Bad Boy - A Stepbrother Romance

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Bad Boy - A Stepbrother Romance Page 50

by Daire, Caitlin

  “Travis, get off of me,” I beg.

  “Not a chance, baby,” he moans in my ear, his breath heavy with liquor he shouldn’t even be drinking. Neither of us is twenty-one, though I know Travis likes to get drunk on the weekends. Get drunk… and fuck his classmates.

  I do not intend on being one of them, so I scream as loud as my lungs can manage.

  Yet it sounds like a pathetic squeak, because Travis covers my mouth with his hand before I can make enough noise to alert anyone to my presence.

  I feel the hot tears pricking my eyes as he drags me towards the bed, his grip firm on my body, like he’s never going to let go. I’m so scared I’m shaking all over like a leaf. I just want to get far away, away from Travis, Adam, my family and this goddamn party. I need to go-

  The door flies open, hitting the wall with a loud thud. I look up, trying to bite Travis’ hand to get him off me with no effect.

  Adam’s standing in the doorframe, looking like a freaking Avenger. All he needs is Captain America’s shield or Thor’s hammer, and he’d be all set. He looks murderous, his eyes like a summer sky getting ready for a storm.

  “Let go of her, Prescott,” he snarls at Travis, his eyes locked on his friend, not even acknowledging my presence in the room. It shouldn’t bother me, but even in this moment where I’m completely helpless, I’m angry that Adam is treating me like I’m a gust of freaking wind.

  Travis might be drunk, but he’s not stupid enough to disobey Adam. His arms falls down from my face and he moves backwards. Finally free, I whimper and move away, my heart still thumping from the horrible scare I’ve just had.

  Adam doesn’t seem done though, even though Travis is already babbling an apology in his direction. He steps forward with purpose, looking confident as hell as his fist flies straight towards Travis’ jaw, connecting with bone with the loudest of crunches.

  Travis curses out loud, his hand flying up to his face. His hand comes away empty, and he’s cursing like a sailor already.

  “Goddammit, Monroe,” he says out loud. “You’ve gone and busted my jaw, you jackass!”

  Adam’s not having any of it, stepping closer to Travis and gripping him by his shirt. I watch in shock as Travis’ feet lift from the ground. Adam’s going to kill him if he doesn’t watch out, I think, so frightened I can barely breathe.

  “You don’t fucking touch her again, Prescott,” he tells him in an ice-cold voice. “I don’t even want to catch you giving her a goddamn look. Do you understand, you pig?”

  Travis can only nod, because Adam’s holding him so tightly he can’t even open his mouth. Next thing I know, my stepbrother’s let go of his classmate and Travis tumbles to the floor. He leaves a red splatter of blood on my hardwood before stumbling out of the room, muttering curses and protectively holding his bleeding mouth.

  And now it’s just Adam, my beating heart, and me.

  He’s not waiting, not hesitating. He walks straight over to me, takes my face in his palms and kisses me so hard I can barely catch my breath.

  My first kiss. My first kiss is happening, my mind screams at me, but then I cannot think any more. I’m too engulfed in Adam’s taste, his demanding mouth against mine, the passion he’s kissing me with.

  It’s not a sweet kiss, not innocent, like a first kiss is supposed to be. Instead it’s telling me one thing and one thing only: I belong to Adam, now and forever. A part of me will always be his… Something I’ve known for a while now, but refused to admit.

  One of his hands finds the small of my back and he pulls me in as I moan in his mouth, needing more than he can give me. I need to be closer, need to melt inside his mouth and stay glued to him like this forever. I fucking need it, cannot take another breath without Adam at my side.

  Finally, he breaks away from the kiss and gives me a stern look, his eyes blazing with friendly fire.

  “Do you get it now, Tessa?” he asks me, tipping my chin back. I flutter my eyelashes and look up at him, my mind swimming with a thousand consuming thoughts. “You’re mine, you’ve always been fucking mine. Don’t forget that, sweetheart.”

  I’m shaking, begging him with my gaze not to let go. And he does what I silently ask.

  This time around, I’m the one who initiates the kiss, stepping on my tiptoes and pressing a soft, innocent peck against his lips.

