Steam Over Stephensport: Steam Through Time Series - Book 2

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Steam Over Stephensport: Steam Through Time Series - Book 2 Page 10

by Carolyn Bond

  The footman pulled out his chair and he turned to sit down. Now that she had a chance to get a good look at him, she could see the similarity of the two men. Brian was certainly more handsome, but the hooked nose, the gray-blue eyes, and the ability to stare into your soul came from the male line. His mother’s chiseled jawline and perfect skin gave Brian an edge above his father in looks.

  “Miss Wallingsford, I presume,” he bellowed staring at her. “Welcome. Very good of you to join us for dinner.”

  “Thank you for the invitation. It’s a pleasure to be here,” she offered back.

  Mrs. Everbright smiled slightly and Lily had to wonder if it was her idea or Brian’s to invite her. She seemed so gracious.

  “As I am also on the Town Council, I am aware of your credentials for teaching. We are fortunate to have you in the interim while we search for a replacement for Miss Smith.”

  “Thank you. I’ll do my best.” She really didn’t feel comfortable making small talk. She worried she was going to say something outside of the protocols of etiquette. However, she realized that if she didn’t ask a question, the conversation was going to quickly turn to her. “So, tell me about the clothing business? Where do you shop for inventory?”

  Dinner proceeded as she hoped with Mr. Everbright, the senior, educating her about the challenges of the fashion business. She found it surprisingly fascinating despite never having given one wit about fashion or clothes. All in all, they were very gracious to her. She may have made several social blunders, but there was no gasping or raised eyebrows.

  The server brought dessert and set it in front of her. A small dish of bread pudding. The aroma of hot nutmeg tickled her nose. Little chunks of bread with browned corners and a sprinkling of raisins filled the dish. It didn’t look like the bread pudding she had seen that was swimming in an egg colored gravy. She had never seen the appeal of the plain, gooey dish. This, however, looked like a precious cake made of an ordinary food now dressed up for a fancy table. The sweet raisins and warm nutmeg filled her with anticipation for something special.

  She spooned a bit into her mouth and was filled with the warm feeling of family, home, memories of Christmas.

  “This is delicious. I’ve never tasted a bread pudding this good.”

  “You are such a dear. I’ll certainly let cook know you enjoyed it,” Mrs. Everbright beamed. The footman and butler stood along the wall staring forward like soldiers.

  After dinner, they retired to the parlor. Brian took her to a far side of the room to talk. His parents chatted and sipped something in a small goblet.

  “Miss Wallingsford, have you enjoyed our company?” he asked.

  “Oh, yes. You’re all very kind. Thank you.”

  “I’m glad. They’re not too bad.” He nodded his head in his parent’s direction. “I must say, you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.” His eyes traveled across her shoulder, down the hem of her dress across her bosom and then back up her neck to her face. The effect was almost as stunning as if he had traced the route with his fingers. She realized she’d stopped breathing and was having a hard time loosening herself from the moment to take a breath. She should have been annoyed by his obvious flirtation but the look in his eyes held her mind from any rational thought.

  In a wave of sanity that returned her to her senses, self-doubt blew air in her lungs, “I hardly believe that.”

  “It’s very good that my parents are just a few yards away. Otherwise, I could not hope to restrain myself. I cannot deny what you do to me, Miss Wallingsford.”

  Still perplexed by his infatuation, she decided to make him unpack it, “I don’t understand why, exactly. I know there are very beautiful ladies in this town. I have seen them. And, I while I know I am not unsightly, I’m no beauty queen.”

  He closed his eyes and exhaled. “Yes, I do find you easy to look at, a beautiful queen, as you say, however, your intrigue comes from inside. There is a way about you which I do not see with the girls here. I can’t put my finger on it. It’s a confidence or assuredness. Whatever it is, I just want to drink it in and, well, love you. I want to love every inch of your skin. ”

  “Mr. Everbright!” She was shocked at his forwardness. Such confessions could ruin their working relationship. “I’m not sure it’s appropriate for- for my boss to say such things.” She knew sexual harassment laws were a hundred years in the making, but hopefully he would take her seriously.

