Men of Steel

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Men of Steel Page 5

by Ryan Loveless

  “I’ll leave you alone.”

  “I’ve been waiting for this a long time.” Robbie pulled, and Keen tumbled into bed with him. Robbie divested him of his suit jacket and belt and curled around him. “You’ve been waiting for it too, right?”

  Keen fidgeted until he lay against Robbie’s chest, and Robbie’s legs bent beneath his. “Yeah.” He’d wanted it since Robbie had fixed his tie.


  Keen drifted off to sleep with Robbie’s warm breath in his ear. When he woke up, Robbie was sitting up and had shifted Keen over to lie in his lap. “Anyone ever tell you how sexy you are?”

  “I don’t have much, um. No.” Experience with lovers who talk like you, he was going to say, but that seemed like too much information.

  “You are very sexy. Can I keep you?” Robbie’s sleepy smile made Keen’s stomach flip. He untangled himself, unprepared to answer.

  “I’ll go make you those eggs.”

  “You didn’t say ‘no’,” Robbie called after him.

  Keen walked out, flushed and unsteady, trying not to think about how much he wanted to say “yes.”

  KEEN continued filling in for Robbie while Robbie recovered at home, but Robbie’s idea of recovery involved never being at home. Given that he wasn’t fully recovered, Keen didn’t like the idea of Robbie running all over the city to “catch up on what I missed.” Keen doubled down on his work at Cook’s office and escaped by eight most nights. Robbie took him to parts of the city he’d never seen. Keen knew criminal hideouts and high-crime districts; Robbie knew nameless nightclubs, fashion stores without closing hours, and seedy restaurants with back rooms lined in gold.

  “You’re going to love this place,” Robbie said. “Think ‘goldfish’.”

  “Like, in decor or in an aquarium?”


  Keen didn’t like the narrow alley Robbie led him down, and he let his arm drop from Robbie’s back so he’d have both hands free. No sooner had he made the movement than two men appeared in front of them. A flash of silver glinted. Gun. Robbie raised his hands.

  The men fell to the ground, unconscious.

  “What the fuck was that?” Robbie nudged one with his foot.

  Keen’s phone vibrated in his pocket. He pulled his sleeve down over his blinking wristband.

  “Huh,” Robbie said. “Guess I better call the police.”

  Keen bent down to ease the gun away. He kicked it under a dumpster.

  “Should we tie them up?” Robbie asked.

  “With what?”

  “Your tie?”

  Keen pulled it off. As Robbie worked on one guy, the other one woke up. He lunged at Keen and caught him on the side of the jaw. Keen staggered, and the guy took off. Unable to risk going after him, Keen turned back to Robbie.

  “Are you all right?” Robbie touched Keen’s chin, making him turn so he could get a better look.

  “I’m fine.”

  “I’m sorry. I should have protected you.”

  “You should have…?” Keen wanted to laugh, but Robbie’s earnestness, his disappointment, stopped him. He suddenly wished Robbie had been able to protect him. “Hey, next time.”

  Robbie finished binding the guy. “We don’t want there to be a ‘next time’.”

  “Right. Course not,” Keen said. He rested his head on Robbie’s shoulder. When the police came, Keen gave Robbie the credit and managed to look stunned enough that they took him at his word.

  “What do you say we forget about the goldfish and go back to your place?” Robbie asked.

  Based on the insistent vibrating in his pocket, Keen anticipated he wouldn’t be allowed back into his uniform any time in the near future, so he slotted his hand into Robbie’s. “No. Let’s go eat.”

  At the restaurant, the owner came out to embrace Robbie and usher them into a perfectly placed table between an aquarium that took up an entire wall on one side and a window looking onto a field on the other. “How do you do all this stuff on your salary?” Keen asked. In their nights of running around, Robbie had paid for everything without batting an eye at the bill.

  “Trust fund,” Robbie said. “Don’t worry, I’m smart about it. This won’t even dent it.”


  “You don’t think I’m showing off, do you?” He scooted his truffled ravioli around his plate. “I don’t mean to, I just want you to have a good time and I….” He bit his lip. Keen fought a surge of arousal as Robbie looked both wanton and embarrassed at once. “I want to impress you.”

