Heart Song Anthology

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Heart Song Anthology Page 17

by Carolyn Faulkner

  Chapter 4

  The next day when Shaun and Sally arrived, Mindy got up and ran to her friend giving her a hug and then spinning around to show off her new party clothes. “I love it here, Sally. Thank you so much for coming to see my new home.” She looked to Shaun and included him in her welcome.

  Etta came out of the kitchen to announce that dinner was ready. The smells coming from the kitchen were mouthwatering. She’d made a special dinner for the two new couples: turkey and dressing, gravy and corn, peas, mashed potatoes and waiting on the counter, were pumpkin and apple pies. They had all insisted that she stay and enjoy the meal with them.

  Mindy gave the women she had come to love a hug. “Thank you, Etta.”

  Etta hung up her apron and they all sat down while she gave the prayer. “Thank you for bringing us together again, Lord and especially for bringing my Ike back to me. Thank you for the food and friends.” She looked up as Ike took the older woman’s hand and gave it a squeeze.

  “We would like to talk to the three of you girls about something, and I hope we can talk you into joining our plans,” Shaun began. As they ate, he explained that his father had a thousand-acre ranch in Wyoming. “It is a working ranch, but they have added a few small houses – cabins really – and take in vacationers who want to experience working a ranch or camping, fishing, canoeing that kind of thing. It makes good money, but Pop is getting old and wants to take Mom and retire.”

  Sally and Mindy were all ears as they enjoyed the delicious food.

  Ike took over. “Shaun has offered me, and some of our buddies, a partnership in this venture as there is plenty of potential to expand the operation, but I need to know what you think, Mindy. It is ultimately up to you. I cannot live without you. There is an infirmary on the ranch in case someone gets hurt or a hospital in town an hour away, if you prefer to work off ranch.”

  Shaun picked it up again. “One thing you should know is that my mom is a Little.”

  Sally spoke up. “How did that work? Did you know all your life, or did they keep it a secret until you grew up?”

  “When I was young, she would go into their room which had a “sewing room” attached. The only door to it was through their room and it was always locked. We had Nelda, our housekeeper who actually was a part time nanny and part time aunty. When my father was busy, and Mom needed to be little, she would go into her room and Nelda would watch me. As I got older, they never hid anything from me and I grew to understand. Later on, I knew I wanted the kind of love Mom and Pop had. I wanted my own little one.” He reached for Sally’s hand. “Sally has agreed to come with me.”

  Sally squirmed with excitement in her chair. “Come with us, Mindy. Please come too. I know Ike wants you to. He wants his own little girl.”

  Ike took over. “We will cater to other Littles. It will be a special place where daddies and mommies can bring their little ones and not be judged. We can offer hikes and fishing and camping and other things.” Ike left his chair to come around to Mindy’s and to her surprise, he got down on one knee. “Please Mindy, will you be my little one forever? Marry me. Shaun and Sally are getting married on Valentine’s Day. Please agree to marry me alongside them.” He held out a ring, blushing slightly. “I got this yesterday when we were shopping.”

  Mindy was astonished to say the least. “Oh, Ike! I would love to marry you! I know we haven’t known each other long, but I feel in my heart you are the daddy for me.”

  Ike slipped the ring on her finger and reached up to give her a kiss, before he stood and returned to his chair, pulling her onto his lap. “Now will you go with me to Wyoming and start a new life with me? Or do we go somewhere else? I have to tell you I cannot stay here, it is too close to my stepmother.”

  She hadn’t met his father or stepmother yet, but she knew he had reasons for refusing to see them. She looked over at Sally, who was squirming so much that Shaun had to give her a warning to sit still.

  “Yes, sir!” was all she said. “I would be happy to come with you and to marry you on Valentine’s Day.”

  Ike gathered her closer. “You have made me the happiest man, little one. We have a lot to do before then, like prepare our home. I need to introduce you to Clint and Adam. They will be joining us at the ranch when we get married. Can you be ready?”

  “Of course. We’ll need to look over the infirmary and see what needs to be done and what supplies we will need anyway.”

