Love UnExpected (Love's Improbable Possibility)

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Love UnExpected (Love's Improbable Possibility) Page 28

by Love Belvin

  Stunned and extremely flushed—somewhat turned on, I murmured, “Oh, I can understand that but a suite at the local Marriott would’ve impressed me.”

  I was so uncomfortable with this discussion. And it was clear that he was too, but even with all of the frustration in his face he kissed me softly on the forehead, turned back to motion to the concierge and approved the rooms.

  A bellhop came to retrieve our luggage as we took the elevator up to our suite after dropping Marcus, our security, off on the floor of his room. The bellhop opened the door to the suite and I was blown away at first sight. The entire place was immaculately decorated. Our suite that had the wonderful 5th Ave and 55th Street view.

  As soon as we were inside Azmir headed straight to the bedroom. I wasn’t too far behind him as I silently appraised the suite. It was obvious that he was less intrigued. By the time I entered the bedroom, he began emptying his pockets and asked, “Wanna drink…cocktail?”

  He looked so wound up. I knew my questioning him down in the lobby added to his foul mood. He’d been uneasy all day and I didn’t understand why, Azmir was far from a moody individual. Around me he was usually so cool and affectionate even. I didn’t like seeing him this way. Guilt started kicking me in the butt. I didn’t want to ruin this trip for him. It was a big deal, as it should have been.

  “Ummmmm…sure. Surprise me,” I said warm and seductively.

  I wanted to change the course that I felt responsible for us charting. And ironically an amorous mood came upon me. I wanted intimacy to calm him and relax me. But Azmir wasn’t on the same page as he quickly picked up the phone and discharged orders to the concierge.

  He then turned to me, “Look out for them. Dinner reservation in an hour.”

  He sauntered into the en suite bathroom and not before long, I heard the shower running. I exhaled. I didn’t, until that moment, realize just how on edge I was about my setting him off. After being dazed for a few seconds staring at the bathroom door, I decided to get up and unpack my things.

  I’d showered, brushed my hair up into a bun ponytail on top of my head, applied my make up and dressed. As I heard Azmir chewing someone out on the phone from the living room I gave myself a final look-over in the full-length mirror in the dressing area of the closet. “Not too bad, Rayna,” I cheered myself on. I had just hoped Azmir liked it. Going out with him was always eventful and I tried to look my best.

  I wore a new figure fitting, white, mini dress that ended a few inches above my knees with a pair of cheetah print calf hair strap Givenchy sandals. Azmir snuck these sandals on the floor of my side of the bed a couple of days before our trip. When I stepped out of bed I hit the box. There was a note attached saying, “To the best roommate ever”. Of course he wasn’t around for my reaction. I sent him a text saying thanks. It was really thoughtful. I found myself smiling in the mirror all over again recounting the event.

  As I walked out into the living room, Azmir was looking out the window still on the phone. I noticed the fruit and cheese platter on the coffee table and suddenly realized just how hungry I was and that I hadn’t eaten much all day. I swiped a few grapes and blocks of cheese and began to stuff them into my mouth absentmindedly when I heard him say, “Rob, I’ll hit you in the morning. I’ve got to go,” very abruptly.

  With one eye raised I turned to look at him, not immediately realizing that I had my right hand to my mouth and my left hand pining my clutch to my pelvis. Azmir appeared jarred, causing my bewilderment. With a mouth full of cheese and grapes I grumbled, “Everything okay?”

  He closed his eyes and quickly flashed them open again, only wider and muttered, “Yeah…yeah. You look…amazing, Ms. Brimm.” Azmir’s forehead wrinkled and then his eyebrows rose. “My words fail me.”

  I’d totally forgotten about my attire, distracted by the food. My heart was relieved. Why didn’t I expect him to react well to my appearance?

  “Oh…thanks,” I managed as I tried clearing my mouth.

  His deep gaze didn’t break as he murmured, “Even with a mouth full you’re out-of-this-world gorgeous.”

  Butterflies were released in my stomach and my carnal thoughts returned, but so did timidity. Azmir’s compliments never grew old to me.


