Bad Boy - A Stepbrother Romance

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Bad Boy - A Stepbrother Romance Page 16

by Daire, Caitlin

  I was almost gone, my thick cock more ready for release than ever. With one hand against my lips and one tangled in Rory’s hair, I fucked her mouth harder than ever, feeling myself running towards the edge. A few more steps and I’d be fucking gone, ready to blow up.

  “Fuck.” My curse was muffled as I spoke through my fist, and I felt the pressure building up. It was almost all too much as Rory looked up at me with those wide eyes of hers, begging for me to come. I was so close…so fucking close…

  “Excuse me? Is someone still in there?” a feminine voice suddenly called out from the main entrance to the fitting rooms.

  Shit. It was the store assistant.

  “We’re closing up early today. Are you almost done?” she continued.

  “Uhh, yeah…I’m coming!” I replied. No pun intended.

  And then I did.

  Cum spilled from the tip of my cock right into her mouth, and she kept sucking gently, right up until she’d licked me clean. She made sure every last drop went into her mouth, slipping my cock back inside her soft mouth again and again.

  I was still recovering from the whole thing, leaning against the wall of the fitting room and breathing hard as she got up, smiling at me and licking her lips.

  “Now, will you help me out of this corset?” she asked in an innocent tone, turning around and giving me a perfect view of the ass which had been driving me crazy for weeks now.

  I laughed, shaking my head.

  “Aurora Villanueva, you have a naughty streak,” I said, whispering in her ear as I leaned down to help her out of the lingerie. I was still shaky from the incredible blowjob as my hands danced across her back.

  She looked at me over her shoulder. “Every good girl has a bad side,” she said softly. “It’s up to her to find the guy who’ll bring out the best of both worlds.”

  Damn right…

  Chapter Eighteen


  Rory, Rory, Rory. Always on my mind.

  The further I tried to push her from my thoughts so that I could concentrate on other things, like my damned job, the deeper she reached and the more tangled up it all became.

  I’d just finished a day shift at the hotel, seeing as Helvetica was closed for a week over the festive period. I was exhausted, but I still wanted to sneak upstairs to see Rory.

  After our little rendezvous in the changing rooms, we’d been sneaking even more torrid moments together whenever we got a chance. We’d even had sex in one of the hotel linen closets when we’d managed to get away together without anyone noticing; a mean feat in this place.

  I was just heading towards the elevators when I spotted Rory’s grandmother coming towards me. She’d never seemed particularly fond of me, so I just smiled politely and said hello, then stepped out of her way.

  “You!” she called out, and I looked up with surprise. “Finn. Come with me.”

  She was speaking in a tone that left no room for me to argue with her, and I sheepishly moved away from the elevators and followed her. She strode through the lobby with purpose, and even though Rory’s small family had only been living with us for a month or so, it felt like Mrs. Villanueva already owned the place some of the time.

  “Do you need help with anything, Mrs. Villanueva?” I asked her as I struggled to catch up. How an older woman like her could walk around so fast, I had no idea.

  “Yes, you need to have tea with me,” she said matter-of-factly. “Even though we’ve had plenty of family dinners with everyone else, we’ve never really spoken properly.”

  “Okay,” I said, the surprise all-too apparent in my voice. “How come we’re doing this now?”

  “Now is as good a time as any!” She dismissively waved her hand in the air, just as we reached her suite. I thought of Rory all alone in her room and my cock stirred slightly, but this was too much fun to pass up. I’d been trying to sweet-talk Mrs. Villanueva for ages so that there was a chance she might approve of me being with Rory when the truth came out, yet she’d always seemed completely oblivious to my charms. In fact, the only time I’d really had a chance to talk to her alone was on the night of the hotel fire, when I’d helped her out of her room, but she’d been groggy and half-asleep the whole time.

  Now was my chance to shine.

  She unlocked the door and we walked into her suite. I recognized the layout and furniture, of course, but it seemed like Mrs. Villanueva had really put her own touch on the place.

