by Adam Cohen
“there will be an increased sentiment”: Kenneth Garver and Bettylee Garver, “The Human Genome Project and Eugenic Concerns,” American Journal of Human Genetics 54 (1994): 148, 151.
National Human Genome Research Institute: “Issues in Genetics and Health,” National Human Genome Research Institute,
“the more suitable races”: Francis Galton, Inquiries into Human Faculty and Its Development (London: Macmillan, 1883), 25n.
Laughlin sought to use sterilization: H. H. Laughlin, “Calculations on the Working Out of a Proposed Program of Sterilization,” in Official Proceedings of the National Conference on Race Betterment (Battle Creek, MI: Race Betterment Foundation, 1914).
Carrie told Strode: “Carrie Buck Trial Transcript, 1–50,” (2009), 27, Buck v. Bell Documents, Paper 31,
The Descent of Man: Charles Darwin, Charles Darwin’s Works: The Descent of Man, and Selection in Relation to Sex (New York: D. Appleton, 1886), 134.
The page numbers in this index refer to the printed version of this book. The link provided will take you to the beginning of that print page. You may need to scroll forward from that location to find the corresponding reference on your e-reader.
Abbott, Henry, 220, 221
Abrams v. United States, 244, 245, 248
Achinstein, Hyman, 311–12
Act for the Prevention of Idiocy, An (Michigan), 68–69
Act for the Prevention of Idiocy (Pennsylvania), 69
Act to Provide for the Sexual Sterilization of Inmates of State Institutions in Certain Cases, An (Virginia) (1924), 86–90, 100, 161, 177–78, 266, 272, 304–5
Adams, Henry, 218, 249
Addams, Jane, 115
Adkins v. Children’s Hospital, 239
African Americans:
civil rights cases, 233–35, 236–37
as victims of eugenics movement, 58, 74–75
voting rights of, 167–68, 173, 233–35
See also racism
Alderman, Edwin Anderson, 71–72
Allen, Robert, 133
Allen, Walter, 28
America magazine, 282
American Association for the Study of the Feeble-Minded, 32
American Bar Association, 9, 56
American Breeders’ Association:
Committee on Eugenics, 67, 109, 117, 119, 127
Committee on Immigration, 127, 128
and Davenport, 107, 109
Laughlin report, 119–21, 136, 138, 139, 199
American Constitutional Law (Tribe), 11
American Eugenics Society, 4, 60, 61, 123
American Institute of Criminal Law and Criminology, 137
American Museum of Natural History, 3, 61
Amherst, Lord Jeffrey, 182
Amherst County Circuit Court, 182
See also Buck v. Priddy
“Analysis of America’s Modern Melting Pot” (Laughlin), 131–32
in eugenics movement, 57–58, 113, 124–25, 128, 311–12
Nazi Germany, 135, 311, 313
of Supreme Court justices, 261, 262
Anti-Sterilization League (Oregon), 68
appeals. See Buck v. Priddy; Virginia Supreme Court appeal
Applied Eugenics (Popenoe), 58
Archiv für Rassen- und Gesselschafts-Biologie, 114, 310
Arnold, G. B., 293
“asexualization.” See castration; sterilization
Association of American Institutions for the Feeble-Minded, 67
Association of Medical Officers of American Institutions for Idiotic and Feeble-Minded Persons, 44
Atlantic Monthly, 60, 217
Bailey v. Alabama, 236–37
Bailey v. Drexel Furniture Co., 260, 261
Baker, Liva, 215
Barr, Martin, 69
Barrow, Bernard, 75
Barrows, Isabel, 67
Beaman, Charles Cotesworth, 227
Bean, Robert Bennett, 72, 73
Beard, Charles, 235–36