  “Your boss.” He hung his head and shook it. “I’ve never heard a woman talk about a man as her boss. I don’t see it that way at all. I supervise several clerks at the store. They are good men. But you are not like them. Teachers are like sisters I care about. For you, however, I have much more passionate thoughts than one would have for a sister.”

  He took her hand in his and rubbed a circle on the back of her hand with his thumb. The smooth softness of his skin pressing warmth into her made her want to melt. She could all too easily imagine his warm fingers exploring places that never get touched. Places that are ticklish from lack of touch. She was losing her focus. She reminded herself this was her boss. Being entangled with him would make it very difficult to have a professional relationship. A nagging thought tickled her brain. It was the way he thought of her. He wasn’t just a boss that fell for her. It hit her all at once: he never thought of her as a professional. All women were potential romantic interests to him. Her career was of no importance to him.

  “Dearest Lily, I must admit, I have very strong feelings for you that I cannot ignore. You thrill me.”

  Here she was sitting in front of a man that made her feel like Cinderella dancing with the prince, but this Cinderella was a professional housekeeper and was proud of it. She’d be darned if she was going to give up her career for a block-headed Victorian man.

  She covered a pretend yawn. “Please don’t take it the wrong way, but I am so tired. I need to go home.”

  He jerked back to reality, “Certainly. Let me call for the carriage and your coat.”

  “Thank you,” she said feeling in control.

  He stood and offered his hand to help her up. She said goodbye to Mr. and Mrs. Everbright, thanking them for a lovely evening while Brian called for the carriage. He walked her to the door and helped her get her jacket on. She just wanted to get out to have time to process her thoughts. They were waiting for the driver to stick his head in to alert them he was there.

  “Miss Wallingsford, There’s a ball at an associate’s in Union Star next Saturday. My parents are going and could chaperone.” He paused, “Would you come as my guest?”

  “I, uh, I didn’t pack a ball gown. I didn’t expect to need one.” That was the truth, she thought.

  He smiled a warm smile of triumph, “My dear, you will never be lacking for something beautiful to wear as long as I’m in your favor. Come by the store this week and pick out anything you fancy. It’s my gift for accepting my invitation.”

  A girl could get used to words like that, she thought. Suddenly she couldn’t remember why she had wanted to leave so soon. “Uh, alright then, I would love to.”

  If a man could bubble up with happiness, that’s what he did. He held her hands in his and pulled her close to him. For a brief moment, his lips hovered over hers. She wanted to back up, but her body betrayed her. She could smell the nutmeg on his breath. She closed her eyes and all the warmth of home with the exhilaration of wanting him swirled in her mind. She felt the heat of his lips on hers and froze on the spot, letting him do as he pleased. She wanted him to. She wanted him to have her. She wanted to let go of herself and give all that she was to him. He pressed in and held her firmly, squeezing. Then in a burst of passion, ravenously kissed her deeply.

  The sound of laughter in the parlor distracted him, and just as quickly as he’d stolen the kiss, he stood up straight as though nothing had happened. It had happened, though, and she could see in his eyes that he was slightly undone. He gritted his teeth and held his face expressionless. She straig
htened, too, and pursed her lips, mad at herself. She didn’t want to want him.

  The driver opened the door and let them know he was there. Brian escorted her to the carriage and helped her inside. Then he pulled himself into the carriage as well. Apparently, he was escorting her home. At first she felt annoyed because she needed to think about how she felt, but when she looked over at the driver and darkness of the winter night, she realized how vulnerable she felt. At least with him there, she felt safe.

  “Thank you for accepting my invitation. Your company will linger on my mind.” Taking her hand, he kissed her knuckles. “I shall come by the Black’s for you on the day of the ball.”

