Fallen (Guardian Trilogy Book 1)

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Fallen (Guardian Trilogy Book 1) Page 9

by Laury Falter

  The realization of those words spread through me like hot liquid, and now, it was my eyes that dropped to the floor, avoiding his. I could feel the heat creep up over my cheeks and across my forehead. I had never been more mortified in all my life.

  “It’s nothing to be ashamed of,” he assured me, though I detected humor beneath his words.

  Yet, it was something to be ashamed of. He had no control over the feelings that pestered him when it pertained to dealing with me – he’d just made that clear - whereas I did have control. I had no excuse.

  I realized he was waiting patiently for my reply, watching me with his intense blue-green eyes.

  “I have more questions,” I whispered, my head still down, wishing the flush would fade faster.

  He stepped forward, tucking his finger under my chin and gently lifting it so I was forced to look up. A shock ran through my body when he touched me and intensified when our eyes met. “I don’t think any less of you for asking me to come here.” He exuded a tenderness that made his words unquestionably sincere.

  I gave him an awkward smile, intended to be an unspoken thanks for pacifying my ego. He really could be chivalrous, when he put forth the effort.

  But then, he dropped his hand and stepped back against the dresser again, adding playfully, “It’s really not your fault. You can’t help yourself when it comes to me.”

  I sneered at him, but still laughed. “Funny ….”

  “Not really. I rather enjoy it.”

  I couldn’t be certain, whether he meant what he said or he was still teasing, but I decided it was safer to change the subject anyways.

  “I did call you here for a reason ….”

  “Yes, you said you have questions.” A smile played on his lips. “Shoot.”

  I sat up on the foot of the bed before beginning. I needed to see his reactions, and that position gave me a better vantage point. My flushing was finally starting to diminish, thankfully.

  “You’re not from around here, are you?” I asked, starting with an easy one.

  “I’m close enough.”


  “Close enough.” There was no arrogant grin accompanying what appeared to be teasing banter. Instead, his face was firmly set, undeterred.

  I sighed. “You agreed to answer my questions.”

  “I did and I will. But you’ll need to allow me to do it on my own terms.”

  “Is that the new agreement?”

  “It is.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Alright then … under the new agreement, will you explain to me why you only appear when I’m in danger?”

  “Well …,” He chuckled to himself. “The simplest answer is, you need saving.”

  I sighed in frustration at his perception, muttering, “What I mean is, why don’t I ever see you any other time? You don’t live in this neighborhood, I’ve checked.”

  His eyebrows rose. “You have?”

  I ignored him. “I also noticed you don’t go to my school. So where are you when you’re not … here?”

  “Busy, very busy.”

  “Saving others?”

  “Nope …,” He shook his head back and forth slowly. “You demand too much of my time to allow for that.”

  I groaned. “Thanks for the reminder.”

  He moved, startling me; but seeing my reaction he stopped halfway to the bed. “May I?”

  “Yes …,” My heart began to pound harder, knowing his intention was to sit beside me, narrowing the space between us.

  When I felt the weight of his body dip down, causing its own indention in the mattress, I thought my heart was going to explode through my ribcage.

  I was almost certain its heavy pounding was audible, when he asked, “You’re sure?”

  “Of course…”

  The nearest parts of our bodies were inches away again, and I could feel the heat radiating from him. Although, when I glanced up, he didn’t appear flushed at all. He was calm and collected. “Look, I’m not certain how to explain this but…I will do anything…anything to keep you safe. It’s not a burden. You’re not taking anything away from me. This is my willful choosing.”

  “But why? I don’t understand. You barely know me,” I asked, bewildered by his declaration. “We just met a few days ago, and I’ve only seen you three times before tonight.”

  He dipped his head, displaying a bemused, secretive grin. There was something he wanted to explain, something to confess, but he held back. Instead, he seemed to choose a different response. “You are more important than you give yourself credit for, Magdalene.”

  “How could you possibly believe that? There’s no reason to….”

  “You’re important to me.”

  Hearing those words made my heart flutter and my head snap up, facing him for the first time since he’d sat down. He was already staring down at me. “I am?” I whispered.

  He smiled softly. “More than you know.”

  I felt a grin slowly invade my face.

  The tension was quickly growing between us. We were captured in each other’s eyes, unable and unwilling to break away. I clasped my hands in my lap, steadily working them, trying to expel the strain of having him so close and yet so untouchable. He, too, seemed to be struggling. His jaw was clenched tight, and his breathing was short and shallow.

  Suddenly, his body stiffened and he blurted out, “Your questions…Do you have more?”

  I was startled by the blunt ending to our intense moment. Feeling the flush return to my cheeks, I wondered if I had just imagined it all. No…I decided…I saw the unmistakable craving in his eyes.

  I was confused; why did he abruptly end our moment? Stumbling over my response, I answered “I…yes…I do…actually.”

  He seemed to breathe a sigh of relief, but I couldn’t be sure. “How did you move so fast when the snake came out of my bag?”

  “Would you rather I let the snake attack you?”

  “That’s not what I mean….”

  After quietly pausing, he admitted, “I know what you mean.”