  “I’m impressed,” Keen said. Robbie relaxed into a smile. “Because you’re a nice guy. You treat me differently than a lot of people. I like that.”

  “I guess not too many guys bring you to places like this?” Robbie gestured at the elephant walking across the field.

  “No, but I mean, I like spending time with you. I liked coming to see you in the hospital. All this other stuff doesn’t come into it.”

  “That’s the best thing anyone’s ever said to me.” He leaned forward and pressed his lips to Keen’s. Robbie’s mouth tasted like the spices they were eating, hot and sweet. The kiss was chaste, a single touch and done. Keen pulled away burning and wanting more.

  “Anytime,” Keen said. He sucked his lip between his teeth to take in Robbie’s lingering taste and watched as Robbie blushed. Instead of hiding it, he reached across the table for Keen’s hand.

  “I’m done eating. Are you?”

  They went to Keen’s place because it was closer. Inside the apartment, Robbie kissed him against the wall and pressed him along the back of the couch before shoving his hand down Keen’s slacks to find his cock. “Hard since we left the restaurant?” Robbie asked.

  “Before.” Keen thrust into Robbie’s hand and spread his legs to hump his thigh. He glanced around the room looking for any sign of a flicker from Vapor, but Robbie blocked most of the view and their combined noises drowned out anything else when Keen found his way inside Robbie’s pants.


  They stumbled toward it, not letting go of each other for anything, and stopping to kiss every half-step before giving up and locking lips. Keen bumped into the bedroom doorway. His eyes popped open and his gaze landed on his closet. His open closet with his uniforms in it.

  “Uh. Um.”

  “Yeah, baby, like that.” Robbie mistook his dismay for sex noises, so Keen went with it. He backed Robbie over to the bed and pushed him down.

  “Cover your eyes.”

  “Kinky,” Robbie said, but he obeyed. Keen hopped over to the closet and slammed the doors. His wristband blinked. I wasn’t going that fast. He ignored the phone when it buzzed a moment later and tripped over a stray shoe on his way back to Robbie.

  “What are you doing?” Robbie asked. He started to pull his hand away.

  “Uh! No!” Keen leapt on him. Then, realizing what he’d done, lifted Robbie’s hand and grinned awkwardly. “Um. Surprise!”

  “Surprise?” Robbie looked both amused and uncertain.

  “Striptease!” It was the first thing that popped into his head.

  “Nice.” Robbie propped himself up on his elbows. “I always knew you’d be wild if I ever got you naked.”

  Keen got off the bed and did a little wiggle. Robbie whistled. Keen wiggled again and pulled his belt out of the loops. It had been undone already, as had his pants, but Robbie seemed to be enjoying the show. He undid his shirt next, feeling the same relief he had each night when he could be rid of it, but coupled with the red flush of having Robbie’s attention.

  The moment his undershirt hit the floor, Robbie yanked him down. Keen kicked his socks off and got to work undressing Robbie. It was hard going, with Robbie kissing him and keeping one hand on Keen’s cock no matter which way he moved, but eventually Robbie’s suit joined Keen’s on the floor.

  “Nice,” Robbie said. Keen looked up, uncertain how he’d turned upside down, to see Robbie at his waist eyeing his cock. Desire was his l
ast coherent thought before Robbie swallowed him down. After bringing Keen to the edge and leading him back from it a frustrating number of times, Keen got smart. He wriggled around, keeping himself inside Robbie’s mouth, and found Robbie’s cock. Two could play at this game. Robbie made him come after thirty minutes of licking and sucking and one or two fingers in his ass, but Keen drew Robbie out even longer, left him shuddering and panting before he let him think about an end. “You have amazing stamina,” Robbie said as he collapsed.

  Keen panted himself down from an impending heart attack. “You too.” He flopped his hand over to land on Robbie’s. Robbie gave a light squeeze in response.

  Keen wondered if Robbie would want to cuddle. Silence ticked between them as Keen waited for a signal. Then Robbie said, “Can I ask you something?”