  Sally ran around the table and gave her friend a squeeze. “I am so happy you are coming. I won’t be so afraid if you are there with me.” She looked over to Shaun, before she whispered into Mindy’s ear, “We can share experiences and help one another.”

  Mindy nodded her head.

  Ike looked at Etta. “Will you come with us? I can’t leave you here with Mommy Dearest.”

  Etta shuddered at the thought of Ike’s stepmother. “I would love to come. Maybe I can help with the other nannies.”

  Both girls looked at one another in shock, but nodded. “She would make a great nanny. We made cookies and she showed me how to tuck in my dolly just right,” Mindy insisted.

  The next month was a very busy one. The girls spent most of their time organizing the infirmary and ordering supplies. They met Shaun’s mom and pop, who were so happy to see their son as happy as they were. They planned to retire on the other end of the ranch, having already built a nice, little log cabin off to itself near a pond. The view was spectacular. The men worked hard every morning with the building crew, finishing their future houses. After the men had lunch, they would leave the workmen to finish the day, and take the girls on horses to ride around the ranch. A different place every day. It felt so good to be themselves. Either in the house or out and about, they could be their little selves.

  Many times, the girls could be seen carrying dollies on their horse rides. Punishments were doled out in their rooms for now, since the girls were still shy.

  Etta and Nelda were becoming great friends.

  It was two days before their wedding, the twelfth of February when Shaun’s mom and pop moved out of the big house and into their new home. It was a sad day for everyone, but the girls understood at their age it was time for them to have space just for themselves, at long last. They were so excited to be in a place of their own with no other responsibilities. They would be back the morning of the wedding.

  There was a blizzard the next day and the girls were told to stay inside by the crackling fire. Ike gave them both strict orders not to stick their noses outside. The men were going to be working on their new houses, alongside the ranch hands who were helping them build. The exterior walls and the roof were in place, which allowed them to work inside despite the snow. Clint and Adam were supposed to be coming that day, but flights were canceled, so no one knew for sure when they would arrive. Hopefully they would make it before the wedding.

  Ike and Shaun shook their fingers at the girls while they explained, “You can very easily get lost out there, get turned around and freeze to death. Mind us, girls.” Ike laid down the law to both of them.

  “Yes, sir,” they both echoed, their disappointment clear on their faces. One of the dogs had puppies in the warm barn and they wanted to go see them and play with them. Instead, they went to the kitchen and helped Nelda and Etta make heart cookies. The girls ate warm cookies with a glass of cold milk before wandering to the large living room with the crackling fire. Their coats hung on pegs by the door, their boots sitting in a row on a mat underneath them. Both girls looked at them longingly before Mindy nudged Sally. Looking around and not seeing anyone, the girls quickly put on their coats and hats and boots and snuck out the door to go to the barn.

  It was blowing and snowing harder than they thought. The cold turning their noses red in no time. They hurried to where they knew the barn was, but the snow made it hard to keep their bearings. They finally made it to the barn door and between the two of them, got it opened enough to slip inside before closing out the snow and cold. They
heard the puppies’ cries while they struggled with the door. Hurrying to find them, the girls got on their knees. They cuddled with them, oohing and ahhing over their cute antics, crooning to the mama and the puppies laying in the hay. The girls snuggled down next to them in the warm barn and fell asleep hugging the puppies.

  Soon enough, they heard their names being called as if from far away. Wiping sleep from their eyes they looked at each other. The wind was howling all around the barn and it was getting chillier. Some snow was filtering through the cracks, driven by the wind, and it was almost dark.

  “Uh oh!” Sally moaned. “This is not good.”

  Mindy quickly got up, brushing the hay off while running for the door. The snow had piled up outside and she couldn’t open it. They were stuck in the barn. She could hear Ike and Shaun calling their names, but they had no way to answer them. Sally ran to the door and the both of them tried their hardest to open it, but it just wouldn’t budge. They began pounding on it but knew that wouldn’t help either, the wind was so noisy. They were in big trouble.

