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Persuasion Page 22

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  She felt him ponder her words and flinched, when finally he spoke again.

  “You need despise me no longer. You can focus your hatred on some other

  fool. Tonight is the last time I shall ask you for your . . . assistance. That

  should please you . . . should it not?”

  Her heart ceased to beat. Her lungs ceased to pump air. Her mind ceased all

  thought processes. A cold chill caressed her, and she shivered slightly. Was

  this how it felt to die? Every bodily functioning coming to a halt, freezing as

  life poured out of it?

  “The last time?” she asked, her voice a whisper. Why was she not content,

  ridiculously, marvelously happy to be free from this man's poisonous


  “Indeed. You are to never speak with him again, do you understand?”

  “N-Never speak with him again? You cannot mean it? We are in the same

  circle! It is impossible to think that we will never be able to communicate.

  There would be talk!”

  “There can be talk- so long as it is not between the Earl and yourself . . .

  And do not think to argue!”

  She ignored that. “But it's not possible! Be reasonable! Please, sir!” she


  “Oh, it is indeed very possible and quite reasonable. At least, I believe it to

  be, especially in the circumstances . . . . Do you wish your mother's life to

  be cut short, all because you wanted a cozy chitchat with your lover? I am

  quite capable of it, you know . . . murder, that is,” he added conversationally

  and waited for that to penetrate her numbed senses. “Indeed, we all share

  the same circle. I shall be able to monitor you and your interactions with the

  Earl in the future.”

  “I-I . . . .” For a moment, she was speechless. “You can't do this,” she


  “I think you will find that I can.”

  “But I love him. I love him,” she murmured hoarsely.

  “I do not care, my lady. You can love him all you want, but there is to be no

  further contact between the two of you. As capable as I am of murder, I am

  equally capable of running to the Earl and explaining why you decided to set

  your cap at him. I'm sure he'll be perturbed enough to listen and believe.

  After all, why should a beauty such as yourself even be interested in a

  moping, whining bastard such as he? He will easily believe me.”

  “You can't do that. You can't!”

  “Again, my lady, I can. I fear that you are not listening so I shall plainly

  state: you are to never meet or speak with the Earl again or I shall tell him

  the truth. If you love him . . . ,” he added mockingly, “then you do not wish

  to cause him further pain!”

  “He would suffer either way. He loves me. I know he does!” she protested,

  her voice breaking.

  “Even better,” he said, issuing a nasty laugh. “I can only thank you for

  sharing that pertinent fact, for it means that I was correct to think so low of

  the Earl's standards. It seems he falls in love as easily as a puppy seeks its

  mother's teat. Would you care to know a secret, Lady Lily?”

  Lily frowned in the darkness. A secret? Was this some kind of joke? If it was,

  then she wasn't sure she could stand it. She had never before realized how

  difficult it was to breathe. How hard it was to suck in air and then blow out.

  Shaking her head, she opened her mouth to speak but was interrupted.

  “Well?” he barked. “Do you?”

  “I-I, yes. I suppose.”

  “Your mother was never in any danger.”

  “No! You said . . . you said . . . ,” Lily cried, sucking in a breath in dismay.

  “I know what I said.”

  She could plainly hear his enjoyment and hated him all the more for taking

  such pleasure in her sorrow and pain. “But . . . but . . . .”

  “My intention was for that weakling to fall in love with you, and he did. In

  fact, my plan worked perfectly, and I suppose I have you to thank for

  Dorian's destruction.”

  There was a silence, a short pause, and she knew, just knew, that he was

  grinning. Hatred roared through her. “Destruction? Why?” she gasped, her

  anger leaving her breathless.

  “He has something that belongs to me.”

  “What? Dear God! What could he possess to make you want to destroy


  “Now that is another secret and one that I'm not willing to share at this


  “You bastard. You absolute bastard! Leave him alone, you hear! Leave him

  be. Has he not suffered enough?”

  “Now, now, Lady Lily, such language does not become you, and, in answer

  to your question, no, not nearly enough.”

  “Many things don't become me and what you have put me through . . . is so

  unbelievably evil, I cannot quite comprehend it. Nothing, nothing Dorian

  might have done would make me believe he deserved to be hurt in such a

  manner! It wouldn't surprise me if you were in cahoots with the devil

  himself, for he could not be more evil were he to even try!”

  There was a faint snigger. “Do cease your babbling, Lady Lily. I, for one, do

  not possess adequate time for such useless lectures. I am only pleased that

  in your innocence you thought me so perfectly evil that I would be foolish

  enough to kill a dowager Marchioness of the British Isles! How does it feel to

  be the fool, to be the pawn?”

  “I hate you.”

  “You may hate me all you wish. It does not change what has already been

  written in the stars.”