  Keen took that for a cue and snuggled closer to Robbie. “Anything.”

  “How come you’re always wearing a suit? Not that you don’t look hot in it, but you even wore it that Saturday you came to see me in the hospital.”

  “I was going to the office after.”

  “I know you can’t make very much.”

  “Why do you think that?”

  “From the way you looked at the lobster we ate the other night. Pretty obvious you’d never had one before.”

  “So that means I can’t afford a T-shirt?” He wasn’t sure if he should be offended. How did normal people react to accusations like that? Was that an accusation?

  “Well, do you have one?”

  “No. I don’t like them much.”

  “You’d look good in the right one. Something tight to show off your chest. Let me pick something out for you?”

  Tight clothes? Ugh. His uniform tights were one thing, but shirts? He still believed his suit and tie were trying to strangle him. However if Robbie wanted him in a T-shirt…. “I guess I can try it. But you don’t have to pay.”

  “I don’t mind buying things for my boyfriend.”


  “I thought, maybe, if you want.”

  “Boyfriends,” Keen said, testing it. “Yeah. I like the sound of that.”

  “Me too.” Robbie kissed his head and rearranged Keen so he was better situated on his chest. “Good night. Boyfriend.”

  “Night.” Keen lay awake staring at the ceiling, grinning stupidly at it.

  A flicker drew his attention. He crept out of bed into the living room. “Vapor?” Should have used the spray bottle before he and Robbie had gotten too far into it, though he had no idea what excuse he’d give when Robbie asked why he was spritzing the walls and furniture. He bit his fist to keep from laughing. “Are you here?” he whispered.

  “Traumatized,” Vapor said. He wavered into view next to the window.

  “You remember you can’t fly, right?”

  “Relax. I’m not going to jump. So, you and that guy?”

  “Yeah.” Keen wandered over and plopped onto the couch. “He’s great, huh?”

  “I did not mean to see what I saw.”

  “How long were you watching?”

  “Too long. Three seconds. Took me a while to figure out what you were doing.”

  “You’re married!”

  “What you were doing. Not used to you having someone else here.”

  “Oh. Well.”

  “Yeah. I’ll go. Forgot what I came for now.”

  “Okay.” After Vapor left, Keen crawled back in bed. Next time, he’d use the water bottle first.

  Keen was late to work, and to make matters worse, Robbie insisted on going in with him. One look at Robbie’s delighted expression and everyone congratulated them as Keen squirmed in embarrassment. Robbie beamed, kissed his cheek, and fled.

  Danny took pity on Keen and handed him a stack of papers to photocopy. The copier was in a back closet, away from people intent on high-fiving him. He started his task as slowly as possible, but he couldn’t stop smiling, and by the time he’d given over to remembering how Robbie had tipped Keen over the side of the bed in the morning and slid his cock into Keen’s mouth, Keen was humming along with the copier and rushing so he could get off early and go to Robbie. At noon, he received a text from Jasper to report to the Lair. Cook gave him the rest of the day off. The commute was hell without his speed, and he spent the time thinking up excuses for why he kept setting the wristband off.

  Jasper looked tired. Keen had heard rumblings of a few rough missions, and regretted that his behavior might have added to Jasper’s stress. He should have called like Pearl said.

  “Keen. You came.” Jasper stood up.

  “Yeah, Jasper, look I—” Jasper looked so sallow he stopped. “I should have called. I’m sorry.”

  “Give me your arm.” Keen held out the one bearing the wristband without being told. Jasper snapped the contraption off with a key. “You’re free.”

  Keen rubbed his wrist. “I’m back on jobs here? Superhero jobs?”

  “You’re back on rotation. If we get a call that matches your skills, you’ll be notified.”

  “Thanks, Jasper.”

  “Get out of here.” He cuffed Keen on the back of the head and shoved him away. That was the closest he’d ever come to showing affection. Keen ran home. When he reached his front door a half second later, his suit was on fire. He stripped the pieces off and dropped them in the bathtub to let the water take care of the smoldering remains. After racing to the closet, he did a quick check for company and embraced his uniforms. Robbie was taking him shopping for T-shirts later, but he could enjoy his uniform until then. He pulled on a pair of tights, savoring the way they clung to his legs. His shorts slid on next and the cape of the same material settled down over his naked back like an embrace. He slipped on his boots and laced them. A few test runs to the kitchen and back and he was ready. He threw the front door open and strode out to find something to save.

