Mending (This)

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Mending (This) Page 15

by J. B. McGee

  After several cups of coffee, Gabby felt a surge of energy and her head was no longer throbbing, as it had been when she had woken up earlier. She changed into her sweats and laced up her running shoes. She grabbed a hooded sweatshirt, her iPod, phone, and keys and swiftly left the apartment. She knew that the run would be the perfect way to sort through everything.

  While she was out, she realized that as close as she and Sam were, she really didn’t want to talk to Sam about all of this stuff with Bradley. She knew that Sam was already over protective of her and very critical of people who hurt her. The old saying was so true that you can talk bad about your own family, but other people can’t. That’s how it was with Sam. If Sam wanted to make fun of Gabby for always being late, that was one thing, but if someone else did it, then Sam got upset. Gabby smiled thinking of how, in a way, it was so sweet of Sam to be so protective. But, if Gabby and Bradley were able to work this out and she went to Sam and told her all of this stuff, Sam may not forgive him as easily as Gabby would.

  An hour later, she was showered and frantically cleaning her apartment, which she did when she had nervous energy, when John knocked on the door.

  She tossed the rag into the sink and blew up trying to clear the hair from her face. After she had opened the door letting him in she reached in and gave him a hug, “Hey, John. Thank you for coming.”

  John was taken aback by how quickly she had fallen into him. It was obvious on the phone she was in pain, but he couldn’t believe how fragile she seemed. “Hey baby girl, what in the world happened?” His arms were still by his side and he awkwardly put his hand on her head.

  She pulled back and looked up into his big brown concerned eyes, “I don’t even know where to start. Come in.” She wiped away the tears that were forming in her eyes.

  “So, I went to Atlanta yesterday. Things have been going so well, you know.” She took a deep breath trying not to cry. “Things were serious.” She swallowed, “Anyway, yesterday there’s a knock on his door and it’s none other than a blonde pregnant bombshell.” She put her head down and wiped her tears. “I really wish I could stop crying already!”

  John’s mouth dropped. “You have got to be kidding me?”

  “No, really, I wish I was. This is just the beginning of the craziness, though.”

  “Oh no.”

  “Yeah, so she says it’s his. He swears he wasn’t with her after we met, that it was before. I leave because I’m completely and utterly distraught.” Gabby shook her head rolling her eyes, “I finally get home and thinking Sam has come to my door, again long story, open it to find Ian.”

  John busted out laughing, “Wow, you said that was just the beginning but you totally threw that one out of left field. I didn’t see that coming.”

  “Trust me, neither did I.”

  “Please tell me that you spit in his face and then slammed the door on him.”

  “I wish. Dummy over here lets him in and buys that he genuinely cared about me and wanted to apologize.”

  “Is he still at Georgia Tech?”

  “Yes. Did you know that Lindsey cheated on him with one of her professors?” Gabby smiled.

  John laughed, “Served him right. A little taste of his own medicine.”

  “Yep, that’s a little nicer than what I said.”

  “Oh really, and what did you say baby girl?”

  “Karma’s a bitch!” Gabby laughed.

  “That it is. So, tell me more.”

  “Well, Ian seemed to know Bradley had been a playboy. Almost like he knew we were together. It was strange.”

  “Well, you lives in Atlanta. I suppose it’s not completely far fetched that he would know that.”

  “I guess. Anyway, Bradley came back. Saw Ian trying to kiss me.” Gabby exhaled. “Bradley smacked him around a bit and then went off on me for not giving him a chance to figure things out first.”

  “Geez, Gabby.”

  “I know. I told you.”

  “So, where did Bradley go after that?”

  “I don’t know. We left it at we’d call each other today. But, I just don’t know what to do.”

  “Gabby, you love him.”

  She sniffed, “I know. I do.”

  “He loves you.”

  “I think so.”

  “He does, Gabby.” John reached over and tilted her head to look at him. “He does. I know it’s overwhelming to think of him having a child with someone else, but you two can work this out, I’m sure of it.”

  “What if he has been fooling around with other people all this time, John?” Gabby started to sob. “I really can’t deal with the whole cheating thing again.”

  “When is the baby due?”


  “So, does that mean she got pregnant in June?”


  “My guess is that it was before you, Gabby. Is he sure it’s his?”

  “He seemed to be pretty sure when she was at his place.” Gabby sat there for a minute staring out the window. She had been so upset earlier, but looking back she realized he was different. “But tonight he had all these questions. He was so different, John. Maybe he’s not sure?”

  “Well, I think you need to talk to him Gabby.”

  “I just know the last twenty four hours of my life has been harder than my entire senior year after Ian.” She shook her head, “I can’t stand to be away from him. My soul needs him as much as my lungs need air. So much so that I feel like I’m suffocating just being away from him.”

  “I know you’re a tough girl and you’re going to ultimately do what you want, but Gabby, I seriously think you need to pull yourself together and call him.”

  Gabby shrugged her shoulders, “Okay, I guess so.”

  “Call him while I’m here or you’ll chicken out as soon as I leave.”

