A Rough Ride: Pony girl training in latex and leather (Pony Tales Book 5)

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A Rough Ride: Pony girl training in latex and leather (Pony Tales Book 5) Page 15

by C. P. Mandara

  Rocking back and forth like a seesaw she tried to ease some of the discomfort created by her distorted body. It provided momentary relief and was of little benefit, making the ache all the more potent when she returned to her stomach. Tears of frustration tracked down her cheeks and burned like acid down her stretched lips, which were now chapped due to the lack of their staple diet of lip gloss. She wished someone would burst through the door and knock her unconscious, for that was about the only thing which would ease her suffering right now.

  A few minutes after the thought had crossed her mind Jenny thought she heard a rustle of hay. She was probably going crazy and had made the noise herself. Her eyes had been slipping restlessly into sleep before being wrenched open by the attentions of her bodysuit, but she could have sworn the noise came from outside her stall. It was difficult to hear accurately through the latex hood and she tried desperately to still her body and strain her ears, to see if the noise repeated itself. Nothing but silence permeated the air around her, and after several seconds of inactivity she relaxed as much as she was able and began to try her seesaw move again. She wanted to flip over on her side, but it was going to be a near impossible manoeuvre, trussed as she was.

  'You have a fairy godmother, angel.'

  Jenny almost jumped out of her skin. The voice was elegant and spoke in perfect, lilting English, and although there was a faint trace of some other origin in the accent, it was cleverly disguised. She must be dreaming again. She began to wonder if they'd put hallucinogens in her feed...

  'You're not dreaming.' The tip of a booted foot lifted her face and Jenny saw the blurry outline of a woman, dressed from head to toe in black latex, much like herself. 'I'm on a mission of mercy; apparently you have friends in high places,' came the sultry whisper. She moved to the far wall and dragged one of the small tubes over to Jenny's face, feeding it slowly through the small hole in her gag. 'Drink your fill and nod when you're done. There's no rush. Thankfully there are no cameras in here.'

  The woman leant against the wall and it was clear by the sleek silhouette of her body that she took good care of herself. Why was everybody at Albrecht so damned slim? It was another gripe to add to an already very lengthy list.

  Jenny didn't waste any time questioning her good fortune, if it could be called that. Thirst had been at the top of her list of woes and as soon as the water pipe entered her mouth she began to suckle at it eagerly. There was little point trying to examine her fairy godmother in the darkness, so she greedily drank her fill and awaited her opponent's next move. She didn't have to wait long.

  'I can't stay. If they catch me in here I'll be of little use to you and very little use to myself once they get their hands on me. Disobedience, as you have gathered, is punished rather harshly inside these walls. So I'm here to give you one option and one option only. Would you like a couple of sedatives that will knock you out for the next few hours? Nod if the answer's yes.'

  Jenny's immediate nod clearly came as no surprise. 'OK. They come in tablet form, and thankfully they're just about small enough to fit through the hole in your gag. I'm going to take the tube out now, pop the tablets in and then feed them back through with the hose.' The woman was as good as her word and two tiny tablets fell onto the back of her tongue, where they were promptly swallowed. She washed them down with plenty of water.

  'I'm sorry I can't untie you, but that's more than my life's worth,' she whispered. 'This should at least offer you some relief. If you want my advice, you'd do well not to anger Kyle. He's got a reputation around these parts that leans towards the mean and nasty. Why you didn't pick Matthews is a question that will continue to bug me for some time. Unfortunately you won't be able to tell me. Kyle likes his ponies mute at all times and will ensure you are constantly gagged. He will also work you so hard you'll come into these stables each night and flop down in exhaustion. The man has something to prove and he's intending to use you in order to do so.'

  Jenny groaned. The device had started up again inside her and a solid wall of miserable depression came crashing down all around her. There was no way she could suffer this for another whole day. As far as torture went, there was no other pain like it.

  'You'll be asleep in ten. Keep your chin up.' The woman laughed softly at her own joke. 'Remember my warning. I'm not here to save you. Behave around Kyle or face the consequences.'