  She already regretted telling him she would go. The carriage lurched forward. His thigh rubbed against her leg as the carriage jostled them. Their clothes did nothing to stop the heat that radiated off him. She could feel his muscled leg pressing against her. She closed her eyes trying to keep her mind from sinking into the base lust that was consuming her. The taste of his lips was fresh in her memory. Forceful, passionate kisses promising her unrelenting attention crowded her thoughts. Feeling dizzy, she opened her eyes to find him watching her with a satisfied smile. He knew he had made the impact he wanted to make. She could tell by his look that he was pleased with the evening. He had her right where he wanted her and he didn’t even realize how different they were. She knew, and she hated herself for the betrayal of her body to her mind.

  “I would love to be inside your mind. The look on your face just now was bliss. I do hope you were thinking of me.”

  His charm was undeniable. It was the only excuse for why she could find him so attractive and yet want to punch him at the same time. There was no way this would be a good match for her. She would never be able to make him see her point of view. Yet, she ached for his touch. She wanted to feel his arms around her and nestle her head in his chest. She knew that to be his would be to be safe, cared for, and never want for anything. It seemed that even his love would freely be hers. It was everything she had wanted. Both what her mother had tried to find and what she herself wanted. Brian Everbright surely must be perfect for her. But if this was the case, why did she have to fight back the urge to jump from the carriage and run.

  She knew the reason. Despite everything in his favor on her personal checklist, she knew he would put no stock in her career. In fact, he was the one obstacle, even now, to what she wanted to do with the school girls of Stephensport. Her career never entered his mind because, to him, women didn’t have careers. She should feel glad to accept all he offered in his mind. In fact, nearly every woman of this time would agree with him.

  “Miss Wallingsford, are you feeling quite well?” He furrowed his brow with worry.

  “Oh, certainly. I was just thinking.”

  “Thinking? You truly are a mystery. Quite intriguing, I say. Your face seemed much too serious just now to be thinking of me. Are you worried about your honor? It’s true we should not be sharing the inside of the carriage. I assure you, you are quite safe. If you would feel better, I would be happy to ride with the driver.”

  She giggled at that. He actually thought she was worried for her safety. Then it occurred to her that she probably should be worried. She had been out on numerous dates alone with men and rarely ever worried about her honor.

  “No, I feel very safe. I was just thinking about school—“

  He cut her off, “Now don’t fret. If you need time off to get your dress or take care of matters of beauty, just let me know.”

  Her expression was frozen after the word school as she tried to imagine that he was so unaware of her dilemma that he thought she was worried about time to get her hair done before the ball.

  In a whim to create a little drama and slow down Brian’s forward progress, blurted out a statement meant to distract Brian. “Well, I’m not sure about my plans for the date of the ball. Evan McEwen asked me to accompany him to a picnic and I need to check my calendar.”

  “Evan McEwen!” His eyebrows shot up in obvious frustration. “Not to be blunt, my dearest, but surely a man like that shouldn’t be worthy of your time. Why on earth would you entertain his vulgar attempts at attention when I am seeking it?”

  She wasn’t sure what to say and sat there with her mouth open for a minute. “A girl has to keep all her options open. Surely you understand.”

  “No. I am not certain you are thinking straight.”

  They didn’t speak any more on the way home which suited Lily just fine.

  The horses slowed and they came to a stop. Brian jumped down first and then lifted her out of the carriage. Again, he offered his arm and stoically led her to the door. The door opened before they made it to the doorstep and William stepped out.

  “Thank you for taking good care of our guest,” William offered. “Would you care to join me in the parlor for nightcap, Mr. Everbright?”

  “Very kind of you to offer, but I must be getting home.”