  “Adam,” I breathe softly, my breath tickling Adam’s neck as I kiss him there, trying to reach a new level of intimacy I desperately need. “Don’t go, Adam, please.”

  He stiffens under my touch and I can tell my begging is hurting him. But I’m just telling the truth. I know this is his going-away party, as much as I’ve tried to close my eyes from the truth. He’s going to leave.

  “Shhh, it’s okay,” he whispers in my hair, his lips soft against my ear. God, I’ve never wanted anything so bad in my life. I fucking want Adam Monroe, for the rest of my life.

  Forget those gossiping girls.

  Forget the fact we’re stepsiblings.

  Forget it all until there’s just the two of us… Adam and me.

  “I need to tell some people to leave,” Adam says with a hoarse voice, and I can see his cock straining against the jeans he’s wearing. Shit, it’s making me all kinds of curious, in ways I shouldn’t even be thinking about at my age. “Wait for me here, Tess?”

  I nod numbly and he flashes me a grin, another kiss grazing my sore lips a second later. I’m shaking as he shuts the door and I collapse back on the bed.

  Even though this has been the most eventful day of my teenage life so far, I can’t help but feel so tired, like every inch of my skin is hurting, every limb screaming out to be laid to rest, at least for a little while.

  I manage to get on the bed, the soft thumping music in the background gently lulling me to sleep like a lullaby. I try to force myself to stay awake, but I can’t… My eyes flutter open one last time, but in moments, I’ve fallen asleep.

  My dreams are filled with Adam Monroe… Kissing me like there’s nothing else in the world.


  I wake up with a start, discovering a soft heap on top of my body. I soon realize it’s the old quilt I usually keep on my armchair, and slowly, the events of the previous night start trickling back into my memory.

  Adam kissed me last night!

  My mouth opens in a gasp which is soon replaced by a grin. But then my expression sours again as I remember I fell asleep before he made it back to the room. Goddammit, how could I have been so stupid? I should’ve put toothpicks under my eyelids if it helped me stay awake!

  With a gentle smile, I realize Adam must’ve covered me up with the quilt as I slept. What a sweet gesture… perhaps not the one I’d been hoping for, but lovely nonetheless.

  I need to see him, I realize with impending urgency, and my body feels a lot more alive when I step out of the bed and head for the door with my bedhead, PJs and all. I don’t care what I look like, I just need to see him again… Make sure last night wasn’t just another sweet dream with Adam Monroe in the main role.

  I run down the stairs, my bare feet noisy on the creaky floor. I can already hear noises coming from downstairs and it makes me smile widely.

  I walk into the kitchen, my nose leading me towards the yummy smell of pancakes. But as soon as I reach the door, I stop on the spot, disappointment probably plainly visible on my face.

  My mom and stepdad are in the kitchen, chattering away as they make breakfast. Panicked, I look around but find every sign of the party completely gone. Adam must’ve cleaned everything up while I was sleeping, I think with relief.

  “Good morning, sweetheart,” my mom greets me, and my mouth tenses as I realize she used a nickname Adam usually calls me.

  “Morning,” I say apprehensively, still frozen to the spot. “Decided to come home early?”

  “Well, we had to,” Mom says with a smile. “Wanted to see Adam off, you know? Too bad you were totally out of it honey, he sends his best. I’m sure he’ll email you from c
ollege sometime.”

  My mind is trying to take this all in, but I’m not quite getting it. What is she on about? Adam can’t be gone. He was here just a moment ago, kissing me. It’s my last memory before I fell asleep…after I’d asked him to stay with me.

  “Adam’s…gone?” I ask, my voice shaky as I struggle to get the words out.

  “Left an hour or so ago,” James says with a pleasant smile, like he hasn’t totally ruined my world with that single sentence. Like my life didn’t just crash around my feet.

  Wordlessly, I turn and walk away, claiming I don’t feel all right. There’s one part of the truth, at least. I’ve been lying to everyone for long enough.

  I robotically walk back upstairs and to my bedroom, getting right under the quilt.

  He fucking left. He kissed me, made my life better for a moment, and then split. He mustn’t care about me at all, not even a little bit. He just did it for his own amusement.

