The Mammoth Encyclopedia of Extraterrestrial Encounters

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The Mammoth Encyclopedia of Extraterrestrial Encounters Page 60

by Story, Ronald

  Mandelker, Scott (b. 1962). Scott Mandelker integrates the principles of Ageless Wisdom with the spiritual dimensions of ET contact and UFO research. He has an M.A. in Counseling, Ph.D. in East-West Psychology, and over 20 years practice in Buddhist Zen and Vipassana.

  Scott Mandelker

  His first book, From Elsewhere: Being ET in America (1995) explored the lives of people who claim to be ET souls on Earth. His second book, Universal Vision: Soul-Evolution and the Cosmic Plan (2000), reveals the cosmic plan behind global ET contact, and the basic tools of spiritual self-healing, emotional balance, and mystic meditation.

  Dr. Mandelker has taught throughout Japan and Israel, and continues to offer workshops and counseling in the U.S., including presentations for MUFON, UFO conferences, and the Whole Life Expo. He has appeared on over 70 radio and TV shows, including The Art Bell Show, Strange Universe, Hard Copy, and UFOAZ. He makes his home in San Francisco.


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  POSITION STATEMENT: Given my background in meditation and years of paranormal experience, my position on UFOs is different from most researchers. I have no doubt that some UFOs come from extraterrestrial sources, including other star systems, older civilizations, and other dimensions of reality, not yet understood by mainstream science. I hold these beliefs simply because I have had numerous direct contact experiences, and I trust the validity of these so-called paranormal events.

  Some UFOs are made of physical materials, while others are “thought-form” holographs and energy-plasma devices. Since UFOs come from a wide range of ET groups, their nature is variable. However, ET agendas are relatively fixed: they are either benevolent or not. This idea is fully supported by almost all religions, East and West, plus all traditions of Ageless Wisdom

  In the near future, there will certainly be “open contact” with ET groups, but the effects upon humanity depend on when such contact occurs. If it occurs in the next decade, our response will be largely be the same as it is today: continued doubt and disbelief among some, fascination and adoration among others, with continued manipulation and co-optation by various human groups who seek to maintain their positions of power and prestige.

  After the next decade, however, there will be a rapid expansion of human consciousness. Open contact then will quickly lead to willing cooperation, unified cohabitation, and longterm alliance. I have no doubt this will usher in a “golden age” on Earth, far beyond our greatest hopes.


  Manna Machine, The (Sidgwick & Jackson, 1978). British authors George Sassoon and Rodney Dale, both engineers, did a technical translation of the manna-making device of the Old Testament, as described in the ancient Hebrew book The Kabbalah, to conclude that extraterrestrial visitors gave the Jews this food producing machine so they could survive 40 years in the desert, and disguised it as the Ark of the Covenant. Since the device was probably a neutron-pumped laser, converting nuclear energy into light, it produced radiation which accounted for the plagues recounted in the Bible as having accompanied the Ark wherever it went.


  manmade UFOs Very little detailed research has been conducted into the subject of manmade UFOs and secret military aircraft. One of the problems is that the UFO and aviation research communities have, historically, gone their separate ways. It is, therefore, not surprising to learn that new and important discoveries have been made by those of people with an interest in UFOs and secret military aircraft; these include respected aviation journalist Bill Sweetman, U.S. military monitor and aviation writer Steve Douglass, U.K. astronomy and aviation expert Bill Rose, and Nick Cook of Jane’s Defence Weekly.

  Research has shown that many secret aviation projects were undertaken both during and after the Second World War. The Horten Brothers and Alexander Lippisch in Germany, and Jack Northrop in the U.S. all developed and flew aircraft of radical, triangular design.

  It is also the case that a classified German diskplane project was started by the Heinkel company at its plant in Marienhe, Northern Germany, in 1942, and that a primitive, disk-like aircraft was tested with support from BMW at Prague-Kbely airfield from 1944. Perhaps only two jet-powered disks were constructed by this German team. Talk of superior Nazi “antigravity” technology —the “Vril” and “Haunebu” saucers—is a simple fantasy and has no basis in fact. Nevertheless, a CIA document released in the 1970s and dated 1955 notes the development of a secret manmade flying saucer by the A.V. Roe Company of Malton, Ontario, whose English designer, John C Frost, took his ideas from a “group of Germans.” Another early document, dated 10 November 1947, circulated to Counter Intelligence Corps operatives in Germany, states that flying saucers “may have been developed from the original plans and experiments conducted by the Germans prior to capitulation.”

