The Mammoth Encyclopedia of Extraterrestrial Encounters

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The Mammoth Encyclopedia of Extraterrestrial Encounters Page 15

by Story, Ronald

  Walter Andrus

  The MUFON administrative offices were moved from Quincy, Illinois to Seguin, Texas in 1975, where MUFON became a Texas Nonprofit Corporation and an I.R.S. Tax Exempt Organization.

  Andrus has been interested in the UFO phenomenon since August 15, 1948, when he, his wife and son had a daylight sighting of four UFOs flying in formation over downtown Phoenix, Arizona.

  In addition to presenting slide-illustrated lectures in the U.S.A., Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, England, Italy, and Mexico, he has appeared on national television numerous times, however, more recently with Oprah Winfrey, Larry King, and Encounters.

  Andrus is a member of the Board of Directors of the Joint USA-CIS Aerial Anomaly Federation. He is also on the Board of Directors for the influential UFO Research Coalition, composed of the J. Allen Hynek Center for UFO Studies (CU-FOS), Fund for UFO Research (FUFOR), and Mutual UFO Network (MUFON).


  103 Oldtowne Road

  Seguin, TX 78155



  (830) 379-9216


  (830) 372-9439


  [email protected]

  POSITION STATEMENT: During half a century of involvement in the study of the enigma of unidentified flying objects, I have reached certain tentative conclusions based upon the “state of the art” of present-day science.

  After personally interviewing several hundred witnesses to UFO sightings, reviewing the 1,600 UFO landing-trace cases compiled by Ted Phillips, and reading the 1,800 humanoid or entity cases collected by Ted Bloecher, my initial conclusion is that our Earth is being visited by entities from an advanced intelligence in their spacecraft conducting a surveillance of life on this planet.

  Considering the giant steps that we have made in space travel during the past twenty years, the extraterrestrial hypothesis is not only very exciting, but the physical evidence helps to substantiate this theory.

  On the other hand, I cannot lose sight of the probability that they could constitute some unknown physical or psychological manifestation that cannot be explained by present-day science. Evidence to support this hypothesis is directly related to a personal daytime sighting on August 15, 1948, of four round silver objects which my wife, son, and I observed along with numerous other witnesses in downtown Phoenix, Arizona. The objects, while flying slowly from east to west in formation in a cloudless sky, one at a time simply vanished from our sight in sequence in the northern sky. After patiently continuing to observe the sky in the direction and speed that the objects had been traveling, the first three in formation “popped” back into our vision one at a time in the northwest sky still moving slowly west, where they eventually went out of sight due to distance. Considering all factors involved, these objects had performed a feat no known object manufactured on this planet could perform, thus meeting the requirements of a “UFO.”

  Did these balloon-shaped objects “dematerialize” or change into another dimension right before our eyes and then return a few minutes later into our three dimensional world?

  If UFOs are found to be extraterrestrial spacecraft, our aerospace engineers would like to duplicate their propulsion systems and aerodynamic maneuverability characteristics. If one of our aerospace industries could design and build a craft that could duplicate the feats of a UFO, the United States would be the unchallenged leader in the space race. We would no longer need rockets with millions of pounds of thrust to launch vehicles to the moon and nearby planets.

  The third vital question to be answered is “where do they originate?” 1947 “kicked off” the modern era of “flying saucers,” however the Bible and other historical writings provide evidence that UFOs have been around for several thousand years. If they are extraterrestrial in origin, our planet has been under surveillance for reasons known only to the creatures controlling the vehicles. If they are from another dimension, and have the ability to “materialize” into a “nuts and bolts” type of spacecraft, leaving physical traces, they could be residents of this or any other habitable planet.

  A question always directed to those of us involved in UFO research is, “Do you believe in UFOs?” My response always seems to shock the recipient, when I answer no. “Belief” has a religious connotation. I believe in God, even though I have never seen him. When I consider UFO sightings, it is a case of looking at the facts, data, and evidence, and arriving at the conclusion that the evidence is overwhelming in favor of UFOs.

  I am very cognizant that a phenomenon which has baffled the residents of our tiny planet, conceivably for several thousand years, will not be resolved tomorrow, or even next year. However, until a concerted scientific effort is launched to deal with this perplexing dilemma, it will undoubtedly continue to be “the greatest mystery of our time.”


  angelic kingdom According to metaphysical theory, this is an evolutionary line of nonphysical beings, existing on Earth and in higher dimensions. The angelic kingdom is parallel to, interactive with, but objectively independent of the human line of evolution. These beings are said to be responsible for the maintenance of the planet and the solar system, assisting the Creator of our seven-dimensional system in the completion of its development. Examples include the mythical fairies, sylphs, and archangels (such as Mikael and Gabriel), with whom some modern channels also claim to be in contact.


