The Mammoth Encyclopedia of Extraterrestrial Encounters

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The Mammoth Encyclopedia of Extraterrestrial Encounters Page 27

by Story, Ronald

  After my experience I knew that I had been privileged with a glimpse at something infinitely wondrous and profound. My inner consciousness had undergone a complete and staggering metamorphosis. Those truths I had been taught through the years by my church, family, parents, and teachers no longer were valid to me.

  Those beliefs had been replaced by an understanding of the process we call creation and I know our Earth science and education were not yet beginning to suspect the Universal Laws that govern the creation of worlds within our universe. The following is a synopsis of the changes brought about in the inner me as a direct consequence of my experience:

  1. I have embraced a faith of cosmic conditions. I know the Creator as sexless and all creation as a material manifestation of mind extended into matter.

  2. I no longer have allegiance to any particular form of earthly government, political system, race, economic or social structure My only allegiance is to my Creator and to the Cosmic Christ.

  3. I have continued to be obsessed with an expanded desire for truth and understanding of Earth’s and man’s evolutionary progress

  4. I have studied the mind and altered states of consciousness.

  5. I am a firm believer in reincarnation. All of us are immortal souls—and we are responsible for what our minds manifest around us.

  6. I have strived to balance myself: to evolve physically, mentally, and spiritually into a balanced human being.

  7. I have tried to live my principles and moral laws within myself. Man is his own ultimate judge and therefore metes out his own punishment.

  8. I have vowed to serve the Universal Law. I try to live and feel the law of love for others.

  9. All life is one.

  We are part of the stars, oceans, all creation.

  10. I have no fear of death. Death is the laying aside of one’s physical body. Life is eternal—mind is eternal.

  11. My mission is to Earth’s citizens and environment; unless the consciousness of humankind is raised, we will ultimately destroy the work of eons, ourselves, and the present environment of our world.

  12. Man is facing a crucial period in his evolution as a species.

  13. I believe in a Father-Mother God, a balanced interchange between the creativity of both sexes.

  14. I have the knowledge that we are unknowing participants in a living universe. There are other life forms, other worlds, other dimensions.

  15. I am experiencing loss of interest in the accumulation of material things.

  16. Basically I have become a pacifist. War depletes—it does not enrich.

  17. I have the knowledge that the world’s fuel must be water. I feel a total disagreement with any society that pushes the use of nuclear fuel or weapons.

  18. Within myself, I experience the consummation of science with religion.

  After many years, I now realize and know that my own transformation was not and is not a single experience here on Earth. There are literally hundreds if not thousands of people who are or have experienced this metamorphosis. Our numbers are growing yearly and we are beginning to locate and communicate with each other.

  An alien invasion has already occurred on Earth. The conquering power is not military or technological and economic superiority. It is a revolution in consciousness, and spiritual knowing that has been implanted within the minds of thousands of people all over the world.

  The future of this world is passing into the hands and minds of these people. Those of us who have been contacted no longer serve the old orders. We fear nothing—least of all the threat of death or physical deprivation. We are here—now!

  We walk among you daily—we pass you on the streets, stand next to you in the elevators, and you see little of what is moving daily closer to completion. We are among you—and our force is the force of mind governed by a morality and an ethical code that upon Earth is incomprehensible. (Archer, 1979)


  If these messages to UFO contactees are accurate, and if these messages are reported accurately, then the “alien invasion” has already occurred—and not as a conquering power, but as a revolution in consciousness.

  In other words, UFO activity could be viewed as a lesson plan, or an educational project, to transform us Earthlings into UFO observers, witnesses, and contactees: to change us Earthlings from Planetary Persons into Cosmic Citizens!

  Then the scenario follows along these lines: the next generation of scientists can build spacetime craft, or “flying saucers,” and Earth pilots can fly out in UFOs as UFO occupants, providing scientific and spiritual knowledge, or cosmic citizenship, to other planetary persons, etc.