  “Then will you answer me?”

  “Yes, but before I do, I’d like you to answer one question for me.”

  “Sure,” I replied, hesitantly. Now I felt the scrutiny that Eran must be feeling.

  “What else have you noticed about me?”

  I shrugged. “You’re impenetrable, you move extremely fast, and…” I let my voice trail off, surveying everything I had noticed.

  “Yes,” he pressed.

  “No one else seems to see you but me.”

  He allowed his gaze to drop, but he didn’t answer. So I went on.

  “You appear and then vanish like a ghost. You aren’t injured from venomous snake bites. You aren’t killed by wayward, incredibly sharp arrows.” Then, I reiterated, “I am the only one who can see you…how is any of this possible?”

  “You do pay attention,” he said, sounding almost regretful, though I didn’t understand why.

  “Yes, now will you tell me how you are capable of all that?”

  He paused, still looking at me, as he collected his thoughts. The muscles throughout his body visibly flexed, tensing as he prepared his answer. “I have certain…gifts…that not many others can claim…gifts of speed, healing, and regeneration, to name a few.”

  He paused, waiting for my reaction.

  “Don’t worry so much,” I said, teasingly. “I’m not going to run screaming for the door.”

  We quietly laughed together for a brief moment. When I felt like he was comfortable again, I asked my next question.

  “So, where did you get these gifts? Did your parents take some sort of special drug?”

  “Not exactly. I can’t answer that, as much as I know you’d like me to. Just suffice, Magdalene, to know that without these gifts, you wouldn’t be here right now.”

  “I realize that.”

  “That’s good. It’ll make my job easier the next time.”

  I rolled my eyes. His assumpti
on that there would be a next time was arguable, but I knew bringing up that point would be futile. “So what are your other gifts? You hinted that there are more.”

  “Oh…I can control mechanical things. Your motorcycle…for instance…the first time you saw me. Remember, you were about to collide with me in the middle of the street and thought you were losing control, but really, I took over…turning it for you before the Mustang could make contact.”

  “Really?” I was intrigued. “So why did I end up in the hedge? Hmm?”

  He grinned at me. “Now that wouldn’t have happened if you hadn’t been counter-steering.”

  “How was I supposed to know you were trying to handle the bike for me? I just wanted to avoid crashing.”

  He threw back his head and laughed, quietly but full of passion. Finally subsiding, he spoke again in a hushed tone. “It’s also how I got through your balcony doors tonight. I can pick locks, without even having to touch them.”

  “Really? That must come in handy…” I mused.

  “It does.” He beamed mischievously at me. “But I don’t want to startle you. I wouldn’t have done it if I hadn’t sensed that you wanted to speak to me.”

  “Thanks, but it really doesn’t bother me. I have nothing to hide.”

  “I see,” he mumbled thoughtfully. “I wish I could say the same.”

  The severity of his tone made me fall still, a reaction he must have sensed. Tension surged between us again; although, this time it was uncomfortable.

  “If you have nothing further…,” he said, standing suddenly. He was tight-lipped, not bothering to wait on a reply from me before heading toward the balcony.

  “Wait!” Not wanting him to leave, I reached out and grabbed his arm. I was instantly reminded how hot he was to the touch when our skin made contact. It almost felt like a flame had solidified, and I was holding it. Without thinking, I jerked my hand back.

  “Are you hurt?” he urgently asked. I detected softness in his voice.

  “No, I…I just don’t want you to leave.” I couldn’t believe my ego just allowed me to speak those words.

  “I think it is best,” he said, turning to face the door. “I’ve told you all I can.”

  “But…I still don’t understand who you are…,” I whispered. My voice sounded as if I was pleading.

  He didn’t answer immediately. Instead, he turned back toward me, his expression slowly changing into longing. The look on his face made me feel ashamed to have asked and desperation came over me, reflecting my own needs. I wanted to help him answer, but I knew any sound I made would threaten the delicate balance he was clearly now fighting. In the end, he erred on the side of caution and chose not to tell me the truth. “You know my name…,” he stated finally.

  “There’s more to you than a name,” I replied, almost sounding bitter. “Even if you won’t tell me, I see it. Whatever you are holding back…whatever your secrets are…you can share them with me; I won’t judge you.”

  I saw a flicker of unease cross his face, I assumed in reaction to my insight.

  I heard footsteps outside my door and realized someone was approaching. Despite Eran’s searing heat, I instantly grabbed his arm again; wanting to make sure he didn’t get away.

  Sure enough, after a quick knock, Felix’s head popped through the narrowly opened door.

  “Ready for dessert?” he asked, gleaming like a kid who’d just been given a cookie.

  He looked directly at me…not beyond, where I was still holding Eran’s arm.

  I yawned as convincingly as possible – which proved to be a challenge since my heart was racing from the excitement of Eran being here and the trepidation surrounding our conversation. “I’m more tired than hungry, but thanks Felix.”

  “Are you certain? Its rhubarb pie made with gluten-free, corn crust!”

  “I’m sure. Thanks,” I said, waiting for Felix to close the door before turning back to Eran.