  The couch was adorned with homemade pillows and a quilt she must’ve embroidered herself. There were doilies everywhere and porcelain figurines staring at me from every nook and cranny of the room, and on the wall above the bed, there was a cross-stitched portrait of three grey kittens. They seemed to be staring right at me as if they were trying to accuse me of something. I did my best to look unfazed, but the kittens kept staring.

  Meow, you man-slut. Pretending to be nice while you’re really thinking about her granddaughter’s ass the whole time. Purrfectly normal, huh? they seemed to say.

  I could barely suppress my laughter as I imagined their words, only managing to do so when Rory’s Grandma looked me square in the eye.

  “Something funny, young man?” she asked. I was quick to shake my head no. “Eh, ser joven y estúpido,” she muttered under her breath as I gave her a quizzical look.

  She walked over to her small kitchenette and put on the electric kettle. “What kind of tea do you like?” she asked me.

  “Whatever you’ve got is fine,” I replied. “With lots of cream and sugar.”

  “A man who loves sweet things.” She shook her head with a small smile. “I should’ve known.”

  She busied herself making the tea while I tried to ignore the kittens’ stares on my back. Instead, I checked out Mrs. Villanueva’s impressive porcelain collection.

  She carried the tea over to her little table and I pointed to a reproduction of a painting she had. “Is this a Degas?” I asked her.

  “Yes,” she replied, looking surprised that I know the painter’s name. “How do you know?”

  “My Mom loved his paintings,” I explained. “Especially the ones of ballet dancers, like this one.” I sat down next to her at the table, feeling her appreciative look on me. “Did you know he also did sculptures and figurines?”

  “No, but I would love to have one,” she replied.

  I smiled at her. We stirred our tea in companionable silence, but I could feel her eyes on me.

  “So, young man,” she started.

  “It’s Finn,” I reminded her.

  “I know what your name is. But you’re a young man, aren’t you?”

  I nodded uncertainly and she smacked the table so hard that some of my tea nearly spilled over the top. “Are you or are you not a man?” she demanded.

  “Jesus, yes!” I was quick to answer, scared of her threatening stare.

  “Don’t take the Lord’s name in vain, either.” She tut-tutted and took a calm sip of her tea with a hint of a smile playing on her lips, like nothing had happened at all. Ah, so she was testing me; trying to see how easily I would scare. I was really starting to like this woman—she had some serious spunk.

  “Anyway,” she continued. “I think we should get to know each other better. Don’t you?”

  “Of course.” I nodded as fast as I could manage, afraid of another near-miss tea spillage situation. “Since we’re family now.”

  “No, you buffoon,” she said. I couldn’t help but grin when I noticed she used the same word that Rory often did. “I mean because of Rory.”

  “What about her?”

  I was starting to sweat, really fucking profusely. She couldn’t possibly know about us, could she?

  “I know,” she said with a meaningful look, and I gulped. “I know you like her, Finn. I wasn’t born yesterday—I do pick up on some things, and I see the way you two look at each other across the dinner table. So I wanted to talk to you and get to know you better. It seems like Rory likes you quite a lot, and I trust m
y granddaughter’s judgment.”

  So she didn’t know everything…but enough to possibly get us in trouble with our parents.

  At least she didn’t seem to be too fazed by the possibility of a relationship developing between me and Rory. Perhaps our parents would be just as okay with it, and we’d have nothing to hide any longer.

  “So tell me, Finn Grayson,” Mrs. Villanueva asked me calmly. “What does Rory like about you? Your hairstyle, which is artfully messed up and probably takes twenty minutes to do?”

  I self-consciously patted down my hair, but she wasn’t done just yet.

  “Or perhaps it’s the clothes you wear. I must say, I’m especially fond of your ripped-jeans-that-actually-cost-hundreds-of-dollars look, obviously paired with a distressed shirt.”

  Shit, everything she said was spot on. I was blushing. Legitimately blushing.

  “I must say, if you want to look unkempt, I’d be happy to slap you around on a daily basis.”

  I probably looked horrified, but Mrs. Villanueva started cracking up the next moment. “Calm down. I’m just kidding. You should see your face.”