  “Mmmmm-hmmmm,” I replied swapping the last of food from my palate with my tongue.

  “Let’s go before I change my mind and take you back to the bedroom for my dinner and dessert instead.”

  Please do! I begged in my head because I didn’t have the heart to bring it out of my mouth.

  Dinner that night was at Le Bernardin in Mid-Town Manhattan on West 51st. After we were seated, the waiter came over to introduce himself and rearranged our table. He went over the menu and specials. His script was quite lengthy but I didn’t hear a word because out of nowhere, my eyes connected to and locked with Azmir’s. It was most bizarre.

  We started a gazing contest and I felt such a stream of energy transmitting from him. He lost the contest when he flashed his panty snatching smirk my way. His teeth were so perfect and his supple lips were proportioned to them so well.

  Man, I could eat this man! He was gorgeous. I giggled nervously like a child.

  I didn’t realize the waiter was still there until Azmir said, “I know you have a penchant for fish. This restaurant serves top notch seafood…the freshest.”

  “Oh,” was all I could manage. That was considerate. I idly wondered if he’d made the reservation before or after my rude scolding of his hotel choice earlier. “Thanks, Azmir,” I crooned giving a warm smile.

  He gave a slight nod. “Would you like to start with Noir or Riesling?” Azmir knowing my favorite wines never failed to warm me. Could this man look so good and be so attentive to my preferences at the same time?

  “Pinot will be fine.”

  “A bottle of your finest Pinot Noir and a Grand Marnier martini,” Azmir turned and requested of the waiter before he turned on his heels to fetch our dinks.

  “So, when exactly do you meet with Yazmine Jacobs?” I attempted to initiate conversation.

  “Sunday.” His attention was fixated on the menu.

  “Oh, okay.” Why did we arrive here on a Friday? “Are you prepared?”

  With a raised eyebrow he asked, “Prepared?”

  “Yeah. Do you know what you want to ask her?”

  With his eyebrows furrowed Azmir processed my words in deep thought. “I haven’t considered what I’d asked. I just figured I’d let her speak…explain.”

  I snorted, “Well, what if her explanation doesn’t meet your needs? Surely, you have things that need to be addressed to help you move on.”

  There was a brief pause as Azmir sat with his elbows pressed to the table, resting his chin on his knuckles bringing attention to his perfectly trimmed goatee.

  “Hmmmmmm…good point, Ms. Brimm,” he murmured mostly to himself.

  The waiter returned with our drinks and as he poured my wine he asked if we were ready to order. My eyes darted to Azmir who was looking at me, though his head was face down toward the menu. I hadn’t explored the menu. Moments later his head shot up and he ordered bass for me and steak for himself and for appetizers, shrimp cocktail and mussels in red sauce. Azmir handed the menus back to the waiter and turned his attention back to me.

  “If you had the opportunity what would you ask your father?”

  Whoa! I wasn’t expecting that question. “Ummmmm…I don’t know. It’s been so long since I’ve visited those thoughts of…my dad…my childhood.”

  “We have time now. Talk it out. It may inspire my questions for Yazmine,” he said bearing no emotion before taking a swig of his martini and nodded in approval of it.

  “Hmmmmmm…I know a good one. I’d ask if there was ever a time when he was enjoying himself—having a particularly great experience and wished to himself that my mom, brother and/or I were there to share in that moment with him.” My eyes went back to Azmir and saw him nodding his head w
hile taking in my question.

  “Okay,” he muttered as he stroked his goatee.

  He looked so delectable. Focus, Rayna. Focus! I hissed to myself.

  “And what else?” he asked as the waiter brought a large plate of mussels in red sauce and shrimp cocktail in a huge martini glass decorated attractively. I watched as the waiter paced away.

  I examined Azmir’s face to try to figure out where he was going with this line of questioning. But his eyes were fixated on me telling me he wanted more.

  “Uhhh…I’d also ask if he ever came to check up on us from afar. What were his daily prayers concerning us if they existed at all.” I shrugged.