Beard, Virginia, 184–85
Belfield, William T., 66
Bell, Alexander Graham, 2, 109, 110–11
Bell, John:
background of, 202–3
belief in sterilization, 305–6
and Carrie Buck’s institutionalization, 30
and Carrie Buck’s post-sterilization placement, 284–85, 286–87, 288–89
and Carrie Buck’s sterilization, 283–84
resignation of, 293
Berea College v. Kentucky, 237
best-interests criterion, 87, 189, 197, 207
Binet, Alfred, 30–31
Binet-Simon intelligence test, 23, 30–34, 94, 149, 198, 252–53
See also intelligence testing
“Biology of Superiority, The” (Pearl), 309
birth control, 279
Bitter Cry of the Children, The (Spargo), 21
Black, Donald, 13
Black Stork, The (film), 61–62
Boas, Franz, 128
Booker, Marshall, 90, 178
Boston Brahmins:
and Brandeis, 261
conservatism of, 215–16
and eugenics as obsession, 276–77
and Holmes’s family background, 214–15, 216, 239–40
and Holmes’s legal career, 223, 227
and Holmes’s Supreme Court appointment, 231–32, 233
and judicial restraint, 249
and societal privileging of power, 226, 250, 322
Bowers v. Hardwick, 10, 13
Brandeis, Louis:
and Buck v. Bell decision, 1, 11, 278
and Holmes, 228
and legal briefs, 255–56
Supreme Court nomination, 259
and Taft, 260
Buck, Carrie, 6–7
account of Buck v. Bell, 296, 298
and Albemarle County history, 17–18
chosen as test case subject, 6–7, 91–92, 101
colony residence of, 34–35
Commission of Feeblemindedness inquisition on, 16–17, 23–27, 91–92
death of, 296–97
discharge of, 288, 289
education of, 21, 24, 94, 151, 185, 197
family background of, 19–20, 147–48, 149–50, 191–92
foster care of, 15, 20–22
institutionalization of, 6, 27–30, 167
intelligence of, 7, 24, 94, 197, 290, 297–98
intelligence testing of, 30, 94, 149, 192, 198, 270
lack of consent/understanding, 96–97, 197, 209, 272
later years of, 292–96
marriage of, 290–91
post-sterilization placement of, 196, 258, 284–89, 293
pregnancy of, 16, 17, 24–25, 26, 185, 186–87
rape of, 7, 24–25, 296
sterilization hearing of, 93–97
sterilization of, 283–84
Buck, Doris (half sister of Carrie Buck), 183, 184, 286, 289–90, 295–96
Buck, Emma (mother of Carrie Buck):
background of, 19–20
Buck v. Bell majority opinion on, 270–71
Buck v. Priddy testimony on, 149, 182–84, 191–92, 194
and Carrie Buck’s colony residence, 35
and Carrie Buck’s institutionalization, 16, 27
and Carrie Buck’s post-sterilization placement, 290, 293
and Carrie Buck’s sterilization hearing, 95
death of, 294
Holmes on, 267
institutionalization of, 22–23, 35, 290
testing of, 23, 270
and Laughlin’s expert witness invitation, 144
Buck, Fleming, 19
Buck, Frank, 19
Buck, Vivian (daughter of Carrie Buck):
birth of, 28
Buck v. Bell majority opinion on, 266, 267–68, 270
Buck v. Priddy testimony on, 150, 180–81, 186, 192–93, 196
and Carrie Buck’s institutionalization, 35
and Carrie Buck’s sterilization hearing, 95
death of, 291–92
foster care with Dobbs family, 196, 258, 285
intelligence of, 292
and Laughlin expert witness invitation, 144
Buck v. Bell:
and backlash against eugenics movement, 254
Bell’s role in, 202–3
briefs, 254–58, 284–85
Butler’s dissent in, 278–80
Carrie Buck’s account of, 296, 298
Carrie Buck’s sterilization hearing, 93–97
criticisms of, 266–67, 282
current relevance of, 11–12, 318
decision in, 1, 11, 277–78, 280–82
