Bad Boy - A Stepbrother Romance

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Bad Boy - A Stepbrother Romance Page 45

by Daire, Caitlin


  “Fucking shit! Tessa!”

  Loud masculine cursing interrupts my pleasant dream and I nearly jump out of my skin when someone begins shaking me like a sack of potatoes.

  “Tessa! Are you okay? Talk to me, please!”

  I open my mouth to respond, and instantly, my mouth is filled with something thick and oppressing. I nearly choke on it, my eyes flying open in shock. I can’t see much, either.

  Before I can fully comprehend what’s going on, I’m thrown over someone’s shoulder as I loudly protest. My heart beats fast as he carries me through the house, and I slowly start to realize what’s going on.

  By the time Adam puts me down on the lawn in the backyard, I’m flushed bright red and embarrassed beyond belief. And as for my stepbrother... As soon as I’m standing on my own two feet again, he glares at me with contempt in his eyes, his hands crossed in front of his body.

  “What the fuck, Tessa?” he snarls at me and I look at my bare feet in the grass.

  “Are you insane? You nearly burnt the place down! Thank fuck I came home early, otherwise you would’ve choked on all that smoke.”

  I’m still too embarrassed to look up, but I steal a curious glance at my stepbrother nonetheless. He actually sounds... worried. Like he might give a shit if something happened to me.

  "I..." I start saying, my voice trembling as I speak, but Adam won't even let me get a word in. Before I can get anything out, he steps up closer to me and my heart speeds up. My eyes are glued to the ground, like there is something very interesting in the grass.

  Next thing I know, his fingers wrap around my chin, gently forcing my head to tip back. I let my lashes flutter upwards and looked into Adam's eyes. Those damn eyes that I've spent years resisting... And yet he manages to undo all my hard efforts in a single moment.

  "You could have died," Adam tells me, his voice a low growl deep in his throat. He's angry, his free hand clenched in a fist at his side, and he's glaring at me. Yet I've been trained in Adam's ways, and even after all these years, I still see that telltale spark in the back of his eyes.

  I used to think that spark was there for me only... I know better these days.

  "And not to mention," he goes on, his fingers tightening as he holds my face. "You broke my goddamn rule, Tessa. I told you, no junk food in the house, and you made a freaking Pop Tart."

  "So sue me," I roll my eyes on an impulse, and his touch goes flaccid, but only for a short second. But I'm not done yet, I need to get all my words out, and I need to do it now.

  "You think you're the boss of me?" I ask in a high-pitched voice. I don't need to be told; I know I'm getting panicked. "You're not going to give me orders. If you wanted to do that, you should have been around for years before this, you jackass."

  The sparkle in Adam's eyes turns into a glint as we have a stare-off right there, in the middle of the lawn.

  "Don't call me names, princess," he growls at me, and I feel heat building up between my legs, in the most dangerous place Adam's been known to affect. Fuck, fuck, fuck. My mind is set, but my body wants to betray it.

  "I'll call you what I want to, prick," I hiss at him like an angry cat. His hand ventures from my chin and moves into my hair. Adam knots his fingers in my hair, pulling lightly at the silky strands as we glare at one another.

  I know we're fighting, but it feels more like we're about to jump each other's bones. My sex is throbbing; I want him to break down these goddamned barriers between us. Yet at the same time, that's the very thing I'm most afraid of.

  He pulls my head back slightly, pulling on my hair until the smallest sigh escapes my lips. And then the sparkle's back in Adam's eyes and my head is fucking spinning.

  We lock eyes.

  I can't look away.

  I know we shouldn't.

  But we will.

  I always knew we would kiss... sooner or later.

  His lips find mine sooner than I can move away, and his touch is red-hot heat on my mouth. I moan, right into his open mouth, the guttural sound he makes in his throat a clear indicator of his lust.

  Adam's hand pulls my hair back roughly, and it's like he wants to punish me for everything I've been doing wrong. He doles out the penalty, and I gladly take every beating at his hands.

  My lips are trembling against his, and finally, we melt into a kiss. Messy, needy, desperate, because we both know it can't happen again.