  “Mmm-hmm,” he urged me to continue.

  Ready to end my time under the spotlight I shot back, “And if he were given the opportunity where would he want to be placed in my life today…and if he’d desired to be in my tomorrow.”

  Azmir fed himself a mussel as he pondered my responses. “Interesting, Ms. Brimm. All very interesting,” he muttered reflectively.

  We continued our dinner, taking on lighter conversations. We started too deep. I couldn’t gauge if he was still peeved with me or had gotten past it. While waiting on dessert Azmir extended his long arms and stretched out his neck in a big yawn.

  “Excuse me,” he offered softly. I took note of his heavy eyes. He was extremely handsome even exhausted.


  “Sapped. It’s been a long forty-eight hours.”

  I was reminded how the night before Azmir didn’t get home until after four in the morning and we left for the airport at nine. One thing he was right about in his rebuking me earlier is that he is a hard working man. Azmir worked like a horse even if I didn’t have total knowledge of his day-to-day affairs.

  After dinner, we returned back to the suite. It was after twelve a.m. Eastern time and even I was being called by the Sandman. Once I came out of the bathroom from showering and removing my makeup, I saw that Azmir wasn’t in the bed. I walked out to the living room expecting to see him on a mergers call. I thought I’d have to muster the nerve to tell him to disconnect the line because I was in need of him.

  The suite was pretty much quiet, only playing extraneous noises from things outside. I reached the living room to find Azmir’s lengthy body facing the window, sprawled out on two single sofa chairs. One held his upper torso while the other supported his feet. He laid there with all but his shoes on. He was a beautiful sight to drink in.

  Boy! The things I could do to you right now, Mr. Jacobs.

  He looked vulnerable and welcoming, but most of all tired so I decided right away that I wouldn’t try anything with him. Feeling the urge to lay with him, I slowly crawled into his lap and planted my head on his chest. He smelled so good and was comfortably warm.

  I exhaled deeply and basked in everything Azmir. I thought of how nice this was, being in the arms of someone who cared for me and wanted me with him. He seemed so peaceful and uncomplicated. If I was not mistaken I could feel Azmir’s bone protruding through his pants, poking my backside. My head shot up at him and stilled when I saw his serenely sleep face.

  If only you were awake. We could make good on that promise.

  My thoughts drifted to all things consisting of him.

  I woke up the next morning in the bed. It took me a minute to realize where I was and how it was obvious Azmir placed me in here. I opened my eyes to see I was facing the window and turned over to check on Azmir, only he was not there, though his tantalizing scent was. I rose from the bed and set out for the bathroom to find him, to no avail. I heard him on the phone, business related no doubt. I could always tell by his tone and vernacular. He was in the living room.

  “Peg, that’s truly unacceptable of the water company. Deer Park has been vying for our business for years. You have full autonomy to terminate our relationship with them and move along to DP.”

  His tone was placating and he looked over to me and rolled his eyes in annoyance of the conversation. Old Lady Peg can be a lot to handle…I know. I glanced over at the clock and it read eleven thirteen. This man never rested.

  He tossed me the breakfast menu. Good. I was starved. I looked over it…waffles, pancakes, French toast—ahhhhh…French toast!

  After breakfast, he offered to take me out for a city stroll. How could I resist. I dressed in a white, off the shoulder, tunic kimono-styled dress with floral print and flat silver sandals. I drew my hair into a ponytail against my right shoulder and let my dangling hair rest upon my clavicle bone.

  While looking myself over in the mirror my disappointment grew at the realization that Azmir had not touched me since we’d been on NYC soil. I was starved of his touch. Robbed of his fiery affection. Inwardly, I cursed myself for being so attached to this man and so soon—not that I had any frame of reference. But I didn’t like the need that I’d developed for him. This was so not like him, but I didn’t have the nerve to address it and resolved to letting it blow over.

  We hurried out of the suite with him barking instructions to someone on his blackberry. He didn’t get off until we arrived on 5th Ave where I took note of the various high-end stores. We walked past several of them until we got to Rolex. Azmir opened the door and held it for me to go inside, which I did.