  In support of the theme that a “new age” is dawning, three examples are summarized: (1) the effects on crime by groups of meditators; (2) the “hundredth monkey phenomenon”; and (3) the hypothesis of formative causation:

  1. Arons and Arons presented a paper at the American Psychological Association meeting, in 1981, that demonstrated differences in police records for number of arrests in specified areas of Atlanta, Georgia, during those time periods when groups of meditators were meditating in those areas. The authors concluded that the data support the hypothesis that there are conditions under which small numbers of meditating individuals (at least if they are practicing the Transcendental Meditation technique) can create harmonious influences in a large social system, without face-to-face contact.

  2. Lyall Watson, an English biologist, surveys biological foundations for unconscious behavior, including the delightful story of the “hundredth monkey.” Watson described Imo, a female monkey, who learned to wash sand from sweet potatoes, which were provided by Japanese scientists who were observing monkeys on the island of Koshima. Imo taught her mother to wash her food; young monkeys were teaching their elders to wash their food; then, one day, an extraordinary event occurred, after an unspecified number of monkeys (about 100) had learned to wash their food, by nightfall of that day almost all of the monkeys were washing their food! Even more unusual, according to the unpublished notes of several scientists, other colonies of monkeys on other islands and on the mainland at Takasakiyama “spontaneously” began washing their food! (Watson, 1979)

  3. Rupert Sheldrake, an English biologist, has suggested that the hypothesis of “formative causation” can account for some changes in evolutionary development. (Sheldrake, 1981) The concept of “morphic reasonance” is used as a basis for observed changes in organisms that grow and evolve in unusual increments. For example, Sheldrake described the long range studies by McDougall and his associates. The results support the hypothesis that when groups of rats in one location learn to negotiate a particular maze, then other groups of rats in other locations learn to negotiate a similar maze in fewer trials.

  These examples support the view that new learning can occur through “psychic” channels as well as “physical” channels of cause and effect.


  With this short survey of some references to “new” learning, what can we conclude about the New Age? we cannot conclude, necessarily, that any Earth changes will result in the total destruction of the Earth. On the other hand, the number of prophecies about change would suggest that external and/or internal forces are impelling humankind toward another level of physical, biological, psychosocial, and spiritual awareness.

  What we can conclude is that there is increasing evidence to support the hypothesis that a shift is occurring: a shift in thinking, or a change in human awareness, from a mechanistic model of the universe to a holographic model of the universe; to both “hardware” and “software”; science and spirituality.

  Furthermore, we can predict that this shift in awareness will continue at an ever increasing pace, especially if groups of people come together to share their own experiences and their new learning. If these networks of concerned persons continue to grow, then education will become more public and more psychic in form and in process.

nbsp; This writer has presented a view of human consciousness as a theoretical model for explaining UFO activity. The model suggests that UFO experiences are educational events that are presented to UFO observers, who become witnesses, who become contactees, who are impelled to learn more about the “outer” world and “inner” world, to share knowledge, and to become advocates for transformation in human awareness.

  If this hypothetical model of UFO activity has relevance, then UFO investigators can expect an increased number of reports of UFOs as physical craft and as psychic phenomena and increased awareness of messages being received by UFO contactees. If the messages are meaningful, then personal consciousness is changing and social institutions are changing.

  The major question remains a puzzle: Is UFO activity leading to the awareness, acceptance, and acknowledgment of the peaceful presence of alien intelligence? Or is UFO activity leading to the awareness, acceptance, and acknowledgment of “US FOLKS” as “UFOLKS” of the future?

  This model suggests that a possible explanation for one facet of the UFO puzzle is that we UFO investigators also are UFO contactees, and that our investigations are a small part of a huge operation: a plan by which human consciousness is being transformed from that of Planetary Persons to Cosmic Citizens.



  Archer, G. Personal communication, June 9, 1979.

  Arons, A. and Arons, E. N. “Experimental Interventions of High Coherence Groups into Disorderly Social Systems” American Psychological Association Symposium, Los Angeles, August 27, 1982.

  Bucke, Richard Maurice. Cosmic Consciousness (Innes & Sons, 1901; E. P. Dutton, 1969).

  Ferguson, Marilyn. Brain/Mind Bullein Special Issue:

  “A New Perspective of Reality” (July 4, 1977).