  I finally managed to relax. “Oh, Jesus Chri—“ I said. She gave me a stern look. “I mean, err…gosh. I was getting nervous. Anyway, I know it seems weird—Rory and I don’t really have much in common.”

  She nodded. “Less than chalk and cheese.”

  “To answer your question…I just…I’m not sure there’s any real reason for her to like me that much. I guess I’m just lucky,” I said. It was true. A guy like me probably didn’t deserve an amazing girl like Rory, yet she seemed to care about me just as much as I cared for her.

  “And as for why I like her,” I continued. “Well, she’s amazing, even though we don’t seem to have a whole lot in common. Sometimes, you meet someone and you just get on really well without knowing why. Sometimes, you laugh at their jokes even though they’re not nearly as crude as you’re used to. And you love their stories even though you’ve heard them all about seventy times. Oh, and you even let them do stuff you don’t like to you…”

  I recalled the other night after we’d come home from our shopping expedition, when Rory had made me watch six episodes of Sex and the City and tried to force me to let her braid my hair and put tinted lip gloss on me.

  I smiled. “Sometimes, it just happens,” I finished softly.

  “Sometimes...” Mrs. Villanueva nodded. “Sometimes that’s the way you fall in love…without reason. Without meaning to.”

  I could feel her eyes burning into me, so I kept my gaze firmly on the floor. The next thing I knew, she was cracking up again, and I finally looked up.

  “Good, good. I like you, Finn. You’re a good boy, whether you like to admit that or not. I know that because of how you took care of me and Rory on the night of the fire. Oh, yes…don’t think I’ve forgotten about that. I’m still very grateful.”

  I smiled, and she continued. “You might be a bit rough around the edges,” she said with a wink. “But nothing a good clean-up won’t fix.”

  “Thank you.” I smiled at her. “I like you too, Mrs. Villanueva. And not just because you make some kickass cookies.”

  I bit into a gingerbread man she’d put on the table earlier as she nodded appreciatively. “Let me just get some more tea,” she said, getting up.

  I finished my cookie, and then I noticed she was having some trouble walking, so I stood up quickly to ask if she needed some help. “You okay there?”

  I took her arm and noticed she was a little shaky. “Mrs. Villanueva?”

  “I don’t feel that great, Finn. Can I…”

  She looked dizzy and disoriented, and her hand clutched her chest. “My heart, it…hurts,” she managed to get out. “I can’t breathe properly.”

  Right away, my eyes widened with alarm. “It’s okay, Mrs. Villanueva,” I told her calmly. “Let’s just go to the couch and sit down for a moment.”

  I barely managed to get her to the couch, having to nearly carry her there, and she collapsed on the soft fabric as alarm bells started to go off in my head. Holy shit, this wasn’t good. I needed to get help right away.

  I made sure she was comfortable on the couch and then reached for my cellphone. My fingers shook as I dialed the emergency phone number and waited for someone to pick up.

  “Hello?” I said, my voice filled with fear. “I have a medical emergency at the Crown Hotel in room 204. Please hurry!”

  Chapter Nineteen


  I’d been at the hospital for twenty minutes now, each one more excruciating than the last. Rory’s grandmother had been rushed here after an ambulance had arrived at the hotel in record time, but I hadn’t been able to find anyone else in the hotel—not my Dad, not Rory, nor her Mom.

  As such, I’d been the one who went with Mrs. Villanueva in the ambulance, and I’d held her hand the whole time. She’d been shivering and struggling to breathe, and for the first time I’d noticed just how fragile this kickass woman was. She might’ve had a stubborn attitude, but when it came to her health, she seemed to be totally fine one moment and trembling with pain the next.

  I fisted my hands in the waiting room at the hospital. It had been twenty minutes and fucking nothing, no news at all. Even though I kept pestering the nurses, no one would tell me a goddamned thing.

  Finally, I saw a doctor walking towards me with a determined look on his face. I rushed over to him, but he just gave me a blank stare and kept walking. For fuck’s sake, I was going to go crazy if they kept me waiting like this.