  Angels and Aliens (Addison-Wesley, 1991). Keith Thompson applies the ideas of Carl Jung and Joseph Campbell to the UFO phenomenon and concludes it is a mythological journey and a rite of passage for humankind to create a Cosmic Man. Thompson delineates the patterns which connect aliens, abductees, angels, and shamanic and near-death experiences, existing in a realm beyond “the tenuous dimension known as ordinary reality,” and concludes these experiences are awakening us to uncharted human capacities accelerating our evolution as a species.


  angels and UFOs There has thus far been no comprehensive study relating Biblical angels and UFOs, although possible directions for such studies are apparent. There are several indications that UFOs in the Bible serve as transportation for the angels.

  “And behold, there was a great earthquake, for an angel of the Lord descended from heaven and came and rolled back the stone, and sat upon it. His appearance was like lightning, and his garments were white as snow.”

  (Matthew 28: 2,3)

  UFOs in the Bible are variously referred to as “the pillar of cloud and fire” of the Exodus, or the “chariot of fire” of Elijah, or the “bright cloud” at the transfiguration of Jesus. Two men in white robes, understood to be angels, were present at the ascension of Jesus (Acts 1.10). Concerning his second coming Jesus says, “they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory; and he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet.” (Matt. 24:30-31)

  In modern UFO studies, it is assumed by many that UFOs provide transportation for humanoids or UFO occupants. Thus the question becomes: Is there a relation between the Biblical angels and modern UFO occupants?

  Jacques Vallée in his book Passport to Magonia (1969), has explored some similarities between folklore and fairy stories of old, and modern UFO stories and their humanlike occupants. There are also parallels between modern UFO-occupant stories and Biblical angels.

  For instance, the Bible relates the famous story of Balaam, who while riding his ass met an angel of God. The donkey recognized or saw the angel, but the angel was invisible to Balaam for some time, until the angel chose to become visible to Balaam. (Num. 22:21-35) In modern UFO literature it is often argued that animals can sense the presence of UFOs before humans. Also, visible UFOs are often reported to become invisible almost instantly. The New Testament reports that an angel came into a prison cell to rescue Peter and led Peter and himself past the first and second guard without being seen, except by Peter. (Acts 12:1-17) The id
ea suggested is that angels may be visible to some humans while invisible to others at the same time

  Some modern UFO occupants have very different features from ordinary humans, but others are reported to look very human. The Biblical angels were understood to have the power to look very human. Thus, the Bible says: “Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.” (Heb. 13:2) Post-Biblical culture and art frequently picture Biblical angels with wings, but wings are never mentioned in most angel accounts, and, obviously, an angel with wings would hardly catch one “unawares.”

  The idea that angels were very human begins with Abraham’s meeting with “three men” (Gen. 18:2) who meet him at noon and whom he feeds. Eventually he discovers they are from God, and they exhibit the ability of what we call mental telepathy, reading the mind of Sarah, Abraham’s wife. Modern UFO occupants are sometimes given credit for the ability to read human minds and communicate psychically. Likewise, angels in the Bible are understood to be able to communicate strictly through psychic impressions, as when an angel appears to Joseph, the husband of Mary, in a dream. (Matt. 2:13) Similarly, in modern cases, witnesses involved in closeencounter cases often report increased psychic sensitivity and suggest that the UFO reality is now communicating with them through dreams and visions.

  One other characteristic of angels of interest in the UFO field is that angels can apparently materialize and dematerialize, or else can pass through what we would call solid walls. Thus, in the story mentioned above of Peter in prison, the implication of the story is that the angel entered the jail cell without opening the door or gate. This is similar to the story of Jesus, after his resurrection, who entered a locked room to meet his disciples. (John 20:19-29) One can imagine a kind of “Star Trek” transporter bringing about these events, although the Bible never explains the happenings. A Mrs. Sandy Larson of North Dakota reported a series of UFO contacts, including one occasion when two UFO beings awakened her from sleep and carried her right through her bedroom wall to the waiting UFO.

  This is not to say that we have proof that modern UFOs and Biblical angels are connected, or identical. It is clear, however, that the Biblical concept of angels involves many elements, which are familiar to students of modern UFO stories and UFO-occupant cases. While it is true to say that there is no scientific proof at the present time of a connection between Biblical angels and modem UFOs, conversely, there is certainly no proof that they are independent phenomena.

  Many modern UFO cults are of a religious nature, and persons sometimes claim to have received divine messages of salvation from UFOs. This fact has made the “scientific” study of UFOs difficult, either because UFOs are not scientific in the sense scientists want them to be or else because UFOs know how to use tactics, including religious symbolism, to make them less scientifically accessible.



  Downing, Barry. The Bible and Flying Saucers (Lippincott, 1968; Avon, 1970; Marlowe, 1997).

  Jessup, M. K. UFO and the Bible (The Cidadel Press, 1956).

  Oswald, John Paul. What You Need To Know (privately published, 1983).

  Vallée, Jacques. Passport to Magonia (Henry Regnery, 1969).

  Angels: God’s Secret Agents (Doubleday, 1975). Evangelist Billy Graham proposes that angels may be the occupants of UFOs who have been guiding our spiritual evolution since Biblical times. In contrast to other Christians who fear UFOs are piloted by demons, Graham suspects they are angels sent here by God to help us fight the demons because “the Second Coming of Jesus Christ is close at hand.”