  ________. Brain/Mind Bullein Special Issue: “Prigogine’s Science of Becoming” (May 21, 1979).

  ________. The Aquarian Conspiracy (J. P. Tarcher, 1980).

  Fisher, C. Personal communications, May 27, 1968 - March 16, 1981.

  Fowler, Raymond. The Andreasson Affair (Prentice-Hall, 1979).

  Haines, Richard F. UFO Phenomena and the Behavioral Scientist (Scarecrow Press, 1979).

  Hendry, Allan. The UFO Handbook (Doubleday, 1979).

  Huxley, Julian. Evolution in Action (Mentor/NAL, 1953).

  Kannenberg, Ida. Personal communication, April 27, 1979.

  ________. “The Great Contactee Hoax,” Proceedings, Rocky Mountain Conference on UFO Investigation, Laramie, Wyoming, May 1981.

  Lawson, A. H. “Hypnotic Regression of Alleged CE-III Cases,” Flying Saucer Review (October 1976).

  McNames, L. Personal communications, April 2, 1973 -March 17, 1981.

  Michel, A. “The Strange Case of Dr. ‘X’,” Flying Saucer Review (August 1979).

  Romaniuk, P. “Rejuvenation Follows Close Encounter with UFO,” Flying Saucer Review (July-August 1973).

  Sheldrake, Rupert. A New Science of Life: The Hypothesis of Formative Causation (Tarcher, 1981).

  Sprinkle, R. Leo. “A Preliminary Report on the Investigation of an Alleged UFO Occupant Encounter,” Flying Saucer Review (November 1976).

  ________. “UFO Activity: Cosmic Consciousness Conditioning?” UPIAR (Editecs, 1976).

  ________. “Hypnotic and Psychic Implications in the Investigation of UFO Reports” in Lorenzen, Coral and James. Encounters with UFO Occupants (Berkley/NAL, 1976).

  ________. “Using the Pendulum Technique in the Investigation of UFO Experiences” in UFO Phenomena: International Annual Review (Editecs, 1978).

  ________. ed. Proceedings of Rocky Mountain Conference on UFO Investigation, Laramie, Wyoming, May 1980; May 1981.

  Teilhard de Chardin, Pierre. The Phenomenon of Man (Editions du Seuil, 1955; Harper & Row, 1959).

  Watson, Lyall. Lifetide: The Biology of the Unconscious (Simon & Schuster, 1979). Wilbur, K. The Holographic Paradigm and Other Paradoxes: Exploring the Leading Edge of Science (Shambala, 1982).

  Zimmerman, W. J. “Improved Quality of Life During the Rhode Island Ideal Society Campaign, Phase I, June 12, 1979 to September 12, 1979” (Global Research Program, May 1979).

  cosmonauts, UFO sightings by Unlike their American colleagues, Russian cosmonauts speak openly about their UFO sightings. Several of them were interviewed by western UFO researchers Michael Hesemann from Germany and Giorgio Bongiovanni from Italy.

  Even the first man in space, Yuri Gagarin, was quoted by the Russian press as saying: “UFOs are a reality. They fly with incredible speeds and, if one will give me permission to do so, I will gladly tell you what I saw while in orbit around the Earth.” His colleague, Kosmonaut E.V. Khrunov, stated in the March 3, 1979, issue of the magazine Technique and Youth: “The UFO problem exists and is very serious. Thousands of people have seen UFOs, but it is not clear what they are…. It is quite possible that behind this question the problem of communication with an extraterrestrial civilization is hidden.”

  In 1978, Cosmonaut and Air Force General Pavel Romanovich Popovich had a sighting of a “white triangle” on a flight from Washington D.C. to Moscow at an altitude of 31,000 feet. It flew faster than the aircraft, going about 1000 miles per hour.