  I turned towards the feminine voice, looking into Rory’s wide brown eyes. She was on the verge of tears, moisture making her eyes look glassy.

  “Rory,” I said, rushing towards her.

  Once I reached her, I pulled her into my arms, not giving a fuck if anyone saw what I was doing. She collapsed into the embrace as if I were the only thing holding her up. I could see how her body had given out; how desperate she was for the good news the doctor hadn’t returned with yet. At least I prayed that it would be good news.

  It needed to be good news.

  I knew without a doubt that if it wasn’t, Rory would break right here in my arms...and I couldn’t let that happen.

  My mouth was set in a determined line as I half-carried Rory over to the waiting room chairs, and I set her down before kneeling in front of her and squeezing her hand.

  “I rushed right over as soon as I heard,” she said. “I knew something was wrong. I should’ve noticed sooner. I can’t lose her now, I just can’t…”

  She was sobbing now, deep heaving motions wreaking havoc on her body. It hurt—physically fucking hurt—to see her this way.

  “Shhh, it’ll be okay,” I said, smoothing her hair down as she cried and wiping her tears away with my free hand. “It’s going to be all right.”

  “Finn! Rory!”

  I turned towards the sound of my father’s voice. He came running down the hallway, desperately seeking us, and I waved him over.

  That was my Dad—he didn’t give a fuck about shareholder meetings or the job he was supposed to be doing at that moment. He just wanted to make sure that Rory and her grandmother were all right.

  “Where…where’s my mom?” Rory asked between sobs.

  Dad gave her an apologetic smile. “She’s coming,” he told her, squeezing her arm to calm her down.

  “Are you Mrs. Villanueva’s family?” someone asked a moment later.

  Dad shot up immediately, nodding to the man in the doctor’s coat. The guy had a complete poker face, and as desperately as I tried, I couldn’t figure out what he was going to tell us.

  “I have some news,” he said. “I’m sorry to have kept you waiting, but we just had to make sure everything was okay.”

  “Is it okay, though?” I asked, my voice tinged with impatience. “What’s going on? Just tell us!”

  “Calm down,” Dad said, patting me on the back. “Let the man speak.

  “It’s all right, I understand,” the doctor said, giving me a curt nod. “Mrs. Villanueva is suffering from heartburn, which in itself is not that serious. However, her blood pressure is also dangerously high. It appears to be from her not taking her blood pressure medication regularly.”

  “Oh god,” Rory groaned. Her shoulders sagged with relief as the news sank in that it hadn’t been a heart attack.

  “It’s very lucky you brought her in on time, otherwise there could’ve been some real problems,” the doctor continued. “Thankfully, we caught everything just in time. She’s going to be fine. We’ll have to keep her here for a couple of days and run some more tests, but we’ll have her back on the medication and in good health in no time.”

  “Oh, thank fuck.” I breathed a sigh of relief, so damn happy that Rory’s grandmother was okay. “See, Rory? She’s going to be okay. She’ll be out in no time, and I’m sure you’ll be able to see her soon. It was just a little hiccup.”

  “A hiccup?”

  A furious voice sounded from behind us a second later, and I turned around to see Anna approaching. The doctor politely disappeared.

  “For god’s sake, the woman didn’t take her pills. She could’ve died!” she shouted. “Rory, you were supposed to make sure she was taking them! What’s wrong with you?”

  “Mom, I…” Rory began, her voice shaky and weak. “I was sure she’d taken them. She said she had every time I asked her, and I trusted her.”

  “Oh, just shut up,” Anna snapped.

  “Hey, now,” Dad said, trying to smooth things over.

  “Don’t ‘hey now’ me,” Anna replied, her tongue practically dripping acid. “Just don’t. Rory, you need to be more careful. This is just unbelievable.”

  “Hey!” I interrupted, finally getting up from the floor. She had no right to be acting like some spoilt child. “You may have forgotten, but we’re in the hospital. The last thing anyone here needs is to hear you screaming your head off, so either calm down or walk away.”

  She stared me down for a moment but eventually sighed and raised her hands up in defeat. Then she stalked away, and my Dad followed, leaving only Rory and me behind.


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