  With that she departed as silently as she had come and Jenny's mangled body had to suffer and tremble through yet another round of the device before sleep finally overtook her and her mind collapsed into oblivion.

  When Kyle entered the stall the next morning he was incensed to find his new trainee was snoring soundly. The alarm had been blaring off for several minutes, the noise was deafening, and yet here was his new charge sleeping like a baby. She should have been awake all night. She should have been in tears, begging for his mercy. She should have been hungry, thirsty, exhausted, with her body tied up in miserable cramping knots. His mood instantly soured and he clenched his jaw in annoyance. Using the tip of his boot to roll her over he was rewarded with first one groggy blue eye blinking through the glue of sleep, before its twin joined suit.

  'Good morning, princess. Hope you had a fun night without me?' His tone of voice was not in the least bit sincere. 'Time to get your sleepy butt out of bed and have it spanked a beautiful shade of ruby red. I think we'll give Daniel the morning off because I have a feeling he's a little bit soft on you. I will not be.' When Petal's eyes widened in horror he felt slightly better. Unfastening the ropes that held her tight he devoured her face as pain filled it. Her circulation was going to take a little while to return, and nothing would coordinate very well within her body until it did.

  'Right, that's enough dallying. We're already late so you'd better get a move on. His large hand connected with a satisfying crack upon her backside to get the proceedings started, and she made a reasonable effort to move forward. Another smack and she stumbled a little faster, her coordination all over the place, and with the third heavy-handed spank she was almost crawling. He began to feel a little better. He had a morning of activities planned that would bring Joan of Arc to her knees, and unfortunately for Jenny, that was how she was starting her day. How she would end it was anybody's guess, but it wouldn't be pretty.

  Jenny looked longingly at the sticky mass of gloopy porridge in her trough. It taunted her. Her gagged mouth could do nothing but salivate at the prospect of food, no matter how unappealing. Grumbling in protest, her stomach also made its feelings known. But it mattered little; even had she not been gagged there would have been no possibility of her eating anything.

  Kyle had set about her chastisement almost as soon as she was secured in the stocks and he showed plenty of enthusiasm for the task. He administered several stinging blows with a heavy leather flogger, and the latex of her suit provided little protection against the onslaught of his hand. Her backside had not recovered from yesterday's bedroom routine and it took no more than ten swats before her bottom was wiggling vigorously of its own accord. But although Kyle's spanking was intense, it wasn't anything she hadn't managed to cope with before. He could do his worst.

  She had decided upon awaking that no one was going to get a single tear out of her today and she meant to keep to her word. Her tears were going to become a precious commodity. She would make sure they were rarer than six carat diamonds. Mark's words were coming back to haunt her and they echoed painfully in her head.

  'Never let them see you cry. No matter what they do, refuse to let them have your tears. That is all you have left here and some days, that might be all that keeps you sane.'

  As the blows continued to wallop into her ass she spluttered around the ball-gag and did her best to tense her body in order to lessen the sting. She could be thankful for one small mercy; while the other ponies were getting a good scrub down with the evil smelling soap, she had been left alone to wallow in the sweaty heat of her latex suit. Whilst she would have happily committed murder
for a bath, she was not at all disappointed to miss the harsh rubbing down of the grooms as they set about making sure each pony-girl was squeaky clean - both externally and internally.

  Listening to the squeals and gasps of her fellow cohorts as their grooms' hands dipped anywhere and everywhere, Jenny was not going to become jealous of those noises. Fine, she was horribly jealous and each tiny squeak served to remind her of her wretched predicament. These were ponies who stood a chance at an orgasm, when she was guaranteed a day of misery. As if to confirm the fact her dildos began inflating simultaneously and blew themselves up to their biggest diameter yet. Her eyes began to water as her body felt like someone was trying to insert a water melon into her back passage. Oh Lord, she might have to break the tears promise and after only ten seconds of having made it. Then the inflation suddenly stopped, and for that Jenny was almost pathetically grateful. It was bearable. The tears would hold.