  “You've always intended to tell him, haven't you?” she whispered, lifting a

  hand to cover her trembling mouth as the realization came to her. Dorian

  was vulnerable, she knew that. Were this bastard to speak of things, make

  Dorian believe that she . . . well, it would break his heart. She knew it.

  When he eventually replied to her stuttered question, it was cruelly

  delivered. She did not require the affirmative laugh to know that she had

  forever lost Dorian, not if this man had anything to do with it!

  “Indeed. Another Camille to break his heart, only this time, what with the

  delightful secretiveness . . . he will be even more hurt. Especially as

  everything you offered him was freely given. That does not occur often in

  this society. I can only thank you, Lady Lily, for making it so much easier for

  me to break him. And I take it you do know who Camille is? I assume he

  bored you to tears with their story?”

  “Why? Why are you doing this?” she gasped, having no choice but to ignore

  his questions as pain rushed through her chest and cramped her stomach.

  She knew that were the ride to not come to a halt and soon, she would

  vomit. Nausea plagued her and on its heels came sorrow and pain even

  more powerful than the physical ailment.

  “I have already told you that I do not wish you to know, Lady Lily. Please,

  listen to me while I am speaking, for I do not enjoy repeating myself.”

  “How could you do this to me? How could you force me into this situation

  and let me love him? There has to be a reason! There has to be something

  you can tell me!” she cried and leaned forward to clutch at him. Her hand

  caught on his knee and she managed to catch his hand. She tugged

  fiercely, her distress giving her strength, and he was jolted forwards into the

  slight glimmer of moonlight that entered the carriage through the window.

  For a second, perhaps even shorter than that, she saw the man who was

  destroying everything she had ever dreamed of. Recognition did not follow,

  but her eyes imprinted that almost-handsome visage on to her retina and

  she knew that were she to see him again, she would instantly know him. The


  He swore under his breath and pulled away from her. “You will regret that

  foolish act!” he threatened.

  “No more than I regret anything else,” she spat and felt the carriage begin

  to slow. Before he could grab her or hurt her, she managed to open the door

  and jumped out as the wheels came to a slow halt.

  Fleeing, she heard the door swing and bang against the vehicle, caught the

  sounds of him cursing and swearing at her, but Lily ignored him and simply

  continued to run. Run until she was on the grounds of her uncle's property

  and she could once more enter through her usual entry point.

  She did not have time to allow her emotions to overtake her, for were she to

  allow them to overcome her, she would simply curl into a ball and die! Lily

  knew that release would come only when she had traveled through the

  house, from the servants' area to her rooms. Only then, in the privacy of her

  quarters, would she even be able to think of expressing her heartbreak.

  With her back to the door, a low keening cry escaped her throat so deep that

  her belly ached from the piercing sound. She crumpled soon after, her body

  slumping against the wooden surface and slowly tumbling downwards so

  that she lay in a broken heap on the floor.

  Her mouth worked, processing silent sounds. Gasps fluttered the orifice as

  she tried to assimilate . . . tried to comprehend . . . . But there was nothing

  to comprehend. Everything she had done, it had been entirely unnecessary.

  Her mother had never been in danger. It had not been of vital urgency to

  seduce the Earl to keep her mama safe and sound. And as she had done just

  that, and followed the blackmailer's commands, Lily now knew why this

  entire charade had been pieced together . . . to destroy the man she loved.

  The man she was sure loved her in return.

  Their love was to be used against Dorian, to weaken and further hurt him, to

  damage him and his faith in humanity, in women. After this, any faith or

  trust he had would be completely annihilated.

  Suddenly she knew that she had to tell him first, that she could not allow her

  blackmailer to share the bare bones of what lay behind her reasons for

  visiting him. That Dorian would believe the bastard, she did not doubt. Love

  could only do so much. It was time that healed the wounds, and Dorian had

  not experienced enough of her love to cure the wounds that Camille's

  presence in his life had created. He was still raw and open to distrust, for he

  did not know better. Anything, anything that could be said against her in

  malice would take root. She knew it like she knew her reflection in the

  looking glass.

  How Lily wished that when she had had the opportunity to speak the truth,

  she had taken it. When the words had hovered on her mouth, she wished

  that she had spoken them and made him listen to her part and hear that she

  loved him, that her feelings for him, more than anything else, counted.

  But she hadn't. She'd been a coward and now found herself in this sorry

  state of affairs. It seemed ridiculous to have been afraid of losing him when

  now she had done just that. He was lost, forever lost to her, and there

  wasn't a damn thing that could be done to change that.

  Silent tears coursed over her cheeks and she rolled on to her back as she

  stared upwards at the ceiling. Her room was dark but the fire had been set

  and still flickered. The shadowed wainscoting seemed to absorb all of her

  attention for endless moments, but, in truth, she was staring blindly and

  seeking hope.