  My mouth tenses and I fight against the tears in my eyes.

  Fuck you, Adam Monroe, I think angrily. Fuck you for leaving me, and fuck you for making me feel beautiful for once in my goddamned life. Fuck you for giving me the best moment of my life… And fuck you for taking it away in a single drive away from home.

  Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you.

  14 - ADAM

  I don’t see her much the next few days, and it’s fucking torture. All I want is to wrap Tessa Silver in my arms and never let her get away again, but we’re so busy at the restaurant I barely catch a glimpse of my sweetheart.

  But when I do…fuck, my heart actually swells with emotion, does all those things people tell you about, stuff I’d never thought I’d get to experience for myself. And it makes me grin like a stupid jackass, because I love feeling like this. Like there’s something warm and bubbly in the pit of my belly.

  Finally, I manage to check out Tessa’s schedule and see she has an early day on the same day that I have a free one. My sous chef is going to take care of the restaurant and give me a well-deserved break…and I know just how to spend it.

  On that Wednesday, I decide to go out to get the supplies, then make sure everything’s fucking perfect. I’ve messed this relationship up too many times, and for once, I’m intent on making it work at any cost.

  I spend all day prepping for our perfect day together. I’m damn proud of myself, because each movement I’ve made in my kitchen today was made with love and affection. Both feelings I haven’t experienced much in my life before.

  I make sure to get ready as well, taking a brisk shower and spraying on my favorite cologne, one Bex assured me was a ‘panty melter’. I grin as I remember her words, hoping it does the trick on Tessa as well.

  I’m prepped and ready, wearing a crisp white shirt and casual black trousers when I hear the key turning in the lock. I feel like some fucking nervous teenager, twitching all over the place and waiting for her to come in.

  “Well, doesn’t something smell good?” she says in that sweet, molten honey voice that drives me insane. She walks into the room and it’s like a ray of goddamn sunshine, I swear. It sounds clichéd, but Tessa is pure light, and it’s like the room gets brighter when she steps inside.

  She’s beautiful, her long hair silky down her back, her eyes sparkling. The sentence she just said is probably the most we’ve spoken to one another in the past week or so after being totally swamped with work.

  And I’m hoping we won’t do a lot more talking, because I have different things in mind for sweet, sweet Tessa. And they’re dirty as hell.

  “Adam, hey,” she says in a husky voice, and my eyes roam to the swell of her breasts in a cute pink top. Goddammit, why’d she have to wear that? My attention’s been totally compromised. “What’ve you been making? It smells divine in here.”

  I step closer to her with purpose, my heart threatening to beat right out of my chest. It’s the first moment we’ve had alone, and I’m fucking dying to hold her, touch her, fuck her…but not yet. Gotta pace myself. Gotta wait for Tess.

  Her mouth pops open as I approach and she gives me a surprised look as I reach her, taking her hand in mine and handing her a soft object. Our eyes are locked together in a wicked dance of wits, and she’s so goddamned tempting, I just want to sink my teeth into that perfect porcelain skin.

  “What’s this?” she asks softly, her voice barely audible in the room. Her eyes flutter downwards to find the black blindfold I’d bought for her. “Why are you giving me this?”

  “Thought we could do something special,” I say lamely, suddenly feeling a lot less confident. In fact, I feel like a total moron for giving her the blindfold…but what’s done is done. I better go through with it. “Do you want to put it on, Tessa?”

  The decision rests in her hands now. She can easily say no to me like she’s done a thousand times before…but I know Tessa better than she likes to think. And ever since we were teenagers, I’ve known she wanted to be more than friends. Fuck the stepsibling stuff, fuck the rumors. Fuck it all, because together, we’re something so fucking good it makes the world spin in a whole new direction.

  So nod for me, Tessa sweetheart, nod and tell me I’m free to do what I want with you, I beg her silently, my eyes speaking volumes by themselves.

  “What do you say?” I ask hoarsely, my whole body hurting in anticipation of her answer.

  “Okay,” she finally says, a nervous smile playing on her lips. “I don’t know why…but okay, let’s do it.”

  With a thud, her handbag drops to the floor and she takes the blindfold in her hands, her fingers slipping over the midnight-black silk fabric.