  This craft is described by four anonymous aerospace retirees as America’s manmade UFO.

  (Artist: William Louis McDonald)

  During the war the U.S. Navy sponsored the development of a diskplane known as the XF5U-1, built by the Chance-Vought Company of Bridgeport, Connecticut. Contrary to the official history put out by both the U.S. Navy its apologists within the aviation research community, it is suspected that this aircraft was reworked and that a jet-powered version, the XF5U-2, was flown at Muroc Field (now Edwards AFB) from mid-1947 and may have been responsible for the famous saucer sighting at the base on the 8th of July.

  Other aircraft, like the Douglass Skyray, had a saucerlike shape and, along with other experimental aircraft in the 1950s, may have been responsible for some UFO reports. In fact, it is my contention that an almost unbroken line of diskplanes was developed in secret—largely by the U.S. Navy—from the late 1940s onwards. We have reports of manmade diskplanes operating during Navy maneuvers in 1952, 1958, and 1959; and intriguing evidence of U.S. Navy disk projects discovered in newly-acquired FOIA documents.

  One important and instructive story relates to the work of Frank Carlson. His testimony puts much of the genuine concern surrounding Groom Lake/Area 51 and Bob Lazar’s “S4” site into perspective. According to his wife Debra, interviewed in 1992 in Los Angeles, Carlson was a Korean War veteran and Master Sergeant formerly assigned to F-86 and later F-104 Starfighter maintenance teams. He was well liked and highly skilled, and moved to Edwards AFB in 1959. From 1960-62 he was involved in highly classified work at a remote Nevada test site known by projects workers and their wives as “The Facility” or “The Ranch.” The Facility was, in fact, located at Papoose Lake and was not known as “S4” at that time. Here, work was continuing on a secret and radical flying saucer design based upon original work undertaken by the AVRO team in Canada. The aim was to build a high-speed “disk-interceptor” able to take out more advanced Soviet aircraft of similar design—possibly based upon plans recovered from the Prague facility in 1945—which were probing the North American Distant Early Warning (DEW) radar defenses with alarming regularity from the late 1950s onwards.

  The problem with the U.S.-built system was the engine. We know a little about the highly advanced radial-flow engine because it is shown in previously Top Secret rated documents released in 1995 and dated 1955. The document in which this is shown relates to another AVRO disk known as Project Silver Bug. The Silver Bug diskplane was configured for supersonic flight and vertical take off—not unlike the mysterious Carlson saucer. The engine was so advanced that we suspect it could literally not be relied upon to do its job at that time.

  A Hughes Corporation missile system, the hypersonic (Mach 5) AIM-47A was said by Carlson to have been developed for use specifically with the classified disk. Other diskplane projects were said to have the designations D-5A and RD-7A, the latter being a much-larger multi-engine version.

  In the final analysis, accordi
ng to Carlson, the disks were replaced by less radical though classified aircraft like the A-12 proposed by Lockheed Skunk Works in 1961, the YF-12A interceptor and ultimately the SR-71 Blackbird spy plane. Nevertheless, the work at Papoose Lake had been mirrored by classified activities at Holloman AFB within the White Sands Missile Range.

  Not unlike many other former test site workers, Carlson was struck down by a mystery cancer in the late 1980s, having moved to Los Angeles where he owned and ran a small machine shop.

  In 1967, former combat veteran and U.S. Air Force magazine editor Jack Pickett saw four rusting jet-powered diskplanes of between approximately 30 and 100-ft. diameter in a compound at McDill AFB in Florida. Shocked by his sighting, he raised the matter with the base CO and was subsequently debriefed by USAF Intelligence personnel who told him the true story of the classified disk program. Pickett noted the designation “UL” on one of the aircraft tail fins which experts tell us indicates construction prior to 1962 by a joint Bell-Vought team. Furthemore, Pickett testifies that he was tasked to release part of the story of the disks to the public via one of his Air Force in-house magazines and that the story was only pulled at the last minute after an accident involving a more advanced diskplane at the nearby Avon Park facility. Pickett is still alive and is a highly respected journalist. There is every reason to believe his story and the testimony adds considerable weight to our other claims.