  Kyle finally remembered that she hadn't had any breakfast and brought the feeding tube around, slotting it into her gag. He didn't stay to watch, so eager was he to return to the spanking. Jenny had no option but to guzzle the fluid down her throat as quickly as possible, while he continued to set her ass on fire. It was almost comically difficult. Like trying to pat your head and rub your stomach at the same time. She found herself hiccupping, gulping, spluttering and gasping as the flavourless fluid sloshed around in her mouth. Trying to tense her body and swallow at the same time was nearly impossible.

  When the spanking finished and Mr A did his rounds, he pulled out the feeding tube for her and directed her to drink some water from the grey tube beside her. 'You'll be needing lots of fluids inside you today; I hear you have quite an exercise schedule to complete,' he said in an amused tone, before slapping her rump and moving on towards the next pony. Jenny did not find his words comforting.

  When the other ponies began filtering out of the stable she was led away with them. To be fair, Kyle practically had to drag her due to the dildo's putting her body ridiculously off balance. They had begun the familiar vibrate and pump pattern, the breast massager and clit stimulator had also come into play and Jenny wondered if she had shelved her tears too quickly. How many hours did she have left to endure this kind of torment? Her body was hypersensitive and as she thought the words electrical current began to run down the wires that enveloped her skin, sending shivers of pleasure through her. She felt like a dog in heat. Given half a chance she would have happily rubbed herself upon the nearest tree until she obtained some kind of relief, and she wouldn't have given a toss if an entire football team had sat around her to watch. She was in agony and her anguish was inescapable.

  She barely noticed when they left the barn and the cool morning air hit her face; her body was too busy feeding upon the pleasure that the suit was generously dishing out. Her breasts felt tender and swollen, her nether regions felt like she'd been sitting on a horse for the past twenty-four hours and her jaw was going to spontaneously combust if someone didn't take her gag out soon, which according to all accounts, was extremely unlikely to happen. Oh, how many days had she been here now? Lost and alone with her woebegone thoughts, Jenny could already feel her mind slipping away into the distant lands of mush. Could these people really turn her into a human pony? Mute, restrained and spanked on a regular basis, she had the horrible suspicion that they stood a fighting chance.

  She and the novices were being guided towards one of Albrecht's exercise yards. The first thing she noticed was that there were actual horses, or bio-equines as she'd heard them called, in the yard. Several hot-walkers were stationed on the grass and the horses were already being led out to them. While Kyle directed her towards the walker at the rear of the yard, she saw that two stallions had already been hitched up and were awaiting their morning trot. There were a couple of spaces left. A chestnut and a beautiful bay were snickering and snorting with glee to the right of her, while pawing at the ground with their hooves. Good for them, Jenny thought rather sourly, wondering if they'd had a morning spanking before they were led out of the stalls. She suspected not, and she also suspected they managed to dine on a far better breakfast than the pony-girls had been allowed. This was what her life had become now, reduced to a lower status than that of an animal. The horses probably got to graze all afternoon. That would not be a luxury she could look forward to. Her lot would be a fun session in the training room with Mistress Lupine and the multi-coloured plastic stalagmites.

  She wondered, for a moment, what exactly they were doing out here. Was this some kind of 'watch and learn' session, where they'd be expected to copy the actions of the horses afterward? She wasn't sure exactly what use it would be, as they couldn't really be expected to replicate the exact gait of a four legged animal. Kyle chose that moment to yank her bridal forward and as he marched her towards one of the waiting arms that had yet to be occupied, she quickly realised this was not about to be a fun morning watching from the side-lines. They expected her to exercise with the horses! Another pony-girl was led across to the final empty arm of the walker and they were both hitched up to the machine by their bridles.

  It took Jenny a moment to comprehend exactly what was about to happen. She was facing a horse's butt, there was another horse behind her and she would be expected to trot around in a circle with them. They must be joking, she thought in horror, but as the hot walker purred noisily into life and the arm began to pull at her bridle, there was no escaping her predicament. She was being exercised exactly like livestock.