  Gabby smirked, “Will not, but fine.”

  She took a deep breath as she put in his number. His picture popped up as she was calling and she inhaled sharply. The man seemed to have an effect on her even in pictures.

  He answered almost immediately, “Gabby.”

  “We need to talk.” She whispered.

  He sighed, “Yes, we do.”

  She looked up to John for reassurance. He nodded back to her and smiled.

  “Do you want to come over?”

  “I would like that very much.”

  “How long do you think it will take you?”

  “A minute or two. I’ve been sitting outside of your apartment trying to muster the courage to call you like a teenage boy.”

  “Oh.” Gabby’s eyes got big and she looked at John. “So, you know that John is here?”

  “I do.” There was an awkward pause. “Gabby, I know he’s your best friend. I’m not surprised.”

  “He was just leaving. He wanted me to call you while he was here so I wouldn’t chicken out.”

  Bradley chuckled, “Well that gesture is not lost on me. I’ll be up in a few minutes. I just need to make a call.”

  “Okay.” She hung up and turned to John.

  “He’s out front. Said he’d been sitting there for a while.”

  “Alright, baby girl. I’m outta here. He gave her a quick hug. “I really hope you two can work this out.”

  “Thank you, John.”

  Chapter 20

  January, 2011: The Present


  He dialed Sam’s number and waited for her to pick up the phone. He had talked to her earlier while he was sitting outside of Gabby’s apartment contemplating whether he should move forward with his plans.

  “Hey.” Sam responded.

  “Hey. I am going to go ahead with what we talked about.”

  “You are?”

  “I am. I’m going to fight for her, Sam. I love her.”

  “I know you do. What do you need me to do?”

  “Can you call the places in the email and set everything up for later this afternoon, early evening?”

  “I can.”

  “Thank you, I need to go.”

  “Good luck, Bradley.”

  “Thank you, Sam.”

  He put his phone in his pocket and jumped out of his car. He clicked the button on his key fob causing the horn to beep twice. He nearly ran into John as he quickly climbed the stairs, looking down at his feet as he shoved his keys in his pocket.

  “Oh, sorry man.” Bradley looked up to him. “How is she?”

  “You know, pretty crushed, but she loves you.”

  “I know, and I love her. It’s not what she thinks.”

  “Oh really?” John’s eye brow arched.

  “Yeah, I’ll let her tell you. I need to see her.”

  “Well, good luck.” He held his hand out to give Bradley a friendly manly shake. When Bradley took his hand he pulled him in for a quick hug. “Be good to her.”

  “Always.” He pushed John out of the way and ran to her door quickly knocking. He was so incredibly nervous. He had thought all day about what he had to lose if today didn’t go well.

  When she opened the door, she gestured for him to come into her apartment. Oh it was good to see her face again, even if it was obvious she had been crying far too much. It pained his heart to know that he was the reason why. It’s not as if he’d not done his fair share of crying, at least for a guy. He had never cried over a girl before and he hoped he never did again.

  After she closed the door, they both hesitated as they could feel the familiar pull and they both lunged forward embracing each other. Gabby started to sob. He ran his hands through her hair holding the back of her head. “Gabby. We have to work this out.”

  She continued to cry, “I know. I just don’t know how.”

  “Well, we need to talk. Last night, I was so upset with what I walked into that I couldn’t think straight.” He kissed her head, “I wasn’t sure what you wanted. It made me question everything.”

  She looked up into his teary blue eyes, “I want you. I had no intention of kissing him back. You have to know that.”

  “Why did you even entertain the dickwad after everything he did to you?”

  “I was so alone and honestly too tired to even really care.” She nuzzled her head back into his chest. “He can be very persistent.”

  He walked them closer to the sofa. “Sit down. I need to tell you some things.”

  She looked up concerned. “Okay.”

  He looked her in the eyes “Gabby, I’m not sure the baby is mine. I did some thinking after you left and talked to Joe.”

  “What makes you think that?”

  “The timing for starters. I don’t want to give you all the details. But, the last time she and I were together was before the wedding. I swear, Gabby.” He never took his eyes off of her because he wanted her to know that he was telling the truth. He worried if he looked away at all that she would question his sincerity. “Gabby, Joe saw her with Ian the weekend of the wedding.”

  Gabby’s mouth gaped open, “No.”

  “Yeah, I went to see her after Joe told me. He had no idea about Ian. I’d never told him his name.” He wiped a tear from her cheek, “Don’t cry, my Gabby girl. This is all good.”

  Gabby grabbed his hand on her face and held it in place. “I have been a mess in the last twenty four hours, Bradley. I need you so badly. I don’t think I fully understood this.”

  “Anyway, let me finish. At first, I thought it was just a coincidence about that the guy’s name was Ian, but when Joe said he was a soccer player at Georgia Tech. I knew it was him.”

  Gabby closed her eyes as she listened shaking her head and pursing her lips. It was crushing him to see her like this.

  “I went to see Veronica after I left Joe’s and she admitted that she didn’t know whose it was. But, you have to trust me Gabby. I just know it’s not mine. I just know.” He pleaded.