  I released Eran’s arm, snapping my hand away and shaking it vigorously; as if that would stop the pain tingling through my fingers, reaching up my palm.

  “How is it you are so hot all the time?” I asked, staring at my hand, amazed that once again no damage had been done.

  “Sorry about that,” he said, although he was grinning. “Sort of goes with the territory.”

  I shook my head in exasperation. “Do you know how hard it is for me to have you stand here and still not be able to figure you out?”

  He scoffed. “Do you have any idea how difficult you make this for me?”

  “Make what difficult exactly?”

  “Being around you. You’re impossible to please, you know. You think I’m puzzling…you’re the enigma, Magdalene…you don’t want to be rescued even when it is painfully obvious you need it. You keep me busier than I’ve ever been…and that’s saying something! You have a desperate desire to help others, yet you never let anyone else close enough to help you.”

  I was disturbed by his rant…especially because he seemed to know me so well in such a short amount of time.

  Silence filled the room as we stared at each other, his intense eyes boring into me.

  When I spoke my voice was no higher than a whisper. “You know, even if I’m important to you, as you say…it still doesn’t seem as if you like me. I don’t understand why you’re trying to help me at all.”

  He moved a step closer, his body heat hitting me like a tidal wave so forcefully that I had to steady myself against the bed. He must have thought this meant I was taking a step back because he froze in reaction, but when he spoke his voice was tender.

  “It will be much easier on you if you simply let me do what I need to do.”

  “Well, it doesn’t look like I have much choice in the matter, does it?” I spoke lightly.

  He laughed. “No, you don’t.”

  I shook my head, truly mystified. Why wouldn’t he just tell me what he was holding back? Then I looked up and saw his smile and it became more difficult to breath. How could he be so handsome when I was so angry at him?

  He headed for the balcony again, but just before he stepped out the door, he turned back.

  “You’re wrong about me not liking you,” he said earnestly, and I felt my heart skip a beat.

  As if he heard it, he flashed a smug grin and disappeared over the railing.

  I stood there anticipating the impact of his landing, but there was only dead air…no crash…no commotion. I darted for the balcony to lean over and examine the trellis he used.

  My mouth dropped open.

  There was a trellis, but it was leaning against the back of the house…twenty feet away. I walked the perimeter of my balcony, searching for any possible way up.

  There was none.

  A curious smile rose up as I shook my head in amazement.

  Once again, he’d disappeared - quickly and quietly – without any trace.

  Staring out from the balcony at the vacant street below, I realized that a big part of me – far bigger than I wanted to acknowledge – was hoping and waiting for his return.

  Groaning in frustration, I decided I was too exhilarated to sleep. Before I was even downstairs, I heard Ezra, Rufus, and Felix passionately debating the value of oil versus butter.

  Stepping into the kitchen, Felix let out a hoot.

  “You came!” he squealed, jumping up to hastily prepare a plate of pie.

  “Think you’ll be regrettin’ it…” said Rufus.

  “Hey…you’re eating it!” Felix retorted.

  Rufus winked at me – signaling that the pie was edible.

  After setting a slice in front of me, Felix sat and continued devouring his own.

  “So Felix…” I said, picking up the fork he gave me. “Where did you ever learn to cook so well?”

  Rufus broke into a fit of laughter. In reaction, Ezra elbowed him in the shoulder.

  Felix scowled at him before answering. “I studied under the top chef in Paris,” Felix announced. “I’ll hav
e you know.”

  He gave me a firm, proud nod.

  “I didn’t know that. Very impressive.”

  Felix went on to explain how he’d branched off and began learning to appreciate creative expression using various foods that most would consider too healthy to incorporate into their dishes.

  Much later that night, long after we’d all reinforced Felix’s belief that he was an excellent cook, I laid awake listening to the jazz music coming from bars down the street. As I analyzed my conversation with Eran from earlier, I paid close attention to how I felt at each moment.

  I rolled over to look out the French doors I’d left open a crack. My mind was focusing on Eran’s sudden appearance through those same doors only a few hours ago and I had to fight the wishful feeling that it would happen again…right now.

  I swung my legs over the tall bed and slid down to the floor. I then quietly tiptoed out onto the balcony so as not to wake my roommates.

  I glanced down and recalled how Eran had managed to land soundlessly. Considering the distance to the ground, it was nearly impossible.

  Not being the least bit tired, I sat down in the chair and propped my feet up on the railing to think back over tonight’s passionate interaction with Eran and, in particular, his last statement to me.

  He admitted to liking me. Not in those words exactly, but it still lingered in my mind like a pleasant daydream. He also called me an enigma, but he was the epitome of an enigma, something I’d have to express to him when I saw him next…which I found myself hoping to be very soon.


  By the end of the first week in school, the arrow incident had become nearly legendary…thanks to Ashley and Bridgette, who both enjoyed flaming the story. Teachers even knew of it, and I got special glares from The Warden between classes, so I was certain he’d heard about it too. I really didn’t feel it was all that noteworthy and just wished people would drop it. Although, I did notice it seemed to help everyone overcome their fear of talking to me. Even if Achan’s intent was to harm me, he’d only succeeded in escalating my popularity.


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