delay of sterilizations during, 6, 89, 90, 161, 178, 210–11, 305
impact of, 10–11, 299–303
judges’ conference on, 264–65
Laughlin’s analysis of, 307–8
and right of liberty, 275–76
Strode’s account of, 304–5
Supreme Court filing, 211
Supreme Court justices during, 1, 260–64
test case construction, 6–7, 90–93, 178
Virginia Supreme Court appeal, 203–10
Buck v. Bell majority opinion (Holmes), 1–2, 265–77
criticisms of, 266–67
facts summary in, 267–69
legal analysis in, 272–76
and Nazi Germany, 303
rhetoric in, 269–72
Taft’s advice on, 265–66, 268, 272, 276, 278
Buck v. Priddy, 143–52
Beard’s testimony, 184–85
and best-interests criterion, 189, 197
and challenges to sterilization laws, 100–101
decision in, 202
DeJarnette’s testimony, 181, 188–90
Duke’s testimony, 187
Estabrook’s expert witness invitation, 158–59, 179–80
Estabrook’s investigation, 180, 181, 286
Estabrook’s testimony, 180, 181, 190–93, 268, 270
Harris’s testimony, 182–84
Hopkins’s testimony, 185
Laughlin’s expert witness invitation, 101–2, 143–45, 179
Laughlin’s investigation, 145–48
Laughlin’s testimony, 148–52, 180, 257
malfeasance and inaccuracies in, 144, 149, 150, 180, 197, 208–10
planning for, 99–100
Priddy’s testimony, 181, 193–96, 257, 284, 286
Shelton’s role in, 97–98
site of, 182
Whitehead as Carrie Buck’s lawyer, 98–99
Wilhelm’s testimony, 185–87, 268, 270
witness testimony, 180, 181–87
Wood’s testimony, 184
Bureau of Social Hygiene, 111, 138
Burt, Cyril, 33
Bush, Vannevar, 313–14
Butler, Pierce, 263–64, 278–80
Campbell, Clarence, 312
Cardozo, Benjamin, 83, 264
Carnegie, Andrew, 224
Carrington, Charles, 74–75, 85, 89, 177, 304
Carter, James C., 56
Casti connubii (On Christian Marriage) (Pius XI), 67, 279
Castle, William E., 253
castration, 62–63, 68, 69
Catholic Church:
and opposition to sterilization, 67–68, 278–80, 300
prejudice against, 127, 128, 280
Central Lunatic Asylum (Central State Hospital for Negroes) (Virginia), 39
Chafee, Zechariah, 245
charity workers:
and Carrie Buck’s foster care, 16
and Emma Buck, 20, 182
support for eugenics movement, 73–74
support for sterilization, 67
Child, Lydia Maria, 216
child labor, 21, 64, 69, 260
child-savers, 20, 21, 26
civil rights, 233–35, 236–37, 261–62
Civil War, 213, 218–23, 226
Clapperton, Jane Hume, 47–48
in Carrie Buck’s family, 2, 19–20
and eugenics as elitist, 55–56, 57, 66, 76, 239–40, 277
and feebleminded category, 6
and intelligence testing, 32–33
and racism, 58
and sterilization, 301
See also Boston Brahmins
“clearing house” model:
Buck v. Bell majority opinion on, 273
and Buck v. Bell’s impact, 301
DeJarnette on, 189
as ineffective, 199
Laughlin on, 119, 146
Priddy on, 79, 146, 194, 321
Strode on, 206, 257
and Virginia Colony for Epileptics and Feeble-Minded, 178
and Virginia Supreme Court decision, 207
Cleveland, Grover, 127
Code of Hammurabi, 12, 13–14
Collected Legal Papers (Holmes), 245
Colony for Epileptics and Feeble-Minded. See Virginia Colony for Epileptics and Feeble-Minded
colony system. See institutionalization
Committee to Study and to Report on the Best Practical Means of Cutting Off the Defective Germ-Plasm in the American Population, 3, 117
Common Law, The (Holmes), 227–28, 266, 276
Commonwealth of Virginia v. W. G. Loving, 170–72
Commonwealth v. Perry, 229