  An associate came over to greet us and Azmir asked about a specific watch. I wondered to myself if he had planned to purchase an icebreaker gift for Yazmine. I stood at an adjourning case admiring watches as they spoke.

  “Ms. Brimm?” Azmir called over to me and I joined him.

  I immediately noticed the sales associate bearing a watch. Its beauty was breathtaking.

  “This is…exquisite, Azmir. You sure have singular taste,” I mustered, pondering if that was what he was getting her.

  “Can you try it on?” he asked looking at me inscrutably and I was suddenly confused. I looked over to the ever smiling sales guy and felt embarrassed so I reached out my arm for him to slide it on my wrist.

  “Looks a little oversized but if you give me a moment I can size it for you,” the sales associate offered and walked off to do so after Azmir nodded giving permission.

  My eyes went back to Azmir who was gazing at me intently. He eventually says, “Ms. Brimm, I thought it would be nice if we had matching timepieces. I get lots of compliments from mine and wanted to share the love.”

  I gasped as my eyes involuntarily widened. “Azmir, you don’t have to do that.” This was all truly unnecessary.

  He exhaled loudly through his nostrils as he flexed his jaw. “It’s simply a gesture of intimacy. It’s really not that big of a deal.”

  I didn’t mean to upset him. I just didn’t get why he liked to spend his money on me. For crying out loud he’d already purchased several things for me last week alone. As much as I was conflicted in thought about this I was not trying to ruin the weekend, not this important one anyway. I’d just have to sit him down about it when we returned home.

  He gave me a cold gape, one that actually melted my heart. Ohhhhhh, Azmir! Why must you be so difficult?

  The sales guy called out. “Would you like this wrapped or would the lady like to don it today?”

  Before Azmir could respond I yelled out, “I’d like to wear it,” with a forced smile that never left Azmir. Azmir didn’t return the smile but his expression softened. We really need to get over this impasse. He paid for it and we left for more sightseeing. No need to mention, there were no more purchases made that day.

  We returned to the suite to rest and change. Still no touch or mere affection from Mr. Jacobs. I was so tense and emotionally wound up that I withdrew from him just to protect myself.

  With security in tow, we headed out for the night. After a scrumptious dinner, we attended a listening party in the Meatpacking District for an up and coming artist signed to one of the bigger record labels. There was a small crowd but lots of energy. We sat cocktail style in the room where there was informal seating and not enough for every guest. I coul
d surmise that it was by invite only because Azmir had to give his name and have it verified by a list when we arrived.

  The young male artist was a mix of R&B and country. The songs that were played and performed featured minimal effects from electronic instruments. His sound consisted mostly of guitar, drums, keyboard, organ, and a couple of live horns. It was eclectic but I enjoyed it. The artist, Ragee, spoke a lot about the sounds of the singles and inspiration behind the lyrics in between tracks. It was like being at an intimate concert.

  Ragee sang a cut about being blissfully in love and not knowing why. The lyrics blended so well with the horns that accompanied it. It struck a chord. At one point during the performance I looked up and found Azmir’s searing eyes. I didn’t know why he was staring at me. Perhaps I swayed a little too hard? I didn’t think I did. But then out of nowhere, he shifted closer to me and draped his arms around my waist as I was perched on a barstool. He bent down and softly kissed me behind my ear. That good ol’ current flashed through my body. It was so powerful that I had to steady myself by using his arm. I’d missed him so much. It was as if I’d been there in the Big Apple with an entirely different man.

  It was a good moment. So good that my heart had urged me to say so much but I lacked the gall to tell him how much I needed his balance and affection. Perhaps later.

  In the middle of that thought a brown skinned, medium build guy with well-tailored clothing and noted jewelry approached Azmir.

  “Divine!” he called out. The song had ended.

  “Money Mike. What it do!”

  “I’m surprised to see yo ass here. When the event coordinator mentioned your RSVP I was like this dude ain’t coming. He never shows!” Mike shouted in excitement while giving Azmir that manly hug and dap.


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