  Adam is as hungry for my lips as I am for his. I slip my tongue into his mouth, gently moaning against his lips as we taste each other.

  Fuck me, this is what I've been waiting for. This is the rush I need, not the moment when I feel lightheaded after a whole day of eating nothing. This is the feeling I crave, this unbearable heat between my legs, his rough touch, his sinful lips. He could fix all of me with a simple kiss...

  I pull away, breathing short ragged breaths, Adam's fingers still entangled in my halo of hair. My fingers float to my lips and I touch them ever so gently, my chin trembling with the impact of his lips on mine.

  "Tessa," Adam groans, but I step away from him. His hand flops down next to his side and he looks positively defeated, like I've just taken his lifeline from him.

  "I'm sorry, Adam," I say quietly. "I can't do this. I don't trust you."

  "Why?" he asks me, and I sense a note of desperation in his tone as he runs his hands through his messy hair in frustration. "Why the fuck not? Why do you always push me away, Tessa?"

  I bite my bottom lip, thinking about my answer. "Because this isn't right."

  Adam walks right up to me, taking me by the shoulders roughly. My eyes find his, and I feel a little scared, even though I'm sure he would never hurt me - not intentionally...

  But Adam has broken my heart before, and only I know the real pain of his kisses. Because as good as they feel in the moment, the empty space left behind when he leaves is not worth it.

  His hand lands on my neck and goes down, down, dangerously low. I'm panting by the time he reaches my collarbone, sliding a finger under my collar and touching my scorched skin.

  Adam is undoing me.

  "Tell me this isn't right, then," he says roughly. "Tell me this isn't what you want, Tessa, and I'll never bother you again."

  I open my mouth, yet not a single sound comes out. I can't say a word, and it's Adam's victory. We both know it.

  He drops his hand and steps away, and I look up in surprise. I expected - okay, hoped - he would kiss me again. But instead, he starts laughing, a low chuckle deep in his throat.

  I'm surprised at first, but then my eyes narrow into slits.

  "What the hell's so funny?" I ask defensively, and by now, Adam's doubling over with laughter. I cross my arms defensively in front of myself, and he finally manages to stop, walking back to me with a smirk on his face.

  "You," he says with a wicked smile. "Breaking you, and putting you back the way you should be."

  I frown, and he grins wider.

  "I'm going to make you better," he tells me.

  "I doubt it." I snort, surprising myself by not denying the fact that something is actually wrong.

  "Just you watch," Adam promises, and before I can react, he steals another kiss.

  Just a peck on my lips and then he's walking back towards the house. It's only when my heart slows down a few moments later that I realize the fire alarm has been beeping the whole time we were outside.

  8 - TESSA

  6 years ago

  I still haven’t gotten over Adam’s comment and I’ve had a fitful night of sleep. So the next day, I trot into the kitchen in my ratty old robe and slippers, and I actually feel excited... Like something special is going to happen when I get there.

  But Adam is nowhere to be seen, and I make myself swallow the sigh trying to break out of my mouth. Instead, I join my mom and Adam’s dad as they make pancakes for breakfast. I pretend that’s not the weirdest thing in the world, making food with your mom’s new boyfriend. Good lord.

don’t see Adam for the whole day, despite the fact I head downstairs often like a lost puppy. James briefly mentions he went to hang out with some of his friends, and I cringe for even thinking he’d want to spend time with me. Of course he has friends, it’s not like they moved cross-country...

  So I spend the day sulking and checking for signs of Adam. Finally, in the late evening, I hear the front door opening. Mom and James headed out for dinner, and my heart beats wildly as I run down the stairs, nearly falling down as I rush to see him.

  And I have my spirits crushed as soon as I stop in the foyer.

  My stepbrother is currently crushing a girl half my size against the front door, their hands busy undoing their buttons and zippers, desperate to cop a feel.

  Embarrassed, I immediately retreat behind a wall and feel my cheeks radiating heat. Goddamnit, what was I thinking? He has a girlfriend. Of course he does, he’s the perfect mix of naughty and nice. Who wouldn’t want him?