  'Raise those hooves nice and high,' came Kyle's voice from behind her. 'I want to see some enthusiastic trotting this morning. If I see those knees drooping I've got a nice surprise waiting for you.'

  Jenny suspected it would be anything but, and speaking of butt's, hers prickled in the aftermath of the morning spank. She was already hot and sweaty after the brisk trot outside and they hadn't even started moving yet. If the large fly swatter Kyle held in his hand was any indication, things were going to get a whole lot worse before they got better.

  As the arms of the motor began to turn she stared helplessly to the front, and as her bridle yanked her forward, giving her no option but to move, she could barely comprehend what was happening to her. She was being exercised and trained exactly like the horses would be on her father's estate. She would be forced to walk around in a circle until someone saw fit to stop the machine. As her suit began a new frontal attack, with the clitoral stimulator and thrusting dildo's being brought into play, Jenny mewled her frustration through the unforgiving confines of her gag. She pleaded with her eyes, but Kyle's were hard and unforgiving and they did not connect with hers. The man might be drool-drippingly gorgeous but he did not have an ounce of compassion in his body. Stumbling forward, as her body went into orgasm alert mode, his voice rang through the air unkindly.

  'Let's get the party started, P. Knee's high in the air and hooves up in a begging position beside those tits. Head up, back straight and feet shoulder-width apart. I want to see a nice gait and I'll be providing some additional encouragement if I don't get it. I said hooves up, P!' His oversized fly swatter took aim at her backside and Jenny nearly ended up hanging off the arm of the walker as she tried to escape the blistering swipe. She propped her hoof mitts up in the air as told and began to lift her knees as high as she could, thankful that the pace of the walker wasn't too fast. It was hard enough just keeping her balance in the preposterous boots; having her heavy plastic hooves dangling up in the air did not help matters.

  She watched as Kyle stroked the horse in front of her. He clearly had an affinity for horses that he did not share with the girls. The trainee across from her chose that moment to utter a loud squawk as he lashed out at her. 'Push those tits out, Dew Drop, there's a reason your arms are tied behind you.' The girl hastened to obey.

  As the pony-girls continued trotting around their endless circle, Kyle became a little more unpredictable and considerably more spiteful with his blows. A stumble was rewarded with a smack to
the back of the upper thighs, knees dropping below waist height earned a swipe across one or both breasts and any errors in regards to posture would provoke one between the legs. Jenny's ass might have been grateful for the respite, but the rest of her body sure as hell wasn't.

  'Let me see those hooves paw at the air,' Kyle shouted as his swatter found her rear once more. 'Prance for me, princess. Keep those knees high, and your fore hooves higher.'

  Jenny didn't manage to catch the command. Her body was at maximum capacity for pleasure, tightening in anticipation of the mother of all orgasms, when her clit was miserably pinched with a ferocity that took her breath away. She stumbled forward and the hot walker dragged her around by the tips of her boots for a quarter of a circle, her body straining painfully as it was yanked forward by the leading arm. Whilst the walker was relatively forgiving as soon as she had managed to regain her balance, Kyle was not. He sent short, nasty shocks through both of her dildos which caused her to plummet forward once more, but she learnt to recover quickly. The strain of compressing her windpipe against her collar wasn't pleasant, however.

  'Hooves in the air, Petal, both sets or I'll work my way through the nastier controls on your suit, capiche?' He made his point clear by demonstrating the shock feature of the entire suit, all at once. Jenny gurgled and hit the ground, knees first. Bouncing back up she managed to get to her feet but it was nothing short of luck. Her whole body felt limp, dazed and disorientated. Pawing madly at the air with her hooves, she brought up her knees as high as she could in order to prevent another misdemeanour on her part and the dreaded punishment that would ensue. 'Now that's what I'm talking about, Petal. Much better movement. Keep that up.'


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