  The two men bowed slightly and William held the door for Lily as she went in. Brian turned and went back to his carriage. Evan watched from the corner of the porch. He sat in the shadows watching. After Brian’s carriage was out of sight, he blew out a deep exhale. The cool night air stung his lungs but not as badly as the stinging in his heart. With every fiber of his being, he hated Brian Everbrig

  Chapter 6 – The Desire of a Heart

  Lily stood at her window staring at the darkness. She could almost pretend it was 2018 and she was staying at a historical inn, just like she planned when she left Frankfort. She missed home. She missed her mom and dad. She missed her students. She brought their young faces up in her mind and traced the curves of their cheeks. For eight hours a day, they were her kids. She couldn’t help but love them like her own. She protected them, reminded them to wear a coat, made sure they ate, and worried about them when they weren’t with her. Most had good families but for some she knew school was break from the heartbreak at home.

  She wondered if time had carried on in 2018. Would a substitute take over for her? Where search crews out? Would they search for her abandoned car? Or, had time stopped? Was it frozen in the future, not yet created. If she never made it back, would some other teacher fill her place in her students’ lives? Who would brush and braid Natalie’s hair because her mother was never home? Would they know Adam didn’t mean to seem disrespectful but just had to put up a shield to protect his heart? Would they know Tyler wanted more than anything to please her and needed an encouraging word to keep him from giving up?

  While all that weighed on her, a nagging emotion skirted the edges of her mind. She had been alone in 2018. Now she had two men wooing her. Two very different men, but neither seemed very interested in her career. Neither Evan nor Brian would want her to continue teaching if she married them. They needed her to fulfill a role. Perhaps Brian needed her less than Evan but his views of education would stifle her dreams.

  “Grandma, if you managed to orchestrate this time-travel fiasco, why did you have to send me somewhere where two Mr. Wrongs wanted me?” she whispered out loud.

  Silence replaced her words. Nothing. Why did she travel back in time? What if it was just a fluke freak accident with no real reason at all? Maybe she could just remain single but change education back before public education even gets going. What would education be like if she changed history? Then again, how could she go up against an ingrained culture that subjugated girls? After all, she certainly wouldn’t be the first woman to try to change the world. As satisfying as trying to change the world would be, wouldn’t her life her be just as lonely as it was in 2018?

  She pressed her eyes shut trying to block out the world. Crawling in bed, she wished she could hide under her hand-stitched quilt forever. She wrapped her arms around herself. The soft, satiny skin of her arms felt good on her fingertips. She caressed her bicep, imagining what Evan would think if he was doing it. She imagined how she would feel. The muscles of her core contracted in a luxurious grip and she str
etched her legs, pointing her toes to stretch her belly. She sighed deeply. There was no doubt about it, Brian Everbright had a great deal to offer, but Evan was who she craved.

  Like a hot, golden honey emotion, being desired for the woman she was by a man who knew how to love her was a fantasy she could not shake. It was not practical or safe, but there was nothing lonely about it.


  Evan walked a path in the woods by moonlight trying to calm the restlessness in his nerves. The thought of Lily in Brian’s company made his blood pressure rise like the humming of bees in a hive. He could hear his pulse in his ears. There was no way he could get in bed and drift off to sleep. He certainly couldn’t stay near the main house knowing she was a few steps away.

  He wanted to run up the stairs and grab her by the shoulders and talk some sense into her. He could tell though, that she was not a woman that would take kindly to an authoritative tone. It had seemed so simple before. He hoped to woo her into allowing him to court her, accepting his hand in marriage and they would begin a life of farming and child raising together. She was a woman he could look at day in and day out and never get tired of. It seemed so practical, but then she accepted Mr. Everbright’s invitation to dinner. Somehow this hit him like a thief stealing what belonged to him. Who did he think he was? Were there not enough shallow, useless mannequins that man could hang on his arm at parties?

  There was something different about Lily. She seemed to take on teaching as though it were a mission, not just a job to be done to fill in and fill her time. She truly cared about her students even though it had only been two days. He watched her sit in the parlor and think. She seemed to be planning and problem-solving. Women he knew would busy themselves with the task at hand to get through it and move on. Life was easy to them. They would do what was required and then pass the time resting. Lily thought like a man as though life had more meaning than today. In fact, most men he knew were not much different than the woman. He had dreamed and planned to move to America. He took a big risk leaving everything behind and set out from the safety of his family.


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