  Angelucci, Orfeo (1912-1993). Orfeo Angelucci is a UFO contactee whose account has attracted especial attention because of the purity of the religious symbolism and spiritual motifs it contains. For this reason Carl G. Jung,. in his Flying Saucers: A Modern Myth of Things Seen in the Skies (1959), devoted some ten pages to an analysis of the Italian-American’s UFO experience.

  Angelucci’s most important book is The Secret of the Saucers, published in 1955. In this autobiographical narrative he tells us that he was raised in comfortable circumstances in New Jersey, married in 1936, had two sons, and moved to Los Angeles in 1948. His life was happy except for recurrent bouts of ill health, which reduced him periodically to a state of total exhaustion and painful nervous prostration, and in acute cases required hospitalization.

  One physician attributed the condition to the effects of a childhood attack of trichinosis. Because of this circumstance, he ended formal schooling in the ninth grade. His mind, however, was very much alive. Angelucci as a boy and young adult was continually performing experiments and writing theses on esoteric scientific topics from virology to “the nature of infinite entities.”

  Orfeo Angelucci

  By his own account, his first saucer experience occurred on May 23, 1952. Angelucci had felt peculiar and slightly sick throughout the day and about 11 P.M., left the swing shift early to go home from his job at the Lockheed aircraft plant in Burbank, California. He was afraid his old illness might be coming back. But as he drove along the bank of the Los Angeles River around midnight, he noticed a glowing disk following him. It came closer and closer until it virtually forced him off the road. He stopped, got out, and encountered a supra-humanly splendid man and woman bathed in light who had come by saucer from another world. The aliens presented Angelucci with a revivifying drink from a crystal goblet, reminded him of events from his past, and informed him that, despite his humble state, he had been singled out as most suitable for the first contact of this magnificent race with the people of Earth. They spoke of the deep compassion they had for Earth and proclaimed they wished to offer hope to this troubled world

  On a couple of later occasions, Angelucci rode the marvelous vehicles of his friends, ringing with the music of the spheres, to their paradisal planets. The celestial companions reaffirmed their concern for suffering humankind and the designation of Angelucci as their evangelist. The latter’s transcendent experience ended with his mystical marriage to a spacewoman named Lyra.

  Dutifully, Angelucci commenced speaking and writing about his experiences. Needless to say, he and his family received considerable ridicule, but eventually he became known in more sympathetic circles and found himself to be a fixture of space conventions and the contactee lecture circuit.

  In a later book, Son of the Sun (1959), Angelucci relates the alleged experiences (as told by him) of a person known only as Adam, but who is described as a medical doctor from Seattle who had only a few months to live. This narrative concerns the same entities and ships as does The Secret of the Saucers and is replete with the same combination of romantic adventure with transcendent quality which makes the earlier book striking; the nature of the supernal beings and the philosophical perspective underlying them here comes through in fuller detail.

  The religious character of these encounters is reinforced by Angelucci’s continual insistence that the visitants and their craft are not just from another world but, in some way, from an entirely different order of reality. Their ships could not be seen by just anyone, but only by one who is mystically prepared or selected for the experience. On meeting them, he felt an exaltation “as though momentarily I had transcended mortality and was somehow related to these superior beings.” It was as though he had “felt another world, or something akin to a whole universe.”

  He tells us that we are continually under observation by the Spirit of God, by a hierarchy of angels and heavenly hosts, and by the very highly evolved beings he encountered—beings of other planets who are so perfected as to be “almost angels, on the threshold.” They cannot directly help us by interfering with the course of affairs in this world, but they can and do help indirectly by providing a powerful hope-giving experience of transcendence, which shows how marvelously beautiful and harmonious the infinite universe beyond darkened Earth really is and what glorious creatures humankind can become. But
even this experience, according to Angelucei, can only be given to those able to receive it—“only to people who already have it within them”—for otherwise it would be an unjustifiable violation of the “divine code” of noninterference.

  Orfeo Angelucci’s saucerian message, based on what were essentially mystical experiences, is wholly one of hope and of the spaceman’s positive spiritual meaning. To him, UFOs afford a way to inspiration and transcendence and an assurance that for all its anguish Earth is not left alone but is part of a living, God-pervaded universe and has godlike friends.

  Orfeo Angelucci founded no organization, claimed no grandiose titles or callings, and claimed no mystical UFO experiences after those recounted in The Secret of the Saucers. Since then, he lived in Los Angeles, quietly and modestly, working at various jobs and speaking about his experiences and their meaning as occasion has allowed. His charm, humility, and sincerity were recognized by all who knew him, and he was widely regarded as expressing the religious wing of the UFO contactee movement at its best.


  animal mutilations Toward the end of 1974 and throughout most of 1975, newspapers across the United States carried stories of strange cattle mutilations and their possible connection with UFOs, which in some cases had allegedly been observed in close proximity to the time and place of these bizarre happenings.


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