  “IT’S too tight.” Keen yanked the T-shirt’s collar away from his neck. “I’m choking.” After spending the afternoon in his uniform, having “normal” clothes on again was excruciating. He hoped, if Robbie ever learned the truth about Keen, that Robbie could appreciate what Keen did for him.

  “You’re not choking. Hold still.” Robbie squeezed into the changing room with him. He slid his fingers down Keen’s collar. Keen tipped his head back to give him access. “Better?”

  “Huh.” A sound was all he could manage, not agreement or denial, just lust.

  “How about you try it for today and if you don’t like it, you never have to wear it again. You know what the best part is?”


  “At the end of the day, I get to take it off you.”

  Keen shivered in pleasure and nodded against Robbie’s shoulder. “Yes.”

  They left the store with three T-shirts, a pair of jeans which Keen figured he could tolerate because of how tight they were, and a pair of cargo shorts. Robbie had vetoed those, but Keen insisted. He liked the pockets. He could even wear them over his tights after fireproofing them.

  “You have to promise never to be near me when you wear those shorts,” Robbie said.

  Keen latched onto his arm and gazed up with his best wide-eyed innocent look. “Thought you wanted to be near me always. Isn’t that what you said in the hospital?”

  “Drugs talking.” He kissed Keen on the forehead. “Should have said, ‘Except when you’re wearing those shorts’.”

  “My purse!” In the distance, a woman screamed.

  Keen drew away from Robbie as a man hurtled toward them. The woman sprinted after him. Dropping the shopping bag, Keen prepared to move. Then he glanced at Robbie and stopped. Robbie had his arms raised, palms out in a warrior pose. “Stay back,” Robbie said, looking at Keen on a side glance. The thief kept coming. Robbie positioned himself in front of Keen. Protecting him. Keen watched for another second, tuning out the woman’s screaming, the thief’s feet beating the pavement, tuning out everything except the knowledge that Robbie cared for him enough to shield him.
Keen shook his head clear, watching as the man drew nearer. Three steps away, two, one. Keen burst into speed, flung himself between the thief and Robbie. The thief impacted against his side and flew backwards. Keen spun to return to his original position behind Robbie. Robbie picked up the purse, which the thief had tossed in the impact.

  “You okay?” Robbie asked. He held Keen at arm’s length and looked him up and down.

  “Me? Yeah, I’m fine,” Keen said.

  The woman caught up to them. “Thank you so much.” She claimed her purse. “My whole life is in there.”

  “All in a day’s work, ma’am.” Robbie pulled out his cell phone, but put it away when a patrol car pulled over in response to someone’s waving.

  The thief got up and staggered. An officer grabbed him. His partner went to the woman. Robbie stood with his fists on his hips, chest jutted forward. “All in a day’s work, ma’am,” Keen mimicked. He got an elbow in his side for it.

  “You love when I save the day.”

  Keen latched onto his arm. “Yeah, I do. My hero.” He kissed Robbie on the cheek.

  “I’ve been thinking about what this means,” Robbie said as they started walking again.

  “You and me?”

  “Having superpowers. It’s pretty cool.”

  “Yeah. I guess.” Keen went across the street to catch a child’s falling ice cream cone. He reinserted it into her hand before she blinked and returned to Robbie.

  “Hey. I’m not going anywhere, all right?” Robbie squeezed him. “You need someone to watch out for you. You’re going to let that be me, right?”

  Keen grinned. “Right.”

  “Maybe something happened to my brain,” Robbie said.

  “What do you mean?”

  “I don’t know. During the explosion? Like, I got rewired? That happens, right? I might have uncovered awesome ass-kicking skills.”

  “Maybe,” Keen said. “Yeah, I could see that.” Vapor’s powers came as the result of a factory accident when he was thirty, which was why he forgot he was invisible most of the time and flickered in and out.


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