  Disappointed, I purse my lips, but my ears prick as the unknown blonde breathes Adam’s name. I dare a peek over my shoulder and cover my mouth with my hand immediately as I take in the scene in front of me.

  Their clothes are strewn across the floor. I can’t see the girl, but judging by the myriad of fabric on our floor, she’s at least topless and... Yep, there’s a pair of panties hanging from our coat rack. Good God.

  As for Adam... He’s topless, his jeans in a heap at his feet. He’s only wearing boxers, and the girl is pulling at them impatiently as I just stare at the two of them, my eyes widening.

  I haven’t even kissed anyone, and my sweet, comic-loving, geeky stepbrother is about to bang this chick in my foyer.

  My lips purse, and all of a sudden, I feel extremely angry. How dare he? He’s been here for one day, and he’s already about to screw some random in my house! Who the hell does he-?

  Before I can finish my thought, the girl finally manages to push Adam’s boxers off and his butt is suddenly exposed in full glory. I can’t help the gasp/moan that escapes my lips and immediately duck behind the corner again.

  “What the hell was that?” I hear the girl hiss, and Adam shushes her impatiently. “I thought you said that woman and you dad weren’t home!”

  “They’re not,” Adam hisses back and next thing I hear is the girl moaning, so I can presume what’s happening. But she’s not done questioning him just yet.

  “So it’s just us in the house, right?” she asks nervously, her voice a little panicked, like she’s expecting to be attacked by an axe murderer any minute now. I can’t help but roll my eyes, though my heart is beating in anticipation of Adam’s answer. Will he acknowledge my presence or just pretend like I don’t exist, like everyone else?

  He takes a long time to answer. Too long, and the girl he’s humping is not the only one who is getting nervous.

  “No, it’s just us,” he says. I can hear how impatient he is, but I can also hear the low murmur that comes next. “There’s no one here that counts.”

  “Whatever,” the girl says in a husky tone, laughing shrilly. The next sound I hear is the front door rattling, and I don’t need to look around the corner to know what they’re doing.

  I feel the hot tears in my eyes as I sneak back to my room, making sure to stay hidden. I guess I really am nothing then, if he was so quick to dismiss me.

  Fighting the urge to slam the door of my bedroom hard, I walk into the room and scowl as I sit in front of the mirror. I take a long, hard look at my reflection.

  Limp and lanky hair, mousy color. Chubby cheeks and what can be described as years of baby fat on my body. I may be cute, but I’ll never be beautiful. Not this way, that’s for sure.

  I finally let the tears fall, the hot drops stinging my face as they roll down my cheeks. But I’m not just sad, I’m freaking angry. I’ve been ignored, mocked and teased for most of my life, and I’ve come to terms with that.

  But to be nice to me one day, and then say I’m no one important the next is something else. And it’s then that I decide I won’t let Adam get to me. Screw him... and his freaking perky butt, which is now permanently etched onto my mind, thrusting into a girl I wish was me.


  I decide to shut Adam out until further notice. The next day, he acts just like he did when we met, but I can’t forget the comment I overheard in the hallway. I look away, dodge his questions and refuse to spend time with him.

  I can see it’s upsetting my mother, but for once, I decide to think about myself. And I’m not letting myself like a guy who thinks I don’t matter at all, no thanks.

  Instead, I spend the rest of the summer inside my room, with my head buried in books in magazines. I’ve always had a thing for fashion magazines, and I love perusing their shiny pages. Maybe, in another life, I could have been a model.

  But I’m stuck in this stupid body, which I hate, and I’m too lazy and unmotivated to do anything about it.

  And it’s getting harder and harder to ignore Adam. Especially knowing that school starts tomorrow, and I’ll be forced to see him even more than I do now, which I’m not looking forward to.

  I’m just heading up into my room after our dinner when I hear footsteps following me on the stairs. I try to rush and reach my room before they catch up with me, but my body betrays me once again.

  “Wait, Tessa.”

  A strong hand wraps around my forearm, the grip not uncomfortable, but unrelenting. I turn around and look right into Adam’s eyes. And shit, he looks like a kicked little puppy, and all I want is to make him feel better... Even though it’s his own damn fault I’ve kept my distance.