  “Hope you aren’t going to murder me,” she says with a dark grin and I laugh at her.

  “Had plenty of chances and you’re still walking, sweetheart,” I tell her, taking the blindfold from her hands and gently placing it on her eyes. “Are you okay down there?”

  “Yes,” she says in a small voice, and I’m pretty sure she’s lying. Eyesight is arguably the most important human sense, and I’m sure she’s panicking about losing her vision, if only for a brief moment.

  She grabs for my hand and I let her take it, squeezing her fingers tightly. She responds and wraps her fingers with mine, which makes my heart ache. So fucking sweet, my Tessa. So fucking innocent.

  Holding her hand, I gently guide her towards the living room, which has been totally transformed. I’ve moved all the furniture to the walls and placed the shaggy rug in the middle of the room. Several plates are waiting for me there.

  I ask Tessa to take her shoes off, and she obeys like a good girl, kicking off her heels. How she manages to stand around all day in those goddamned torture devices, I don’t know…but I love it when she bends down to unbuckle the straps, her legs so long and silky I’m barely resisting the urge to touch them.

  She’s so fucking beautiful.

  Her short flippy skirt moves when she bends, and I catch one single glance at the perfect curve of her ass. Fuck me, she’s making me hard already, my dick straining, begging to be released from its prison.

  I make Tessa sit down and join her on the carpet.

  “Do you want to play a game?” I ask her.

  “Sure, Jigsaw,” she jokes nervously. “Will I end up in pieces, though? Cause I really prefer my whole body in one piece, if you don’t mind.”

  I laugh, knowing we’re both nervous as hell. We’ve never done this. We’ve never had a proper…date. I guess that’s what this is. And it’s making me sweat fucking bullets, drops of liquid running down my back. I can feel them on my strained muscles.

  “Don’t worry, Tess,” I say gently. “Just…turn your mind off for a bit. Take deep breaths and relax with me, okay?”

  She nods and I can see she’s doing what I’ve asked of her, her chest rising with each deep breath she takes. Such a good girl.

  I reach for the plates, taking a ripe and juicy strawberry from one of them. I take the ripest, freshest strawberry I could get at such short notice, rol
ling it in a bowl with some white chocolate caramel sauce I made earlier.

  “What’s that smell?” Tessa asks curiously, sniffing the air with a smile on her face. “Adam, it smells so good…”

  I don’t respond, instead pressing the juicy fruit to her lips. She makes a surprised sound, then takes a deep bite out of the strawberry, moaning as she swallows. It’s just about the sexiest thing I’ve ever witnessed… Fuck me, this girl is going to make my dick explode in my pants.

  “Good?” I growl at her, unable to control the animalistic tone in my voice. She moans in response, nodding swiftly.

  “Can I have more?” she asks me.

  “Sure, sweetheart,” I say in a low voice. “I have more for you…”

  Next, I pour her a glass of the best champagne I have. It’s a bottle I got as a gift from the restaurant owner where I work, something I’ve been saving for a special occasion. Tessa seems pretty damn special to me, so I’d say I’ve made the right call.

  I pour the bubbly into a flute and slowly bring it to her lips. She makes to take a sip, but I stop her, pressing a finger to her lips.

  “Slow down, princess,” I growl. “One sip at a time.”

  She obeys, licking the delicious liquid drop by drop. The sight alone is enough to make me fucking scream, and as if that’s not enough, she begs for more when she’s emptied the glass.

  “More, Adam,” she says. “I want more, please.”

  I feed her three more dishes, each made freshly only hours earlier. She moans and nips at my fingers as I feed her, and I’m afraid I’ll have to excuse myself if she doesn’t stop taunting me.

  “Did you like it?” I ask her once we’ve finished, her blindfold still in place.

  “It was amazing,” she moans. She prepares to take the blindfold off, but my hands stop her just as she reaches up. I grab her wrists and pull her closer. The gasp of her exhale is sweet as fuck against my lips.

  “Not done just yet, Tessa,” I growl at her, our lips almost touching. Her chest is rising and falling against mine, driving me crazy. I want her. I want her so fucking bad. “Do you want more, or have you had enough?”


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