  “Well, you can’t be sure though, can you?”

  “I told her I wanted a paternity test first thing next week.”

  “Okay.” She smiled.

  “You have to know that I’ve been faithful to you. Gabby, I love you.” He leaned in and sweetly kissed her cheek. “God, I have missed you. Please tell me we’re okay.”

  She reached up and ran her fingers through his hair. “It all makes sense now. I am so sorry that I didn’t give you the benefit of the doubt. You know I have a tendency to overreact.”

  He stroked her bottom lip with his thumb, “Are we okay?”

  She nodded her head, “I love you.” Tears streamed down her face.

  He kissed her bottom lip slowly as his eyes closed. He was relieved. He could feel his heart swell and his all of the emotions from the past day came flooding to him as desire flooded over him. “Gabby.”


  “Are you up for a little road trip?”

  Gabby’s brows furrowed, “That was not at all what I expected you to say.”

  “I know, trust me. It’s not what I wanted to say or do, but it’s important.” He moved her hair back behind her shoulders. I will wait for you to get ready. Do you still have your bag packed from yesterday?”

  She arched an eyebrow, “Yes.”

  “Will you wear the dress we had talked about you bringing and bring the bag with you?”

  “Are we going back to Atlanta?” she quizzed him.

  “No, it’s a surprise. Please just do what I ask and don’t ask questions.” He kissed her again, “I need you to hurry up because there is a time deadline. And the longer I sit across from you, the more I want to just undress you and make us both get lost in each other so we forget the last twenty four hours.”

  She giggled, “Yeah, that was more along the lines of what I thought you were going to say.”

  His eyes were hooded with desire, “Go. Now.”

  She smiled and kissed him back, “Okay.”

  He watched her walk away and finally relaxed against the back of the sofa. He took a deep breath trying to fathom everything that had happened this weekend. He had never been on an emotional roller coaster like this and he hoped this would be the last time he ever was on one. He tried to get Veronica and Ian out of his head. He was not about to let them ruin this for him again.

  He knew it wouldn’t take his girl long to get dressed. It was one of the things he loved about her. She had the ability to throw herself together in a matter of minutes. He loved that she didn’t realize how sexy she was. That was partly what made her so beautiful to him. He grinned, “You look…” he shook his head looking her up and down, “You look delicious. If I don’t get you out of here, I’m going to devour you like it’s my birthday and you’re my cake.”

  She busted out laughing, “Well, let’s stay, then.” She teased.

  “No, we need to go.” He grabbed her hand and pulled her in and kissed her passionately while he took the bag from her hand. He arched his eyebrow and gave her a sideways grin, “I got this.”


  They had stopped by the hotel where Bradley was staying on the way to wherever it was that he was taking her. He had changed his clothes, as well. He was far more casual than she was, but he could sport his shirt and jeans in such a sexy way that she didn’t feel so overdressed.

  They had barely been able to keep their hands off of each other. She wasn’t sure what was so important to him that he would go through all this trouble, and resist the opportunity to have this make up make out session that she was dying to have relieved personally.

  Sitting in the passenger seat of his car, she would glance over at him with his Ray Ban’s on and his hair perfectly messy. If someone had told her yesterday that she would be in his car watching him and be this happy she would have laughed at them. She realized she was hopelessly in love with him. Regardless of the results of the paternity test, there was no one else for her. She didn’t want to ever have to imagine a life without him ever again. She was so relieved.

  She knew they were headed west on I-20 towards Atlanta, but he had said they weren’t going there. She wasn
’t sure where they would be going with her being dressed like this. It became a little more obvious when he pulled off exit 18. The main exit for Aiken.

  “Aiken, huh?”

  He looked over and playfully smiled at her, “Can’t keep that part a secret anymore, can I?”

  “No, I must say I’m curious now.”

  “You’ll find out soon enough.” He quickly glanced at her.

  She wondered if he was taking her to Hopeland Gardens. They had gone there are at Christmas, but certainly he wouldn’t have had her dress up so much to just go to a park. He had taken her to Malia’s for dinner that night. It was one of the best restaurants in the city. She looked over at him, “Are we going to Malia’s?”

  “My lips are sealed, my love.”

  When they drove past Malia’s on Lauren’s Street, she knew that wasn’t where they were going. “Hopeland Gardens?” she pried.

  He winked, “Yes.”

  She glanced down, “Dressed like this? I’m gonna freeze?”

  “We won’t be there long. It’s getting late and it closes at dark, you know.”


  He opened the door for her and she climbed out of the car. The pathways leading into the gardens were made of dirt and she wasn’t in the highest of heels, but heels nonetheless. “I’m not going to have to do a lot of walking in these am I?”

  He reached down and scooped her up, “If you’re going to complain about walking and being cold, I’ll just carry you. How’s that?”

  Gabby threw her head back laughing and quickly crossed her legs, “Put me down, I can walk!”

  “You sure, baby? Because I’m delighted to carry you.”

  She turned to face him and kissed him, wrapping her arms around his neck, “Carry me, then.”


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