Conklin, Edwin G., 122, 141
Conquest of a Continent, A (Grant), 125, 308
consent of inmates to be sterilized:
Buck v. Priddy testimony on, 195
and Doris Buck, 295
and malfeasance in Buck v. Bell, 96–97, 197, 209, 272
and Virginia sterilization law (1916), 83
and Virginia Supreme Court appeal, 207
conservatives, 57, 127, 246–47, 260
Coolidge, Calvin, 134
“Cosmopolitanism in America” (Laughlin), 106
Coulter, J. C., 23, 26
“Crime and Automatism” (Holmes), 240
criminal anthropology, 49–50
Estabrook’s projects, 153–58, 193
and eugenics as obsession, 52–53
cruel and unusual punishment, 203, 204, 205
“cult of asylum.” See institutionalization; mental health policy
Cushman, Robert E., 282
Darrow, Clarence, 253
Darwin, Charles, 2, 45–46, 47, 48, 321, 323
Davenport, Charles:
and American Breeders’ Association, 107, 109
background of, 107–8
criminal anthropology projects, 153–54
and Eugenics Record Office, 103–4, 110–12, 310
and Galton Society, 141
on heredity, 108–9, 112–13, 198–99, 256
and Laughlin, 106–7
retirement of, 312
and Station for the Experimental Study of Evolution, 108
Dearborn Independent, 128
Debs v. United States, 244, 245
debt peonage, 236–37
Degler, Carl, 66
DeJarnette, Joseph S.:
Buck v. Priddy testimony of, 181, 188–90
on Strode, 307
and Virginia sterilization law (1924), 90, 178
and Virginia sterilization law campaign, 75–77, 80, 81, 84, 85, 86, 146
Descent of Man (Darwin), 47, 48, 323
Detamore, Charles Albert (second husband of Carrie Buck), 294–95, 296
de Tocqueville, Alexis, 160
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Rassenhygiene (German Society for Racial Hygiene), 114–15, 310
Dew, H. W., 74
Dickstein, Samuel, 133, 309–10
“differential fecundity,” 73–74, 92, 117, 188
Dixwell, E. S., 217–18, 224
Dixwell, Fanny, 224
DNA editing, 320–21
Dobbs, John and Alice:
and Carrie Buck’s Commission of Feeblemindedness inquisition, 23–24, 26–27
and Carrie Buck’s daughter, 28, 196
and Carrie Buck’s foster care, 15, 20–22
and Carrie Buck’s institutionalization, 16, 17, 95, 185, 187
and Carrie Buck’s post-sterilization placement, 196, 258, 284–86
doctors. See medical profession
Dorr, Gregory Michael, 72
Douglas, William O., 317
Doyle, Arthur Conan, 217
Draper, Wickliffe, 313
Dred Scott v. Sandford, 9, 12–13
Drewry, William F., 79–80
due process, 140, 143
Buck v. Bell majority opinion on, 272
and Buck v. Priddy, 98, 101
Butler on, 280
and Lochner v. New York, 235
and Skinner v. Oklahoma, 318
Strode’s Supreme Court brief on, 257
and Virginia Supreme Court appeal, 203, 204, 205–6, 207–8
Whitehead’s brief on, 254–55
Dugdale, Richard, 49, 153, 154–55, 240
Duke, Mary, 16, 26, 27, 187
Eagle, William D. (first husband of Carrie Buck), 290–91, 292–93
East, Edward M., 253, 256, 269
Edgar, W. R., 63
Einer, A., 74
Emergency Immigration Restriction Act (1921), 130–31
Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 214, 217
and colony’s history, 40–42, 169
and institutionalization, 24, 27, 39–41
Laughlin’s affliction with, 139–40, 313
Priddy on, 78
equal protection, 140, 143
Brandeis on, 262
Buck v. Bell majority opinion on, 272–73
and Buck v. Priddy, 98, 100
and Giles v. Harris, 234
and Skinner v. Oklahoma, 317
Strode’s Supreme Court brief on, 257
and Virginia sterilization law (1924), 88–89