  On May 5, 1981, at about 6 P.M., Cosmonaut and Air Force General Vladimir Kovalyonok had a remarkable sighting in space, aboard the Salyut 6. When his space capsule passed Africa in the direction of the Indian Ocean, he saw through the porthole an object, which he described as “disk shaped, one half of it surrounded by a conical kind of fog.” It flew aside the Salyut, rotating in flight direction. Then, suddenly, it seemed to explode in a golden light. About two seconds later, a second explosion happened, and two spheres appeared, “two globes of the same color, golden, beautiful,” as Kovalyonok described them. They seemed to be connected by a kind of “white smoke.” A few minutes later, the spaceship entered the Earth’s shadow, and the object was not visible anymore. The cosmonaut is convinced that it was under intelligent control.

  On September 28, 1990, at 10:50 P.M., MIR Cosmonauts Gennadij Manakov and Gennadij Strekhalov saw “a big, iridescent silvery sphere…hovering above the Earth” after the Soviet Space Station had passed Newfoundland. After six or seven seconds, he stated, it disappeared.

  In March 1991, MIR cosmonaut Musa Manarov, when observing the approach of a space capsule, saw and filmed a cigar shaped object, surrounded by a rotating light, in some distance for several minutes. The film was released to the German researcher Michael Hesemann and published as part of his video collection “UFOs: The Footage Archives.”

  More video films, taken by the MIR crews, were released in 1999 to the Italian researcher Giorgio Bongiovanni. Although the Cosmonauts of these missions were not yet interviewed, the footage confirms further sightings by MIR cosmonauts Vladislav Volkov and Sergei Krikaliov in August 1991 and by MIR Cosmonauts Vladimir Soloviov and Nikolai Budarin on November 18, 1995.


  Cowichan (Canada) encounter One morning Mrs. Doreen Kendall, a practical nurse at the Cowichan District Hospital, British Columbia, Canada, reportedly saw through a hospital window a circular UFO with a transparent dome hovering outside about forty feet away. She claims to have seen two figures inside the dome, operating levers. Although Mrs. Kendall was the sole witness of the occupants, several other nurses are said to have seen the UFO leave.

  The following condensed account gives the essential details of the January 5, 1970, sighting:

  Mrs. Kendall, a registered nurse, lived in Nanaimo and commuted to work at the Cowichan District Hospital. At midnight on New Year’s Eve, both she and Mrs. Frieda Wilson began the midnight to 8 A.M. shift on the second floor (east wing) of the hospital. At 5 A.M., they went into a four-bed ward to begin morning care. Nurse Wilson attended the patient whose bed was by the door, and Nurse Kendall attended the patient in the next bed, which was located next to the window.

  At this point, Nurse Kendall pulled the drapes open as is frequently done
at that time in the morning. She stood looking out while nurse Wilson continued with her duties. What Doreen Kendall claims she saw is described as follows:

  A “saucer,” resembling a sphere, around which was a circular airfoil with lights on the rim, was hovering about sixty feet off the ground over a small patio. She estimated it to be about fifty feet in diameter, and that it was hovering at about the level of the third or children’s floor, at about sixty feet from the hospital wall. When first seen, it was tilted toward her position, so that she could see inside of the upper portion, which she felt was illumined from below rather than above. The top portion was transparent and the light on the bottom (which she saw later) was red.

  Inside the transparent “bubble” or “cupola,” she claimed to observe two human-appearing entities. At first, they were visible from the side and only from the waist up, but when the object tipped toward the hospital she saw their complete forms. Both were standing, one apparently behind the other, and each stood in front of a stool with a back on it. The occupant farthest to her right was facing what appeared to be a chrome instrument panel comprised of large and small “circles” (possibly dials), which were brilliantly lit. She felt that both of the “men” were over six feet tall and noted that they were both well built

  As the object hovered, the man on Mrs. Kendall’s left turned toward her, then extended his hand and touched the back of the man near the instrument panel, who reached down and grabbed a rodlike device with a ball on the top extremity, which protruded from the floor. She compared the latter to the joy stick of an airplane. The man moved the “stick” up, then down, at which time the disk tilted toward her, and she obtained a good view of the interior, including the men.

  The scene of the UFO encounter as described by Doreen Kendall (Artist: Brian James)

  She said that the hand of the man, who apparently alerted the other to her presence, was flesh-colored and human-appearing. Both wore dark clothing, and their features were concealed by some kind of headgear. The latter seemed to be similar to the material of the rest of their clothing.


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