ll stop aging unless they develop any characteristics of made vampires. But we’ll need to monitor the situation.”

  “That’s great right,” I said. “I’m not a vulnerable little human anymore. I can protect myself against the hunters.”


  Several protests erupted in the kitchen. Even Demy jumped off the counter and marched toward the table, crossing his arms and looming over me threatening

  “Absolutely not,” Whitmore said. “You are too new. You wouldn’t have any idea how to defend yourself against them.”

  I scoffed. “But I’m a vampire now.” I attempted a growl that came out more like a purr which caused everyone to laugh.

  Mac leaned over and kissed my red cheek. “That was the cutest thing I’ve ever seen.”

  I turned away and pouted. “I wasn’t really trying,” I lied.

  Demy winked one of his violet eyes, knowing I was full of it.

  “All right Rubi.” Miranda sauntered toward the refrigerator. “You should probably have some blood. Aren’t you thirsty?”

  Now that I thought about it, I could feel a burning growing up my esophagus. I swallowed hard, my throat feeling like sandpaper. “Yeah. I guess so.”

  She sat down a glass of scarlet liquid that smelled better than lobster slathered in butter laid on top of sizzling steak. My jaw suddenly ached and fangs tore out my gums to sharp points. I had to clenched my teeth to keep from groaning with thirst.

  Everyone’s eyes were on me, waiting for me to ingest my first cup o’ blood, which was kind of ruining the moment for me. “Can you all not watch?”

  They flinched and shuffled out the kitchen except for Mac. His fingers brushed the hair from my face. “Mind if I stay?” Silver shimmered in his eyes and I realized he was thirsty too.

  My lips curled into a grin, fangs and all. “We can share.” I tapped the glass.

  Chapter 8

  My parents had varying reactions when I called them with my news. First my dad threatened to drive back to Savannah and strangle Mac when he thought we shared blood. When I finally explained it just sort of happened—leaving out the sex part—he still wanted to kill Prince Uncharming.


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