  The 1950s was a time when contractors like Lockheed, Bell, General Dynamics, Northrop and A.V. Roe learned the business of hiding classified aircraft from the public. The CIA, as stated in a 1952 memorandum, sought to use flying saucers for “psychological warfare,” whilst the hardware was effectively “hidden” behind a smokescreen of developing myth and fantasy relating to alien saucers, “men from outer space” and, later, tales of “alien contact.” Some of this was, quite clearly, encouraged by CIA and other intelligence operatives placed within the UFO research community.

  The evidence for this view includes a 1999 interview by Nick Cook with former General Dynamics boss Bob Widmer, a man at the peak of his profession and with great knowledge of the inner workings of the “black projects” world. Widmer not only testified to the illegal destruction of documents relating to his still-classified 1950s high Mach Kingfish airplane but that the secrecy was overwhelming in every respect. Widmer also stated that the aircraft they sought to build was a flying saucer with the back cut out. The Kingfish is said to have been a delta (triangular) aircraft and although diskplane projects continued up until the early to mid 1980s and were under development by the U.S. Navy at China Lake in California, a strategic decision appears to have been made in the 1970s whereby the more efficient and aerodynamically effective delta came into general use.

  Many companies, including Lockheed-Martin, had classified triangular aircraft under development from the early 1960s—the Lockheed Gusto being a case in point. Rockwell, Northrop and Teledyne-Ryan proposed a number of manned and unmanned aircraft in the 1970s although these are not well-known.

  The way in which classified aircraft can be and were hidden is clear from our knowledge of the stealth program of the mid-1970s. The Top Secret F-117A Nighthawk interdictor was developed at the Groom Lake and later Tonopah facilities in Nevada. Although the prototype Have Blue aircraft was flown from 1978, the finished product was not declassified until 1989! And the F-117A, and the more advanced low observable Northrop B-2 Spirit— another aircraft mistaken for a UFO by virtue of its shape—are but two of many classified aviation projects whose budgets are massive and said to be somewhere in the region of $40-50 billion per year. This figure, and the lack of congressional oversight relating to these programs, is a good enough reason for the secrecy; the secrecy itself adds a major financial component to any classified program although this, it is argued, guarantees Western military superiority.

  In recent years, starting with the Hudson Valley, New York, UFO “flap” of 1982-1990 and in Belgium from November 1989, triangular aircraft of differing design have been seen by hundreds of witnesses. Despite the expected majority of misidentifications, it is clear that a structured, almost noiseless and slow-moving aircraft of considerable size was seen. Although UFOlogists have claimed that these reports are evidence of “alien” or “backengineered” technology our research has highlighted the development of massive lighter-than-air vehicles, not dissimilar to those conceived and test-flown by the Aereon Corporation of Princeton, New Jersey, in the early 1970s. Aereon, though a small company, is strongly suspected to have designed LTA vehicles later developed by the military-industrial complex for reconnaissance.

  The Aereon Corporation worked closely with the U.S. Navy during the 1970s to develop massive lighter-than-air platforms for reconnaissance, mapping, and transport. Sources suggest that a massive LTA platform along these lines might have been responsible for some UFO sightings.

  These aircraft, and those using a range of emerging technologies, are built of Kevlar, a light but incredibly strong material that is itself carbon-based and therefore excellent for stealth. They can fly at very low speeds and often use an advanced electric propulsion system that leads to reports of “humming noises” and blue coronal discharges from the craft. Many reports indicate remarkably maneuverability, and the craft are said by a variety of sources—including the Federation of American Scientists—to be up to 600 feet in length. Every time they are used outside the usual testing areas their flight can be hidden behind the “alien technology” smokescreen. Reports of massive triangular platforms from SouthWest England, the location of two former test facilities (Boscombe Down and Yeovilton), during the 1990 Belgium flap therefore come as no surprise. Neither do reports from the North West English coast of black triangular aircraft under escort by RAF Tornados!