  Mindy thought of something. “There is the big bell on the peak of the barn with the rope that hangs down. For emergencies, remember? Quick! Let’s climb up and see if we can reach the rope to ring the bell.”

  Sally fearfully agreed, tears forming in her eyes. “Are we going to freeze in here, Mindy?” Her little front and center. Thankfully, Mindy was able to stay big, but her little was fighting her to come out too. She was so frightened. Mindy took Sally by the hand and led her to the ladder that went to the haymow and followed her up. They walked to the front of the barn. Mindy looked through a big crack and saw the rope. She put her arm through, but just couldn’t reach far enough. She quickly looked around as she heard Ike and Shaun calling them again.

  This time she could hear fear in their voices. They were panicking, she could tell. She looked around, found a stick and was able to fish the rope close enough, allowing her to grab it. She pulled as hard as she could, and the bell began to ring.

  She heard Ike shout. “They’re in the barn, hurry!” She heard some of the other men’s voices yelling too. The girls hurried back down the ladder to the door, as the men began pounding on it, “Are you in there, girls? Are you okay?”

  “Yes, but we can’t open the door,” Sally wailed. “I want my papa!”

  “Damn it! Get out of my way.” They heard Shaun shout as he began to shovel in front of the door. Soon they heard more talking and shoveling. The men pulled the door open, running inside. When they saw the girls, they scooped them up and headed for the house, careful to follow what footprints were left. The snow was coming down sideways; the wind so strong it took the girls’ breath away. They thanked the ranch hands as they ran as fast as they could for the house, and the men hurried to finish their chores so they could get in out of the weather too.

  Mindy felt so guilty for making their jobs harder, but the worst was yet to come. The men ran quickly into the house to find Nelda and Etta sitting on the couch sobbing. When they saw the girls, they jumped up and quickly removed the coats and boots, wiping their tears as they scolded them. “You had us scared to death, young ladies!” Etta declared.

  The men carried them to the couch in front of the fire, getting them out of their snowy clothes and checking them all over, before they pulled their soon to be wives between their knees.

  Ike was shaking. Not from cold, but from rage. He began to talk, but stopped, not willing to say anything when he was so angry. He pulled Mindy into his chest and onto his lap, as Etta brought blankets for the girls.

  Sally was crying. “I am s-s-sorry, Papa.” She burrowed into Shaun’s chest. “I was so afraid,” she wailed, before her thumb went into her mouth and she began sucking it to everyone’s amazement.

  Mindy had tears in her eyes as well. “I was a scared too, Daddy.” She looked up into his eyes. They were closed. She couldn’t tell what he was feeling. Finally, she felt him relax and wrap the blanket around her tighter. He began rocking her, whispering in her ear, “I have never been as afraid as I was tonight. Not since Afghanistan. I am just happy you found a way to ring the bell. Now sleep, little one. We will talk about this later. Punishment will be substantial. You realize that?”

  Mindy nodded and snuggled into her daddy’s safe, strong arms and both girls fell asleep.

  The girls woke an hour later to the smell of lasagna bubbling in the oven. Mindy stretched as the blanket fell away, exposing her breast. She heard a sharply indrawn breath, as her nipple peeked out from under the blanket. She pulled the blanket up as Ike came to sit on the side of the couch, adjusting himself to ease the pressure she had just caused.

  While he was hard as stone, tonight he would not be getting relief. Tonight was not only the day before their wedding, it was going to be a night of severe punishment. He had calmed down, along with Shaun. They had spent the time while the girls were sleeping to discuss over coffee and with the two older women the upcoming punishments. The men knew the women would be nannies at the ranch, but Etta had never given a spanking. Nelda was a pro, having been nanny to Shaun’s mother. They also knew the girls were still new to the lifestyle.

  Ike took Mindy’s hand. “It is time to take care of punishments. I want you to go to our room and take a hot shower, then put on your jammies before you come out here again. We will discuss it then.” He gave her his hand to help her up, while she wrapped the blanket more tightly around herself.

  “Yes, sir.”