  “Can I help you?” My tone is chilly, and so is my gaze as I look into my stepbrother’s eyes. “I’m really in a hurry. I have to get my stuff ready for school.”

  “Well,” Adam says with a crooked smile, which makes my heart ache. “I’m not a fool, Tessa. I can see you’re shutting me out, and I’ve no idea why. Anything I’ve done to make you feel this way?”

  And before I can help it, the words start threatening to roll of my tongue. I bite it instead, look around the stairs and grab the front of Adam’s shirt while he yelps in surprise. I pull him into my bedroom, only stopping when the door is shut firmly behind us.

  It is then that I realize we’re alone... in my bedroom. And my thoughts are definitely not as pure and innocent as they were the first time this happened. Not after seeing him with that girl in my own hallway.

  I turn around, my hands shaking lightly as I face Adam. I can feel my face flushing, but I know I need to get this out. I need to tell him he hurt me, so I can finally see why he did it.

  “I saw you,” I blurt out like a child that’s telling on his friend. Adam’s eyes widen, he doesn’t get what I’m getting at.

  I roll my eyes, getting impatient already. With a dramatic sigh, I plop down on my cozy bed and refuse to look at my stepbrother as I go on.

  “A few weeks ago, I saw you with some chick in the hallway,” I say coldly, looking at my feet in stupid, childish printed socks. I’m sixteen, damn it, I shouldn’t be wearing kitty faces on my freaking socks.

  My eyebrows knit together in a worried line and I decide this needs to be remedied as soon as possible. I need to reinvent myself if I want to be more popular in high school.

  Then I remember Adam’s standing just a few feet away, and my blush intensifies.

  “She asked you if you were alone,” I hiss angrily. “And you said there was no one in the house that counted. How do you think that made me feel?”

  Now I’m angry, and I’ve finally raised my eyes to meet Adam’s. But instead of the remorse I want to find in his eyes, I only see amusement and it pisses me off even more.

  “You think this is funny?” I ask incredulously, and the cheeky prick actually smirks at me before coming to sit next to me on my bed. Despite all of my instincts screaming at me to edge closer, I move away stubbornly, which only makes my stepbrother laugh harder.

  “So feisty when you
’re angry,” he says, shaking his head and I try to burn a hole into his head with my eyes.



  “Aren’t you going to defend yourself?” I ask him, and my breath catches in my throat as he inches closer. We’re sitting inches apart, and then his hand is coming up, and he gently tips my chin back so my throat is exposed to him.

  “I thought you were out of the house, Tessa,” he says in a low voice that sends shivers down my spine. “I didn’t think you’d be home on a Friday night. Thought you were out with friends, doing something fun.”

  Oh, how little you know of me, I think bitterly, but his hand gently touches the back of my neck next and I feel goose bumps erupting all over my skin.

  And I can’t even breathe, the moment is so intense. I want him to do something else. Something more. Something forbidden.

  “Adam,” I mumble incoherently as his eyes lock with mine. I’ve never felt more exposed, and from such a simple gesture, too. Like he could do anything he wanted to me... And I would like it.

  “You should talk to me when you’re upset,” he groans, and the hairs on my arms stand to attention. Oh god, oh god, his voice alone is making me go crazy. All deep and dark, like a bite of bitter chocolate with the most delicious caramel aftertaste.

  “I would’ve made you feel better, Tessa,” Adam keeps saying, his voice a low growl deep in his throat as his finger explores my throat and I gasp, unable to hold my last breath any longer.

  “I don’t want you to make me feel anything,” I protest weakly, and it only makes Adam laugh harder. He moves in, and my heart is beating like crazy, realizing what he wants to do... His lips so close to mine they’re almost touching. I want it so badly, but my body won’t let me.

  I move away from his touch, standing up abruptly and giving him a panicked look.

  “You have a girlfriend,” I remind him, giving him a stern look.

  “The girl in the hall?” I add impatiently when he looks completely lost. Adam just snickers.

  “She’s not my girlfriend,” he says with a shrug.


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