  From the point of view of the UFO researcher and the public at large, these slow-moving platforms are of greater importance than the near-mythical triangular spyplanes like Aurora. In UFO Revelation (1999) I detail the existence of the Advanced Airborne Reconnaissance System (AARS), also known as “Tier 3,” in the early 1990s. This was a slow-moving triangular aircraft and was said by insiders to utilize electrochromic plates to change the color and hue of the craft in flight and to move “at walking pace.”

  Add to this a new generation of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) and stealth helicopters, which bring the many developments of the last 50 years to their logical conclusions, then we have an impressive range of military hardware that must be responsible for its fair share of UFO reports. However, given the secrecy and paranoia surrounding these projects, it is likely that new information will only emerge in very small pieces as we move further into the 21st century.

  Only if we remember that circular and triangular aircraft are configured for flight within an atmosphere will be understand the terrestrial, military origins of these remarkable machines.


  (For more information, see: Matthews, Tim. UFO Revelation: The Secret Technology Exposed? (Blandford, 1999).

  Mars and Martians Scientific speculation about intelligent life on Mars has shaped both popular ideas about extraterrestrials and efforts to understand UFOs. In 1877, the Italian astronomer Giovanni Schiaparelli observed narrow lines across the face of Mars and designated them canali, or channels.

  In most English translations these lines became “canals,” a name connoting an artificial structure. The canals in Schiaparelli’s 1877 drawings did not look especially artificial, but some writers were quick to jump on the possibility and develop the theme. Schiaparelli then made an even more amazing discovery while observing the planet in 1881-1882.

  Over a period of days or even hours, some of the canals seem to “double”—that is, where one canal appeared before, two appeared in its place. These double canals were often thin, straight lines running sometimes for thousands of miles in perfect parallel. He realized the implications of this discovery and published his results in an obscure Italian scientific journal, but to no avail. The po
pular press soon spread these observations far and wide as proof that Mars was home to intelligent beings capable of vast engineering projects.

  Martian “canals” as drawn by Schiaparelli in 1886

  The question of Mars and its canals became the most exciting issue in astronomy. In 1894, the American astronomer Percival Lowell built his famous observatory on a site west of Flagstaff (in Arizona) which came to be known as “Mars Hill.”

  He quickly became the most active observer of the red planet and a vociferous publicist for the theory of an inhabited Mars. Lowell rejected the earlier view of the planet as a world with oceans linked by the canals, and proposed instead that Mars was a dying planet. Its seas and thick atmosphere had departed with its evolutionary youth. The remaining water was locked in the polar caps. When they melted in the spring their moisture revived the vegetation, which appeared as dark gray or blue-green areas on the surface of Mars. The melting polar caps filled the canals with water, which was then distributed to the ancient Martian cities that were stranded amid vast reddish deserts. The visible canals were not the waterways themselves but strips of vegetation, probably cultivated lands, over pipelines constructed to conserve the precious remaining water. In summer, when the polar runoff was greatest, the Martians opened a second canal to handle the overflow. According to Lowell, the Martians were more advanced than us in science, technology, social organization, and physical evolution.

  Other astronomers saw the canals as nothing more than natural spots and shadings on the surface of Mars, joined into long straight lines by deceptions of the human eye and the will to believe. This controversy continued through the 1920s, with most astronomers persuaded that the canals were in fact optical illusions. The Mariner and Viking probes of the 1960s and 1970s ultimately bore out this explanation.

  Canals were not the only Martian mysteries suggesting intelligent life there. Bright spots observed on the planet around the turn of the century were interpreted by the popular press as signals, though Lowell and other astronmers scotched these rumors by explaining them as clouds. A few decades later, a vast cloud shaped like a “W” formed periodically over the same area of the surface. Again popular interest was excited, but again astronomers called on natural forces. During the 1920s several experimenters with radio, including Guglielmo Marconi and Nikola Tesla, believed they picked up radio signals from Mars. In 1937 a Japanese astronomer saw a brilliant spot suddenly appear on the surface,followed by a large cloud. This observation suggested a meteor or volcanic eruption to astronomers in the 1930s; but by the 1950s, a new possibility was suggested: now the events fit the pattern of an atomic explosion.


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