  Ridiculous perhaps, for was the situation not hopeless? But it was either that

  or curl into a pained and agonizing ball of distress?

  The only hope that seemed in sight was to approach him herself. The

  thought had her curling upwards with a pensive expression cast on her

  features. Why not indeed?

  The blackmailer had said that he wanted her to never see Dorian again, but

  why should that matter for aught? Had he not also said that he had never

  intended to hurt her mama? And what could he do to her now? The one

  thing that she could possibly prevent if she was to speak to Dorian first.

  Of course, there was the threat to her reputation.

  But again, that did not matter a damn to her. Why should it?

  She had met the love of her life, and, if he would not have her, she did not

  care if her name was blackened by the ton. Neither would Devlin, who had

  spent the majority of his life in the same state and sadly her mother would

  not even know! If the truth were to enter society, it wouldn't matter to her.

  She would gladly return home with a sullied reputation, if Dorian were to

  reject her overtures!

  But he couldn't. He wouldn't. She would simply have to persuade him that

  her words of love were the truth. That regardless of her reason behind their

  midnight meetings, she had come to love him and would love him until the

  end of time. She would have to convince him that part of their rendezvous

  was not a lie.

  She closed her eyes and sucked in a few deep and cleansing breaths. When

  she reached a level of normalcy, she forced herself on to her feet and

  quickly stripped down to her chemise and hurried into bed. She had to

  awaken early. She had to be awake to be able to visit Dorian first thing and

  Janie, after today's illness, would not be the one to awaken her. She would

  leave Lily to sleep.

  Rolling on to the bed, Lily tried to dispel the memories of her conversation

  with her blackmailer and also tried to forget his image . . . the presence of

  both in her mind were not conducive to a good night's rest and were she to

  be awake with the next four hours, she would need just that.

  Before her eyes closed and she drifted off, she prayed to God that Dorian

  would believe her and more importantly, forgive her.


  William sighed as his footman closed the flapping carriage door and he

  settled against the hard cushions with a grimace. It displeased him greatly

  that she had seen his face. He had taken care throughout the entire

  proceedings when dealing with Lily Mercer to keep his face hidden. It had

  enabled him to keep an eye on her throughout all the society occasions she

  had attended. Now he would have to be very cautious.

  Damn it.

  He tried not to recall her complete and utter lack of recognition, for it would

  do his ego no good at all. But almost as though his pride took relish in it, he

  knew that she had not remembered him at all. Not one ounce of recollection

  had been imprinted on her features.

  Had they not danced together? Had they not conversed at her come out?

  It appeared that they had, but only in William's ima

  A scowl lit his features and he lifted his cane and tapped it against the

  carriage's ceiling. The horses were soon knocked into shape and the vehicle

  took off in the same path they had only recently just traversed. Dorian's

  house was the ultimate destination, and William took pleasure in the

  realization that his dreams would soon find culmination.

  Soon, he would be the Lord. The Earl with the gold and the titles to proceed

  him, with the position in society and ability to do whatever the hell he

  wanted and damn the tabbies.

  In truth, he should have had all of this years before. Had that stupid whore

  Camille not entirely ruined his plans, then he would be the Earl and he

  wouldn't be wasting his time destroying Dorian's life, for it would already

  have been destroyed and the man would be dead and buried, gone


  He pursed his lips and lifted his arm to scrub a hand over his face. He was

  tired, dead tired. And now was not the time to be feeling entirely uncertain

  as to whether his plan would bear fruit. He recalled a conversation where he

  had witnessed the lows to which Dorian had sunk and this plot had spread

  directly from that point.

  Dorian had been drunk and maudlin. William had seen how close he'd been

  to the edge. He'd decided at that point, to push himself over the precipice.

  While it had seemed unimaginative to use the same plot against him,

  William had decided that only his cousin's stupid whore of a wife had been

  the ruin of his plans, not the plot itself.

  When he'd met Camille, prodded her into falling in love with him, then

  tupped her and ultimately, impregnated her, he'd known that the girl had

  been in the very palm of his hands, ripe for the plucking and equally as ripe

  for manipulation. William had known that Dorian would find Camille's starry-

  eyed beauty appealing and so had delicately told her that even though she

  was carrying his babe, he couldn't marry her due to the lack of funds. He'd

  then managed to persuade her to entice Dorian and a marriage between the

  two of them had quickly ensued and all without much hassle. Camille had

  been a foolish girl, lacking in brains and so distraught by the situation she

  had found herself in, unmarried and with a babe in her belly, that she had

  been relieved to have a solution.

  She had believed him when he'd told her that they could be together later,


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