  “And hurry, little one. You have a half hour. Every minute after that will cost you, understand?”

  “Yes, sir.” She turned to hurry away. One hand was wrapped around the blanket, while the other reached out for Sally. The girls not separating until they reached their rooms.

  Ike turned to Etta. “Are you ready? I will help you all I can, but it is up to you to know if you are up to being a nanny.” He waved his hand around the room. “This place could be filled with Littles at one time or another. They must know to mind you and respect you. Please know I will find other duties for you, if you can’t handle it. But I won’t risk Mindy, if you can’t. She needs consistency and discipline along with love.”

  “I can do it, sir.”

  With a nod, the men sat at the table with cups of coffee, waiting. Although they would have loved to be anywhere right now, but punishing their girls, this needed to be done.

  The girls came down the hall holding hands together, looking for all the world like the world would come to an end.

  The men stood and took their girls to separate couches in front of the fire. Pulling them onto their laps.

  Ike began, “This is going to be hard for you two to bear, but it is necessary. We need to know this will never happen again. You not only scared the life out of us, but out of your nannies as well. They felt responsible for not watching you closely enough. If something would have happened to you they would never have forgiven themselves.”

  Mindy hung her head. “I feel bad I made them sad, Daddy, you too. I feel icky inside.” She looked into his eyes and Ike could see the guilt was eating her up.

  With a nod, Ike went on. “We have talked about it. Shaun and I feel the women need to punish you too. It will be the first time for Etta, but they will be in charge of you and the other Littles and need to be able to take you in hand when it is required.” He watched her carefully as she stiffened, before looking nervously at her twisting fingers, thinking for a moment. He let her have the time she needed to come to grips with this. When she finally nodded, he stood her, before leading her to the side of the couch.

  Etta stepped up, pulling a tawse from the pocket of her apron. She laid it on the seat of the couch in front of her, allowing Mindy a chance to look at it and touch it.

  Mindy reached out her hand. The leather was old and worn, but soft and pliable, well taken care of. It was about a foot and a half long with a braided handle, the last eight inches of leather was split. This was made to hurt a bottom. Her hand automatically wen
t back to cover the vulnerable area that would soon feel the sting. For some reason, she began to feel wet in her secret place, but she knew that wouldn’t last. This was not going to be sexual in any way. It was punishment.

  Ike laid down the brush he had bought when they went shopping last. It had a broad wooden back and longer handle. The wood was smooth, but it, too, would hurt.

  Mindy picked it up to feel the weight of it. Yep, this was gonna hurt. With resolve, she turned to Ike and nodded her head. “Please, can we get this over with Daddy?”

  Ike nodded and helped her to lean over the soft arm of the couch. Her feet barely touching the ground, before he walked around to the front to sit on the seat and take her hands. She held his gratefully. Just as Etta began to pull down her bottoms, she panicked. “Not on the bare, Daddy. No one has seen my bare bottom but you.” Tears filled her eyes as she struggled to pull her hands free.

  Ike looked up at Etta, and with a nod, she stopped and stepped back. “Little one, you are not in charge, and you know full well all punishments are on the bare. Tell me now if you can’t handle this and we will go to our room and take care of this privately. But you will never be little on your own again. I have to trust these women to keep you safe. You have one minute to think about what you want.”

  The tears came faster. She thought about how she had hurt this woman who had been nothing but good to her. She had come to love her. She stopped struggling and relaxed. “Okay, Daddy. I am ready.”

  Etta stepped up again and slowly pulled her bottoms down to the back of her knees, raising her top to the middle of her back, giving her plenty of real estate to punish. She went to the front and picked up the tawse.

  Ike rubbed Mindy’s hand softly with his fingers. “Why are you being punished, Mindy?”

  “Be-be-be,” she stuttered, “because we disobeyed you and put ourselves in danger and scared the nannies.”

  “Correct. We have discussed this, the four of us. You will receive thirty strikes. Ten for each offense. That is going easy on you, but this is your first time being punished by nannies. I want you to know they will not go easy on you. Are you ready?”


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